>Movies where the villain wins
Movies where the villain wins
Um... Infinity War
Titanic...the iceberg wins
Captain MArvel...captain marvel wins
>Conning two naive morons out of their franchise and even their name
>Bad guy.
Morals have no place in capitalism. Whoever is smarter and more clever with always win.
this but unironically
Ray did nothing wrong
Straight Outta Compton
He just saw an excellent opportunity that the one brother was too naive, and the other too stubborn to understand. Also Croc had more drive than either of them. He literally didn’t nothing wrong.
those idiot brothers were their own villains
inb4 someone posts a world war 2 film and gets dozens of "based" replies
Literally anything directed by Michael Bay.
Founder is so fucking kino
When Michael Keaton auditioned for the role of Ray Kroc in "The Founder," he only had $13 dollars in his pocket. When the cast got their first paychecks, Laura Dern bought a solid marble headstone for her father's grave. Michael Keaton bought a hot dinner.
They should make more of these in the style of the Founder for other Fast food companies.
Imagine a Colonel Sanders/KFC one. There's a lot to work with there.
I could see them spinning this out into a whole cinematic universe. Someone should get on this.
*Batteries Not Included
Dude, he was coming off of Robocop, Birdman, and Spotlight. Now he's in Dumbo.
no need to be so anti-semitic
>eating pasta
anyone notice that all the floating blocks of ice in the ocean are jewish?
There were white people on that boat so the iceberg was the hero.
Based and truth pilled