Dude the skrulls are the good guys and the kree are evil as fuck, lmao talking about subverting expectations LOL

>dude the skrulls are the good guys and the kree are evil as fuck, lmao talking about subverting expectations LOL

well, I'm not mad that was a nice twist to the story.

But my question is, is the MCU still going on the road to the secret invasion?

what about all those theories saying that War machine is a skrull?

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I hope it turns out that Tony Stark was a Skrull the entire time and that’s why he was so smart. And Carol Danvers is Captain America’s daughter, but she’s stronger than him.

And after Thanos has killed off all of the Avengers, he is killed by an alien cat scratching his eye and he snaps, literally snaps, making himself disappear.

>turns out the Kree are an evil fascist empire
>the original Captain Marvel is now a woman who looks like Hillary Clinton
>she is campaigning for open borders for Skrull refugees
I didn't even vote for Trump and even I find this to be total bullshit.

Attached: 07-annette-bening-captain-marvel.w1200.h630.jpg (1085x570, 95K)

>looks like Hillary Clinton

take a breath user she's an old white lady

Skrull since the end of the first avengers

to be honest I'd rather live with skrulls than with muslims

This was my biggest complaint with the movie, all the Skrull families and children and whatnot.

I didn't think the feminist stuff was over the top. Larson says dumb shit, but all actors are dumbasses who parrot what their handlers say.

I know right?
so the kree empire was lying about the skrull attacks and overall them being a huge threat to their society.

It seems like the skrulls are nothing but a group of refugees surviving and ocasionally defending themselves against the kree attacks (specially the warships of the acusers)

even cute ones?

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What kind of casuals don't know the Kree are huge assholes? They're basically space Spartans and have been pretty transparently asshole-y since the original Captain Marvel comics in the 60's.

skrulls are standins for Jews, you realize that? The whole thing with Mar-Vel harboring them in her base was an allegory to an Anne Franks diary type situation?

Uh, isn't the whole point of the Kree-Skrull War that they are BOTH gigantic asshole empires that want to dominate the universe? Since when is either of them GOOD?

to be fair, these skrulls are just the group of survivors under Talos command.

I'm sure there are other skrulls more powerful and with actual evil intentions

Yeah, but so are the Skrulls. They're two giant asshole empires fighting in space. Even the Shi'ar are more good guys than them.

wtf I love kree now

and the Shi'ar have an asshole in a cape going around punching starships.

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I seriously thought this movie was saying that the Kree = Israelis and the Skrulls = Palestinians, what with the Skrulls being pushed out and on the run and the line "we just want a home."

Attached: 800px-Israel_Gaza_West_Bank_Locator.png (800x1518, 118K)

>Movie is advocating for muh refugee acceptance into western society
The movie literally has captain marvel find them a planet as far away as possible from earth
This is almost as stupid as the thread thinking that Shazam was infantilising adult men when it's the exact opposite.
Good thing that Marvel didn't do a shit tier subversion of the plot though, the movie is pretty careful to avoid actually showing why any particular side are the good guys until the reveal.

Do you really think the kikes that funded this movie would agree to that

you're reading too much into it
persecution by imperialistic military societies is quite a common thing in history, not to mention the present.

Maybe they would if you sold it to them as the Skrulls being Jews or Syrian refugees.

Kamala isn't a alien.
She just has the inhuman genes.

This was one small group of Skrulls that were fleeing because their home was destroyed. They mention there are other pockets of Skrulls out there, it's likely we'll get some not as nice Skrulls in the future. I like that it was more complicated than all of one alien race is evil.

MCU Kree have all been dicks anyway.