Ooh-oo child things are gonna get easier

>Ooh-oo child things are gonna get easier

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just watched this. it was really great

Imagine having a nose the size of your mouth

t. tranny

What's the deal with unmasking black characters in movie this decade?

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this move was cool


y is it bad tho?

I enjoyed it alot. Weird but easily enjoyable

Is it worth downloading the 4k version

The same reason why you type like a retard, low IQ.

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I thought Miles was the worst part of his own movie. I just didn't care about him.

Why is she a literal Shadman drawing???

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Because the animators of children's movies are literal porn artist themselves

I don't think he would draw her that skinny.


Attached: spider-verse raimi.webm (1020x422, 2.85M)

Why does it look stop motion

It was a choice they went with to look different. People seemed to love it.

cuz it is
they intentionally skipped frames to evoke a "pages of a comic" type feeling
you get used to it very fast

you get used to it.

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they rendered everything at 12fps for budget reasons that they pretended were aesthetic reasons.

all the fight scenes were great, especially the ones with doc ock

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This movie was fun but not all that memorable. It's very fast and colourful and slick but the writing suffers because it can't keep up with the hyperactive pacing. Most of the emotional moments weren't as effective as they could have been because of that.

>Pretending to be retarded

is that from a real comic?

Just watched it yesterday for the first time. Was surprised how much I enjoyed it, it was really good.

Attached: spiderverse bitcoin.jpg (1920x796, 255K)

looks like it's from the spider-verse comic

That's how I felt. The movie was better than it deserved to be. I'm just sad the future films won't have that ensemble cast because Miles was not the best character. Maybe sixth best?

Damn, Gwen looks like THAT

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>The movie was better than it deserved to be

I don't know what this means.

when i first saw that, i immediately thought of the spiderman thread memes

>nick kroll

Why was peter's story more engaging than miles?
>inb4 pol

new mommy acquired.

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I really liked Miles and his supporting cast. What's wrong with him? He's a good kid.

They actually referred to that one as "Meme Spiderman" in the script

Peter was white = automatically good
Miles was brown = automatically bad

If you disagree, hand in your incel card and leave Yea Forums at once.

>Bitcoin at new high!
>Bitcoin at new low!
Low-hanging fruit, but just ripe enough to enjoy.

>incel card
I would say "Go back to Discord, tranny" but I have the mental maturity to recognize that we both have relative agency, and that I can't force you to do anything. You obviously don't realize this, so I wanted to let you know, to help you grow as a person.
Best of luck.


Attached: pol meetup.jpg (1200x799, 166K)

>responds within 2 minutes
You should really find a more productive use of your time.

I'm a casual racist and actually really enjoyed this movie; would give it a 10/10 if not for some of the rap in the soundtrack. It feels more like a proper superhero film than anything since the Raimi movies. Definitely the only one that's ever made me feel things. I had a lump in my throat at a couple of 616 Peter's scenes

It would look like a literal seizure if they added all the effects they did onto a higher FPS


Well no, I personally thought Peter's story was more engaging because it was a different story whereas Miles was just another origin story. I think it would've been better if we got to see him when he barely started. I didn't say I hated miles's story, it was just missed opportunity imo to change up the origin story formula.

>Moooooooooom, he took little time to respond and it's just not faaaaaaaair
>waaaaah, waaaaah

lmao incel fragility is REAL

My only gripe with the movie was the FPS, there was no need for it


*different story besides another origin

So, your contention was that is was good, and that's good, but it didn't deserve to be good, and that's bad. You are torn, user. I can see your pain.

Nice catch, good comedy really

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it was kino

Like he doesn't even have to adapt her to his style, she's already 95% there.

Fuck, I listened to this song 2 hours ago

7/10 movie. The visuals carry the movie and the amount of effort went to them is groundbreaking, but the story is so thin its hardly even there. All the characters are underutilized, they try to make you care about so many characters but do next to nothing with any of them. Aside from some video game tier boss fights, all the Spidermen just follow around Miles, and more or less didnt need to be there. The movie could have used more time to flesh out its characters, but id rather they just not have so many. Gwen, Peter and Miles were all it needed.

As long as he leaves Peni alone.

I haven't catched on to his latest shit, but I doubt it. Shadman has flanderized (formerly sneederized) himself and lost all his edge.


I can understand the John Mulaney billboard but why Shaun of the Dead?


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He drew porn of the kid from Logan, which is kind of fucked up.

and even since then he has become more and more tame

He won't draw loli anymore, too many close cases with the FBI lmao

I didn't say it didn't deserve to be good nor did I intend to imply that. I'm just saying there was an opportunity to change a formula that has been one of the main criticisms of marvel movies for a while now. Marvel should've taken advantage of the fact that pretty much everyone knows spiderman now and change things up. They did something like that for Homecoming and I don't know why they couldn't have done that for spiderverse

>which is kind of fucked up
Get out


Other than slashing the budget.

amazing even. I was amazed at how little to no political hamfisting is in it.



>amazing even.
Let's not go overboard.

Peni is not a loli she's in fucking high school learn what loli is you dumb sack of shit

>flopped in japan
what was meant by this, i thought it was the greatest animation the west had to offer?

Peni is 14

>unmasking black characters
but the actual spiderman that everyone knows is white, this is just a spinoff character

So are the Raimi movies canon in this universe? I watched a clip online and it basically showed a bunch of scenes that were in the Raimi films in a montage

just like tranny fragility also stop asking for sex in every fucking thread for gods sake

it even had a way more kino original song than Nigger Malone's Sunflower

yeah, this takes place in the Raimiverse quite a while after Spider-man 3

He even transforms into an aryan ubermench with blonde hair and blue eyes, and they use archival audio of Uncle Ben from Spider-man 1 for his one appearence

Therefore she isn't a loli. Quit fagging up my tags, youre the goddamn reason when I look up 'teens' I get 30+ year old hags in pigtails. Fuck you, she's pubescent, can't be a loli.

They're just references for fun, neither peter has organic web shooters like raimi peter.

Your vagina has no power here, ma'am.

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he lost is when he became aryan

raimi confirmed it

you're an idiot stop throwing a tantrum

Then why make it 3D

Can confirm. I animate 3d smut in my off time. Lots of us do.

Epic meem pulled str8 from reddit

Thats not a bad reason at all.