Us Review Thread.
Rottentomatoes: 100% (34 reviews)
Metacritic: 82 (14 reviews)
Continued from
Us Review Thread.
Rottentomatoes: 100% (34 reviews)
Metacritic: 82 (14 reviews)
Continued from
in b4 seething /pol/tard spams one of his many images from his 20,000-image tranny folder
That's exactly what happened. See previous thread.
>muh pol
based /pol/tard
Fellow resetera user here. I know we have to pretend to be regular 4channell users in order to spread our propaganda but please don use that bigoted word.
stop falseflagging /pol/, it's obvious and transparent
Peele is based and we shouldn't shit on him for simply being black. Also the subtext to Get Out was in fact NOT "white people are evil".
Now that you're all up to speed, let us commence.
I hear the film doesn't have any racial politics and is just a horror where the family happens to be black. That's a welcome change
*cracks knuckles* FUCK NIGGERS.
It's not a "le whites evil" film which is cool.
> is just a horror where the family happens to be black
What's the horror? The welfare checks stopped coming?
>not about whites
How many tears do you shed when you have to decide what bathroom to use, fag?
Haven't you seen the trailer? The subtext for this one is pretty clear. The horror is the shadow of their blackness.
>white people are evil
Yeah, only mouth breathing retards believe that. It was about “subtle” lefty racism but he got this goal across by jerking himself off about his own race.
Get Out was a good debut for his first horror movie but it wasn’t a master piece. 7/10 at most.
I’ll see Us when I get the chance because I’m hoping to see him improve.
You guys are the most pathetic bunch of people I know. I was away for 6-7 years and now every board is infested with American political faggotry. I hope yellow stone erupts and kills all you Americans. I hope there is a civil war and all whites, blacks and spic in USA kill each other.
Go away Muhammad
Also Muslims and Asians and every other mutt from USA. Especially you, I hope to track down where you live and kill your mother. Ironically of course
It's Yellowstone. One word. Like "dumbass" which is what you're known as.
Implying I give a shit about how to spell anything to do with your shithole nation. Go get killed in a school shooting
that’s a very Muhammad thing of you to say
White supremecist /pol/tard here. To prove it I'll say Nigger.
Get Out looked like a shitty racebait version of stepford wives but Us looks pretty good so I'll probably see it with my friend's wife.
Also I just finished Kingdom on Netflix and really liked it. What should I watch next? The order looks kinda good
>be tranny
>make everything political
>people don't shed their politics to blindly follow yours the way you do
>start screeching autistically for everyone to be banned who doesn't have the same opinion as you
sorry bad english but why if black have it so bad they do not leave?
Thank you
Because they don’t have it bad and like to bitch.
Also realistically even if things were that bad it would be difficult to leave. Malcom X tried the black separatist thing and didn’t get much traction outside of radicals.
Most blacks are chill but the media focuses on the ones that chimp out, it would be like if they focused on trailer trash rednecks whenever white people were in the news.
gibs and not having to worry about being cannibalized or beheaded if they're bald
He's as black as Obama is. Which means he isn't.
If you've got 1 white/Jew parent, you aren't black, and never will be. You're a mutt.
And they'll never be white either.
Eh... that's just not so. By your logic most all African-Americans are mutts.
>inb4 they are lul
Example: Dave Chappelle is a quarter white.
If you're 1/2 something, you're neither; you don't belong to either group as genetically, you're a mess.
Hence, you can't call them black, if black is to mean of African descent (usually Sub-Saharan if we're talking about slaves). They're mutts.
There's a point when you eventually a genetically more of 1 or the other, and then you can say you're such. What that point is is up to debate. 1/4 is getting there.
Wait till Armond reviews it
Well no, in the United States have any Negro. blood makes you "black". And most blacks with "full" black have a white ancestor up there somewhere, from slave times (ever wonder why so many have the last names Williams, Jefferson, Sneed, and so forth.
It's mostly based on skin color though. In America, If you look "black", you are.
Your attempt at precision (though appreciated) is sadly, useless.
holy fuck that's a lot of typos, at least I got trips though
>that's a lot of typos
Are you black?
yes but i am working on a cure
yes massa
now read my post and answer it jive turkey
There already is a cure. It's called tight, white pussy.
You know I always thought this image was just a stupid meme, but it's pretty much 100% true.