>sorry, but best I can do is $120
Sorry, but best I can do is $120
Would you take $199.99?
Doesn't he work there with his son?
>He didn't buy all those pokemon cards
yes his son but i cant remember his name
what about the two of us?
But it's made of solid gold and weighs more than an ounce. Gotta be, what? A thousand?
Yeah but I gotta smelt it and mold it into the dildo and that costs money. I'm running a business here.
what was his son's name
>camera zooms in
>extreme close up
>pans between the pair
Uggh im no expert lemmie call my man
what the fuck..
>"I'll just give my guy user a call. He's my expert on __________________"
Well Yea Forums?
So how 'bout 225? I mean, I must be brain damaged to in here and not in a real pawn shop or on ebay or some shit.
His name was Nate Higgers
tomacco seeds
too bad she got fired
fat hoss
Did this guy get fired from the show or something? I haven't seem him on recently.
what an underwhelming, average physique. remove the hipster glasses and tattoos and all you have is a dude with square jaw.
>hes an expert on _________
pretending hes an expert on things and giving your item lowball value so I can buy it cheaper
I have that lighter.
Sneed and cunnyposting
>yeah but I gotta sell it to an auction and then I gotta pay money to even sell the thing. There just isn't a market for used cumrags from the president
why did she get fired?
For being a whore I think, doing nude photoshoots. That sorta thing.
He got #MeToo'd
She wouldn't have sex wth fat fuck.
well somebody finally said it. i can leave this thread and go to bed now thanks bro
how much for these dubs?
Big fuck
Thought it was the Joe Rogan background and was wondering how the fuck I missed this
But it's a first edition Moby Dick