What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Never seen it but that dude with the mask looks like DEEEAN.



Dean Winchester in Supernatural.

Well you see, around 2500 years ago a band of semites picked up the worst ideas from Egypt, then started a total batshit stupid religion in what is now PALESTINE. Then about 2000 years ago, a group of them (now known as jews) branched off into a different sect of JUDAISM. These offshoot jews have been butthurt about literally everything ever since.

Show's fine, btw.

He's hispanic. When he takes the mask off he looks different.

The time travel makes no sense, black chick is a literal rapist who abused her kid (and that's a good thing), and Vanya is a piece of shit who destroys the world out of spite while an ayy on a bus smiles at her (was that supposed to be foreshadowing something or did they get a mars needs moms lookin ass chick for no reason?)
Best parts are the kid (honestly a really good actor for his age) and the gay boi.

Everybody sucks besides the kid. Its crazy how the little kid is the best part of the show.

>and that's a good thing
Nobody in the show says that's a good thing. That's literally a plot point, you brainlet.

Well, #1 basically has no parts except standing around, so that's boring and the necromancer is kept neutered for most of the show. If anything, the problem is almost nothing happens for most of the show. It's like the first season was just the intro, but also the epilogue of earlier times.

It’s boring as fuck, the cast has zero charisma and the characters are shit. That said I could only stomach 2 episodes before dropping it. Hard to follow a show when you constantly fall asleep trying to watch it

Even the kid is a smart ass little cunt. And what went wrong OP? The greatest sin ever, boring

I was surprised that I wasn't bored, actually. And I usually am by most shows I try. I also hate time travel. I don't know why, but I just liked this show for some reason.

>Kind of ok "superheros are mostly retired and moved on with their lives but get back together and have to deal with how much they hate eachother" schtick.

>It's ruined by the nonsensical time-travel plot that makes one character inherently the only one that matters to the story, doesn't solve any problems by the end of it because even though they technically escaped the holocaust they caused, they just go back in time (meaning there's two of them now?) to before that, but with a Page who's still a super-powered sociopath psycho who just tried to murder everyone because people weren't nice to her as a kid.
>And the Time Police will still be after them
>And they caused the apocalypse in the end anyway, but clearly that wasn't how it happened the first time because the first time it happened Time Travel Kid wasn't there to experience it, because otherwise he either would have found his own corpse, meaning that the apocalypse wasn't caused by Page shooting the moon, because she only did that because he was there to stop her and make it happen by accident, which means that the second apocalypse, the accidental one we see, wasn't the one that originally happened, which means that when they go back in time to escape it, either they (the ones who went back in time) or they (the ones that already exist in the time they go back to) are just going to cause it again.

It doesn't make a lot of sense.

In this show travelling in time seems to literally delete your past self somehow

Yes time travel tends to piss me off. Everything becomes meaningless once you include time travel

what comic makes sense most characters has been like 20 o30 something for around 70 years, some had kids, some had weird experiences, some died. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Ellen Page being a charisma black hole.

I dunno, I thought they made it kind of enjoyable, which is hard to do for me, because when I see time travel as a plot point I'm usually done immediately.

Christianity's death in our lifetimes. Can't wait.

It was a decent show. I wanted to like it more, but it was just okay.

This show hits levels of Reddit that I didn't know were possible.

>In this show travelling in time seems to literally delete your past self somehow

I don't think that is the case. What we see is that Time-Travel Kid's powers pull him from his current time/space location and put him somewhere else in time/space. But we know that he left the "current" timeline as a kid and arrived in the future, and then lived in the future, and then Time Corp sent him to the past and shit, all the while he was not present in the "current" timeline.

What we don't know is; Did he travel to a future where he too, was dead? Was his corpse with the rest of the family? We also don't know whether him bringing people from the future to the past (as in the finale) means there's now two of them, which I assume it does mean.

More specifically, we never actually learn that he has the ability to move people through time. That just comes out of nowhere.

I can ask questions about this for an hour, but I'm mostly concerned with the ideas about what exactly the show expects me to feel about the characters by the end of it. Most of the plots felt sort of inconsequential.

Superpowers but keep getting their ass handed by two regular humans.

Just make a fucking X-Men series with the Original Five. It's clearly what this series wanted to be

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It's funny, because people are dumping on the show for being boring and having terrible characters, but the show's screenplay is actually a massive improvement over the source material where almost nothing happens, the characters are even worse and most of the plot and dialogue are about the various characters hating their father and each other, rather than any sort of story.
The only bad thing the show did was blackwashing rumor with someone who can't act.

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Luther is a fucking retard. All of them are really. Every single episode they just kept fucking up time and time again making most of them feel very unlikable. Not to mention they don't use their powers in situation where they obviously should.
Really? I think that the big dude in green looks like Dean. Kinda talks like him too.

This, but replace Jean with someone not terrible.

It took me a while to figure out how Beast's body was drawn out.

The thing is, the screenplay ALSO spends most of it's time on that.

Like, half of the threads it sets up have no actual conclusion or payoff. What was up with RoboMom? Why did someone (The time-cops? Someone else?) fuck with her when they attacked the house? Why did Pogo fix her and what became of it? What was the point of lobotimizing her? That's just one.

What was the deal with him being an alien? Why was that relevant? Were the kids aliens? Or were they made by...god, I guess? That little girl I assume was god.

Also what about Time Corp? Where are they? In space? Outside of time? Is it just what we see, or is there more alien shit going on there? How do they magically make pneumato-tubes appear anywhere? Why write this into a story just to deus-ex the plot forwards?

Donut lady and Hazel were comfy af.

What is this Jean Grey hate meme? Is this something spread around Yea Forums by zoomers who learned of her existence from the shitty Fox movies?

Well, Hollywood law states that at least one character must be blackwashed for any tv or movie adaptation of an established franchise.

The mom was cut by Diego after they fought Cha Cha and Hazel. He saw that she wasn't functioning properly, so her turned her off. The dad reprogrammed her so that she wouldn't try and save him when he killed himself.

She's been bad in the comics for most of her existence. Writers keep killing her off and then obnoxiously resurrecting her. Her teen self mindraped Iceman into being gay in one of the worst retcons in X-men comic history. As soon as Emma Frost took her place, that should have been it for her.

Psychics are almost always assholes in the X-Men comics.

tha black chick isn't sucking my dick right now

also ellen page

I'll watch it because Gerard Way wrote the comic and I've been in love with him since 2005.

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That was actually sad as fuck and I thought I was in for a great show. Wrong as hell

>The mom was cut by Diego after they fought Cha Cha and Hazel.
That wasn't what I read from that scene. I mean, I thought he hit her, but she was already fucked up before that and it confused me as to why he only then realized that she was busted.

>The dad reprogrammed her so that she wouldn't try and save him when he killed himself.
I got that part, but it doesn't mesh with the idea that anyone in the family grew up with this "woman". I mean, how did they not come home and literally immediately think "Hey this isn't how our mombot acts, this is weird. Can we figure out why she's broken?", but instead no one ever actually asks or cares why she's acting differently.

So the reveal that she was reprogrammed doesn't hit at all because WE already know she is weird, but the show relies on writing to make it so no character actually admits this until the end.

>Her teen self mindraped Iceman into being gay
Ah, this is it. Yet more christfag buttrage. Now I understand. Every fucking time some dumbasses are throwing an absolute tantrum about a character for no apparent reason, it's always "MUH CRUSADES!!" Can't wait til christianity is outlawed. Tick fucking tock.

Yeah, they have a scene on if they takr a vote on if they should turn off the mom cause they think she is acting weird and is malfunction.

Not the guy you replied to, but religion has nothing to do with why people were made Bobby turned gay.

Literal schizo-post

> That wasn't what I read from that scene

It's explicitly shown. This, on top of all your other points, leads me to believe you're an actual brainlet, and I didn't even like the show. You're just retarded.

Yeah it is, because this is exactly like the "Heather Hyer had a heart attack!" bullshit. You know it's a lie, yet you spread it because it's a lie. Jean in that new comic only detected Bobby was gay because the new writers wrote him that way. She's telepathic after all. Now I don't give a shit about nu X-men comics because they've sucked since the 90s, but getting butt blasted over some bullshit YOU FUCKING MADE UP is something almost exclusive to christniggers. That's exactly why you need to go.

Yeah that does sum up your "Jean Grey turned Iceman gay" propaganda.

The problem was that they brought her back for almost no reason except to kill her off again.

>Like, half of the threads it sets up have no actual conclusion or payoff.
The comic is much worse in that regard and leaves most things unexplained or not developed at all. RoboMom's character isn't even elaborated on in the comic and she's pretty much just there as some sort of emo symbolism for a dysfunctional family.

>Also what about Time Corp? Where are they? In space? Outside of time? Is it just what we see, or is there more alien shit going on there? How do they magically make pneumato-tubes appear anywhere? Why write this into a story just to deus-ex the plot forwards?

They wrote it in so that the series wasn't just people standing around moping and having family arguments.
You know all that stuff with Hazel and Cha Cha and the time corp and klaus getting kidnapped etc.? Absolutely all of that stuff except the first fight in the diner is taken from the comic's second story arc (also the Handler is a talking fish in the comic, not making that up).
In the source material the entire story is:
>There's a death cult orchestra who want 7 to play a song that ends the world.
>They ask her, she says no and goes back to her shitty arpartment.
>Then some evil robots start blowing up a carnival and the family go to stop them.
>During the fight 7 turns up and tries to help, but they have a family argument in the middle of it and 7's feelings get hurt.
>On the back of these hurt feelings 7 goes to the death cult and agrees to destroy the world for them.
>The death cult then use a machine to turn her into a humanoid violin and she plays a song that brings the apocalypse.
>But before she can finish it, she is defeated by the family.

And that is the ENTIRE plot, with the vast majority of the 150 odd pages being people discussing their emotional and relationship issues in very hamfisted ways. But what can you expect from the My Chemical Romance guy, really?

I guess making #1 a black guy would probably have been politically iffy.

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>we never actually learn he has the ability to move other people trough time
He says he doenst know if he can do it or if it will work

I think the problem is people naturally see it as another super hero show and expect that, but it really isn't. It's a drama about a broken family that turned each other into spiteful, shitty people, with super hero trappings. Watch it with that in mind and it'll be fine, don't come into it with the "where's dah bad guyz boom boom yay capes good guyz good" attitude. That is, don't be a fucking ten year old

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>accidentally turn your son into a nigger
>banish him to the moon out of shame
pure kino

I ditched it on the 6th episode. She was being woken up but thankfully I had enough by that point

>She was being woken up but thankfully I had enough by that point
The reason I asked so many questions about it is because you literally miss nothing. Pogo fixes her after she's turned off, and then she's turned back on and...that's it. Nothing happens. She wasn't relevant to the plot before and she's not after. So they wasted that emotion on nothing.

The comic is weird. It's a more of a comic book world. There's robots and aliens and it's the norm. The show is more of a regular world with these 7 people who have superpowers.

In the show (I haven't read the comic) it's like, everything is normal except this rich dude can make his own robot women, send a guy to the moon, and all that, but apparently still lives in a dump boarding house.

They also have different code names. If they went with how Vanya gets powers in the comic book, it would have been even dumber.