Who would you cast as Asuka in the Neon Genesis Evangelion film?

Who would you cast as Asuka in the Neon Genesis Evangelion film?

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Once in a while

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he did a good job editing his penis out.

Yeah he really did

Attached: yCAZXLx.jpg (1000x1498, 163K)

She's a child you pederasts.

Shut up retard

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A nigger.

Attached: diversity is our strength.jpg (639x569, 67K)

Sorry, you made the mistake of thinking that this is a /pol/ thread

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I wouldn't. Unironically, the character (and series) should stay in 2D.

Why the fuck do supposed fans of a series want to see it remade by Hollywood? You can't recapture lightning in a bottle, especially with Eva.

Attached: asuka fags have no taste 1473120139036.jpg (540x960, 54K)

Idris elba unironically

>go to anime store
>looking at Eva figures
>clerk says, "We do have some more Eva figures in back, but they're unfortunately all Rei."

Attached: evangelion reido photo mosaic 1374530784052.jpg (2590x1925, 2.03M)

>you can't recapture lightning in a bottle
Sure you can. It's unlikely and would take all the right ingredients coming together, but it could be done. It couldn't hurt for them to try.

Sorry, this isn't a /pol/ thread

Attached: 50922797_366538113925520_7849933702586380339_n.jpg (1080x1155, 107K)

Idris Elba

I want white girls like this to suck my cock

Reifags must hang

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misato best girl

Attached: 4c9ea66a126d80d71fb487e80f695c9b.png (500x768, 314K)

Gaier is a close second, but Shiro > Gaier


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Best woman maybe, not best girl

Based, this thread might end up alright

Not a /pol/ thread

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Muh dick

Attached: 304.jpg (849x1198, 218K)

>Not a /pol/ thread
What does Idris Elba have to do with /pol/?

I know right??

2.0/3.0 Asuka is so simplistic and boring compared to NGE Asuka, but she's so hot

Attached: ry75vmTVa6E.jpg (1000x1378, 150K)



Shit, I posted the same pic twice. I'm really sorry


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imagine if she put them in your face as a prank haha

To find anons of such taste and culture, Yea Forums might be saved after all

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Cringe, yet redpilled

Haha wow imagine that

Based, good to know we're together here


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the only real choice

obviously she would learn japanese for the role

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reifriends are KIDDING themselves, how can they even compete?

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Aliceposter I love you but this is not your thread. You need to learn to make your own thread and stop hijacking others'


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Nu Zillunders aren't people

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I jerk off to kaho weekly, how did I not know of this?

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Official waifu ranking:
Ramiel > Asuka > Maya > Misato > Rei > Hilarious > Ritsuko

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>ruining Asuka by subjecting her to becoming 3D
disgraceful. hopefully NGE never gets adapted, the rebuilds are bad enough.


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Alright that's pretty based

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Okay but seriously, does anyone have Shiro's Patreon pictures?

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asuka is the redpill

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Their hair color says it all

Attached: 24254506_306618256521560_411874594748628992_n.jpg (721x901, 100K)

Pic related is the superior Asuka cosplay.

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we really need Sharia Law, InshAllah.

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____ ____


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is such a huge gap anatomically possible?

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Isn't it hot


Based moot

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Are they sexual?

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They're just kind of lewd. I'm pretty sure they get lewder than this one, but I really want the Asuka set

Congratulations you did it

Attached: 150_asuka_fugure.jpg (399x600, 25K)

Shhhh no more tears

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Is this bait?

Attached: Idris_Elba_2014.jpg (1200x1728, 329K)

Absolute retardation

No, Asuka really is best girl

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Alright guys, it's been a good thread. Now that I've spammed pictures of a cute girl for the last hour, I'll let spam pictures of Idris Elba

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Isnt shiro a dyke tho?

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Attached: idris elba suit.png (783x1140, 858K)

No, she has a bf

Attached: Idris-Elba.jpg (1178x1759, 300K)

This reminds I have never, not once, a good Rei cosplay.

This has led me to believe Rei is unportrayable irl

I've heard it said that she identifies as a guy or something. Either way, she's top qt

Attached: 1506459356398.png (834x1250, 739K)

Attached: Idris Elba_2.jpg (900x1448, 93K)

Now post the naked ones

Attached: Idris-Elba beard.jpg (570x855, 107K)

does she have a penis?

I'm sorry, user. This is the closest I have

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>It couldn't hurt for them to try.

Attached: dragonballaltworld.jpg (216x234, 8K)

anime is right wing

asuka is ASIAN. stop being so racist. this is whitewashing.

Why did you zoom in there

Worst case, it's awful and we just forget it exists

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>ywn be a german teenage ginger

Attached: Idris-Elba-Esquire-Magazine.jpg (700x1050, 193K)

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>muh mock leftism
Cringe, fuck off. Asuka is half German half Japanese.

Evangelion is largely apolitical but its depiction of women in authority positions and condemnation of mainstream anime's cartoonist masculinity sure isn't right wing

This but unironically

Attached: W3J6uDthwlo.jpg (1000x1498, 144K)

wait what, who? shiro or her couple?

>and condemnation of mainstream anime's cartoonist masculinity sure isn't right wing
it doesn't do this at all lol

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Attached: Idris Elba Maxim.jpg (900x1149, 131K)

I read that Shiro identifies as a boy. It might have been an extension of the meme where people say she's a guy, but I got the impression that it wasn't. She has short hair irl (though that's probably to accommodate cosplay wigs) and she does a lot of male cosplay too.

Shinji, the male protagonist, is effeminate and emotional and the show constantly condemns Gendo's cold behavior.

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Anna Kendrick

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>you will never kiss and make out with a teenage girl.

Completely missed my chance and now I'm a 500lb pedophile living in Missouri. I kid, I kid.

Attached: idris-elba-birthday-26sept16-02.jpg (733x1100, 108K)

Ok this is epic

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Attached: Idris Elba).jpg (900x1141, 428K)

Unironically prefect casting other than the age. She'll have to play actual best girl, Misato, instead.

I would refuse the project, breaching contract, because I hate Asuka almost as much as I love Rei. Asuka is an evil extroverted cunt who deserved every bad thing that ever happened to her, and I personally hate the majority of Yea Forums users who wrongly prefer her. Shame on you for your poor taste in 2D 14 year old women.

>Asuka is half German half Japanese.

so you admit that shes asian and you are white washing the character.

>mock leftism

addressing racism is above the political spectrum.

Idris Elba would make for a perfect Rei as well.

Attached: Idris Elba(.jpg (779x1222, 241K)

Personally, I would cast Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Misato instead.
If not, then Zooey Deschanel but I think she would make a better Shinji (that is, if she doesn't make Shinji too cute to be taken seriously, and she also has to crossdress for the role).

Misato is best girl.

I have only one thing to say to your post: cringe.

Yep, it's pretty good casting... 10 years ago. Actual teenagers need to play the mains.

Dude, not a /pol/ thread. No one cares.

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holy shit
is she even legal?

Attached: Idris Elba thinking.jpg (646x970, 91K)

Yeah, she was born in '97

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That's what, eight years before you?

Attached: Idris Elba scrimphing.jpg (660x1000, 73K)

>same year I graduated HS

>Shinji, the male protagonist, is effeminate and emotional and the show constantly condemns Gendo's cold behavior.
what the fuck does this have to do with left/right wing?

Never realised how bad Idris' hair was. Being black definitely helps cover it up.


>guy spamming pictures of Idris Elba is calling others immature

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Annalise Basso

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>Dude, not a /pol/ thread. No one cares.

no this is a Yea Forums thread and having anyone other than an asian actress play asuka is whitewashing which is racist.

I'm the only one making Yea Forums related posts.

Attached: idris-elba-sags.jpg (711x970, 77K)

asuka is literally white though

also there is nothing wrong with being racist you pussy

Traditional views of masculinity and men being stoic and strong are typically associated with social conservatism. NGE contradicts that view.

She cute

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>also there is nothing wrong with being racist

>>asuka is literally white though

shes a hapa

Why do /pol/tards bring race into everything?

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Same reason you can't keep your shit on Yea Forums

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jesus christ redheads are so fucking hot holy shit I cannot begin to control this erection

>It couldn't hurt for them to try.
It could

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>Traditional views of masculinity and men being stoic and strong are typically associated with social conservatism. NGE contradicts that view.
not really because it's making fun of shinji for not being strong and stoic
also gendo is strong and stoic

either way anime in general is pretty right wing and celebrates ethnonationalism and capitalism

>>This isn't an argument.
There's nothing wrong with being racist, in the next few decades stigma around being """""racist"""" will go away.

>shes a hapa
Then make a hapa play her.
Either way japanese people don't care that anime characters are played by whites

Both good suggestions by someone I see is a man of culture as well.

Evangelion is television

God my fucking dick. Fuck

Based and asukapilled

It doesn't really make fun of Shinji. It takes his emotional state very seriously and never really says he was wrong for being emotional.

Attached: b1ygrel5kkn01.jpg (1000x1498, 113K)


because it's the most important issue of our time
our nations are literally being destroyed and will turn into south africa or zimbabwe

No it isn't, and you know it.

Attached: idris-elba-.jpg (3605x2486, 784K)

>It doesn't really make fun of Shinji.
lmao yeah it does, he's a little bitch for most of the show
the fact they also show his emotional state seriously sometimes doesnt matter

Watch Captain Fantastic, it’s kino.

Attached: 695D5D8C-4058-4C6D-8AC0-6F034F7F7FB2.jpg (1777x725, 101K)

I have never seen an anime in my life where ALL of the characters are all unlikable and difficult to identify with. All of them. Only NGE has accomplished this. Asuka is hot though, and a woman being bitchy makes my dick hard for some reason.

Attached: dive.jpg (1000x1250, 38K)

She's only a quarter Japanese

Any clear pictures of her face? I want to photoshop her into a bukkake situation

why not using a 2.5d cgi cutie with big eyes instead?
even with photoshop, 3d can only go so far

Attached: smoke.jpg (1500x1000, 145K)

I know, I fucking love her

Your skin color is being destroyed, not your nation. There's a difference. Someday, King's dream will be realized.

>he's a little bitch for most of the show
But that's *you* calling him a little bitch, not the show calling him a little bitch

Just go to her instagram

is it gay is you fap to this?

My dick is so hard, this is my dream girl

Based, thanks

Attached: major.jpg (1400x934, 245K)

I think the famous actor Idris Elba would do a great job

So what's it like being a virgin at your age?

Attached: Idris Elba British.jpg (1280x852, 195K)

>he's a little bitch for most of the show
That's because the show is made by a little bitch, so it only makes sense that the protagonist is a little bitch and the conflict is a conflict only a little bitch could come up with.

>Life is so hard! People are so mean and cruel! Wahhhhh!
Garbage. Lain is miles better than this trash.

Man, does she have any truly high res photos? This tiny shit won't cut it as a wallpaper.

in that case i recommend idris elba for the role.

Now here is a man who knows a thing or two about a thing or two.

Attached: IDRIS-ELBA-facebook.jpg (2000x1000, 397K)

But who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who cares

That bodysuit is so hot

Attached: LA7p87H.jpg (764x950, 58K)

Attached: pink.jpg (1500x1002, 112K)

>But that's *you* calling him a little bitch, not the show calling him a little bitch
it does though lol

I'm thinking Idris Elba would do a good job playing Idris Elba, but that's just me.

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Are these from her ig?


Attached: 1501145724210.png (833x1250, 688K)

Example number 1

Attached: Idris Elba is stronger than you.jpg (646x970, 73K)

Attached: 1534885315754.jpg (1316x1970, 795K)

A nigger tben

the entire show

Going to jack off to this girl later fyi

I haven't posted a picture of Idris Elba since 1:58, and now it's 3:00. It's about time for another.

Attached: idris-elba-birthday.jpg (734x1100, 148K)

So you have nothing, you're just projecting your own judgements of Shinji onto the show

Attached: CpHLAozgUGg.jpg (2560x1709, 398K)

I'd watch a skit of Idris Elba in a different colored wigs playing all the parts. Not a full movie, just a skit.

That's based

Attached: 6jcCI9N.jpg (1080x1080, 54K)

>asukafags are into interracial breeding scenarios and findom

Attached: bound.jpg (1442x2160, 383K)

Attached: reach.jpg (1500x1001, 86K)


Attached: Fixed Asuka PS people complained the original didn't have a dick so I added one.png (480x679, 405K)

>this thread

Attached: rei - gonna get stared at blankly 1362694902403.jpg (720x400, 56K)

I came for the Elba's, left due to the incel weeb dicklet shit.

Attached: Idris-Elba gunslinger.jpg (1200x886, 248K)

Attached: Asuka or Rei.webm (720x404, 1.58M)

Attached: red.jpg (1000x1498, 125K)

she looks like she fucks asian men

We could always use more Idris Elba pictures. You should post as many as you can find.

Attached: Idris-Elba undercover.jpg (700x1050, 194K)

Attached: Asuka or Rei 2.webm (640x360, 384K)


Man that's a great drawing

Good riddance

Attached: Screenshot_20190310-000830.png (1311x2048, 1.77M)

What kind of Asian men? East Asia? She looks like she fucks South East Asian desu with a few South Asians.

>Zooey as best girl Misato
That would be incredible.
I reckon Anna Kendrick could do it too.

This was the original but I got a friend to add a penis because people thought the original girl was a trap.

Attached: Asuka pissed.jpg (1240x1754, 995K)

>ywn kiss this cute weird andro girl
Just end it

Attached: Screenshot_20190310-001123.png (1344x2048, 1.36M)

Neither are half as good as Idris Elba.

Attached: idris elba stevie ray.jpg (647x970, 71K)

>Asuka isn't /pol/
Get a load of this fag.

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Attached: Screenshot_20190310-001344.png (2048x1594, 1.66M)

That's some good advice there. You should take it yourself.

Attached: Idris Elba Moreau.jpg (1000x1502, 383K)

Dubs confirm. should kill himself.

Attached: idris elba checking those digits.jpg (645x970, 70K)

look mom! i posted it again

Attached: moonlight-blu-ray-dvd-20151018_moonlight_d05_c1_mg0294_rgb_wide-4956f29d91545b1b4eed02d94b7caf690105 (800x449, 83K)

Not happening, stay mad

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Attached: true_detective_season_3_1280.jpg (970x546, 47K)

Mad? Don't know where you got that one, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised an anime incel can't understand emotions.

Attached: Idris Elba wonders.jpg (733x1100, 100K)

>paypig that replies to every post isn't mad

>2.18 MB
>for that shit quality image
don't do this.


Attached: MV5BNDg4OTczODE5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjgwMjA0Mg@@._V1_.jpg (1753x1996, 1.43M)

but seriously, what's the agenda of the guy spamming the black gentleman, in a thread clearly made for sharing cute cosplay girls?
is this a legit attempt at programming kids to become racist or something?

Shit character, Rei is better.

here's a better res

Attached: better.jpg (1400x934, 209K)

Some people just want to see the world burn.

It's avatar fagging. Report and carry on.

I know


I don't get it

Attached: WLkgMdTrNEs.jpg (1400x934, 463K)

You pretended to make a Yea Forums thread, so I gave you a Yea Forums answer, and apparently Idris Elba is /pol/, but when I asked you to explain how he's /pol/, you didn't, and forced my hand.
This is your doing. Not mine.

Attached: Idris Elba plays pocket pool.jpg (1500x2252, 181K)

Im a seperate gentleman posting Alis, the reason is to ruin this board unrelated thread.

Attached: mahershala-ali-513164_828x1104.png (827x1104, 1.62M)

I've got him pencilled in to play Ritsuko

Attached: mahershala-ali.jpg (640x426, 21K)

Don't know who that is, but that is an excellent casting choice my man.

Attached: Idris Elba thumbs up.jpg (734x1100, 64K)

No, I just don't get it. Why Elba? Why the spam? I don't understand.

Attached: HUbcFA8B5bk.jpg (934x1400, 530K)

>You don't even make love to me anymore
What a powerful delivery by Mr. Elba


Image limit reached

>Idris Elba.jpg

Because Idris Elba is the correct answer. The fact that you don't already know this is just proof of your status as an outsider here.

Literal weebcelcringe

He's not based, he's just copying ElbaCHAD. Its gimmick infringement.


enjoy your stay on Yea Forums.

Hey hey hey, I am totally ok with him helping Idris Elba out with his casting choice for this weebshit thread. He made a fine selection, despite it not being Idris Elba.

>image limit reached
based autist posters
btw, you're supposed to be creative when using the idris elba meme, otherwise it becomes sneed drivel

Thread's dead. Pack it up boys.
Thanks for the hack actors fags.

>sneed drivel

whatever do you mean?

Elle Fanning, probably. But maybe her face is too sweet.

>is this a legit attempt at programming kids to become racist or something?
No you seem to be thinking of the miscasting of white characters with black actors in adaptations.

>thread his image limit
>all the "fans" of this trash disappear
Color me surprised. They complain about spam, yet have nothing to say when words are their only option.

That's some quality rope tying, boys.

Yea Forums is an IMAGE board, tho

Why is there an image limit though? Is it a bandwidth thing?

>Who would you chose to be murdered by the English voice actress of Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion?

Are you suggesting that Tiffany Grant is a loony?

I stopped posting because this is an image board and when you hit the image limit, the thread is functionally over.

Very old rules for how long a thread can last. It'll either die from lack of posts, Sage automatically for max posts, or Sage automatically for max images. Back in the day we could also Sage post to add comments without bumping a thread. In Japan this is considered polite. In the English speaking world this is a dick move.

No. You just wanted to waifu spam. You're lies are as obvious as your virginity.
Sage still works.

Brie Larson

It's called shitposting.

My friend, I love NGE and I love the cosplay girl I spammed. Love doesn't need to be confined to one thing.

>Sage still works.
As "Options"? I never bothered to check after the email field was dropped

To me this is the perfect look for Asuka. She's not particularly attractive, BUT she does grow on you to eventually become beautiful in her unique way.
Rei is the one who is supposed to be entry level attractive to everyone

Yes. Still doesn't work if you post an image, but if you just want to make a zinger in a thread with no other replies on page 10 just to insult the OP before his thread dies, you still can.

Based assessment user

what could possibly go wrong.

this thread is fucking cancer

we gotta find dem keedz