Well I just wasted 2 hours of my life

Well I just wasted 2 hours of my life

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its one of the top 3 marvel movies easily

Digits confirm Thor is a time waster. Blessed user BTFO MOUSYSHILLS

Spiderman 2
Iron Man 1
Thor Ragnarock

>Well I just wasted 2 hours of my life
That's what your mother said after she gave birth to you, faggot.

*throws a thousand knives at u*
you know, because that's literally all Hela does

Is that some sort of accomplishment

I enjoyed it.

please dont count the raimi spiderman to marvel trash

Iron man 1
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers IW

Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Thor Ragnarok

movie was kino you fucking pleb

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Ant Man
Thor 3
Captain Marvel
Runner up: Homecoming

I like the jokey Marvel movies, but not the quippy ones

EDIT: Black Panther was also pretty good

i enjoyed it. it was ironically fun.

Captain Marvel felt like 10 hours to me.

It was manly kino like Aquaman, you have shit taste, dude. Ultra Instinct Thor was cool as fuck.

Like the problem I found was that it was just too jokey and instead rolling with its stupidity and being awesome and campy they just tell jokes that completely halt the film. Also Hela as a villain is underwhelming. Like she can just BTFO armies with ease singlehandedly but that's kinda lame imo. The more badass thing would be her marching on Asgard commanding her undead army and just seize control like that and prepare to conquer the cosmos. Unironically Aquaman is a much better romp than this.

No, it's easily in the bottom three, only MCU films worse than Ragnarok are Iron Man 2 and Captain Marvel

>cucked Thor with 50% black Asgard, blackwashed Heimdal and blackwashed Valkyrie played by the hypocrite black supremacist Tessa Thompson

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Disney turned Ragnarok into a 2 hour comedy

*cough* better than black panther *cough*

you guys also forgot Logan, fuckos

>please dont count the raimi spiderman to marvel trash


>isn't funny

the extinction of a whole race is a joke to Kevin Feige
This is one of the worst MCU movies for me, because they distorting and disrespecting a whole concept

Logan isn't MCU