What does that even mean?

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It means you should watch better shows

every year since 2016 they've added another letter
what will 2019's letter be?

Lettuce Bacon Gay Tomato Quiche Ironic Anchovies

I stands for incel

Sign of the 666 or the 616.


Its time for them to add the P


wait until they add ZQQQBatman symbol

How many more episodes did Luke Perry film before he died.

why should asexuals be there with gay and lesbians?
it would be like sticking atheists with muslims and hindus

The A stands for atheist. The skeptics are the nigger of the world.

The Canadian version has a 2.

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Luchador Lesbiana Latina
Goi Bully Executive Membership
Trump Bad
Qanon Denier
Indigenous Person of Wakanda
Aquaman Downvoter

haha triggered man-babies...

Fucking bigots forgot the P


>look at me I'm completely out of touch aren't I witty and hilarious?
we get it you need to, dare I say it? Have sex.

I'm the A in LGBTQIA you fucking breeder bigot

i've seen somethin along the lines of lgbtq2s+ or something of the sort on my universitys home page. its literally a running joke among my friends at the university that every semester they're redefing themselves to keep the illusion tgat their opressed

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based redpilled riverdale

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that's gross pls delete that pic


I can't stop laughing at this

Anyone else really attracted to femmale wojaks?

I - Intersex
A - (straight) "Allies"

Dr. Pavel, I'm QIA


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it should be lgbtFqia. furries have rights.


Why not just stick with the separate category for each?
Trannies and dykes for example have nothing in common that binds them together, they're just artificially woven together by ideologues.

Lmao is that what they actually said? The black-haired girl looks pretty fucking smug, too. There a link?


All I wanna know is where are the qt 3.14s? Amirite fellas?

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let god burn them quickly

why not just call them F for freaks?

What did they mean by that?


>skepticism bad!
>believe what you are told without question!
t. gnostic

all covered under 1 word: Faggots

Reminder that L, G, and B are the only ones of that jumble of Scrabble letters that matter, and the rest are bandwagon jumpers attaching their mental disorders to LGB's agenda to give themselves credibility.

New-age cop-out. Might as well be atheist or agnostic. Get a real creed or fuck off, you fucking zoomer poser.

>Bi (two)
Really makes you think

>not having sex makes you gay

F for die Faggots die.

It's all the despised minorities banding together, even though they might not anything in common.

They only need N for normies and F for freaks (freaks includes homos, pedos, and incels)

>tfw this faggot shit keeps spreading
>tfw I slowly go from tolerant guy who respects everyone to faggot hating right wing every year
I kinda want to go back

You could say the same thing about trans.

Trans isn't a sexuality, it's about wanting to switch bodies. A trans person is still straight or gay or whatever.

As a bisexual, pls remove me from your freak collection thnx

L and G are the same, so it's just GB

I stands for intersex you moronic faglords

Because it's a collection of deviant sexualities.

most likely Z or P or maybe N .

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they're all mental illnesses

I'm only 28 and remember a time when it was just LGB