Was he incel?

Was he incel?

Attached: p-watchmen-billy-crudup.jpg (300x301, 27K)

no he had his own clone

Obviously a volcel

what a stupid question

Did you watch the film

He's volcel. He makes clones of himself to finger his wife so he can continue his research in peace.

i vividly remember him double or triple teaming his GF with his own clones.

Also does it make you a whore to take it in all holes from one guy at the same time

The thing is though, those aren't actually his bodies.
He doesn't have an actual physical presence, he only creates one to remain in some part human, it's more just a sock puppet he practices next level ventriloquism with.
So if he has no actual body, he can't have sex, only pretend he does.


t. alan moore

Did Rorshack have sex with anyone?

In theory couldn’t he have sex with his female clones?

He had a big swinging dick and a horny girlfriend are you fucking nuts?

With his mask, probably.

ewww ugh fuckin gross blech!

>can fill all of partner's holes at the same time
>dumped 30yr old hag gf for jailbait gf
>splats commies and wins vietnam
I'm thinking he's chad

No he was too smart for sex

If he was then she'd be incel inside.

Attached: Incel inside.png (870x1091, 351K)

>literally has sex on screen

Hiro please filter this shit word already, people have no idea what it means anymore.

That's the thing though, they're not his clones.
His "clones" having sex is like if a toy maker took his puppets and made them act out sex.

It was his clone not him

Dr. manhattan does have a body though it is created by his conscious. Its more like those dudes banging scarlet are parallel versions of his consciousness running as a hive mind. Like appendages of his mind.

But he does have a consistent physical presence because he started as a man and that's how his ego is used to operating, he could theoretically evolve beyond it but his default state is blue dicked man, that's how he revives himself, he built his nervous system, then muscles then flesh

He lost his virginity when he was still Jon Ostermman