What are the best scifi movies of the past decade besides pic related?
What are the best scifi movies of the past decade besides pic related?
none of those are sci-fi
Mad Max is a post-apocalyptic action movie, tardboi.
how is blade runner not sci-fi
Blade Runner is sci-fi you fucking faggot
Why the homophobia?
>hurr flying car means itz sci-fi
Retards. Read a fucking book
Why do you think using a slur means he's afraid of gays? If he said nigger would you think he's afraid of black people?
>Movie tag as sci-fi
>HURR HURR Flying car does not mean it sci-fi
>Mad Max
Cloud Atlas
Very weak decade for sci-fi
I haven't watched mad max
I hated blade runner 2049 (I love the original thought)
I loved alita so much that it's my favorite movie currently
So it's alita for me
Watchable, but meh
Shit, very unimaginative and linear for a dream
Dogshit, villeneuve is a hack
>Cloud Atlas
Gay trany shit, awful and pretentious hamfisted drivel
Life is one of the great sci-fi flicks of the decade if you are not a brainlet and understand the symbolism
>black panther
if they're hiding in a forest we wouldn't know if they do or do not exist.
Well yes, even if not fear of physical domination still fear their presumed incompetence, smell etc you're expressing displeasure and subsequently your fear of displeasure