Now this is creepy, because I definitely remember saying this line...

Now this is creepy, because I definitely remember saying this line. He said something like What if I told you none of this was real, or something like that.

Attached: 0122C0C9-7CC5-4825-B483-67AC1C127971.jpg (400x400, 122K)

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Memetic energy is an evil force

I think it was "I'm trying to tell you... when you're ready... you won't have to" when Neo asks if he can dodge bullets.

But yeah, there's some Berenstain bears shit going on here. Human memory is volatile and subject to manipulation.

He literally does say it

literally when?

You could always just watch the movie again doofus.

what if I told you the Matrix is shit and if you disagree you're probably a faggot

What if I sneed you

maybe he does say it in a trailer but it's not in the movie. maybe he says it in the movie. maybe he doesn't and the phrasing is different. I'm fine with any of these possibilities.

I just looked at a transcript, he doesn't actually say "What If I Told You."

He says the phrases "I told you I can only show you the door" and "What if you were unable to wake from that dream?" so I assume people just conflate the two

In the office escape scene, Morpheus says "when I tell you" when giving the escape advice
Neo asks "what are you trying to tell me" in the red dress scene
The movie has multiple 5 minutes long scenes of exposition dialogues where Morpheus is just the voice of authority explaining Plato's cave allegory to the normies with rhetorical questions, with a "you think this is real? it's not! gotcha" twist. Morpheus telling Neo to look at the red dress lady again, "You really think that's air" etc

he says it in the second one

>what if i told you that tomorrow the war could be over?

Not I told you
> Then tomorrow we may all be dead, but how would that be different from any other day? This is a war, and we are soldiers. Death can come for us at any time, in any place. Now consider the alternative. What if I am right? What if the prophecy is true? What if tomorrow the war could be over? Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that worth dying for?
Not that anybody remembers the sequels anyway

damn you're right. my mistake.

Forrest Gump never says "life is like a box of chocolates"

get out

Jaws never said "we're gonna need a bigger boat"

The opening of the Thing spoils the whole thing if you speak whatever language the other team they were rotating out with speaks

he says it in the trailer for Animatrix

Attached: the caption for this gif is wrong.gif (498x280, 732K)

bullshit, there's no animatrix trailer with morpheus voiceover
but there's the what if you were unable to wake from that dream in the matrix trailer
also that trailer is pure kino, to this day no blockbuster replicates the feeling of sheer originality and excitement

Did I ever tell you, you’re my herooo?