Sorry, but best I can do is $120

>sorry, but best I can do is $120

Attached: MV5BMTkwMDEyNjk4NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTUyMTM5OTE@._V1_.jpg (500x375, 27K)

Would you take $199.99?

Doesn't he work there with his son?

>He didn't buy all those pokemon cards

yes his son but i cant remember his name

what about the two of us?

Attached: you just know chunk.jpg (1222x815, 275K)

But it's made of solid gold and weighs more than an ounce. Gotta be, what? A thousand?

Yeah but I gotta smelt it and mold it into the dildo and that costs money. I'm running a business here.

what was his son's name

>camera zooms in
>extreme close up
>pans between the pair
Uggh im no expert lemmie call my man

what the fuck..

>"I'll just give my guy user a call. He's my expert on __________________"

Well Yea Forums?

Attached: rick-harrison-640x360.jpg (640x360, 23K)

So how 'bout 225? I mean, I must be brain damaged to in here and not in a real pawn shop or on ebay or some shit.

His name was Nate Higgers

tomacco seeds


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too bad she got fired

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fat hoss

Did this guy get fired from the show or something? I haven't seem him on recently.

Attached: oldguy.jpg (620x420, 107K)

what an underwhelming, average physique. remove the hipster glasses and tattoos and all you have is a dude with square jaw.

Attached: 1552011466376.jpg (486x412, 32K)

>hes an expert on _________
pretending hes an expert on things and giving your item lowball value so I can buy it cheaper


I have that lighter.

Sneed and cunnyposting

>yeah but I gotta sell it to an auction and then I gotta pay money to even sell the thing. There just isn't a market for used cumrags from the president

why did she get fired?

For being a whore I think, doing nude photoshoots. That sorta thing.

He got #MeToo'd

She wouldn't have sex wth fat fuck.

well somebody finally said it. i can leave this thread and go to bed now thanks bro

Attached: man on the moon.gif (640x273, 2.86M)

how much for these dubs?

Big fuck

Thought it was the Joe Rogan background and was wondering how the fuck I missed this

But it's a first edition Moby Dick