New comfy Sopranos thread
>stuffs gotta change
New comfy Sopranos thread
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WHY did they setup that story with the rapper and hesh to just to drop it and never talk about it again?
Fuck off reddit nigger
I didn't think it was possible but somehow i hate blacks more after watching the sopranos
A lot of shows do that. I think they were still developing an idea of what the show was going to be and what they wanted to really focus on.
Not every loose end needs to be tied and not every tangential subplot is relevant.
It wasn't a subplot it was the main plot in 3 episodes and was so big they even brought tony into it.
Wish some ducks would hang out in my pool
>mfw they shoot those niggers after Tony calls off the hit on carmine
Do "straight" american men really get high while half naked with their bros?
Just watched the bobby scene after he collects money from the sports bookee
You sick fucks actually like this fat girl?
>main plot in 3 episodes
Nice trips but what the fuck are you talking about?
It was literally only ever referenced in A Hit is a Hit. Bokum Dindu or whatever was only in one episode. It wasn't even left on a cliffhanger. The rapper threatened to sue and Hesh threatened them with a valid countersuit, leaving them at an impasse. Stop being retarded.
go study some more, noah
Last scene with Uncle Junior is the greatest scene of all time
It was a joke
it was a compartmentalized episode, and pretty widely panned.
at the very least, it fleshed out hesh a bit (a bit of his background) and showed hes not afraid to rip people off to make his money
>bad dancer
>scared by homeless people
>scared that some people are selfish assholes
I'm seriously just getting pissed looking at her. Shes not even ugly hot, just ugly
it was a joke, matthew drinkwater was on blood pressure medication, it fucked with his head
ok, but why does hesh fuck niggers?
(((don't know)))
I'd place my tongue inside of her anus
what the fuck did he mean by this?
No. This is pretty much just a UK thing. Maybe Canada also.
>stas reveals his power level
>may i have a seat tone?
Fucking cock sucking morons. Massive obvious dropped tge case because hesh was going to counter sue him for using that backing track without permission. Why is this shit so fucking hard you zoomer faggots to wrap you minds around? Too busy playing on your phones like teenage girls?
Disgusting Bette Midler cunt.
I'd slap your shit up cunt. Don't put me to the test, i won't fail.
Kill yourself reddit nigger
What was her problem again?
zoomers are a generation of niggers
You're all weak poofters user. Go and lick some ass nigger faggot.
I'm gonna bury my fat cock in some mexican/niggers ass. Stay in your lane boomer
Yea Forums is a glorified crew, they (You) anybody over there. You know they don't even have the sneed on the feed?
at least he had the jacket
How many years did Phil Leotardo do in the can again?
Oh! Watch it, Pussy!
was paulie a closet fag?
20 fucking years!
Kill yourself
No manicures and pedicures are great to go to eapeciallly if you’re on your feet I go once a week my gf
Sneed niggers ruin another thread.
*attempts to steal ur gf*
no he was a greaseball wop
they like fine things .. there also annoying in real life .. i worked at a gas station in 2006 and we had a few that would come in talking all there bullshit and hanging around all the time
always trying to sell me viagra and fine clothes
>one looked like pauly
She was a neurotic ugly boombalatty who was desperate for attention.
You're breaking my balls here! Watch it, Faggot!
>i worked at a gas station in 2006
how embarrassing
what was your first job wiseguy
Stop besmirching these threads zoomer filth.
>criticizing someone for earning a living
What's with the show's Jewish characters (all men) being paired up with black women?
There's Hesh obviously
Then that Hasidic Hotel manager who gets accosted by Furio. Furio calls over a black prostitute who says she makes his beanie (refering to his yarmulke) spin when she fellates him
And when Meadow meets Jamal Ginsburg's father over dinner. It's a Jewish man so it follows that his mother must be black
Kill yourself reddit nigger
>Ted Yacanelli, Yacanelli Home Inspections.
i'll tell you this, my estimation about user as a man, just fucking plummeted
Uncle jr senpai here
ill answer one question
when it comes to niggers and jannies, all bets are off.
I just found it weird that a man his age didn't have a wife, gf, or any kids.
>"...All I'm sayin come dey weren't able ta find any'a dem jew skeletons in dem so-called mass graves?"
Kill yourself zoomer
Santa was doing business on Paulie's turf without dropping him a percentage.
Paulie was basically a gossipy-woman.
The early 2000s was a different time user.
The only time this forced meme has been funny.
I agree with that Senator Sanatorium, who says if we let this stuff go too far we'll be fucking dogs.
what was he trying to prove?
Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.
thats right tone
He predicted it all. WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN?
>there are people here right now who unironically think this is beautiful
sticcfag pls go
whats the name of this hairstyle?
What made him the best character on the show?
>why are we filming my scenes first, david?
For me it was Svetlana.
What was his fucking problem?
His fuckin coach turned into a pumpkin. Heh heh heh.
none of his young hostesses wanted to bang him
Even Cinderella didn't shitpost.
Non stop ass rape
In my business, I'm around a lot of anons. That one ain't getting laid.
Giga JUST.
Zoomer nigger kill yourself
why do you even bother coming into sopranos threads
The only reason I haven't is to piss you off, sticccucc.
yeah, eat a salad ya bigot
Waiting for a return to the good times when there were anons who understood the show and wanted to talk about it instead of reddit niggers and sneed posters trying to force memes.
Just finished the show yesterday. That fucking Peyote episode. They did the same shit on Mad Men with the Acid episode.
I drop acid from time to time and all those moments, with how he won several times at the roulette table and the moment of "I get it", are so familiar. I wasn't tripping on acid at a casino but I get extremely good at video games when I'm on acid. Never lost a round on CS:GO on it.
Anyway, the show and Mad Men also use those completely foreign lifestyles to show universal themes. It's fucking great. It just feels good to watch it, because it falls into place so perfectly. Really rare these days. And the days before it to be honest.
Same ring after 20 years
peppers and eggs
never really understood why they shot them.. they never received their down payment back no?
Is this the chick that meadow was talking about in later seasons that killed herself by jumping off a building?
Johnny and Ginny Sack was probably the most stable couple of the show and boy did they have a rough last couple of months
fuck off reddit niggers
answer me cowards....
That’s nice...
I mean I guess. It was never stated clearly. So how the fuck we are supposed to know more than what you already saw?
>tfw the actress who played Ginny Sack is dead
God Ginny is so cute I love her
Don't mind me, just being the most underrated grill on the show.
Mafia was his family and even they hated him
He spent the 50s metaphorically fucking them in the music industry. Its only natural that his predilections eventually turn literal.
watch the wire next ;)
>tfw you realize the cat that stared at Chrissy’s picture was Adriana reincarnated
I'm watching through the show for the first time, just finished S2E10 yesterday.
When does it get good? Like, really good? It's not bad so far but I'm still longing for something here. Chris is probably my favorite character so far.
Deepest lore
Are Johnny Cakes any good IRL?
>stumbles out of the car firing his gun
jesus christ that funny
I bet those two suck each other’s cocks.
That is very disgusting
>Paulie said he wants it known it’s on him, he takes full responsibility... but that he didn’t do nothing
Was Paulie the biggest fuck up in the series?
He's right up there with Chrissy and Artie
What's his name?
On that topic why didnt Vito just stay with him and live the best life
>why do american
Dude, you're obsessed.
Italian hell is the Irish heaven?
>the sperg is back
Why is there a manneken pis in an Italian restaurant?
I'm pretty sure he was going to be, but the actor didn't want to play a fanook so they made vito gay instead.
What is a "mannekin pis"?
Why the recent uptake in sopranos threads? They're fun every once in a while but multiples every day lead to the rampant shitposting seen in this thread
I've never known Yea Forums to not have an active sopranos thread at any given time
He was banging that spic broad with 2 kids
The statue in the background. It's a famous Belgian statue.
Thank god
Paulie doing the whole closet fag introspection thing would've been complete shit
Her name is carla
their marriage maybe stable, but the ground under Ginny Sacramoni's feet sure ain't.
Isn't that after that sick fuck hit his head open with a golf club? Then that would be because of the surgery, right?
Connie is best girl.
She had a nice rack.
but this is a nice and wholesome thread compared to the rest of this cancer board
Ehh these two redditors suck each others dicks
Should have gone for the head oooh!
Would you make me a sandwich?
If you werent won over by s1 then just go watch something else.
> graphical representation of the Freshman Fifteen
nah that scene is right before. plus hes seen 3 seasons later on like that too in the mall
I worked at a gas station in 2006 as well while I was going to college full time. It beat taking out loans.
t. american closet-case
The recipe I tried was basically just corn meal and it wasn't as good as oat meal pancakes. I'm going to try a different recipe. They're supposed to be really good and a staple of New England.
He knew they'd find him eventually and then he'd get Jonny Cakes killed I guess
They do look good:
I know I know, BwB is reddit, but the video is good
Wasn't it obvious? The moment he worked a real job. Counting the hours. I pissed myself that moment as I do the same fucking thing at work. Even studying the position of the sun, but keeping myself from looking at the watch.
SO it wasn't the fear that they would get him and kill Johnny. It was just that he loved the mob life more than anything, or at least couldn't go back living a "normal" life".
The moment I started to work like Vito, counting hours, I decided I will save up money and get the fuck out. Somewhere else.
Tell us more user, I want to get some inspiration
t. 30 yo who never had a real job
>Give me One-Thousand Dollars
Was Furio proto-Yang Gang?
>started raining in the show
>started raining here at the exact same time
Today has been too ducking comfy
Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while,
a great wind carries me across the sky.”
— Ojibwe saying
they did the same thing in that pine barrons episode, for some reason that really drove me nuts while watching the rest of the series
She's amazing but even moreso as a blonde.
For having such a graphic, brutal, and real rape scene, the story for that kind of went nowhere.
Kinda disappointing desu.
No education? No creative vision of your future? Well I can't help you in developing a creative vision for yourself although you should if you hate mundane jobs.
I never could invest myself in those jobs. Instead of having nonsense small talk with my co-workers who would gossip on your ass about information you feed them, I counted hours.
At some point I said to myself: I can't stay for months in one place doing the same job seeing the same people, so the idea came. I don't have any education beyond graduating school, my family is not really dependent on me, in as sense that their survival is dependent on me. My friends are a bunch of assholes who made great plans with me only to chicken out when things got serious. I realized nothing is holding me to anything and then I realized what kind of luxury that is. I enjoy nature and I enjoy stories and I thought to myself I rather become a vagabond and meet new people every day that would at least have something interesting to say sooner or later. I just want to feel free, my man. I'm young enough to do it so why not.
just like rape
It going nowhere was kind of the point. Melfi was mature enough to move on with her life and accept it rather than fantasizing about revenge or siccing Tony on the rapist. It's also interesting that her ex husband and son were the ones it had the most lingering effects on
Keeping laughing Ralph, you jew motherfucker.
i happen to know that you were holocaust denying at my mother-in-laws wake. you were talking for 20 minutes straight, nothing but antisemitism
I don't know, got a job coming up that pays reasonably well for non-skilled labor (3,000 euros/dollars a month) Not sure if I will grow bored with it really, stray jobs I picked up here and there never really got me watching the clock except for one desk job I had.
I just want to get some ideas like, move to some Asian country and start up some small business with money I saved up for a few years or something, my pension money will most likely be fucked but I guess I'll figure something out eventually.
Thinking about pulling the same shit user. Why not right?
I disagree.
Like a lot of stories in this show, it just felt incomplete and poorly thought-out.
She's Dominican!
Oh okay. I met someone at my last job I got fired from who told me you could live in china teaching kids German (are you German?) or English. You get a place to live and he got 3.500€ for it. I might end up in China too at some point but first I want to blow the money I saved on just chilling around. I'll go by bike so there will be enough time to get in the scenery.
There is no reason not to if you are in the same position as I am. Do it famalamama ding dong. And the sooner you save up the money the sooner you can go. I just get sick thinking about a 7 to 9 job or going to university. It's not my shtick. I don't judge people who do it, but I am not one of them.
I mean, not sure about China, I'd guess I would have to learn their language as well if I were to teach English right?
And I'm Swedish so I got a Germanic language if anything
word to the wise, remember pearl harbor!
>Claims he was talking for 20 minutes straight
>Actually only two minutes if that
Well at some point yes, if you wanted to go around. But to teach them you don't.
You both are kind of right. On the one hand the first user was right that she could move on with her life as opposed to Tony, who was still basically complaining about the same shit. But on the other hand the conflict of Melfis son and husband just stopped at some point. I don't even know if her son ever reappeared after that episode.
But then again, how many arcs you want to stuff into the series.
There are offers for Japan and Thailand too.
its heavily implied
How would one get in contact with the right people to start doing this anyway? I kinda wanted to go to Thailand and just live a comfy life, just need a bare minimum income basically
One thing that always got me was the relationship between Tony and Christopher. Sometimes it was implied that they were a "father-son" relationship, then other times, more of an uncle and nephew one, and then again in certain scenes, almost like they were brothers. Chris's actor was only 4 or 5 years younger than Tony as well. It's just weird that throughout the entire show it is heavily implied that he's supposed to be in his early/mid 20s, when the actor was 33 in season 1, and and in his 40s by the last season. Older than Tony was in the beginning seasons.
Yeah same. I’ve got a a little bit of money put back but I’ve got some legal issues to resolve before I can just say fuck it. I figure I might have to hack it maybe another year or so. Good luck tho user. Hope ya find whatever you’re looking for.
Well as I said I only plan to do this in the future if ever at all so I didn't really further inform myself. I guess googling your way through is what you want to be doing. I did see some offers on regular job search engines.
Don't worry about basic income, babe. That's the best thing about it, they give you a free place to crash and then proceed to stuff money in your ass just so you teach their kids English. For some reason they value it very highly.
Yeah I stayed a year longer than expected, as my sister got pregnant and I wanted to spend at least some time with the kid. So I'm almost done with my hacking of the year.
"don't you love me" gets me every time
Hey user, does the pool even exist?