How many UHD Blu-rays do you own?

How many UHD Blu-rays do you own?

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So many that I can't even count them all.

Better question is how many patrician UMDs do you own?

>falling for the HD jew
I only watch movies through CAMRip torrents on my phone.

Watched The Martian last night. Probably the most Reddit film ever. Where was the cosmic horror?

approximately 0

>tfw stuck on Mars and dancing to disco music and cracking jokes
le epic cinema

0, soon to be one when Alita comes out.

None yet. But I plan to upgrade to a 4K HDR Premium TV later this year, with a UHD Blu-ray player. Unfortunately, they are only putting new, big-budget movies onto UHD Blu-ray so far. But a lot of old movies were scanned at 4K resolution years ago for Blu-ray release, so 4K versions are not far off.

To be honest, though. My DVD and Blu-ray collection is about 70% complete, and I don't see myself upgrading many of them to UHD Blu-ray. It will be nice to have a dozen or so, though, because no home-viewing format beats playing a digital disc. It has the least compression, often uncompressed DTS 5.1 or 7.1 (I have surround sound), and there is far less chance of interrupted play (internet issues or streaming issues). Not to mention the extra features.

This. Alita would be a nice time to upgrade since it's probably been about a decade for most of us since the move to BD and 1080p. 4K sets are super inexpensive.