It has begun. It she going to hit a billion?
It has begun. It she going to hit a billion?
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This is exactly the image I came here hoping to see.
No need to attack DC, if anything the enemies of this movie are the /pol/tards who give free visits to those shitty e-celebs like the quartering or the asian guy
If it makes over a billion I'll eat my boot
Sex Have
I enjoyed both aquachad and captain marvel :(
on track for $150 domestic this weekend
>the quartering
I'll go one step further. If it makes 500 mil domestic, I'll cum in my own mouth while staring at a picture of brie larsons ass and spam brie dms with it. Fucking screencap this niggers
If it makes a billion I'll eat my mom's asshole
Don't talk about your mom like that !
inb4 have sex
didn't watch captain dyke
eat my shorts
she has a nice asshole
have sex
are you offering?
If it makes 1 billion I will make 10 pounds of coleslaw and eat it for a day or two until I get sick of it or find something else to do.
Screen cap this.
he's just in love with Brie and he's also in denial about that
No way it makes under $600m, its an MCU movie, but I don't think it has the foreign appeal to break the billion mark.
this is truly pathetic
I've seen this AND Alita. I'm going to see Shazam too!
>It she going to hit a billion?
At this rate, probably not. We're looking at 800m.
no you're not allowed
>minimum of 100k people have watched 2 hours of this guy talk about this movie over a 4 day period
makes a billion will prove the viral marketing surprisingly work
No, she will fail to the almighty Shazam, screech marvelcucks!
Christ this guy seems obnoxious.
>turbofeminist the movie
>fortnite floss the movie
both sucks. I'm waitin for Dark Phoenix Kińó.
Didn't fortnite die and get replaced by a new free game? Do kids still care about the funny dances?
dunno, but in shazam trailers the jew does the fortnite dance moves
Nah still going to watch Chadzam, i prefer a movie who doesn't tell their fans to fuck off
Why would anyone watch videos like this, let alone make them?
fuck off Geeks + Gamers
You madman!
I love these so much, I bet Reddit would find them hilarious
what’s it like being a millionaire
>fuck off Geeks + Gamers
And i'm proud of it, what you going to do?
imagine the smell...
>fuck waman and fuck captain marvel!
the edgy incel clicks and subs that come flowing the moment you start to push the narrative that "le ebil womyn are takin r toys away!!!!"
I'm not gonna fight your universe. I'm gonna end it.
>funko pop
>other pop culture collectibles
>retro gaming
>beard & glasses combo
oh little billy you should get your hopes up for unattainable things
>crossing 200M when it hasn't reached 190 yet
>buh-buh-buh nobody will show up on Sunday!!!
Sorry, Shazincels. It's her turn.
> I'm waitin for Dark Phoenix Kińó.
>Dying franchise that they didn't bother getting a director for, they just let the producer do it
>millions of reshoots
>behind the scenes reports claiming it is a disaster
Uh??? Fox-men Kino ended with Logan.
>I'm waitin for Dark Phoenix Kińó.
it started out so good and then boom, its just another capeshitter. god i hate this timeline
why is every zoomer such a nigger?
>Disney forces theatres to show nothing but Captain Toefungus for several days in a row
Niggers don't eat out dumbass. This is a wide known fact.
Same reason youtubers kept talking about The Last Jedi when everyone already accepts its shit now. For that sweet Ad Revenue.
Joaquin's joker movie will be the next true capeshit kino, and I'm not spending a dime on this shitty genre until then.
but he sells Go Woke Get Broke t-shirts, he's fucking BASED AND REDPILLED
Debunked idiot, like everyone told you, Disney films have a week ahead scheduling, everything else on Mondays.
Go ahead, show me a theater showing ONLY Captain Marvel, I'll wait :)
except that was debunked the moment you retards brought it up and you can see it's not true by looking at any theaters showing
Hey Marvelcucks, have you eaten the disc? No? Exactly. You're all pussy faggots who don't fulfill your promises, unlike us.
If Captain Fungustoes earns more than one billion dollars, I'll do what YOU pussies didn't and eat an Aquaman bluray.
There are a lot of Marvel movies that don't hit that quota.
>For that sweet Ad Revenue.
How much ad revenue could he possibly be making? He's getting less than 100k views most the time on videos that are about a "controversial" subject and thus would only get a small percentage of ad revenue anyways (this is ignoring the copyright claims he's no doubt getting on these videos). My only guess is he has a patreon to supplement this because otherwise, he's probably making no more than a hundred dollars a week.
name 5
He was actually hitting it big for a moment but his highest viewed video was immediately deflated when Apex Legends came out and contradicted everything he said in it, requiring him to delete the video and also having /pol/ turn on him
>tfw I will never be this based and redpilled
because niggers are based and the future
Heh I havent seen any movie discussed here in the last few years. Yet I keep coming here...
Yeah, I wouldn't be shocked if at one point he actually made money off this. But nowadays, there's just zero monetary incentive to do it. Even if you get popular, nobody wants to run ads on videos calling Brie Larson a cunt, and you'd better bet the moment you get close to fame, mainstream media will run hit pieces on you, and every dumbass thing you said that helped propel you to Youtube stardom will come back to bite you in the ass. All I can imagine is this guy knows he can't get a real job, probably lacks skills plus knows any employer, even Mcdonalds, will look you up and see you've been calling Brie Larson a cunt, so he's riding a dying ship to a watery grave due to lack of lifeboats.
>the quartering
Lol, butthurt that he ousted your pedophile comrades from the tabletop tournament?
No one outside of niche internet groups such as basement dwellers, discord trannies, and assorted feminazis have any idea that there is any sort of "controversy" going on with this movie. It's just capeshit as usual to normans. I have 3 friends that saw it last night and they said it was good. Of course they all have shit taste in movies and a penchant for capeshit. But they are by no means feminists lmao.
>watch one video
>sidebar filled with videos like "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS liberal professor"
It isn't gonna be capeshit.
TDK wasn't capeshit, it was basically an action/thriller/detective movie
Logan wasn't capeshit, it was a western
You mean Zachary Levi? He's not Jewish.
This is true. I invited some friends out to see this since we usually watch Marvel movies together, and they all said they want to pass this one because it "doesn't look good." When I asked them more on it, I expected them to bring up feminism, but instead they just said she's not hot and her powers and character look boring, and it all seems so "generic." When I brought up Endgame and how she plays into, the group decided we'd either read the wiki or pirate Captain Marvel instead. It probably doesn't help that our jobs also have us busy right now. But pretending this is some huge war between the alt-right and feminazis is kind of silly.
OP is going to get BTFO
Get ready OP
I have not been to a major release in over 2 years, get on my level.
>the Dark Phoenix movie
Oh you poor sweet summer child
OP where are you it is nearly Monday here and she is getting btfo
Get ready to kys OP
Why do we have to turn a fun movie into something political to stroke your white dicks
Can't I enjoy Shazam innocently
Are incels done for? There's no coming back from this.
Yeah, I'm thinking he's pretty based too
you can't enjoy it because you're browsing Yea Forums
the outside world will enjoy it like thor ragnarok
Possibly, just like with The Force Awakens, however they will not be able to pull this off twice.
DCucks and incels just got CANCELLED
Cry harder, incel
Looks like the catalog tbdesu
i dont care as long as it fails to pass Aquaman, looking unlikely considering its doing much poorer than expected in China
It won't have word of mouth
>disney was caught buying their own tickets AGAIN
Sure it'll make a billion, it depends on how far they want to go with that pathetic shit though
>Apex Legends
But GWGB literally applies to AP when everybody and their mother knew the game lost its legs massively compared to the initial hype for just 3 weeks.
It tops out around $550 - $650 million
There were only three movies to mkae that and all of them had a better opening weekend that CM. I even doubt it'll hit a billion, probably somewhere near that tough, 800-900 million seems more likley based on past trends from the opening weekend ongoing.
>BvS made more
>the absolut etrainwreck of a supesmovies made more
How is this a win again?
It's not even a bad movie. It's one of the better marvel ones, 1.7x better than Aquaman.
Fuck DCucks
So how high do we realistically expect it to get?
He made 6 more videos in the span of a single day
Well over a billion
Forgot the picture
that's because this faggot and his subscribers are spamming Yea Forums non stop
Literally living life on the defense every waking moment.
this is some next level obsession
It's unwise to commit. What's important is preserving the worms of fire and the exquisite burning sensation they produce in our assholes.
If you put tits on display they will be ogled. Why else would you wear a deep cut or boob window? To ensure steady cooling for your tits or something?
imagine spending your entire day trying as hard as you can to badmouth children's movies and "le ebil sjws"
this is pathetic
>5 hours between a couple of videos
Holy shit, this is so fucking autistic.