Why do people get annoyed at the Disney produced female led movies like Force Awakens and Captain Marvel but not at...

Why do people get annoyed at the Disney produced female led movies like Force Awakens and Captain Marvel but not at others Wonder Woman or Alita?

Genuinely curious what the difference is? Are they more preachy, more overt, just worse films?

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Wonder Woman was genuinely terrible and I hate how it's now become a meme to pretend it's good just to be contrarian towards Captain Marvel.

Wonder Woman and Alita had actual character.

WW and alita are female characters done right
captain marvel and rey are roastie fantasies

>Why do people get annoyed at the Disney produced female led movies like Force Awakens and Captain Marvel but not at others Wonder Woman or Alita?
no one was annoyed. The lead actress of captian marvel just happens to be an insane person and clickbait headlines make things seem important and true. The only comfort I take is that this same type of GamerGate tier shit is what drove me from Yea Forums to pol in the first place and with great results.

because those 2 movies had a marketing campaign that consisted in bashing males while the others didn't?

Wonder Woman is an amazing film that is pure Kino and former Israeli model Gal Gadot is my favorite female actress.

So, annoyed with one system of irrational thought, you embraced another?

Wonder Woman and Alita are preexisting characters. Star Wars is all fanfic shit, so who cares anymore. This incarnation of Captain Marvel is like the fifth person to be Captain Marvel

I think this is the key. Any action movie or superhero protagonist that appeals to one gender entirely is boring. Same goes for boing masculine stereotypes like Dom Toretto. People like the FF movies but no one actually gives a shit about the characters. The protagonists that endure are the ones that are just interesting characters. Women can relate and enjoy good, engaging male characters like Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter the same way that guys can enjoy Furiosa and Ellen Ripley.

Captain Marvel and Rey are one-dimensional and boring. Their "strength" comes from un-earned physical dominance rather than finding true strength of character and embracing vulnerability.

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kill yourself

In terms of quality, they might be almost equivalent, but Wonder Woman wasn't nerfed for 85% of the movie. That alone puts Captain Marvel at a disadvantage.

Rey is literally overpowered and people always had problems with CM's character ever since Disney thought it was a good idea to make her marvel's WW.

I saw Wonder Woman for the first time yesterday. Aside from a couple of cringe moments, it was a perfectly fine, cohesive, non-preachy movie. It wasn't nearly as in your face "girl power", blah blah, as Captain Fungus.

I've noticed that there's an inherent discomfort with showing women suffer or be in pain in blockbuster movies. I think part of the reason female protagonists are difficult to make work is because there's something uncomfortable about watching a women get beat up and hurt, but it's also very hard to engage with and root for a lead who never suffers.

The ones that I think do work like Furiosa, Ripley, Sarah Connor, The Bride and Alita are the characters that are put through genuine hardship and manage to overcome it. Someone like Rey comes up against opposition, but she never really feels like she's properly disadvantaged. I don't really feel for Rey because I never see her hit a massive low point. I understand the trepidation about showing grim stuff happen to beautiful young women, but it's something we're going to have to get over if we're going to have more compelling female leads.

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Them having a vag wasn't the main point of the movie. Same issue with gay characters, if a character happens to be gay, no one gives a shit, if the entire character is based around we needed a faggot, like the new 52 allen scott, then its fucking obnoxious.

Captain Marvel has always been a forced and phony character. Beginning with the name.

Newnigger, people were shitting on WW here ever since it was announced. Even more so after gal was cast. Fuck off

The narrative that is pushed that men hate female characters is such bullshit. I can name a thousand female characters I like and only a handful I don't. It seems a lot of the ultra-left wing and ultra-feminists of the world just can't handle constructive criticism and need to paint people as rampant misogynists.

well for one thing WW and Alita weren't marketed in such an obvious and obnoxious way as the other two.
They were also mediocre movies that never tried to be more than that, where the other two clearly tried to build themselves up into some sort of cultural event and shield themselves from criticism because of their importance, when really they were just terrible movies with feminism slapped on hide the skidmarks.

That's a really good point. I think Wonder Woman was an important movie for a lot of girls and woman at the time but pretty much all the praise I heard of it came from fans.

I haven't heard anyone praising Captain Marvel except for the studio which makes it feel incredibly self serving and gross.

Honestly, because something about her is just ... off-putting. It's not just "smile, sweetheart," it's the inflection she always has. Like, "Oh, how interesting, you think it's appropriate for YOU to be shooting ME for a PROMOTIONAL shot? Fine! Fine. See this expression? This is me saying it's fine. Believe me, like, super-duper, it's all fine. Really take the fucking shot before I call my agent and threaten to pull out of the film again."

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I guess a lot of women feel that shit is empowering. This whole narrative of oppression, based on being told to smile, or getting cat-called or other trivial shit matters a whole lot to a lot of Western women, just look at any old Facebook feed last friday, the whole thing was loaded with nonsense like this:


I get that it's easy to paint all men with the same brush but it also really does start to put off the ones that agree with them.


People just discovered their med female fetish.

They aren't trying to compromise or even achieve results, people like her get more validation (and make more money) by shouting into the echochamber. Not that much different from what goes around here.

I think power has a lot to do with it. Wonder Woman is powerful but we knew even before going into her own movie she wasn't all powerful. Rey defeated Luke and Keylo Ren, twice. And when it comes to Captain Marvel people are terrified she will beat Thanos and that isn't bad because she's a woman (I doubt anyone but actual sexists would care if Nebula killed him) it's because it doesn't feel earned

>Wonder Woman
Characters in a lead role, doing things and overcoming obstacles while happening to be female.
>Captain Marvel
Women who do nothing but win and get emotionally validated

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>Why do people get annoyed at the Disney produced female led movies like Force Awakens and Captain Marvel but not at others Wonder Woman or Alita?

Because most people aren't actually mad about female leads. The thing that really gets people going is the obviously manufactured marketing hype surrounding certain movies with female leads that does nothing but exploit political agendas. Writers all over the place use FA and CM as little other than easy topics to write about to crank out another blog that they can sell to another online new outlet. Everyone recognizes it as pure cynical exploitation.

With Wonder Woman the hype from feminists was genuine because she is an actual feminist icon and has been for decades. Her comics used to top the charts in sales with millions of copies being sold each month and she was featured in several other team based comics where she was almost always one of the leading figures along side Batman and Superman. Notable issues go for tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars today. They are pop cultural artifacts. No sane person questioned the fact that her first theatrical release would be a long overdue installment in pop culture cinema.

the T-28 doesn't deserve that bullying, and is way to small

If it makes you feel better /k/ she doesn't actually throw the tank

Wonder Woman didn't demean her male side characters.
Her and Steve were treated as equals and they respected and complemented each other.

The Captain Marvel film has completely demystified and neutered Nick Fury.
Force Awakens/Last Jedi were even worse, refusing to show us the New Republic that our classic heroes built after the original trilogy and then destroyed it. And furthermore making Luke a depressed sarcastic failure with disdain for heroism and things we loved about the original films like his Lightsaber. Him demonizing the Jedi of the prequel era.

Anther good comparison would be the 2009 animated Wonder Woman movie which was good overall but made Trevor a frat boy dude bro to make Diana look better and above him. They even had him try and get Diana drunk and other weird shit like Diana teaching a little girl to stab her male friends just because they wouldn't let her play sword fighting.

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boy I could land a plane on that forehead

I would hope they didn't include a tank from 1932 in a WW1 era film

I think there's a line between "smile, honey" and "please show some fucking emotion, please, for fuck's sake we're promoting pineapples, at least look like you're enjoying having godlike powers."

Vroom vroom.

>And when it comes to Captain Marvel people are terrified she will beat Thanos and that isn't bad because she's a woman (I doubt anyone but actual sexists would care if Nebula killed him) it's because it doesn't feel earned
Exactly, I would be fully for Nebula killing him.

Honestly, I'd be okay with Nebula killing him. He replaced half of her innards with machines, then tortured her for weeks? Months?

He took half of her. It's time for Nebula to snap him.

There's a hate campaign against Disney because it's perceived to be a Jewish company.

because disney only knows how to do disney princesses.

Captain Marvel is not one of the more popular characters in the Marvel universe. This would have been another generic capeshit movie except that the lead actress comes off like an angry bitch both on and off screen. They could have suckered more people into seeing it if she had only kept her mouth shut. If she didn't have to be in the next movie, I wonder how fast they'd drop her?

Same story as Ghostbusters 2016, blame any problem the movie has on cringey incels instead of the lazy Stronk Wahmen pandering and bad casting. The difference is that people liked the original Ghostbusters but nobody, not even diehard comic geeks, can pretend to give a shit about Captain Marvel.

>The difference is that people liked the original Ghostbusters but nobody, not even diehard comic geeks, can pretend to give a shit about Captain Marvel.
I beg to differ. The male Captain Marvel's fine. The female butch super-dyke recasting is shit. So's the movie. Surprising.

None of the marketing bashed men. Brie’s comments were twisted all over. Man babies getting mad over nothing

Even Mar Vell was never a very popular character, but he at least had a following kind of like how Guardians of the Galaxy did. Carol Danvers is an absolute cipher because they keep rebooting her in a vain attempt to crystallize some kind of personality for her, which they never do. Every writer writes her with a different personality and none of them are good.

On the fucking money

The difference is Gal is cute and has great feet.

Because Alita and WW don't use gender as their sole defining character trait.

underrated post

5 star post. They think they can get away with shitty writing if they use current political bullshit as a shield and I hope they're proven wrong.

>but nobody, not even diehard comic geeks, can pretend to give a shit about Captain Marvel.
>Every writer writes her with a different personality and none of them are good.
Pic related run and characterization was good.

> Carol Danvers is an absolute cipher because they keep rebooting her
That only started once they did the Captain mantle. Her as Ms Marvel was decently consistent.

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I didn't consider this but I think you're right. Two lead characters in the same franchise. Anakin and Rey. I cannot imagine a scenario that could ever lead to Rey burning alive with her limbs cut off. It would just never happen. Even if for some reason she went evil and did all the same things he does, I just can't see them being that grotesque with her.

>jewish woman killing evil Nazis
Gee I wonder why this movie gets praised a lot

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I've watched only the Force Awakens of those and it was dumb but I can't imagine that the others have a lot of substance either.
I think it is mostly the absurd marketing campaigns that don't match the movie at all. It would be easier to accept that Rey is a bland one-dimensional character if we were not expected to think she is the most amazing character ever.

THIS. No one is complaining about women having leading roles in films or capeshit. Just do it have have the film shine on it's own merits. It's been done for a long time so all this is just manufactured controversy.

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Fuck off Brie.
And fix your toe.

Alita is much better.

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Partially agree in the sense the third act complete ruined the movie for me. Also ps2 CGI.

Absolutely not. If you can't tell a two bit con artist from one of your own, you really need to clean up your movement before you start 'suggesting' anything. But maybe you're just naive and don't understand the problem. Do you know why there's so many white male characters in video games? Especially leads? Because no one cares about them. A white male can be a lecherous drunk. A woman can't or it's sexist. Sexualizing women and what all. A white male can be a mentally disturbed soldier who's mind is unraveling as he walks through the hell of the modern battlefield. A woman can't or you're victimizing women and saying they're all crazy.

Consider Guybrush Threepwood, start of the Monkey Island series. He's weak, socially awkward, cowardly, kind of a nerd and generally the last person you'd think of to even cabin boy on a pirate ship, let alone captain one. He is abused, verbally and physically, mistreated, shunned, hated and generally made to feel unwanted.

Now let's say Guybrush was a girl. We'll call her Galbrush. Galbrush is weak, socially awkward, cowardly, kind of a nerd and generally the last person you'd think of to even cabin boy on a pirate ship, let alone captain one. She is abused, verbally and physically, mistreated, shunned, hated and generally made to feel unwanted.

Now, you might notice that I've given the exact same description to both of these characters. But here's where things deviate. While no one cares if Guybrush takes a pounding for being, for lack of a better term, less than ideal pirate, Galbrush will be presumed to be discriminated against because of her gender. In fact, every hardship she will endure, though exactly the same as the hardships Guybrush endured, will be considered misogyny, rather than someone being ill suited to their desired calling.

And that ending. She goes through ALL that trouble to help, let's call him Eli Marley, escape the evil clutches of the ghost piratess Le Chuck, it turns out he didn't even need her help and she even screwed up his plan to thwart Le Chuck. Why, it'd be a slap in the face to every woman who's ever picked up a controller. Not only is the protagonist inept, but apparently women make lousy villains too!

And that's why Guybrush exists and Galbrush doesn't. Men can be comically inept halfwits. Women can't. Men can be flawed, tragic human beings. Women can't. And why? Because every single female character reflects all women everywhere. The horrible truth ls you and Sarkeesian want to craft a box into which you can force every female character into. Some idiotic 'ideal'. Putting aside the stupidity of exchanging one unobtainable role model for women with another, this has the added problem of making all female characters exactly the same. And when all characters are exactly the same, that's boring And boring characters do not sell video games.

Rey’s existence/story shat on Luke
Captain Marvel’s actress shat on white males

Mostly because they are bad movies. Women don't even like CM

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Alright, let's compare them
> Wonder Woman and Alita focuses more on the character, story/plot and worldbuilding.
> While Captain Marvel (the character) stays the same throughout the movie. She was the same overpowered person at the end of the movie as she was in the beginning.
> Wonder Woman and Alita has personal struggles and flaws that make them human, thus relating themselves to the audience, which in turn makes us root for them to succeed and defeat their personal demons and struggles.
> Captain Marvel is a fucking Mary Sue.

TL;DR Wonder Woman and Alita are story-driven characters while Captain Marvel's story is gender-driven.

Simple yet effective answer: Gal Gadot and Alita's cute, strong and beautiful. Captain Marvel is a flat, fungus-toed overpowered block of wood.

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Rey and Captain Marvel have no personalities, Wonder Woman and Alita do. Why is that so hard to understand? People like humans who act like humans.

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>tfw you develop a tickle fetish

hmmmmmm, wonder why?

Are you ducking retarded?

How is it not obvious?

Well, Dysney till now made Mary Sues.
That is to say: they are intouchable, superior to the struggle, and gain unlimited power with little to no reason.

WW is not like that.
Yes, in the end you can see some Mary Sue bs, BUT she is human, she trained since she was a kid, and ( as a movie wiever ) you can almost phisically feel her struggle.
Everything that she earn, she figths for it.

AND the politics in WW are posed elegantly, while in Disney's movies they are SHOVED in your face.
That's retardation.
It's like using a sledge hammer to create a statue.
You see my point?
That's not art, that is hand fisted propaganda trown in your brain.

>Captain Marvel
People are annoyed at Brie Larson for being a gobshite and, as with Wonder Woman, annoyed at this weird revisionist "no female leads before this" thing but Gal Gadot isn't a gobshite so no one talked about it as much for that film.

>Star Wars
The "people don't like TLJ cause of the women" soundbite was entirely invented by the media. Again, people were annoyed at the "let's just forget Leia and Padme existed" revisionist shit as well as "Rey can do literally anything with no struggles and everyone loves her" AND TLJ was a fucking terrible film and the critics were pretending it was genius. TFA the media were not talking about sexism in the Star Wars fanbase, it was only when TLJ got bombed by fans they decided that was the reason.

WW is garbage, but I want Disney to fail. I'm willing to pretend it was not trash if it spells doom for the rotten leftist empire.

Gadot is a really bad actress, but whenever I see pictures of her behind the scenes it's a reminder that if you're likable, that's more important than being talented.


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Writing. It's literally that simple. It also helps that neither Alita nor Wonder Woman sucked their own dicks over how "brave and empowering" they are like they were the first movie with female leads.

I don't like it when a megacorporation artificially tries to create a cultural phenomenon. I don't like mannish, bitchy women with an attitude. I like women who are feminine yet still strong.
Also it really turns me off when the actors and creators of movie shittalk me and virtue signal for 2 years before release and then call me a manchild for opting to avoid their movie.

It's not rocket surgery.

I think it's because Disney is a galatic super-corporation whose every single product is a focus tested, committee written, crowd pleasing consumerist, mass produced slog of generic, inoffensive garbage.

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>Yea Forums hated this film when it came out
>now Yea Forums loves it because Captain Marvel was shit and liking Wonder Woman and Alita means they can still be stealth misogynists.

what a bunch of hypocrites.. have sex.

>ywn be that kid

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The only difference between alita and capeshit is that the former doesn't have as many quips

>not liking Dom Toretto.
What a low test virgin. Have sex and a corona.

Have sex

What's the problem, /pol/?

DCucks on suicide control.

Yea Forums only hated Gal because she looked like hungry skellington

Only the last part of the movie is bad. Rest is perfectly fine
>bbbbbut I hate Gal

People had more of an issue with Finn than Rey before TFA released. After the film, people generally liked Finn but realized Rey was a pretty shit character. People had a fair number of issues with Wonder Woman before release, since she's kinda scrawny, and her performance in BvS wasn't great; people didn't come around until after the movie released where she was pretty decent overall, very likable, and aside from the third act, was a pretty good movie.

Finn in the advertising for TFA made him look as awful as possible
He ended up being pretty likable in the movie.
Wish the entire flick was Crazy Hot Shot Poe becoming friends with Janitor Finn and their crazy space adventure (and they end up meeting with Rey later on)