Psychedelic Yea Forums

What are some psychedelic movies and tv shows? Bonus points if they are not really about drugs. For example Annihilation was pretty psychedelic at times.

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Happiness Bomb

S5E11 of the Simpsons. Of Sneed fame



>movies and tv shows

Suck my dick

Robin Wright at the Congress meets your parameters

Dredd on mushrooms was a fucking amazing experience. Me and a buddy were blown away by the drug bust scene and I had seen the movie like 6 times before the trip.

2001 a space odyssey obviously

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Apocalypse Now.


Excuse me Mr.Gucci loafers

Superjail - the narrative content of the episodes is standard adult swim wacky stuff, but the animation is extremely impressive

Attached: superjail.jpg (1440x750, 361K)

Belladonna Of Sadness

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Fantastic Planet

Attached: savageplanet.jpg (297x420, 27K)

I was about to post this

>fuck & suck my dick

Looks promising
Not a drug user but I am an action fan

Unironically, Twin Peaks and Legion.

I expected this to be Season 8 Episode 9


Disneys Fantasia
and the beatles Yellow Submarine
and for pure psicadelic kino the monkees Head

Our planet Ygam possesses a single satellite, Fantastic Planet. We utilize this uninhabited planet for meditation. Ygam is divided into several Uvas. Two of the Uvas, Strom and Yot are naturally symmetrical. Among the other Uvas are Tanik, the largest. It is completely covered by blue asconic masses, which cause extreme temperature variations, from 8 to 243 likas, and is therefore inaccessible to riprocal exploitation. The Uva of Goham is dominated by an inland fepular sea, which stabilizes the epanic at about 25 likas. Anchor blocks counteract the the process of pontacrebation, while Omalian Globes regularize the pressure.

I'm rewatching Tank Girl on some basic channel. Might turn it off though.

Twin Peaks was trippy but I wouldn’t say it got very psychedelic.

Wait, scratch that; I just remembered Season 3 exist.

beat me to it

Yea that very much fits the bill. Fuck man it was great. I have to rewatch that.

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