How did Eddie Murphy become such a box office draw in the 1980s?

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he was funny
had comedy special

Kikes wanted a marketable nigger to gullible audiences.

hello zoomer

>good at improv
>trade mark laugh
>well presented
>clean enough for the family

Literally box office gold. His stand up wasnt that bad back then either.

>clean enough for the family
His movies were pretty family friendly but he got shit for his dirty stand up act. According to Eddie he got a call from Cosby bitching at him about it

Because for a brief and glorious time, minority leads helped heal real cultural divides and bring people together. Hard to imagine in the age of us vs them, outrage culture and the oppression olympics.
And you know he was actually funny and talented

By being the funniest person in America. His comedy special is unrivaled

Charlie is pretty funny too

Pic related put him in the spotlight. Raw was a solid follow up. After that he flowed right into acting. If you haven't seen Delirious you have no idea how funny he was.

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>According to Eddie he got a call from Cosby bitching at him about it
that is real life comedy


>made kino
>literally banged traps

ahead of his time

a trail-blazer

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He single handedly saved SNL, to the point that NBC retooled SNL around him for about three seasons and allowed him to only do pre-recorded sketches for his last season due to how in-demand he was at the time.

then he had a bit about it during his stand up where he called richard pryor asking for advice
>if bill calls you again, tell him I said to suck MY dick

I paid about $200 for Delirious off of Ebay in 1999, as the backlash over the gay/AIDS jokes caused Murphy to refuse to reissue the special on VHS after it's first production run/refused to reissue it until 2009 for it's 25th Anniversary.


Murphy's entire fame is based as his status as savior of SNL.

Which makes Murphy's refusal to come back to SNL (save for a one-off joke he did in the 40th Anniversary special) all the more brazen in terms of Murphy not giving a fuck about playing nice with Lorne Michaels and his machine

how the fuck do people become funny and cool

>Do the people laugh? Do you get paid? Then tell Bill to have a coke and a smile and to shut the fuck up

combination of charisma and intelligence

He also made A E S T H E T I C music

Damned good agents

Yes goy, those buddy cop movies you were conditioned to like during your most impressionable years were depicting perfectly natural interracial pairings with no subversive intents whatsoever and definitely were not the early planted seeds of the tree you can see plainly today. After all, these respectable and amusing negroid characters you feel fond nostalgia for are just like they are in real life - loyal friends, devoted fathers and nonthreatening law defending members of society - and not completely fictitious lies! As a side note, the real bad guys in these movies were rightfully and quite often whites of Germanic descent, indeed the main criminal menace all over America, but this was purely a coincidence!

What do the architects of Murphy's success, Lorne Michaels, John Landis, Jerry Bruckheimer, Michael Eisner, Jeffrey Katzenberg all have in common?

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Do you feel silly knowing it's on Youtube in full now for free?

because he was fucking funny.
plus america wasn't all niggerd out like it is now.

Murphy came to power during the brief period Lorne wasn't in charge of the show. As such, he's totally 100% free from Lorne in terms of not owing his career to Lorne pulling strings for him/punishing him if he doesn't do the favors Lorne "requires" from those who's careers he launched.

Lorne had nothing to do with Murphy's success. Which is why Lorne is constantly shitting on Murphy for not running to do cameos on the show whenever Lorne demands him do so.

Fuck, if not for Murphy, Lorne would have already had erased all trace of the 1980-1986 seasons off the face of the earth. He's a living reminder that Dick Ebersol saved the show and ran it successfully after Lorne quit and that SNL doesn't need Lorne to survive no matter how hard Lorne screams otherwise

Show me a better stand up set than DELIRIOUS and RAW.

That was ages ago.

Delirium was King In Yellow type "lost media" for ages, in the late 80s and 90s/00s. Basically the funniest stand up special ever, but you had to pay out the ass (or have friends on the tape trading scene to make you a bootleg) if you wanted to watch it because it was not commercially available for over twenty years.

How come 80's, 90's were so diverse but every one pretends like people stopped being enslaved after the great war of 1999

Chapelle's Killing Them Softly comes close

Does SNL still launch careers? Pretty much every huge funny star from like the 70s to the 90s you hear got their start on SNL

I just want to let you know that I dig your King in Yellow reference.

Because no one talked about it back then. It's weird race seemingly stopped being an issue in mainstream society (outside of brief flashes like the Rodney King / OJ trial) until like the 2010s now it's treated like this novelty instead of blending in the background


hi zoomer

King in Yellow? Is that the R Kelly video that got him in trouble?

Nigger has never been funny. Not even once.


You need to be at least 18 years old to post here kid.


Most of Pryor's sets.




>On May 2, 1997, Murphy was stopped by police after having been observed picking up a transgender prostitute. The prostitute, Shalimar Seiuli, was arrested on an outstanding warrant for prostitution. Murphy was not arrested or charged and claimed he was just giving Seiuli a ride.[75][76]

Murphys star power was at its zenith with the nutty professor, a de idedly 90s flick. He almost made it, but then decided he was gonna get uppity.

>decided he was gonna get uppity.
how so?


Eddie Murphy is CANCELLED

But he fucked trannies, so does he get a free LGBT pass?

he was only giving her a ride


Didnt realize that you gotta maintain, thought he was hot shit as always, had a bit of success with doolittle but then basically became donkey and that was it. I dont remember murphy after that. He really thought it was all him and nobody helped along the way.

King In Yellow= a fictional play script that if read, drives a person insane, due to the red pills it contains about humanity and human nature.

In this case, Delirium red pills you on AIDS and homosexuals and how black people will never ever ever accept gays, no matter how hard SJWs try and push intersectionality (which is to say, that blacks and gays have no choice but to be allies because they are both oppressed and that they must aid each other with zero hesitation against whitey....)


you are dead wrong if you think people watched rush hour because of Chris tucker.
Rush Hour is Jackie Chankino.

>with no subversive intents
what fucking subversive intents did Rush Hour or Bad Boys have lmao

He was the funniest person on Saturday Night Live during his tenure there. His stand-up act "Delirious" was very funny although I suspect a lot of people would get upset at the routine nowadays. He then followed that up with two terrific movies: 48 HRS and Trading Places.

By the time Beverly Hills Cop came out, Murphy was no longer as funny for whatever reason.


It's pretty clear that they try and trap talented people into staying on the show for as long as possible, and so long that their star can become dim by the time their contract is up.

Eddie's success ushered in a provision that stipulates all major talent on SNL must perform for a minimum of 5 years before seeking other opportunities that might otherwise clash with shooting (harder than you might realize).

Apparently nowadays it's 6

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Why do yt people like Eddie Murphey so much I really don't understand. Like, I'm serious.

Chris Rock's Bring the Pain is a contender

>to replace stallone
well stallone made Cobra instead, and that's 10 ten times better than any BHC movie. so they made a good decision.


>King in Yellow
Someone once told me, "Time is a flat circle." Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again.

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Bee yourself