Find a flaw

Find a flaw

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He didn't bring any water with him on a day-long hunting trip.

The pointless speech at the end.

They didn't show the shootout.

the old men were clearly in a country

We didn’t get to see the Mexicans kill that annoying grandmother

Men's feet.

you didn't stay until the mid-credits sequence?

This. That pretentious crap left a really bad taste. "Look how deep we are". Eat shit, just make a fucking good film and stfu

is this the milkshake one or the other one?

the one with the weird guy

>hurr let me go bring water to a guy who is very obviously dead by that point

>still no blood meridian adaptation

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IDK, this movie is true kino. I love it, even tho everyone I tell to watch it thinks it's boring. It's an old fashioned chase the bandit movie. Too bad it's full of liberal faggots.

no agua

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does he get away if he doesn’t do that?

He'd probably die a lot more quickly because of the tracking device.

The scene where he doesn't shoot through the motel room door to kill the weird guy. Always bothered me.


Anton just disappearing from behind the motel door without making making any sound despite how quickly he would have to move to not be seen.

and why did he sit on the bed right in front of the door

>Too bad it's full of liberal faggots
Where did that come from? Your post was apolitical until you randomly dropped that.

This is some serious plebian cope

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you cannot adapt that book into a film. it has incredible depth. for HBO, sure, but for cinema, no.

>you didn't stay until the mid-credits sequence?
wait what?

>for HBO

This always bothered me. I've spent a lot of time in the high deserts of the southwest and no one would do this, even in the 80s

Why didn't Ed Bell just move into a city if the country wasn't for old men?

name a more competent network.

silenced shotguns are very, very, VERY LOUD

I always assumed he'd already drank all that he brought.

They're all shit currently. But compromising a Blood Meridian adaptation because is the "least bad" is just fucking ridiculous.

okay so down the road

I hate that Josh Brolin died offscreen
I know why they did it and it was some artistic choice but I don't think that should ever happen in a movie.