EPISODE IX Footage Description

From Disney's shareholders meeting.

>A blockade runner in an abandoned hangar.

>Rey in an alien marketplace on a sand planet.

>Finn inside an empty ship.

>Maskless Kylo in a white room, gazing at Vader's helmet.

>Stormtrooper blown back by an explosion.

>Lando walking into a room.

>Rey wielding Chewie's bowcaster.

>Rey, Finn and Poe in the Millennium Falcon's cockpit alongside an unknown character.


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Nobody cares. Revenge of the Sith was years ago. We don't need a bunch of fanfiction. The saga is complete.

i didn´t know they show movies to the shareholders

Star Wars was intended to be a fairy tale for children but nerdy clueless geeks with wanderlust fell in love with a character they could pretend to be. Leaving a boring life and having adventures with a weird alien and a hot chick. That's why it was cool.

But 40 years later these same geeks are older and yet never grew up. Still in space fantasy land. So sad but understandable since the world kind of sucks

But whats sadder is a jewish mongrel taking their toys and telling them it doesn't belong to them and HIS way will be the new terms of enjoying that fantasy. Then a man hating spiteful woman gives this thing to a pudgy, unimaginative asshat who hates seeing things break down because he never aspired to be anything besides a less than mediocre slime and HE makes it something awful and declares it new and bold and any objectors are terrible people who never really cared what it was anyways and that they are childish for holding this thing for so long. Then the man hater tells Jewish mongrel to fix the slimes mess

>>Stormtrooper blown back by an explosion
Jj really over used that in tfa
Fuck nu wars

>again the vader fetich

Did not Kylo just get over with that?

>Nobody cares
>first post in a sw thread
every time

It's back on now that Snoke is no longer around to bully him about it.

>A blockade runner in an abandoned hangar


gyno goblin was a mistake

You mean Rey's Bowcaster.

>kids grow up and become adults

You really are a genius.


O shit...The truth...

>Maskless Kylo in a white room, gazing at Vader's helmet.

So its confirmed shit then. What a fag.

>Lando walking into a room.

Unless he proceeds to kill Rey, pick up her lightsaber, grab kylo, and spank him with it, the movie will be shit. Then you realize that Finn is actually Lando's son who was kidnapped by the first order as a child. Now that the emo fag and the Mary Sue are dead, they bond as father and son and live happily ever after.

This could be fucking describing TFA for all we know. It had all these scenes.

>defending Finn
Nigger detected.

>Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars
I was with you until this, but then I realized you're just a media copying brainlet. KK ruined Star Wars by not planning out the new trilogy and inserting her dumb politics, and JJ helped. Rian only dug the hole a little deeper.

Rey should be a nudist

This is spot on.

Star Wars is a story for kids and it's sad that so many people try and cling so desperately to it in adult life. Even if it's pathetic, at least it's wholesome. At least they've clung on to a story that is inspiring, well made and with good moral values.

What is truely shit is that someone would come along all these years later and recklessly try and tear all that down. JJ, Rian and Kathleen need to realise that what made these movies so enduring were the feelings it inspired in the audience. It's not the ships or the lightsabers or the effects. They've held onto entirely the wrong parts of the saga and let go of everything that made it timeless and unique. The Last Jedi and Force Awakens suck because they're not about anything. What little substance they have is entirely related and indebted to the other films in the saga, they have NOTHING of their own to contribute.

For all their flaws, the OT and the PT will stand the test of time. The ST will age like milk in the sun, because of how incredibly hollow and devoid of meaning it is.

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>General Grievous awkwardly photoshopped in

I can forgive Jar Jar and Yoda. But not Grievous.

>KK ruined Star Wars by not planning out the new trilogy and inserting her dumb politics

What politics are you referring to? The Star Wars films have always had political undertones (shit, overtones at times). I'm just curious which parts you think were overly politicised and inappropriate to include?

>PT stand the test of time

No way. George Lucas made it far too stilted and inhuman, and decisions like Padme dying made absolutely no sense in relation to the Original Trilogy.


The prequels are still loved and discussed daily 20 years later.

Hmm gee, I dunno, let me think about that one...

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The only people who love the prequels are those who were extremely young children when they came out. Lucas was terrible at directing human interactions and creating dialogue that wasn't stilted. The character most harmed was Anakin Skywalker, the one who most needed to not be botched for the prequels to be good. Lucas also did a poor job of making the Jedi actually seemed flawed or misguided; they were too logical, understanding, calm, thorough, and sympathetic in their treatment of Anakin. As a result Anakin was a wooden, vapid douche who hated the objective good guys.

Also, Attack of the Clones was mostly a filler movie that was so forgettable its only two relevant scenes are hardly remembered by anyone.

They're only just better in the rear view mirror when driving through this new trilogy. Force Awakens is definitely worse than Phantom Menace in hindsight. PM was at least ORIGINAL and not a rehash of ep. 4.

Rey was the first of their many bad decisions. A male protagonist with a female supporting protagonist was needed. Almost like..... Jacen and Jaina Solo, or something like that. PT having anakin was actually good even with Hayden when compared to the endometriosis tentacle monster.

He's still going this asshole

sounds like the force awakens 2: lando edition

I wouldn’t mind forcing down the second one from the left if you know what I’m getting at here haha

What's the issue here?

Dun dun dun

Though, I do delight in how utterly they fucked up their expensive fan fiction.

>They're only just better in the rear view mirror when driving through this new trilogy.

Pretty much. People are making excuses for the PT even though it was the terrible extra trilogy of its day. Where the Sequel Trilogy ruined Luke, the Prequel Trilogy ruined Anakin and the dignity and mystique of the time before the OT.

This is now a KotOR thread

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this is more kino than anything in the original trilogy and anything in the sequels.

Can't wait for the GoT guys to rape this

i'm hoping for a backlash to s8 and their trilogy getting canceled as a result, personally

>they were too logical, understanding, calm, thorough, and sympathetic in their treatment of Anakin

t. roastie

This is one of the most emotional and heartfelt scenes in any blockbuster. I'm not angry that the new movies never reached the heights of this, because not much could desu. I'm annoyed that they didn't even try.

Star Wars is one of the few franchises that doesn't need to play it safe. There's such a massive inbuilt audience that you can do new things and get away with bolder stuff. Such a waste that they didn't take advantage of that at all.

>this is more kino than anything in the original trilogy

No way in Hell. Even if that scene is good, it can't surpass the best the OT has to offer. One transitional scene doesn't carry an entire trilogy either.

>Disney wants strong females
>brought back Thrawn so okay with bringing back EU characters
>no Mara Jade

>Lucas also did a poor job of making the Jedi actually seemed flawed or misguided

I don't buy into this. The Jedi were the good guys, and weren't really all that flawed or misguided. He's stoic and kind of an asshole but even the super rigid ones like Mace Windu had good intentions and good morals. Their downfall was exactly what you said, that their kindness and sympathy with Anakin was taken advantage of. I don't think it was ever the intention to show them as flawed.

Idk why people say that all the time.

It's so weird that they failed to realize they already had an excellent female character in Leia.

Like Han, she just became a caricature of her former self. Although I suppose that isn't so bad considering that the alternative is becoming a bastardised and unfaithful version like Luke.

>Lucas also did a poor job of making the Jedi actually seemed flawed or misguided
Even in EP1, they kept on doubting Qui-Gonn who was right about everything
>Sith are back
>The council disagrees
>Okay they are back
>This boy Anakin is the chosen one
>The council still disagrees
>Okay, he was right

Find me anything in the nu trilogy that compares to this. We all know the OT was well directed but the PT had it's moments, that cinematography, that score kicking in at just the right momen: youtube.com/watch?v=NH5y7WW0UYE

If you want a story for post ep 6 then it would be a basic happily ever after scenario.

>>This boy Anakin is the chosen one
>>The council still disagrees

They never disagree about that. Yoda just predicts great danger in his training and doesn't want to take him on. Maybe it would have been a good decision considering what happened, we'll never know.

Revan will be a disabled black transwoman and it will make perfect sense because (s)he's a blank slate.
Exile, Atris and Handmaiden will be lesbians, too.

They did disagree on it. Qui-Gonn argued he has lots of midis => he should be trained. They said no until after he died. It's no wonder the guy they rejected, who was right in the end, taught them to do force ghosts. He thought in unorthodox ways everyone else rejected & came up with solutions nobody else could.

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It ain't fair bros, we should have gotten Lucas' trilogy where he was going to expand the mythos and actually make progress in the story instead of the rehashed garbage we got.

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> Qui-Gonn argued he has lots of midis => he should be trained.

Power levels aren't aren't the best reason to train someone. Yoda was right that Anakin was too old to be taught in the Jedi manner. Once Qui-Gon died the chance of a well-balanced Anakin was up a creek, even with Obi-Wan's best efforts to train him.

We've only got ourselves to blame. The fans pushed back so hard against Lucas's vision that he gave up directing for good. I'm glad the prequels are getting some recognition now for being unique and passionate stories (if not flawed ones), but I think it's too late for the future of the saga

As long as they keep to the agenda.

It's ok bro we got 6 movies that tell a complete story. There is no need for any more.

I wonder if they'll separate the white male guests at the new Star Wars Disney park section so they'll only be able to ride in the imperial/Last Order ships?

In a time where the Sith were out there, it was a decent reason. Better claim this boy before the Sith do. Their problem was that the Sith had already infiltrated politics. The force being strong in someone is a great sign that the force had chosen them.

And had they allowed Anakin to be trained by Qui-Gonn, it's possible that had Qui-Gonn survived, things would have been much better. Those Jedi teachings had their role in making Anakin fall.

>whats the issue here

The climax of Return of the Jedi probably most powerful moment I've seen in a blockbuster film. The prequels are the tragedy of Anakin, the original trilogy is the rise of Luke, and when those two stories meet in the Emperors throne room, it is pure magic. The moment Luke throws his lightsaber down and refuses to kill Darth Vader is transcendental and inspirational. It is the grand finale of a franchise renowned for exciting action scenes and at the most crucial moment the hero rejects violence and refuses to fight the 'villain'. Instead he insists that it is not to late for him to be saved, despite being warned otherwise by his mentors and that 'villain' himself. That is bold. That is what these films are about.

This film ends the saga on such a perfect note of unity, peace and love that nothing that comes after it really matters. The story of Luke and Anakin Skywalker, the story of Star Wars, has been told. And it can't be tarnished by anyone.

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Kreia is a better character than any from the sequels. Prove me wrong.

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based. Don't need anymore REMEMBER THE FALCON AND THE BOWCASTER???????

The prequels were good becasue they didn't do any of that bullshit.

those jugs on second from the left though
bet she's a total sub too

Don't make excuses for the PT, it was mostly bad. That said, it at least had some potential to have been much improved if the production crews and the cast had the same backbones and outspokenness as the OT had behind the scenes. Unfortunately, it was uncertain if such an environment could even be created again with Lucas at the helm, so even a Lucas-led sequel trilogy might have been terrible. Even with the original trio on this hypothetical set, the production end of things might have suffered from the same "yes man" syndrome that hurt the prequels.

>Padme dying made absolutely no sense in relation to the Original Trilogy.
Luke and Leia being adopted and hidden from Anakin makes a bit of sense in relation Original Trilogy. Fearing her death and emperor giving false impression that she died was the final moment that turned Anakin into Darth Vader.
Jedi had become so dogmatic in regards to their doctrine that their own actions could be played against their goals, even if their intentions were good. Just entire Republic, Jedi had become incompetent as hell.

This. It's quite popular theses days to shit all over the PT, but they do have the best emotional moments of any movies.


>the cast had the same backbones and outspokenness as the OT had behind the scenes
They did. Leeson, Jackson, they all had their inputs. Lots of the guys said things.

> a space cat barfs up Vader's lightsaber....

>Rey wielding Chewie's bowcaster
Jesus Christ, seriously? She has to do everything better than everyone, even the Wookie shit?

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the original expanded universe novels are good

fuck Disney, if I have to pick between those and Mary Sue adventures, Im picking the novels as canon

Shit, mean to post this one


>Luke and Leia being adopted and hidden from Anakin makes a bit of sense in relation Original Trilogy. Fearing her death and emperor giving false impression that she died was the final moment that turned Anakin into Darth Vader.

That part was fine, but not Padme dying. The OT made it clear that Leia was actually raised by Padme for a time, who later died for unknown reasons. Her murky memories were those of an actual child, not some Force memory of someone who died within a minute of Leia being born.

Speaking of which, in Revenge of the Sith Anakin's fall to the Dark Side was too accelerated. He goes from collapsing and crying over what he did to Mace Windu to willfully slaughtering children (and only the children at that) then force-choking his pregnant wife within 24 hours. That was just too silly whether or not Palpatine was smart and powerful.

It's also a repeat of Han using it in TFA. JJ is recycling his own ideas.

Explain this

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Based, JJ was a terrible pick for director, that much was obvious from nutrek.

There is a difference between the fall of a democracy in the name of preserving democracy and MUH STRONK WAMMEN

>He goes from collapsing and crying over what he did to Mace Windu to willfully slaughtering children (and only the children at that) then force-choking his pregnant wife within 24 hours.
Not that guy but he's been struggling with the dark side and slaughtering sand people for a while. All this was is the final push off the deep end.

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

Funny thing, the sequels are anti-democracy. The sequel trilogy makes the the Alliance pure garbage.

Because the New Republic that the Alliance built? It refused to recognize the need of a free state to defend itself via a military force. Not even a standing army -- a military force AT ALL, standing or otherwise.

See, the prequels depicted representative democracy as a force for good easily corrupted by other interests but still the least bad form of government.

The sequels and the sequel-related EU portray representative democracy as a completely ineffectual power without even the temerity to defend itself, annihilated by fascism at the push of a button. Said fascism can then only be opposed by a militant force that operates on strictly authoritarian rules of its own, where disobeying rank makes you wrong even if you were tactically correct and any officer above your pay grade has the right to yank your chain as much as they want and still be hailed as a hero.

To be more direct with what I mean -- the sequel trilogy is NOT pro-democracy and is NOT pro-republic. Its political messaging is entirely totalitarian. The galaxy will either accept the burgeoning fascism of the First Order or whatever alternative the Resistance offers (which will, given Lucasfilm's known political leanings, likely be communist). The core message of the sequels is that democracy accomplishes NOTHING USEFUL, EVER, and violence is not the last resort of patriots defending liberalism but is simply the only true form of power or influence that will ever exist anywhere.

Not a major gripe but I preferred old Anakin to young Anakin as a force ghost. I get why Lucas chose to change it but seeing Vader how he would've looked like as a middle aged Jedi was more interesting for me. Perfect ending to the saga though.

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>original movies happen
>establish a definitive world and characters
>prequels happen
>adds more to the world and characters
>actually takes the title of the "chosen one" from Luke but does it in a way that adds to the story
>sequels come out
>dont establish characters well and just constantly reuse previous material that don't enrich the world
Can't tell if it's Abrams or Disney

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We didnt need Revenge of the Sith either, nor did anyone want it - or any of the prequels.

When will prequel fans realize that the films they defend are as shitty as anything Disney has done? I dont get it. Star Wars stopped being kino after 1997.

>Star Wars stopped being kino after 1997

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Based and well said


It’s definitely more Lucasfilm but Disney was high off mcu success and thought they could do no wrong, worked for a few movies but yanked by solo and they got annoyed

I liked some of the special edition changes but that one was awful.

I'm sure their pro-authoritarian message (it's ok when WE do it!)
is going to come to a head in epix.

>Star Wars stopped being kino after 1997.
I've heard some stupid opinions but this one takes the cake.

This. They're so backwards with their political messaging it's only quite distressing.

There's an entire subplot with Poe in TLJ that boils down to "Don't ever question authority, just do exactly what you're told even if you believe it is wrong and will result in death". If these movies really are for children (and they should be) what kind of awful message is that to send? It's not just bad storytelling, it's irresponsible and damaging.

There's struggling with the Dark Side and then there's jumping off a cliff with a jetpack pointed downward because gravity can't make you fall fast enough.

>There's struggling with the Dark Side and then there's jumping off a cliff with a jetpack pointed downward because gravity can't make you fall fast enough.
>there's a difference

I agree. Reminds me of an interview George did where he said after Star Wars came out and was a huge hit, studios finally started taking sci-fi seriously. But then all they focused on were spaceships and laserguns. SW is so much more than just what you see on the surface, and that's why all those movies back then that tried aping off SW's success failed, and why Disney Wars sucks.

>I've heard some stupid opinions but this one takes the cake

There have been no kino Star Wars movies after the original trilogy. This is a fact. No film in the prequels or from Disney has matched even the worst if the original trilogy (return of the jedi).

Face it. You prequel morons and Disney morons are a in the same boat - you all like shit star wars. You're all equal.

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>Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you.
Why couldn't Rian have subverted expectations like this?

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>Face it. You prequel morons and Disney morons are a in the same boat - you all like shit star wars. You're all equal.
Enjoying the passion project of the auteur creator of the entire franchise is entirely different from enjoying corporate shlock.

This was the worst change Lucas ever did by far. Old Anakin was a necessity because it showed the man as he could have been, what he should have been if he didn't fall to the Dark Side, and as a fitting parallel to the burned and mutilated appearance he had in his death scene. It also made sense with Obi-Wan and Yoda retaining their age, not to mention that Anakin was technically always alive inside Vader, that he was always Vader, because that's why Luke was able to save him in the first place. Additionally, the prequel's depiction of Anakin was so utterly unworthy of the robes of a master that such a sight feels wrong even coming from the prequels, let alone the Original Trilogy.

If the Dark Side was that ridiculous it would never have been as threatening to a good person.

>Exile, Atris and Handmaiden will be lesbians, too.
This is already my headcanon

In the OT, the Empire’s designs were dorectly lifted from right wing military fashion. That was about as far it went then.

In the PT, the fraudulent Clone Wars, where Palpatine secretly controls both sides, was rather bluntly made into an allegory for the Iraq War. The emergency powers=the Patriot Act

The ST is far more political than either, brngng racism, sexism, and specism into the universe.

Based, redpilled, and high-iq

OT: space operas, rewatchable every month
PT: regular movies, somewhat rewatchable after 5 years or more, you know, like movies
DisneyT: not watchable, terrible fan-made movies from early youtube

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His passion project was Lucasfilm corporate schlock to the extreme. He took his worst impulses from Return of the Jedi (creating characters and storylines to further toy sales) to the next level when he made the prequels. By the time the prequels came around Lucas had already been obsessed with merchandising for 13 years. When Episide 1 came out the market was flooded with all sorts of merchandise from action figures to coffee mugs. Lines formed around the block weeks before the movie opened so people could buy the toys.

The purest Star Wars films are A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. The beginning of the end was ROTJ.

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>If the Dark Side was that ridiculous it would never have been as threatening to a good person.
It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.

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A good person with good motives can be made to do terrible things to reach their goals.

that shit wasn't passionate lmao

That was by far one of the worst changes. It kinda reminds me of this youtube lolcow who kept prodding his audience because he could, ultimately destroying his reputation.
I get that Lucas feels the need to show that this is his franchise, but at some point, he should have acknowledged how this would change public opinion, destroying a lot of the good will of the fan base.

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I remember a time when such images were enough to entice my interest. And that time passed long ago.

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This kind of makes sense. Kylo was just being a wishy washy loser who gave into Snoke's bitching. When Kylo's half-baked plan to "kill the past" fell through, he went right back to manchild mode dialed up to 11.

But not so drastically in so little time, and not from a moment where they realized they messed up in a big way. It felt like Anakin was an idiot far more than the Dark Side was formidable. It also felt highly rushed, as if the trilogy as a whole mismanaged its time and had to scramble to the ending.

On a different note, while I was impressed that there was an actual lightsaber swing and logic to Obi-Wan cutting off Anakin's limbs, the shot is so rushed, zoomed in, and off-kilter that nobody watching the film in theaters could make sense of how the hell Obi-Wan did that. I had to slow down the scene frame-by-frame and watch it a few times to make sense of how that worked. Obi-Wan could have been standing on an actual mountain and that dismemberment still would have befuddled audiences.


>The purest Star Wars films are A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.
Of course, since he was unknown young director then and just starting out. But there was still an innocence in the prequels. There was no agenda behind them, the merchandise was there because Star Wars was massive and capitalism happens. Jar Jar came into being because Lucas genuinely wanted a CGI character who had a personality, not just some background decoration. All of Lucas' intentions were pure, his execution was not perfect but we can't deny that the man tried. Nu wars, on the other hand, was devised explicitly to maximize profits by playing it safe and appealing to a nostalgic fanbase who didn't appreciate how ambitious the prequels got.

>a little deeper
He split the fandom in half. The three other Disney Wars movies ran from serviceable to unapologetic plagiarism, so even KK's retardation in of itself wasn't enough to sink the franchise.

>You prequel morons and Disney morons are a in the same boat - you all like shit star wars. You're all equal.

One thing for the prequels, which I don't like, is that at least the effort was made to integrate them into the existing story framework that had been built up since 1977. It made them not stand out as much; made the shitty films a little easier to bear.
The novel Revenge of the Sith actually makes the film bearable because you don't have the shitty acting, script and direction.

There were comics, games and novels and short stories and cartoons, all being woven into an existing framework. This new stuff fucked up big time destroying all of that. Now all they have is cuck wendig lmao

People who like the PT are generally that way only because they grew up with the fuckton of merchandise that surrounded it.

I don't know why the normies jumped on the Last Jedi hate bandwagon when Force Awakens set the stage for a shit trilogy and killed off Han in the dumbest way ever. My disappointment was already there after TFA, TLJ was just the final blow for me.

I still can't believe they let Wendig kick off/poison the post-Endor EU. Durr hurr the Empire is handily defeated within one year and tranny space pirates hijack super star destroyers FUCK OFF.

>But not so drastically in so little time
He had an entire life of it. And what life did he have left? Go to the jedi, tell them he caused windu's death to save a sith? His jedi life was fucked beyond repair. He'd be permamently kicked out at best. He thought to preserve what little he had left like his wife.

At this point the only thing Star Wars related I care about is the announced final season of the clone wars and I'm sure Disney will manage to fuck it up

I can't even remember what my reaction was to the explanation they gave as to why the republic had no common defense or anything like that.
Weak ass piss shit.
>all armies and fleets disbanded "because"

What a ignorant line of logic. It's as of you think after the age of 18 or 19 that you can no longer enjoy things from your youth and have to just work and watch dramas or historical films. It's obvious to everyone that people like you have no joy in your life and actually tend to exert the type of behavior a teenager would by making fun of what others enjoy. You are a complete idiot if you really think studios make these movies just for kids, kids dont have the spending power to make a movie successful. If a movie cant be enjoyed by adults they won't take their kids to see them and the box office reflects that.

All of the scripts and story boarding is done for the final season, and there was all of the raw footage that they did complete before they pulled the plug. At worst, Disney can try to slip in a small reference to a rebel's character that could easily be ignored.

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>It's as of you think after the age of 18 or 19 that you can no longer enjoy things from your youth and have to just work and watch dramas or historical films.

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>The OT made it clear that Leia was actually raised by Padme for a time, who later died for unknown reasons.
Only in earlier script versions and novelization that isn't 100% canonical. Lucas by all means intended the Leia's comment about her mother to be about Padme, but film scene is vague enough for it to be about her adoptive mother.

>Speaking of which, in Revenge of the Sith Anakin's fall to the Dark Side was too accelerated.
Pic related. It was slightly more gradual transformation, but I agree that it should have been far more gradual.

>In the PT, the fraudulent Clone Wars, where Palpatine secretly controls both sides, was rather bluntly made into an allegory for the Iraq War. The emergency powers=the Patriot Act
Democracy and rule of law dies with thunderous applause, just like in Germany in 1930's and many other places prior to it.... like Rome for example.

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Oh shit I forgot that those were still laying around
Thank you user for giving me hope

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Unfortunately the actress had fried her brain and body after years of drug and alcohol abuse so they couldn’t really do anything with her other than go “yup, here’s fat Leia”.

>Durr hurr the Empire is handily defeated within one year
It's one of the things the EU did right, and well and as realistic as this shit can get.
It takes YEARS for the the remnant imperial forces to finally become a non-threat to the new republic. Fucking ages.
And they're a pain in the ass the whole fucking time too, which is to be expected of the largest war machine existent in the galaxy at the time, with or without a head of state there's enough high ranking officers to make enough independent warlords to keep everyone busy for a goodly while.
There's no reason they'd just roll over and give up all that power.

I like for example that Coruscant itself doesn't just become liberated overnight and becomes the NR HQ; there's a long an vicious fight just to get that one planet back.

Thanks for the quote

Ha ha actually Han fell into poverty after Leia was ousted from the New Republic and he was stabbed to death by his son over a religious dispute while Luke slowly rotted away on some island he left a map to but didn't want anyone to find because all of his Jedi students were slaughtered and he didn't save them and then Ackbar was shot out into space and died while Empire extremists and Supreme Emperor Leader Snoke re-conquered the galaxy but it's okay because Rey will fix everything and start a new and improved Jedi academy to make up for all of those incompetent failures that the original trilogy called 'heroes'. Whoops!

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Why would it be about her adoptive mother? Luke asked her about her real mother. He'd have no reason to ask about Organa's wife.

>Rey will fix everything and start a new and improved Jedi academy
>the New New Republic falls to yet another clone of Sheev’s empire
>the Jedi failure cycle continues forever
>the Empire will always survive in some shape or form
Sheev always wins baby

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She was lucid enough to say Rian was a prick. No one came close to Hamill in expressing displeasure with the sequels though.

The fact that the original Star Wars trilogy were escapist popcorn flicks with something deeper in those for adults or people that want to think about stuff is the reason Star Wars became cultural phenomenon it was until Disney bought Lucasfilm. Also enjoyable when you turn off your brain. Sequels are trash you might enjoy once if you are drunk or high and overwhelmed by effects and numbed mind.

Also when it comes to people obsessed about other people watching childish films and shows, they tend to be teenagers.

It was nice to refresh myself by watching those scenes too, because even in their rough form, they are still infinity better than anything that Disney has churned out.

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I hated TFA up front for wasting a third of the new trilogy on retreading old ground. People kept saying Disney needed to prove it could do Star Wars, but how the fuck does copy/pasting A New Hope prove anything? TFA bland and corporate as hell, but could still be redeemed if TLJ proved Empire-tier. Instead it revealed a level of swaggering incompetence I didn't think was possible. So now it's abundantly clear that without a major shake up at Lucasfilm, Star Wars can never be genuinely great again.

>but how the fuck does copy/pasting A New Hope prove anything
They proved they couldn't copy right. So many things ANH did right which TFA didn't. It was shameful.

And this is why the prequels will never tarnish the name of Star Wars in the same way that the sequels do. The prequels only tell a story surrounding events we already knew about. It didn't do it perfectly but at the end of the day it does not harm the saga, and if you edit the best parts together you get what you want from it, Anakin's fall and Vader's rise. But the sequels took all the efforts of the heroes in the original trilogy and flushed them down the fucking toilet. It was the biggest shit ever on the franchise. I don't mind the spin offs, Rogue One and Solo weren't great, but they didn't fuck with the overall arch too much. The sequel trilogy kills all hope though.

*all the accomplishments I should say

I think it was a combination of Mon Mothma wanting to court remaining pro-Imperial worlds being afraid of centralized power. I'd think a Cold War type escalation with the Imperial Remnant followed by a mutual disarmament treaty down the line would have made a lot more sense but who cares about that shit we need more gay people and space diapers.

based and sheevpilled

Does she know for sure? Are childhood memories reliable?

>We've only got ourselves to blame.
Speak for yourself reddit nigger. I never turned on george.

that “he was a good friend” line didn’t age too well. also midichlorians, also darth building 3po, also yoda knowing chewbacca.

The prequels did make Anakin into an insufferable chode when before he was said/implied to be a genuine Jedi and good person who fell to the Dark Side. They make the galaxy's view that the Jedi are ancient myths seem ridiculous too.

That said, they don't take the direct scuttling approach that the sequels do.

Speaking of the sequels, how did Anakin's lightsaber even get located again? That thing probably broke after falling from Cloud City. Its story ended when Anakin himself sliced off Luke's hand and sent it into the pit. Luke was ready for his own lightsaber at that point too; the lightsaber finished its dual path.


>also midichlorians, also darth building 3po

I forgot about those. Midichlorians are abysmal, and the droids being in the prequels and arbitrarily having their minds wiped was so pointlessly stupid and tacked on. Just invent new droids Lucas.

>TLJ was so bad it led to a HAN SOLO movie bombing
It won't happen but I hope IX flops too

Do you know how KK became the producer with great resume? She basically never worked with mediocre directors or there was also some other producers involved. Every director was either great or at least experienced run through the mill veteran. Sure some her movies may have bombed on box office, but always became profitable on secondary markets like home video or TV. She let for most parts everyone else to do what they liked. Including Rian and JJ.

>Rey wielding Chewie's bowcaster.
Isn't the bowcaster supposed to have a massive recoil and only wookiees or other similarly large beings can use it?

>also midichlorians
What did they do?

>the lightsaber finished its dual path
That's a story for another time. And then Rey and Kylo snapped in in half like quarreling children. After Luke tossed it over his shoulder in a HILARIOUS subversion of expectations, of course.
It makes me just as sad and angry as ever, though.

Not anymore it seems.

>Midichlorians are abysmal
Retarded redditfag detected

>"Lol the Force is just a bunch of germs and can be measured like DBZ scouter power levels but actually meant to be taken seriously."

Midichlorians blew.

Holy mother of based.

I will actually fight you on this. They actually are a good idea that was poorly explained. They are the mechanism that allows living beings to interact with the force. If George actually got to make his sequel trilogy, he would have gotten to clarify that misconception that the midichlorians were the force itself. That was why Anakin was so strongly connected to the force because he had a higher potential to use it.

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It wont get near a billion and that will be considered a flop. After that all star wars will move to disney flix

Checked and agreed

I always thought that the midichlorians just gathered where the Force was concentrated, instead of actually 'being' the Force.


>"Lol the Force is just a bunch of germs
Not that guy but where the hell did you get that from? No quote from the films supports this. Even the wikia mocks this in their article.

Han used it fine

I also forgot to say that George always had the idea for them, but didn't have a name for them. They were already a part of the Whills backstory. They were not conceived after the original trilogy was made.

>the Force is just a bunch of germs
>actual script says the midichlorians are just a bunch of organisms in your body that communicate with the Force
>explicitly addressing Force and midichlorians as separate

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Symbiotic microorganisms deciding your power level at birth is still a really bad decision and takes away from the mystical nature of the Force.

>Symbiotic microorganisms deciding your power level at birth
>power level at birth
>implying anakin as a child is stronger than yoda

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What's ironic about the whole Midichlorian thing is that it exposes so many memesters for what they are.
Anakin in TPM has more Midichlorians than Yoda, yet Yoda could still kick his ass, meaning that training and discipline is far more important.
Also the force was always biological, practically speaking. "The force is strong in my family."

That's equally as stupid and also pointless. Oh no you can't be Force sensitive, you need Force sensitive bugs in your cells instead. Fuck all that inner conflict crap, Vader is weaker than Anakin because he lost some of his bugs on Mustafar.

>Oh no you can't be Force sensitive, you need Force sensitive bugs in your cells instead
>you can't grab a bottle, you need your hand to grab a bottle
>describing the underlying mechanism

It decides maximum potential, a potential which anyone is far from guaranteed to reach. Next, the force always had its biological basis or biological components. Even in OT.

Lucas dropped midichlorians as soon as fans expressed a dislike for them. Lucas dropped Darth Jar Jar as soon as fans expressed a dislike for him. Lucas dropped the romance plot as soon as fans expressed a dislike for it.

The first movie would've sucked but Lucas has always listened to his fans, and always had them first and foremost on his mind when making the movies. One out of context quote from behind the scenes footage used by brainlet middle aged gen x wannabe directors showing Lucas expressing dismay he won't break the Titanic box office doesn't mean he's some heartless shekel obsessed businessman.

If Lucas were in charge of the sequels the first movie would've almost certainly sucked, but it wouldn't have been spiteful, and the rest of nuwars wouldn't be a giant leftwing fuck you to the fans.

I honestly think you could have done a sequel trilogy with none of the original characters at all, an entirely new cast and if they'd put some actual heart and soul into it, it would have been a raging success. I'm not saying I necessarily think that would have been the way to go, but I think the idea that people's love of star wars is attached to surface level things like the rebellion and the empire is dumb. I don't think it's really even the characters the people love, it's what the characters represent. All the stuff like x-wings and the costumes and stuff is just window dressing. I like Star Wars because when I watch A New Hope I feel inspired, not because it's got a death star and lightsabers.

The only filmmaker in the new era that's come remotely close is Gareth Edwards and even then, I don't think he quite nailed it. I think he just really understood the balance between nostalgia and innovation.

>your hand isn't part of the organism that is you
Try again. Despite literally all life creating the Force, it's only accessible via supah speshul magic symbiotic bugs? Fuck that shit right off.

What’s funny is that midichlorians is no different an explaination than the magic in Harry Potter. It’s genetic and there are power levels to it but no one gives a fuck. Put it in Star Wars and everyone freaks out. Jedi/Sith and wizards are the same concept.

This. The Force was always intended to have a material component, because Star Wars is all about hybridizing fantasy and scifi, and in scifi, "psychic powers" are material. It's also an implicit rejection of strict dualism, as part of the eastern aesthetics of the series: the material and the spiritual aren't the same but they echo each other. This is why Jedi meditate and practice complex techniques, why Sith inevitably ends up physically fucked up, and why he felt the need to include Midichlorians.

Reminder that Yoda straight up tells you in ESB that life created the Force, like some kind of galactic gestalt. It's not an external God

The Force, or at least the ability to use it, is clearly hereditary in the original trilogy, which means yes, it is passed on by something in your blood. Whether that's DNA or midichlorians, it really doesn't fucking matter. It's a non-issue. All they did was name it. Who cares?

In a way, it actually makes the force non-biological. It says that the body has a communicator to this mystical force & the strength of communicators are passed down, instead of the mystical force being passed through family.

It's literally the exact same idea as Rey's parentage reveal. Except that the version in KOTOR 2 actually had something to say about the conventions of storytelling and how if you defy those limitations, you can create truely bold and unique characters and stories.

The version in The Last Jedi is just subversion for the sake of it. The idea that she is a nobody from nowhere isn't bad, the problem is that they did nothing at all of interest with that idea.

Hamill is clearly pissed:

Hamill will only be appearing as a short force ghost cameo in Episode 9

>JJ Abrams calling anyone who did not like the Last Jedi to be sexist racists:

>JJ Abrams saying the Last Jedi complaints will not affect Episode 9. He also praised Episode 8's script saying he wishes he had directed it therefore he is following in Rian Johnson's vision:


>Oscar Isaac stating that Episode 9 is very improvised. JJ has given the actors their own decisions on how they want scenes to progress and he doesn't care about pleasing the fans and just wants to make a "fun" movie that isn't stressful with the lore:


Attached: Mark Hamill article.png (843x729, 732K)

>it's only accessible via supah speshul magic symbiotic bugs which all life have
>it's only accessible through this thing found in all life

All life has midichlorians. They made this clear. In it flat out says
>microscopic lifeform that reside within all living cells

I hope after Mark's contract is done, he lambasts Disney for what they did to him.

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Imagine how pissed off Anakin's fellow students were when they found out that no matter how hard they worked, no matter their level of enlightenment, they were doomed to plateau long before Anakin hit his max potential because he had more Force bugs. I wonder if they ever held him down and tried a forced blood transfusion to roid up on his extra midichlorians.

This movie is not made for fans

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They don’t see the whole thing as far as I’m aware
It’s a demo reel with some completed shots and producers talking about how excited they are

Christ it embarrasses me to be defending the prequels in a thread with retards like this. There's nothing really wrong with Midichlorians, specifically because they don't preclude anything like a "Buddhist Ronin" Jedi. Hell, if anything Qui-Gon is the closest fucking thing to a Buddhist Ronin in the entire fucking Lucas canon. He's the ideal Jedi and his death signals the beginning of the fall.

God damn contrarian brainlets are annoying.

>Lucas expressing dismay
Except he didn't, he just said tpm wasbt going to beat it because titanic was lightening in a bottle just like the original star wars.

>In the OT, the Empire’s designs were dorectly lifted from right wing military fashion. That was about as far it went then.

The entire original trilogy is a reaction to the Vietnam war. The Empire's aesthetic is taken from the Nazi's, yes. But I think it's quite clearly an allegory for the US at the time. America was becoming the evil empire

They wouldn't be because Jedi are taught to not be jealous. And Lucas himself said that Anakin didn't reach half his potential, being about 80% of the Emperor's power when he could have been at least 200%. Being trained all his life and fighting in wars didn't even make him as good as Yoda or the Emperor who had less than he had.

>Imagine how pissed off Anakin's fellow students were when they found out that no matter how hard they worked, no matter their level of enlightenment, they were doomed to plateau long before Anakin hit his max potential
They wouldn't be. Anakin's max potential was so high that he never reached it at the age of 25. Even with his max potential, he had his ass kicked by Obiwan. Technique & discipline > raw power.

>Force sensitivity = bugs is fine cause they're everywhere
Nope, still retarded. I like how it's never explained what exactly makes midichlorians Force sensitive themselves. Can't be too mystical because that's silly. How would we measure their Force potential? Maybe they have mini-midichlorians inside of them! Quick, fire up the centrifuge and haul out the Western blots.

*Even with his max reached potential, he had his ass kicked by Obiwan.
Meant that

>I like how it's never explained what exactly makes midichlorians Force sensitive themselves
>If soap cleans things, what cleans the soap?

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The Jedi were taught not to do a lot of things and still managed to treat Anakin like a freakish outsider constantly in the EU materials.

And if he'd maxed out his power, Obi-Wan could technique around and screech about the high ground all he wanted, Anakin would still always overpower him.

That's outright retarded, and you don't even seem to know the difference between microscopic things like mitochondrion in our cells and bugs. And nice "it's still retarded".

I thought that the OT Empire (functionally, anyway) was more like the British Empire in the revolutionary war, and it wasn't until later it became "it's Nazis just like everything else."

Equipment at the manufacturing plant purifies the soap before sale, dumbass.

George seemed to want to make them microorganism aliens or something which I guess could work

this is fiction, some guys can be stronger than others by blood or other name, what is the problem? harry potter had voldemort's soul just to give you an example.

I was being sarcastic, genius. And yes it's still retarded, and every time I bring up why Prequelfags can only duck the absolutes of the issue with "w-well Anakin never hit full power so it doesn't count!" as if that was a real answer.

Because now your maximum potential is no longer theoretically infinite (size matters not, etc). Now it's numbers-mean-everything.

>But the sequels took all the efforts of the heroes in the original trilogy and flushed them down the fucking toilet. It was the biggest shit ever on the franchise.

THIS. For as much as Force Awakens tries to circlejerk the OT, it doesn't seem to care much what actually happened in it.

Would have been kino if Padme survived and went into hiding on Alderaan, and unbeknownst to Vader was there when the Death Star would blast it

Treating someone who consistently shows signs of being brash, undisciplined and likewise unbecoming of a Jedi with caution still follows their rules. Jedi teach kids to not have attachments or jealousy at younger than 9. They wouldn't feel so unless outside intervention, like with Anakin, happened.

As someone who HATED the prequels when they came out and for most of my life, I think ultimately they stand tall as a 6/10 longform drama

>handmade soap
>What cleans the machine at the plant?
>What wets the water?
>user doesn't understand the regression problem he created by asking "what exactly makes midichlorians Force sensitive"


*Nobody cares. Return of the Jedi was years ago. We don't need a bunch of fanfiction. The saga is complete.

>Because now your maximum potential is no longer theoretically infinite
Because people are supposed to have an infinite lifespan to train for infinite potential? You also misunderstand size matters not as it means the Force's power and influence extends beyond physical limits people usually impose.

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And you fail to provide an argument. You just assert so. And I'm not even a prequelfag, more like EUfag, I'm just explaining that your headcanon is badly grounded.

ST doesn't care about anything. Every character besides Rey and Kylo (and maybe tumblr hair or Snoke) are comedic throw-aways with no value. Just look at Captain Phasma, who is everything they want - a strong female character played by an imposing big-name actress made out to be as tough and cool as possible. What do they do with her? beat her up and throw her out as a joke as they continue to install more original characters without ever stopping for any of them.

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Yeah fucking right, have you never noticed how often the Prequel Jedi violated their own rules against emotion? Obi-Wan gets fucking pissed, Master Jorus C'Baoth is the most arrogant motherfucker in the Galaxy, Mace Windu is always low grade pissed, and these are the goddamn adults. If you really think Anakin never had to deal with bullying or jealousy or annoyance from others then I guess you think he was the only non-robot of the bunch.

>And yes it's still retarded

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>I wonder if they ever held him down and tried a forced blood transfusion to roid up on his extra midichlorians.
Before ROTS came out, maybe just after TPM really, this was included in one of the fan theories nerds used to speculate on all over the web.

One that I remember particularly had Sidious and Palpatine being two separate characters (vat a tvist!), and the latter, still being a power hungry politician, eventually siphons off some of anakin's blood to become super force man himself, whilst sidious get killed or brushed aside in some hilariously bungling fashion after all his plans come to naught.

That, or Sidious used Anakin as a super doping blood bank.
Those were the days.
>*crack sip

I was pointing out how absurd it is to insert bugs that are mystically Force sensitive when you can just have people be mystically Force sensitive on their own. Also your soap example sucked so I mocked it accordingly.

Under extremely exceptional and completely corner-case circumstances. Obiwan was a young and inexperienced undergoing extreme events which no other jedi prior for centuries had. Windu used a specific lightsaber form that's infamous for its closeness to the dark side.

I hate how its cool to hate the prequels these days. When the movies came out most people liked them although they were far from masterpieces. Each one of those movies had a lot of excitement on release unlike most of the shit Disneys put out. TFA is the only one which had a bit of hype going into it.

>b-but training--
No, I have already been over this. And yeah thanks to midichlorians now there IS a hard physical limit.

This makes me quite sad. Poor Mark Hamill. He gave a really good performance in TLJ and I think with a better script he could have been in the Oscar talks. Same way Alec Guinness and Ian McKellen were for their similar wise master roles in fantasy movies. Shame he was given such shit to work with.

It's gotta really suck having one role be such a part of your identity and success and feeling a certain attachment to it, then not only seeing it be completely ruined before you eyes, but having to enact that ruining yourself. A special kind of torture, and the fact that he didn't openly trash the movie more during the press tour is admirable.

No, you didn't. You completely failed to show any ability to reason. You first strawman it as depicting it as bugs when it's as vital to life than any other organelle in cells. I say has a point. If you can ask what makes the midichlorians force sensitive, then why not ask what makes the person force sensitive in your postulated case where they're inherently so?


>No, I have already been over this.
No you haven't.

Exactly. People love the Old Republic games and those don't have any movie characters in them. I'm sure you could do a sequel trilogy set after the OT characters have died and people would still eat it up. All you need is a vision and passion and devotion to seeing that vision become a reality.

But it never was a numbers game prior to the prequels, the Sith made it a numbers game by making the Skywalkers. That was the whole point; the prophecy blinded the Jedi because they felt the need to fulfill it, when in reality, Anakin was destined to be their downfall. The Jedi's own pursuit of power was the mechanism that triggered their demise.
The true power of the force is metaphysical as stated by Qui Gon and Obi Wan. Besides, we will never know what the true full power of the Skywalkers will be because of the scraped trilogy where Luke could actually train possibly to his full potential which his father never could do.

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>No, I have already been over this
Where? I read your above replies. They're as logical as asking why didn't Qui-gonn rob Watto when Watto can call the Hutts on his ass.
>And yeah thanks to midichlorians now there IS a hard physical limit.
People die of old age, There's a physical hard limit regardless.

I give up. It's late and I am not staying up all night trying to argue with people who keep going back to the same weasel arguments or dodge the issues.

>people who keep going back to the same weasel arguments or dodge the issues
The irony is stunning.

The Force Awakens came out 4 years ago
The Phantom Menace came out 20 years ago

Tell that to Kanji club

Oh, and this Palpatine theory was still plausible back in the day when "Emperor Palpatine" hadn't been identified in any way with being a Sith Lord.
Darth Vader, all the way back to ANH, was labeled "Dark Lord of the Sith", but even in the EU after ROTJ Palpatine was never given that title. Even though Vader was called a Sith Lord, his master was never explicitly identified as such.

We never really knew what he was and how he knew what he knew and why etc., only one throwaway in one comic hinted at him being somewhat affiliated with the Sith but it wasn't conclusive.
I guess Lucas had a hand in keeping it undefined, which annoyed everyone back then.
He was just some nig that was "strong in the dark side of the force" (holy shit how many times did I read that vague shit about him)

Let's just say that it was as plausible as fucking anything at the time.

That’s fair

>When the movies came out most people liked
You must have been quite young or at a formative age. When EP1 came out people were riding the high of having a starwars prequel finally, though jar jar and jake loyd etc., did annoy people.
But when Clones came out that's when the crapping on it started in earnest.

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Not that guy but the reaction I saw was mostly meh. Just meh.

Even ignoring the movies, 1993-2005 was peak Star Wars kino. There is no other collection of video games that comes close when it comes to the quantity of quality games.

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When I saw TFA I thought “well that wasn’t terrible. It was an obvious retread of ANH, but it had enough plot points to set up an alright sequel.” Basically, so long as they Ep8 was okay, it could redeem TFA. TLJ sucked so bad if retroactively sunk both sequels down
Before TLJ came out, I’d rank Star Wars movies as 4>5>3>6>7>1>2. After TLJ came out, I’d rank them 4>5>3>6>1>2>7>8

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I would also argue that the best part of star wars is the games.

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This is now a KotOR thread

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As much as I dislike the Prequels, the games made during those years mostly kicked ass. OT spawned some really good fighter sims and Shadows of the Empire, not sure what else.

It is uncontested in that regard for a franchise.

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Dark Forces and Dark Forces II

>Luke is a cute twink

This is acceptable.

>All you need is a vision and passion and devotion to seeing that vision become a reality.

This is why even for all their flaws I can never hate the prequels. They're such honest films. These new movies need to get some actual, real filmmakers in there. Not just high class Spielberg imitators like JJ Abrams.

Just give the money to proven storytellers like Frank Darabont, Guillermo Del Toro, Peter Jackson or Alfonso Cuaron and say " as long as it's not R rated, tell whatever story you want to tell". The Star Wars IP is sooo easy to sell that they don't need to keep making these shallow, faceless cash grabs. You really could let an auteur in there to make a unique and different star wars movie and if it's good people will completely eat it up. I don't understand their obsession with safety in the new films. It's literally the only franchise in the world that you can be risky with and still have guaranteed box office results. There are so many interesting and exciting stories you could tell in that universe and it frustrates me so much that they sticking to the same boring shit we've seen a million times.

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The school took 3 senior year groups to watch AoTC.
I remember it well.
The film was going to come out, and I, being the massive SW fag at the time, went to beg my housemaster for a special exeat to be able to watch it on opening night. Apparently the school had bought us all tickets for some scam charity event.

People laughed at things that weren't meant to be funny, like the padme/anakin interactions, and of course cheered and laughed at the yoda lightsaber fight.

When about 3-400 teenagers filed out I heard "wow that was dumb" or "that was crap", "at least we have an excuse for not doing prep" etc., but also "just meh" as you say.

It was hard on the ride back to the campus with my housemates all looking directly at me to see my reaction because they knew how much of a (sw) faggot I was.

>so how was it user?
>i-it was fine, I guess...

The sequels didn't kill SW for me, it was AoTC. I new then it was right in its death throes.
Stopped buying the toys, reading the books, and playing the games.

>on yellow bladed jedi in any film
blue, green and just one fucking purple
how boring as shit

KK is just a glorified secretary. She has absolutely no knowledge of filmmaking, storywriting, conceptualization of characters or fandom. That much is evident from watching interviews with her.

I really wish Finn had succeeded in sacrificing himself in TLJ. Honestly it would have turned the movie around for me.

Clones was the point when I realized Star Wars could be genuinely bad or at least deeply flawed. I remember thinking something was wrong with me for not liking TPM, but with Clones I actually realized a few things:
1) Anakin was a whiny psychopath with no appealing traits
2) Two faceless cgi armies I had no investment in weren't interesting no matter how hard they shot at each other
>Dooku was a painfully obvious villain from the get go and I'm not sure why his working with Sideous was supposed to be a reveal. The red lightsaber and lightning were already kind of a tipoff

I didn't even want to go see RotS at all after that.

The only possible way the TLJ could've potentially maybe have been salvaged for me was if rey had taken kylo's hand and gone full darkside.

Rey might get one so she stands out even more. I'm guessing green is more likely since she's already Jakku'd off with the rest of Luke's legacy.

I was looking forward to all shades of the rainbow, including oranges and pinks, even some reds for jedi.
Now I hear that the crystals are fucking alive and the red ones are no longer synthetic but are crystals on their periods or someshit? What the fuck happened?

QuiGon should've had yellow.

Exile is canon female so I will let that slide but Reven is canon a male

I don't know about full darkside, but she certainly had no reason not at least fucking bargain with Kylo while he was distressed and vulnerable

>sure Kylo, just call off the slaughter of rebels and we can work something out. There are people among them who will listen to me, and with you as the head of the order now, we can negotiate

It would have been a hell of a lot more sensical than that retarded response she gave.

>p-please no Kylo

Fucks sake woman, he's not at the light side yet but you can meet him halfway.

Yeah dark siders are apparently so edgy now they "bleed" their crystals red by channeling the Dark Side through them for some reason. Also I hope you weren't hoping to pick your own crystal color because now the crystal chooses you instead. So if you wanted green but got blue then you'd basically be throwing away the puppy you got for Christmas.

I have said it before, and I will say it again, Lucas had the plans and the basic narrative to make the prequels great. But, the overall story was too big to fit into three movies, he needed his director buddies to help him, and he needed better writers for dialogue.
The windows hills tier cgi in the first episode is not something that can simply be hand waved, that was Lucas messing around with cgi.

I know it sounds like revisionist bullshit, but there was an underlining soul to them, from a creator that cared about his creation. Ultimately, it was a project that tried to be as big as the galaxy, but was confined to three movies.

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Last Jedi ruined Star Wars forever :(

>Also I hope you weren't hoping to pick your own crystal color because now the crystal chooses you instead
The unoriginal fucks got that from harry potter. how fucking pathetic.

I'm still not sure why the fuck she was so into him. What common ground do they even have? Rey wants everything Kylo threw away and has friends now to boot so his final temptation was weak as shit.

In star war the clone ways he has some moments like a guy says "which of you will kill me and brand yourself as a cold blooded kill" then Anakin comes from the back and kills him while a bit of vaders theme plays

What is this Mickey mouse horseshit
Copying off Harry potter now?

Potter shit is disproportionally popular with women.
it all makes sense.

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Am i a retard for always thinking Anakin wasn't the chosen one but it was Luke and they jumped the gun thinking it was him

So it's The Force Awakens again. I suppose that's fitting.

No that was a pretty common interpretation and I think still is. Also so far as I can tell the entire prophesy is horseshit considering Kylo and Snoke are both Sith with the serial numbers filed off.

Anakin was made by the Sith so he could fulfill the basic requirements of the prophecy so the Sith could cut down the Jedi later. Palpatine heavily implies Anakin's origins in the 3rd movie.
You are right that the Jedi did jump the gun because their judgement was clouded. Luke was always the true champion of the Jedi and ultimately fulfilled the prophecy.

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Fpbp. Star Wars is officially dead. The Mouse managed to murder a beloved franchise so hard that the mention of it only elicits indifference from me. That's an impressive feat.

>Luke was always the true champion of the Jedi and ultimately fulfilled the prophecy.
That may be so, but surely obiwan was MVP of the entire match?

Nice tits, but her ass and thighs are too small.

Imagine defending that pedo.

Qui Gon is the unsung MVP, if he actually got to train Anakin, the whole story would be different, but that is not the case. Obi Wan was not that great of a teacher and his ultimate failing was trying to force Luke to kill Darth Vader by withholding the truth. He is flawed, but beloved character.

Qui-Gon already trained Obi-Wan poorly and basically caused the downfall of the Jedi by not leaving Anakin on Tatooine. People keep insisting he would have trained Anakin right but the man comes across as so deluded and overly self assured in how he handles everything that I can't see any evidence in his favor.

>The unoriginal fucks got that from harry potter. how fucking pathetic.
They have YA and erotica cat ladies writing SW books now so it's not surprising.

>Qui-Gon already trained Obi-Wan poorly
Based on what?

Unless I am mistaken obi-wan won with light saber tech not with the force

Nothing. Obi-Wan got plucked from Padawan straight to a Jedi AND with an apprentice in the same day. It's the council's fault.

Oh god.
I mean it's not like the old EU was fine literature, but it was at least enjoyable.
>erotica cat ladies
Do you have any names?
One of my friends stubbornly keeps reading sw books despite them looking like complete shit. He thinks the new "EU" will save the franchise.

He was 20 years old and still acting like proto-Anakin from AotC minus the anger issues. Guy was going to become a knight sooner rather than later and was clearly unready.

>two movies in and the plot barely moved forward
Episode IX will be a 2parter, right?

So you're just a fucking idiot?

The ultimate sellout power move.

Claudia Grey, who created Holdo as her self insert.

The franchise will be dead by that point

>Qui Gon is the unsung MVP, if he actually got to train Anakin
>if ififififififif
But he didn't.
You can't become MVP for shit you might've done under ideal conditions.

>>Rey wielding Chewie's bowcaster.

Ah so now they can finally kill off any remaining characters from the OT, goodbye Chewie and Lando

He clearly was ready to be a knight, just not someone's master

Claudia Grey did well with Lost Stars and I keep hearing good things about Bloodlines, but even pre-TLJ Holdo had a cringy as fuck backstory so I'm not sure what the hell happened there.

The Jedi Council was always wrong and thier code was what doomed them with Anakin. Qui Gon's the only person in the Jedi order that could have trained him with his more liberal approach. He was also able to reach a higher existance because he did not hold himself to such a rigid code without emotion.

Bahaha no, he really was not. Obi-Wan was sullen and immature period.

why does every zoomer faggot think this. How fucking retarded are you?

The Jedi were doomed when they went against their better judgement and accepted Anakin because Qui-Gon couldn't accept no for an answer. For someone who is canonically supposed to have been in the right, Qui-Gon is portrayed as exactly the opposite. A very muddled message.

>Rey is in it
Sorry, I lost interest right there

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got anything to say besides ad homs, buddy?

I did not go into detail why he was MVP outside of that scenario. But Qui Gon was one of the few Jedi aware of the councils problems and probably was the only one that could have fixed the jedi order. He also was the first jedi to ascend and much of his influence is sprinkled in the franchise as a guiding force. A shame that most of it was cut from the PT but was expanded on in the cartoons.

Because what are they going to do in 1 movie? Snoke gone
rebellion down to one ship
They will have a rushed movie a 4 hour long movie or they use it to set up the next trilogy

The council was never right because of how emotionally detached it was and how corrupt the council was. That was also the reason why Doku join Sidious, to dispose of the council and rebuild the order before he got killed off.

He had some youthful arrogance like most people at that age. He was still extremely competent with his jedi abilities. Most people develop and mature significantly when they get out from under their parents wing. I understand you haven't reached that stage yet.

nothing about the sequels has made a lick of sense, right from the start it was all fucked.

>Stormtroopers pointing somewhere

>Big explosion in space

>Close up of Finn's face

>Rey is working on a machine

>Leia talks to Jawas and smiles warmly past the camera

>A speeder on Tatooine with Kylo in it

>Poe and Finn do a bro-hug

There you go, I completely made up something that's similarly "exciting".

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Are you 14 or something? They never cared at all about anything making sense. You obviously never gave a fuck about star wars before disney or you would have realised this. They aren't setting up a sequel trilogy to this one because they already lost 99% of the old fans, kids don't give a fuck about it and all the actors want out already. They'll pump out nu wars filth on disney flix but it won't have anything to do with rey or the gyno goblin.

Sounds terrible.

I for some reason thought they would do anything that made sense

>99% shit sequel characters
>1% Lando (who will probably die
Woo, all aboard the hype train.

I feel the need to clarify myself real quick because I kinda messed up on my explanation. Back in AoTH, Dooku did come clean with his intentions and his plan to betray Sidious. At the same time, he lamented the loss of his student Qui Gon and how would have aided him with his plan. Again, because of how arrogant the Jedi Order was as a whole, Obi Wan rejected everything Dooku said believing that they were lies. The Jedi Order was a corrupt institution that needed to be restructured, but doomed itself in a multitude of ways.

>empty theaters

>unsold merchandise clogging up toy aisles

>George Lucas laughing on his way to the bank

>Jedi corrupt
I don't understand. How?

>>Maskless Kylo in a white room, gazing at Vader's helmet

Really, now? I thought I've seen this before

Honestly, their rules may be rigid, but with the falling to the Dark side causing so much damage it really was better safe then sorry kind of rulebook. And if Anakin just obeyed the rules instead of being greedy and selfish, a lot of pain could've been avoided. But the chosen One had to have it all. Let's not forget he could've just quit and live with Padme.

>the original expanded universe novels are good

Which ones? Why did Disney hate them?

TFA also had Han saying how "Luke just gave up". How the fuck were people surprised with him being shit in TLJ. The stage was set in 2015.

I wish they'd made more out of the fact that he was a slave and how his mother died one, and how the Jedi are made powerless in regards to justice etc., beyond the boarders of republic space.
It makes for a more compelling villany if that's what his goal was. I mean they say it, but it's overshadowed by whinging shit. It they'd rammed that point home, his raging at the sense of injustice at large in the galaxy, rather than pitching a hissy fit at not getting his big boy robes, his character wouldn't have pissed me off so much.

>Rey in an alien marketplace on a sand planet.

Really, now? I thought I've seen this before

>Finn is back as a janitor
>Poe is still flying X-wings and can't land a joke


are you desperate for attention or just a fucking retard?

Dunno bout that user, but didn't like them because heroism is spread amongst all the main characters and not just the female ones. Also, wholesome Solo family adventure time (for the most part). Can't have stable happy families; that'd alienate the transgaydimensional faggot trees and bitter lesbots that hate children and anything good and happy and pure in this world.

Endless Palpatine clones and that never ending supply of superweapons doesn't look so silly now, does it?
>ywn get an animated Dark Empire 1&2 + Empire's End trilogy

>Just give the money to proven storytellers like Frank Darabont, Guillermo Del Toro, Peter Jackson or Alfonso Cuaron and say " as long as it's not R rated, tell whatever story you want to tell"

This is literally what they did with TLJ and all of you hate it.


You'd be bitching about rainbows and toy sales if Lucas put more colors.

why would you want Lando to have a son with birthing hips and gorilla head?

oh man you missed the biggest one. she is also going to fly Luke's X Wing and hear his helmet. MSW leaked it.

not at all fucker re-read my post

He's right, though. Enough is enough with this unasked for garbage