>another day spent doing nothing but browsing Yea Forums
Another day spent doing nothing but browsing Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
hahaha imagine being this much of a loser haha. like imagine having a list of things to do and then not doing any of them because you spent a lot of time in this shithole haha wow just pathetic
you're not alone
>have plans to play vidya for the night
>watch an episode of a show while I eat dinner
>shitpost a bit at the same time
>end up getting caught up shitposting and lose interest in playing games
>laugh my ass off while spamming Idris Elba
I should get off this ride, but it's just too much fun
>no gf
>no kids
>no house
>no job
>no friends
>no money
>no skills
>no future
But I have all of my friends on Yea Forums!!
Anyone feel like they have sort of finished their typical television, movies, and games interests? I've watched everything I've ever wanted to watch, played everything I wanted to play. Owned high-end gaming PC and home cinema stuff.
I feel nothing from these things now.
oh I'm pretty well done with Yea Forums now too, done all the various things you can do here. But here I am still.
Sounds like you've done too much consuming and not enough producing. Start messing around with digital tools - code, edit movies to songs, do video game mods, etc.
>Anyone feel like they have sort of finished their typical television, movies, and games interests?
i am finishing one last video game, called Battle Brothers, which unfortunately keeps releasing expansions, and will watch Game of Thrones out of a sense of duty, after that, yup, just rewatching Aliens, Terminator and Robocop until i drop dead
New stuff is always coming out tho
lol joke's on you, I browse several boards
Weed, YouTube, Yea Forums, never leave the house
>tfw mommy drives to the dispensary for you
That rihanna thread was pretty good
eat shit zoomer
I haven't gone to see a movie in like 8 years. I can't remember the last time I watched TV. I only come to this board because it's one of the only decently fast boards left. I haven't played games hardly at all for years and the only games I have played were all made 10+ years ago. I can't even be assed to pirate shit.
I browse Yea Forums but really am only going through the motions from having browsed Yea Forums for over a decade. I robotically scroll through the pages not really looking at any posts and then refresh, for hours and hours on end.
I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer
It's not really new to me anymore. Nearly everything is derivative of something I've already seen.
You've probably fried the fuck out of any dopamine receptors you have left. Take a break from consuming things.
There's only so much in them for people that aren't a specific type of autist. I think that's why Yea Forums itself has taken so much screentime for so many, human conversation has a substance to it that so many other things do not.
this is me too except movies, tv and games sprinkled in but I'm a girl and drive myself to pick up weed (I am my own mommy)
tfw no friends
Based. I went outside tonight and it caused nothing but trouble.
I might've reached this point if I hadn't discovered Yea Forums.
Now I don't watch movies anymore.
what happen
The quality of conversation on Yea Forums is also vastly superior to what you can get sitting around talking to your family, and often better than talking to friends or associates.
Ethnicity of the men behind these posts - white
Ethnicity of the man behind the post - cursed child of Ham
this board moves so slow. how the fuck do you stay here all day?
Yes I am white
Kid aren't a meme, they really do fill the holes in your life especially when you get to late 20's early 30's and there isn't anything else to do
Lucky for you retards 30 year old women are DESPERATE
damn my dude. have you tried therapy? sounds like a major case of anxiety and depression.
im mexican and a neet just like some of those guys
im a disgrace and lost my job last year so im a neet again
honestly its better than the job.
too bad i will end up being homeless and killing myself
This but unironically. All the stuff I like I've already seen and either they're simply not making it anymore or it's being done so poorly it's not worth watching. I was never into anime either until about two years ago I said fuck and downloaded all the popular stuff. And I really liked it, but again, outside of 20 show and movies it's all just trash.
fuck off Yea Forumstard newfag
That's the real problem now that the instant global communication network is omnipresent. We don't actually need people near us for nearly as many things, or it at least scratches the itch in a far more thorough way. Sometimes it feels like giving up pieces of your soul to the tome of knowledge, but there are a great deal of interesting things in here as long as you remember to stop at some point and use it for something or go insane.
When I'm not thinking about suicide I am thinking about killing scum.
I browsed on the phone while going to the park.
And yet (you) are here
You're not a bad person user. This world is fucked
I stopped playing video games cold turkey when I was maybe 14 years old. I'm getting tired of movies too, even rewatching the ones I used to love feels like a letdown.
Try to get into jazz or classical music, it takes time and still works on me after almost a decade of digging.
>go to concert
>go to catch bus, realize i dont have any money
>walk 3 miles to an ATM
>some guy asks if I want his fat lady friend's number
>I say yes because she makes me horny but then realize he's just teasing her so i walk off
>nearly collapse from walking so far
im fit, but i was tired today
>no hope
scary and true. I don't know why, but there seems to be a pretty clever and sincere culture here which creates an addicting echochamber. I have good convos with my friends but some nights i wonder if this place would be more comfy.
Thanks. I know.
If I leave the theatre, I'll take some trash out with me. That's the way I'll do it if I do it.
I wish I was my own mommy
Imagine being this new
If everyone did that, imagine how much better the world would be.
You’re doing gods work user
There isn't anywhere else in existence so far where you can hold both the quality of intellectual conversation with people and the safety of escaping from it as soon as it isn't enjoyable. Secondly, you can shitpost intelligently or absurdly at leisure as well.
you like fatties? based taste
anyone can be their own mommy, user
I believe in you!
>a bum
where's the surprise?
>I just can’t quit you baby
>responding to holes
you're cancer
>not wanting to be your own mommy
Your cance’re
kill yourself tranny
You spend your whole day browsing this shithole? You're only supposed to come here for the occasional shitposting. Get a fucking life.
>25 yo neet
>unironcally spent the past 8 years on Yea Forums for 10 hours a day (not exaggerating)
>haven't spoken to anyone other than my mother in 2 years
>have what I've now realised is crippling OCD
>recently started taking some steps to get myself out of this
>realise how fucked up it is that I spent the large majority of everyday here
>my memories post 2010 are nothing but memories of threads and the occasional terrible social experience
>the only reason I'm attempting to improve my life now is that I found out you can buy is that I figured out how to buy drugs online
>just managing to apply for welfare (in a country that dishes it out like nothing) is proving a monumental task for me mentally
>had a full blown panic attack just making a phone call to my bank today
>mum thinks I've had some inspiration to turn my life around but really I'm just trying to get money so I can live a comfier neet life with drugs and a better equipment for my home bedroom studio to record my music in (my only hobby)
t. reddit nigger
Not with films because it's an art form but I defently grew out of video games -thank God.
I should be doing my work on my masters, but i am too depressed and instead i just come here to read gossip shit i dont really care about. Some anons are funny tho
I believe in you too, grumpy.
He's suffering, user. Let's give him some space.
LostAllHope Wiki: lostallhope.com
Suicide Faq: archive.fo
A Practical Guide to Suicide: archive.fo
Suffocation Guide: web.archive.org
ASM Suicide Reference: archive.fo
Collection of suicide books: euthanasiaandsuicide.blogspot.com
ASH textfile: archive.fo
List of Successful Suicides and Their Methods: en.wikipedia.org
I know almost all these feels.
>have actually a lot of interests
>attention span is so fucked I have a hard time reading books
>too low energy to put effort into something for a consistent time
>too socially retarded to join a club or go to some course
>end up procrastinating life while browsing imageboards
>all the shitposts remind me of how much I am wasting my time and could do better things yet I have no drive to pick up a book or watch a movie
>want to turn my life around but by 28 it feels like it's too late and I there is no way I can compete with all the normals who got a college degree by 21
>would like to do art but all the artists I admire were already making great work by my age so again it feels like I am too late
Jesús dude. I only have like 4 months here and i feel dead inside already.
Jesus, i thought the Yea Forums virgin thing was just a meme. I cannot believe you guys are this fucking lame, how do you have no friends/gf/family or anything? God, I can't believe this is even real. I'd kill myself if I didn't have my friends
You should an hero
haha yeah... imagine...
why? i just figured out how to buy drugs online
>go to my terrible part time job that i hate
>even though part time occupies my mind constantly and makes me extremely stressed
>come home
>post on Yea Forums for 4 hours after work or 14 hours when i'm free
Who else gonna kill themselves when their parents die here?
why cant you just go to sleep and not wake up
that's because you lack internal resilience
it took me spending all day every day here for five years before I even questioned I might have a problem. however this place used to be a lot more fun and filled with more people like me rather than the annoying phoneposting normalfags that populate this place now
If we all did it in a wave we would save civilisation.
The plot twist would be that it would give us a world worth living for. :(
why? gonna take their life insurance and move to japan
>spending money just to be miserable in a different part of the world
no thanks
it's impossible to watch every worthwhile film, hear every worthwhile record, read every worthwhile book.
You are burnt out, that's all.
Literally all of them
Cope harder. Just bite the bullet and blow your brains out, incels. No one will miss you.
Are we supposed to feel sorry for you?
I don't care if you think you're just being edgy behind an anonymous filter. You are still a terrible person.
I'm not sure if being a neet made me a stoic schizoid or I was that way before but I am completely detached from everything. the only emotion I feel is a sense of acute anxiety whenever I'm forced to interact with other people. I have virtually zero normal emotional reactions. I just have a passive indifference to absolutely everything. I think most people avoid becoming NEET or generally socially isolated in general because they feel a sense of deep shame and negative emotion due to feeling like they haven't lived up to some kind of societal obligation. where as for as long as I can remember I have felt absolutely nothing regarding these matters. Whether I passed or failed a class in school, I felt nothing. Whether I did something objectively good or bad, I felt nothing. whether I was shamed for acting in a socially inappropriate way, I felt nothing. I thought this might end after my teenage years but it just permeated into the core of my being
I had some but I'm older and they slowly fall away as your 20's go and everyone spreads out. If you fall through the cracks it seems like you end up here in a lot of cases.
the fact that normalfag double digit IQ phoneposters like you want me dead gives me the will to live
Kill yourself yourself normalfag
i force myself to watch the office, even when I get nothing form it
>new job
>absolutely loathe it
>mother is my boss
>can't quit
>hate myself
>want to die
I will never understand how normal people slave away all day for someone else makin' them money and not be absolutely miserable
Meh. You dont need to tell me. I know its just not worth it to keep going with my shit life. I still dont hate woman, so the incel part nah
How? For wanting weak pussy faggots like you to just die already? Im sick of the stupid fucking mentality of "waa im sad let me bitch about it" fix your shit or fuck off.
Literal perfect example of the le i'm so depressed zoomer subhuman who's in uni and is just a bit weird.
>3000 word essayudue monday
>havent started
>browse Yea Forums and wanna die
its impossible boys I might as well give up
It's time time to take up reading user
90s born queers were a mistake
>nobody will miss you
that's simply objectively wrong. My family would be absolutely devastated by my suicide and that's not something I'm willing to put on them. anyone who says shit like "nobody will miss you" is either a stupid teen or somebody who had really terrible parents who saw their children as some kind of burden. If I knew for a fact that I would not be missed I would not be here. but it simply isn't true.
you deserve to suffer
tranny faggots projecting never gets old
where did all these normies came from bros?
I have a job, a few friends and i workout, but I'm still not normie, i don't know how to get women, if you miss out on that shit in your teens it's hard to catch up
>played everything I wanted to play
you know that's untrue, user
don't tell me you've never wanted to make a game?
the eternal hell that is /agdg/ awaits. we will be expocting you.
youre one of them faggot.
being a neet used to be comfy and fun but when you get older and your brain and body start slowing down it's like perpetually staring down a barrel and you don't have the energy to do anything about it
But I am alone
I’m going to start working out. Tomorrow
I sleep in a recliner in front of my computer. I wake up and instantly start lurking. Every day. I've not showered in at least three weeks.
sure smells like incel
If you actually wanted to do anything else you would have. Quit whining
write the fucking essay.
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother but it won't be you.
>Who else gonna kill themselves when their parents die here?
This guy. At least after my mom dies. I'm 27 and she's in a wheelchair so I pretty much just help her out. My dad moved across the country a decade ago and has two other boys now.
I'm gondola pepe apparently
>This thread
sheesh, white men are so fucking pathetic lmao
>tfw can't bring myself to kys myself
someone end this because I cant
shouldn't the fact that your mother's the boss make you feel comfortable? The job can't be that bad, what is it?
how do you browse this board for more than half an hour it's just filled with unfunny and cringey shitposting and pedos
it's that or laying in bed and stare at the ceiling
Unironically read a comfy book
I moved to Vegas to drink myself to death ala leaving Las Vegas. All was going well and my dad got sick and he asked me to come back and help him. I have liver cancer and haven’t told anyone I know. Not getting treatment for it so we’ll see how this pans out
I like shitposting and cunny
>good music
>good food
>some beers
>comfy Yea Forums + /ck/ browsing
It all comes down to that. Right now I'm sipping on my morning coffee while I browse this thread I feel like blowing my head off blowing my head off blowing my head off god save me I wish I was not born help help help
>I feel like blowing my head off blowing my head off blowing my head off god save me I wish I was not born help help help
Don't we all?
Godspeed. I hope you find the rest you've been searching for.
hey user, did you develop liver cancer after cirrhosis
hope you recover, as gay as that sounds
you should stop drinking, it's important
fuckers setting up franchises.
>hope you recover,
>recovering from liver cancer
ain't gonna happen for user-san my friend, best course of action would probably be to drink yourself literally to death just to avoid the pain of dying from cancer.
start reading
no friends, no family, i knew i wasnt normal when i was 4. if there was a place i do fit in this is it.
Lurk more before posting you fucking newfag
This. Having a kid with a woman you love changes a lot of things. I still love my hobbies, but seeing my little 6 month old laugh is better than any vidya or tv I’ve ever experienced.
To all the doomers out there, stay debt free, keep with the grind, takes breaks from here every so often and invest your time in hobbies. Something might come along, you just gotta be in a position to act if it does. You’d be surprised
> work overnight stocking shelves
> Mexican cleaning guys call me El gordo
> don’t speak beaner so ask the white guy that speaks Spanish what it means
> the fat one
>wait until they wax the floor which is very time consuming for them
> “accidentally” spill a giant bottle of V8 all over the floor and tell them I’m not cleaning it up
> they angerily speak in taco
Opting out of a raw deal. I don't blame you. I wish you the best.
Maybe global warming kills us, or what else is there to do for the next 50 years?
I used to work with a bunch of illegals and there was one who they called Gordo. He was a good friend.
Even if you become a homeless sack of shit, you can still rise like a phoenix and retake your throne, stronger than you've ever been.
delete this
Might happen.
better than playing videogames all day between masturbating to pornogaphy
Yes. Good goy. Consume more, goy.
Fellow shelf stacker here. Foreign cleaning ladies hate me too for some unknown reason. What you did is based as fuck and I envy your tenacity.
is it though?
I'm willing to guess it's the alcohol abuse that caused the liver cancer
I'm sure there's a good chance of recovery, and alcohol isn't an analgesic anyway
Yeah but what if you get a daughter. I can't imagine something more cucked.
this is bad because most posts here are by people i don't like at all, yet i cannot leave
Feels awfully cold doesn't it?
You should consider walking up to your mother and telling her how much of useless cunt she is for failing to raise you. I´d suggest you join the military and fuck of from this place before you dawn the hood and become a member of the wizard clan.
>I'm sure there's a good chance of recovery,
5 year survival rate for liver cancer is 15%
uus nokia tässä näin perkele saatana
Yea. Apparently they go hand and hand. Also got pancreatitis and alcoholic neuropathy. Didn’t get yellow eyes but got dark circles instead
you don't know that they don't like you
you may be acting in a abrupt way because you think that which is why they might be treating you like that it could just be transference and countertransference
you should just try to be nice and ask them how their day is going and shit
Watch films
read books
listen to music
learn a language
learn to play an instrument
learn to do anything
anything is better than browsing this shithole all day
>sneed, niggers, incels, have sex XDDDD
He’s camera man for his moms onlyfans site
Alright calm down, Twilight Sparkle.
What else is out there? The poison of streamlined culture has infected everything
we don't know the type, the stage (the size, are lymph nodes involved, has it metastasised), what the cells look like etc
no one deserves to lose hope bro
Unironically go swallow some battery acid
how did it come to this?
I feel like I've seen every face. Heard every sound. Tasted every flavor. Felt every feeling. There will never be something new again.
where's the neuropathy? in your toes and stuff?
I’m Pepe.
No one has ever done that.
Most people that say "I watched everything" haven't even watched 3000 films
You're just apathetic and can't find anything interesting anymore.
good for you user
I'm a straight-up jew, bro.
>we don't know the type, the stage (the size, are lymph nodes involved, has it metastasised), what the cells look like etc
>no one deserves to lose hope bro
It's not a straight up death sentence like a glioblastoma or pleomorphic liposarcoma (5 year survival goes into 1% or less !)
His liver might not even be his primary lesion.
Judging by his outlook, it doesn't look good though.
t. father is oncologist, i'm a hypochondriac
A few toes a few fingers. Feels like they are going to pop sometimes
I don't even have the energy to properly browse anymore.
I don't know. Every time I see a child in public all I can think is "Why? Why would that be worth it?" I can't think of any child I can spend more than a few hours around.
>two days to study 800 pages
>haven't even started
I don’t remember the last time I had hope.
Almost the same bro
>600 pages in 3 days
I can unironically put you in touch with good hepatocellular specialists, somewhere on the East Coast.
Do you even want to beat it ?
sorry to hear that dude
I actively tell people that if I had a child I’d probably get angry and eventually start to hit them. They always still try and tell me it’s different when they are yours. Broken people have broken children
I fit Hijak except for the games part. Looks like I'm becoming an edgelord. I've always had trouble to accept my fate, even as a kid, I was daydreaming and obsessed about ways to get a better life, far from my parents.
You sound similar to me.
>23 years old
>community college drop out
>obsessively browsing Yea Forums since 2015
>casually browsing Yea Forums since 2012
>wasting away my life since 2010 when I started playing Runescape 24/7 to escape
>have crippling OCD
>actually diagnosed with OCD when I was a kid
>too shy to see a therapist now because of a bad one I had before
>also because I'm a /pol/ addict and I know they're all megajews
>every social encounter is memorable because of how few they are, and because of how they keep replaying in my mind
>live with my widowed mother
Let me guess, you were raised by a single mother, too?
>feel stupid in the head, probably from all the inactivity
>sometimes can't remember what I was thinking 10 seconds ago
>too shy to make an appointment to a doctor, because I'll end up explaining my lifestyle to him and discounting my symptoms
>my fingernails are half purple
>not sure if it's because they're cold, or if I'm developing a pulmonary embolism
Na man I’m tired. I just want to sleep good for once. Thanks though
That is so fucking bullshit. You have real, realistic hope.
adulthood is realizing daniel plainview did nothing wrong
The other day I forgot how to go down stairs for a solid 5 seconds
i heard amitryptaline is first line for nerve pain. It's also an anti-depressant, so it might help with your mood. It's metabolised by the liver though, so maybe you can't take it, but you should ask your doctor if there's anything that can help
I have OCD too but I've never told friends or family
do you play osrs or Runescape 3?
I’m not an Obama poster. Hope eludes me.
I wish I didn't know this feel
I got diagnosed about a year and a half ago. Haven’t seen a doctor since.
Imagine caring
RS3. It's soul sucking, but the dailies wont do themselves.
>feel stupid in the head, probably from all the inactivity
Stop hurting me bro, I was always the top of the class as a kid, I never drunk alcohol or smoked weed ever and still feel like I lost all my intellectual abilities because of my lifestyle.
You have to at least complete your story aesthetically. You have to stop drinking, through benzodiazepines. You have to /try/ to get treatment.
There's a real, non-bullshit chance to become what you used to want to be, or die fighting/ Cause of my family I've heard so many inspiring stories of cancer patients, so I'm biased.
I'm an alcoholic drug addict myself. Trying to vicariously encourage the phoenix in someone else.
I'm so fucking lonely.
Australian military actually has standards
it takes me about 30 seconds of genuine thought to remember what year it is without looking at the date. if someone told me it was august 2017 I'd probably believe them
>Australian military
you should go see a doctor today. They can really help with the pain and improve your quality of life.
you should switch over to OSRS it's comfy bro
as long as I have weed I am happy. I don't have weed at the moment.
when I smoke weed alone I can dive deep into my mind or get extremely immersed in something to the point of genuine escapism where nothing else matters
Deedee unironically made me get out of my sphere and take charge of my life. There were too many similarities
fuck off nepotist nigger
If it was actually oldschool, i'd be on board.
puto gordo
without theatre of blood and updates and stuff?
or just before the GE?
incels are the master race, they surpass even god himself
Cut out weed completely, unless it's CBD extract
Drink a beer or two in the evening, preferably a large glass of wine.
Run once a day
Take :
Bacopa Monnieri
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Krill oil
Coenzyme Q10
L-Theanine only if you drink coffee or take amphetamines
It didn't fix my life, but it improved it greatly.
I’m not new to this user. If the movie is shit it’s not magically going to get better in the end. I’ve never been able to enjoy things. Even the things I’ve worked hard for. Also haunted by my brain with PTSD. Talking never worked, pills never worked, psychedelics and homeopathic shit never worked. I earned this death let me have it
2006 or bust
>try to put my last 5 dollars into sports betting since I'm fairly knowledgeable in a few sports
>transfer requires code that gets sent to phone
>number is from an old sim I don't have anymore
>call bank to try to change mobile number
>spend 10 minutes verifying my ID
>"Okay thanks you've verified your ID now you'll just have to go talk to someone at a branch to change your number"
why does life grind you into the dirt when you're down?
>But at least one full price game every month
>prepare myself for a weekend long vidya sesh like the good old days
>get bored after an hour and spend the rest of the weekend lurking Yea Forums and jerking off
And the worst part is I'll do it all over again
I have felt like killing myself since I was 17. I reasoned with that thought for so long that it has pretty much become a joke.As I have gotten older I have broken the self imposed rules I made long ago. I thought I could hold on for everyone and be stoic. Since 2015 I have been on a spiral. I have something eating at me that I cannot pinpoint. It eats me mind body and soul and feels as if the do not exist. I have never known my place, never experienced joy from anything I’ve worked for. I write this because it is self indulgent, because I have nobody that won’t continue offer unsolicited advice to a broken brain. It hurts to see and hear people not know how to handle your thoughts. They can only offer you help in regards to their thought process. They have only possibly read about how you feel. They tell you to toughen up, that you lack grit, compare your predicament to to less fortunate. “you think you are special?” It kills you even more because you put your trust in people and it seems like the revolt against you.
I’m quite sure I have been actively trying to kill myself for years with alcohol. Been going hard since 08. I know how it began but that is unimportant to the overall arc. I’m 32 and tired. I can’t imagine being functional enough to get out of bed every day let alone hold a steady job. I feel at the end of a road. I’ll give it one more go before I quit. A real go. I know that I need help I’m just not sure that I am capable to receive it.
>implying worst princess, still has friends.
Full on Gondola
The noosphere was trying to save you from falling on the rabbit hole that is sports betting
I spent 3 years completely sober taking a shopping list of supplements every single day and every single day all I craved was the cerebral effects of weed. I just like the way it makes me think and feel. especially when it comes to my number one hobby in making music. and it makes me less autistic and more empathetic.
Have you considered coing full on cold turkey, quiting the internet/tv/movies and all forms of entertainment?
Did that for seven months. No change
>psychedelics and homeopathic
One does things, the other doesn't.
> I earned this death let me have it
But if you fight /death/ (not depression or poverty), but death itself - you WILL have fewer regrets when you pass. It's almost a mission.
The only thing that brings me joy is eating my booger’s and giving myself a Dutch oven.
>mom no it's just a virus it's a popup
so this is the greatest time to be alive in human history
you're probably right but I have nothing to lose
it's okay dude you'll make it or you won't shit happens
Hijak master race, except not prone to obsessions, and there are some relationships I value
Take the self-reliance pill from Emerson. emersoncentral.com
And develop a taste for entrepreneurship. Solved all my problems.
I can't function the way I do right now but I cannot change
Did it ever work for anyone? Yea Forums is not even my worst addiction, I'm addicted to watching professional tennis, as dumb as that sounds. I can't count how many weeks of my life I wasted watching streams instead of doing something productive myself. Should I just stop right now and never think about it again? I'm afraid to go crazy.
I understand that. I have spent more than 13 years with depressión and suicidal thoughts. I have 1 or 2 good days each year. The rest of them i think of suicide as soon as i wake up. I dream the same depressing shit everyday too, so i have little relief. I hope it all ends soon. I just want to rest
Where are lake and Palmer?
Why are depressed people such narcissists almost always ?
It could be worse, I'm addicted to stalking milfs.
Cause when you feel there's something deeply wrong about you, it's difficult to care about anything else.
Being anti-social is not a problem, it's based. Depressed people are not purely anti-social.
It's having a huge ego and entitlement that are issues. It's the /way/ they don't care about others.
Share stories
>Broken people have broken children
imagine spending your entire life never being able to truly relate to another human being and being shunned for simply existing. how long do you think this person's capacity for caring about the average human would last?
Never heard that addiction before. What do you get out of it
There is no story, I just stalk milfs I cross paths with when I go out jogging. One told me I looked like a thug once, smiled and sped off.
new shit
Very few people can deal with being antisocial, even psychopaths have anxiety issues and get depressed. You feel good at the moment, so you're delusional, it will hit you in a few years, no worry.
I've only known one person who liked watching tennis. Eli?
There's no where else to go that's as much fun. I find it hard not to come here just for the variety of discussion and topics. Very little censorship is also a big plus. Truth is that if I was rich and/or good looking I wouldn't be here with you fucking niggers!!!FACT!!!
Not caring about others is BASED, it's a good way to live and actualize your existence. To be hedonistic, epicurean and generally sociopathic. It involves actually enjoying things and you end up having a better effect on the world at large than a narcissist.
Like narcissists, on a more fundamental level, many-most depressed people care too much about themselves and their supposed immaterial ''potentiality' (that might not even be revealed on psychometric tests)'. Or they are OCD.
Ive been off it for 9 days.
>It's the /way/ they don't care about others.
What if you are so affected by the suffering you see that it paralyzes you? So you try to escape it instead of confronting it? What if helping others feels like throwing a glass of water into a house fire?
Sorry dude, I don't think we know each other, I'm french.
>The quality of conversation on Yea Forums is also vastly superior to what you can get sitting around talking to your family, and often better than talking to friends or associates.
100% correct. I can't stand the soul sucking pleb tier conversations I get at work. The only person I enjoy talking to is my wife and you faggots!!!FACT!!!
I daydream about being a great tennis player and achieve big success myself. I used a be a good junior but nowhere near what was needed to turn pro, when I realized that it would also be difficult for me to make friends/get a girlfriend, I dropped out college and started watching tennis all day. I'm 22 years old and I live like that since I was 19. Now, I don't even care anymore but it's so much of a routine that I'm stucked.
Apathy is a sign of depression, user
>implying I care enough to even try
Miss me with that gay shit
75-100 years ago you would have been sent to fight a war and die so that rich people could get more money and power. At least now a days you get to choose what to do with your life and I would take that over dying in a trench in some foreign country.
How do people deal with how unjust the world is.
I never had a choice of not being born with a chronic illness, depression, unattractive looks, low iq, bad personality, lack of creativity, social retardation, poor parents.
And then there are MANY MANY who have it worse and I'm told to appreciate what I have when there are others who get to enjoy a carefree life all their life.
>exposure therapy doesn't work
>can't even have a conversation while drunk
>benzos just make me more honest about stuff i shouldn't be honest about
>weed sends me into introspective rabbit holes
>stimulants and mdma make me lecture people on geopolitics
literally broken beyond repair. pretty sure i'm unironcally on the spectrum
At least, you didn't have time to become a failure back then.
>Apathy is a sign of depression, user
I'd like to do something about my apathy but can't be bothered to!!!FACT!!!
Now you work so that rich people could get more money and power.
It got even worse, because you usually don't survive 50 years during war
read that as 8 months at first. yikes man have you considered wagecucking? it might force you to come out of the neet mentality. it might be soul crushing though
>life will never be as comfy as a wes anderson film
Why would you take MDMA unless you are some degenerate clubbing normalfag?
>it's a catchall starterpack
I am a normie, good well paying job, girlfriend, I’m socially well-adjusted, all that stuff. I frequent Yea Forums and /fa/ mostly, other boards too.
I recently tried 30 days of no 4channel as I believed that what’s said in this image might be true. I might be wasting my potential and my time. I might be addicted and that this site might be making me depressed and negative.
During those 30 days I was exposed to the internet as ‘true normies’ are: Incessant propaganda from mainstream news websites and mindless shit from all of the other internet channels. It was honestly more depressing than before. I still went to work, still saw my friends, still used the internet, still did all my normal stuff - except now i basically never laughed and was never fully informed the way you are on here about news and culture wars and all that stuff. The memes, politics and banter that you get here is better than everywhere else. If anything the funny and unique stuff I see on here gives me an edge when it comes to talking about pop culture with true normies.
What do you think everyone’s doing while you browse these boards. They aren’t making themselves better people and ‘experiencing life’. They’re doing boring mundane shit like working.
Got about half of them right.
pure mdma is pretty good to just relax with a few people in a tranquil atmosphere smoking cigarettes. it's nothing like pills you buy in clubs
>still hangs out with people
t. zoomer who feels sad once a month so he's depressed
How do I become talented like the filmcow guys?
I haven't socialised in 3 years I'm just reminiscing about when I used to larp as a norman
Nothing you can do about, that's how you accept it.
>know that there are some things I can't change
>but at the same time don't do shit about things I can change
If you really wanted something you'd get it.
Death will come to you anyways.
without being too narcissistic I'm genuinely a pretty talented musician/ producer but I have a panic attack just uploading a track and there's pretty much no chance I'll ever be able to gig with my level of anxiety. I can't even jam with other people without spilling my spaghett
good desu, there are so many normalfags larping as depressed now that it's trendy
I like reading this kind of threads. Gives you interesting insight on your fellow anons and problems you can relate to. Also unironically says a lot about our society, which I find intriguing. I think we are all gonna make it lads. Except the ones they'll expect in the wreckage.
That's why I don't even try doing anything
Death will come
Why even bother, it will come
I could try to improve my life but for what? And if my life get's too bad I can always kill myself. I don't even try anymore because I'm not afraid of death. I accept it. I accept it too much
>know you can change everything that needs to be changed
>still can't do it because you feel committed to the path of failure you chose earlier.
It hurts, desu.
me except i pirate games
I don't know how that is possible honestly. I watch/read/play every day for the past 15 years, and still have a huuuge list of things yet to enjoy. A even started learning new languages to be able to understand foreign art better.
>tfw the nonsensical thought loops start again
I feel like I used to go on Yea Forums because I'd find people that made me go "heh my life is not so bad after all"
Throughout the years it's been more hard to find and I'd wonder if I wasn't now part of the bottom of the barrel.
I mean I have some shit like you guys have but I still have some friend, I still go to school (although I'm failling out of it) and I even kissed a QT 9/10 thicc normie girl this year
Ironically it's what fucked me up. I feel like it was my last chance to get a GF I like.
I have such a hard time participating in the normie world and feeling invested. I had almost gave up on dating until I met her.
She gave me the kind of drive to live I never had since my prime teens years.
Honestly nothing is really lost though, I had a friend who played the degenerate neet life with hard drugs for years with an horrible sleep schedule and he now has an appart a gf and a good job.
Honestly working is the best thing to do. It's so boring it'll make everything else pleasant, it'll give you money and independance, restore your self esteem and it will make you socialize
Don't despair and try to find a job guys it will help you
then pray for me and my redemption
Realize that human life is ultimately expandable and that the world would still go on if you were to disappear today and that almost everyone except your family and close friends wouldn't even notice or even give a rat's ass. Now you might think that this fact is depressing as fuck and it is but it's also a free card to what ever you want to do in life. No matter how hard you got it, ther's always someone who got it worse than you.
>No matter how hard you got it, ther's always someone who got it worse than you.
I don't give rat's ass about well being of other people. The only one who matters is me.
>No matter how hard you got it, ther's always someone who got it worse than you.
damn, that's really deep and cool.
it's actually vapid and stupid and someone always also has a better life than you so it means nothing
I have only left this chair in the past three days to get fluids or shit. I haven't bathed (barring to wash my ass) or eaten in that stretch of time. I also have salmonella, so I guess it's excusable, but I've had a pretty good time.
Great post except for the last line.
Fuck off reddit nigger
It's almost become impossible to relate, yet I can see egosyntonic thought patterns in depressed people that are pathological enough to be largely causative of their behavior.
They are really protective of some of their biases and ego. Even though they mostly don't care, you can talk to them about stuff that's so defended that they'll get snappy.
Antisocials are not so anxious as they are panicky. I've been conduct disorder stamped as a kid, then anti-social PD, even though I'm not what people think of as a ''sociopath''. Besides just low impulse control, selling drugs, insulting some people and doing things out of curiosity, I haven't been a bully, nor have I exhibited negative chadness or manipulation. But owed to ever changing sociopolitical norms, I'm ''''''''antisocial''''''. Applies to most diagnosed antisocial people and so many depressives alike. And it's a cognitive-behavioral phenomenon as much as a neurochemical one. Almost always they present a conscious, identifiable system of willful beliefs and a patterns that they (depressed people) must have the strength to abandon if it's proven factually wrong and executively harmful.
Or die unactualized to the degree they want. Either result completely natural, underpinned by an incalculable chain of causal variables going back a shitload of years. So don't fantasize too much like a narcissistic little NEET and don't waste my time with MUH ''potential'' and who deserves what.
And why would you be guilty about being parasitic, instead of embracing it and using free resources for self-improvement ? Because of simpleton egos. Nobody owes anyone anything and if your mother (common instance of weird guilt issues) refuses to act transactionally, you have to use to that to get the resources to overcome your material predicament.
t. high empathy, low sympathy antisocial
>No matter how hard you got it, ther's always someone who got it worse than you.
Yeah but I don't care about those people, only myself and that's all that matters!!!FACT!!!
>Jan 2019
>Get rabbits
>best pets evar
>Get rid of being down and feeling of hopelessness
>think I can achieve things in life without faking happiness
>Feb 2019
>the innocent one dies
>lose hope in universe, become a recluse again
>march 2019
>started functioning normally again but lost interest in society
>can't eat meat anymore
Thanks for reading my blog. Hope I make it someday, monetarily and spiritually
That picture is touching!!!FACT!!!
That feel when NO ONE knows your feels.
I have been having a crush on someone I don't know personally and have never met for 4 years already.
When someone else has a crush on someone it's on someone they know personally or temporary or it's just for laughs like "hehe I would leave my partner for this A-list celebrity haha". No one seems to relate to me. To me that person seems to be my personal ideal. I've seen a lot of attractive people but none give me that "spark". Every time I bring this up I get ignored. I don't plan on ever interacting with that person because I am a total loser while they are upper class and I am luckily self-aware enough to never write any cringeworthy social media comments to them or try to meet them. Every time I think of that person I get depressed. I still like to do things like watch movies, travel, buy cool stuff but it all feels hollow and temporary.
You could actually try do something with your life or you could continue being useless sacks of shits. It's completely up to you but change isn't gonna come around unless you're willing to start with yourself. You don't owe anyone anything but the opposite also applies.
thanks for the facebook boomoid tier advice
You fucking cunt. ;_;
*posts sneed*
I think I might be a schizoid bros.
>mfw going to the therapist
They never tell me anything I haven't already heard on the internet or in a self-help book or though of myself.
I have a question for you. Is it even possible to be antisocial if you feel remorse? Let's say, there's a very guy who likes to manipulate people to get what he needs from them, he has no moral problem with that until he gets caught for what he truly is. Is he still a sociopath if he feels ashamed for ruining the relationships he built with those people?
Cold harder incels
I can't take it anymore.
I'm a virgin, i don't have any friends, i've never done anything i'm proud of and i rarely ever leave the house, i only browse here all day.
If i didn't have to talk to people on my shitty cashier job, i'd forget how to speak my native tongue.
If you want to continue browsing Yea Forums 10 hours a day and cry yourself to sleep then by all means go ahead I wont stop you but let me tell you right now it wont bring you any real happiness
I have a question for you. Is it even possible to be antisocial if you feel remorse? Let's say, there's a guy who likes to manipulate people to get what he needs from them, he has no moral problem with that until he gets caught for what he truly is. Is he still a sociopath if he feels ashamed for ruining the relationships he built with those people?
Behind the bigwords, this is a based post.
I'll add that one of the causal variables is eternal coddling. These men need a man's system.
Yea Forums has a lot of creative boards, start drawing/writing/sewing/planting/playing instrument or anything. You can start doing creative hobbies at any point in your life, you may not be a well-received artist but it teaches determination and hard work, it makes your mentality a lot better. Just consuming makes you a boring person.
>impling working some 9-5 wagecuck job and having no free time to play games, watch movies or do anything enjoyable would
Itt the loneliest saddest boys to have ever existed
Whatever then kill yourself lmao
i went to a therapist for about 6 months and recently stopped going
its such a waste of time, they can't do anything to help you they're just a comfort
only you can help you and that's the hardest and scariest thing of all
not him but i feel remorse in so far as other people will see me a negative light due to my behaviour. I've blown up out of no where at people a lot in my life after spending a large amount of time presenting myself as a nice friendly person and the fact I exposed my true self makes me feel incredibly remorseful even dirty because it ruined everything I had built
Heaven help me if I ever decide to discuss philosophy with a therapist. At the first hint of anything heavy I fear they would get freaked out.
>tfw went to a 3 different therapist over 3 different years only to find out, none of them can stop a suicidal person, all they can do is tell you not to do it.
I hate to come to terms with this reality, but I'm pretty sure that all therapy does is prolong the inevitable, especially those for the truly suicidal. And not only that, I think they know mental health resources won't stop a truly suicidal person.
>Honestly working is the best thing to do. It's so boring it'll make everything else pleasant, it'll give you money and independance, restore your self esteem and it will make you socialize
Don't despair and try to find a job guys it will help you
I'm not one of those hormonal anarchist types. but you dude have been thoroughly brainwashed. There's always plebs to be involved in production and the lesser aspects of living in a society.
Find a way to do something that will reward and actualize you, if you're gonna do it deliberately and not impulsively for dopamine. Wagecucking will not cure your depression, nor will internalizing wagecucking. What the fuck ?
>it's actually vapid and stupid and someone always also has a better life than you so it means nothing
You're just defective cognitively (and probably functionally) with no abstract thinking. The universe is indifferent, big and beautiful. You have absolutely no clue what the chain of variables set off by you will lead to in a billion years, and no reason to assume you will be less consequential to objects and phenomena than Donald Trump ''in the long run''.
Is there inherent value in that, anyway ? There's so many philosophical issues when you think in these terms of competition and you sadboy types also think in terms of competition=instant defeat.
Identify individuals, and either defeat them/take their shit if they are in your reach, or observe and copy what you think you can operationalize when they are not in your reach.
Just stop fantasizing like schizos about your ideal lives and situations.
Im a gondola for sure.
Yea Forums helped me with my mental state more than anything else but it's also double edged sword, if you go off to the deep end it might be the last trip you take. It pains me to admit this but this place is the closest I've come to find similar people like myself. But I still wouldn't want to meet up with any of you faggots
>I exposed my true self makes me feel incredibly remorseful even dirty because it ruined everything I had built
It's exactly how I felt a month ago after runing everything with a group of friends I just made not so long ago. I couldn't help myself. I had suicidal thoughts afterwards.
Are you clinically diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?
>The universe is indifferent, big and beautiful. You have absolutely no clue what the chain of variables set off by you will lead to in a billion years
Woah so deep and thoughtful dude, damn until right now i assumed i knew exactly what would happen in a billion years until you told me this.
Wealthy and fairly good looking, still here for the reasons you gave.
>The universe is indifferent, big and beautiful
no but I have a LOT of the traits dating back to childhood. for example I was not abused or molested and I started having sadistic sexual thoughts at 6-7. I also stole a lot of stuff from friends as a kid in extremely Machiavellian ways for my age. the only thing that seems to go in the other way of not having aspd is I seem to have an extremely over active amygdala. my brain has always seen absolutely everything as a threat. to this day very little I can do to stop it. I am extremely sensitive to everything
what is some essential doomercore flicks lads?
the man who sleeps
> The universe is indifferent, big and beautiful
Blade runner 2049
That user. Been raised by single mom (and relatives) with a lot of variability and no stability. Recognized early as a kid that I have no natural discipline and compensated hard - I learned to like good grades for their inherent value, though never had any rewards or punishments to reinforce good behavior. For adults with similar functional issues, I think certain classes of drugs might even be better than therapy.
It can also be good and pro-developmental if you're smart enough early to overcompensate hard. As a child of a single mom, without at least some father figures until 7 years old, it's practically impossible to achieve an adult executive functioning naturally. You need to cultivate your willpower and suppress emotional volatility through a real behavioral regimen (be good at school, take stimulants and nootropics, get a structured hobby). It's even better to be an orphan.
It gets harder and harder, but it's still doable before 35 I think.