Over The Garden Wall

how the fuck did they manage to make something this good

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Animated kino of the highest order

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you're right but on the wrong board

huh was this not on television? weird i could have sworn it was

dunno lol

this belongs more than half of the threads currently in the catalog

is it better or worse than Too many cooks

I think he meant that more ppl would agree with you on Yea Forums

Nobody comes here to talk about things they like, or talk at all for that matter.

The too many cooks guy is in Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell and plays an office demon
The cartoon is good you should watch it and get comfy

I don't doubt that it has been discussed on Yea Forums, I was just hoping to have a fun thread about it with my small group of Yea Forums bros who actually like to discuss things other than super hero movies. /ahg/ didn't even last a week :(

I fucking love this show. Although it isn't near as good, Hilda had a similar level of comfy. Like a different flavor, but still pretty good too.

Whose side are you on?

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Neither unless I could make like 6 trades

Fuck I need to rewatch this. Easily at the top of anything animation-related this decade so far and I really doubt anything better will come out between this year and the next. Truly a masterpiece.

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Ever notice how this cartoon was very European?

giv me megas baby

I watched this for the first time about six months ago, I think I'll make it an autumn tradition, the animation just looks fantastic

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Same, the music is generally pretty good too. Its also less than an hour and a half long so its a smaller time commitment than most movies.

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as brilliant as OTGW is, I couldn't live without having seen Courage. plus i am gen y

It definitely has a Grimm/Dark Forest fairy tale vibe going on, but its mood is also firmly rooted in Americana. There's nothing out there like it

*Black Forest sorry

Rank the Episodes

Top Tier
>Pumpkin Village
>The Flashback Episode
>Auntie Whispers

Great Tier
>Frog Steamboat
>Village Tavern

Good Tier
>The Pilot Episode that isn't in the series
>Potatoes & Molasses
>Cloud City

Forgot the first Episode. Put it at the top of "Good"

the first episode is amazing. especially considering it includes the opening sequence. also i know the potatoes and molasses song is pretty kiddy but that's one of my favorites

To Adelaide! Adelaide!
Come on and join the Adelaide parade!

Friendly reminder the creators of this show admitted it was a re-telling of Dantes Inferno. Pretty cool when you rewatch it

Go back to your containment board, Yea Forumsmblr

Hmm... You make a compelling point with the opening sequence being included in the first episode. I guess I'd bump it up above the Tavern? And there isn't a single episode that I dislike, tier placing speaks more to how great the series is than it does any weakness.

I completely agree. I haven't responded back with my own ranking because I'm still considering

It was free of the politics that infest everything these days.

What if I like more shows on the left but I love OTGW and pre-relationshit Adventure Time?

watch Gravity Falls if you haven't. it may seem a little bit kiddy (and it is a little bit) but it's the closet to scratching the itch for OTGW among well known cartoons. I was ready to think it would be bad but it was a really enjoyable watch

holy shit imagine if this was pitched today and they tried to put a modern societal twist in it

I don't blame him for not wanting to post on Yea Forums

I've watched it. Gravity Falls was great but ended way too early.

They did manage to slip a bit of shit in by subtly making Wirt's love interest black though it's debatable if you can really consider that political.

i am aware of that sort of thing being shoved on viewers and can say without a doubt that you are looking too far into it

Glad you think so, Satan

baka if anything it was too long at 40 episodes. i know in the case of gravity falls the makers were told they weren't gonna get renewed so they decided to actually make a conclusive ending to the show. i'm really glad they did that and made it a one summer thing. shows running on forever has literally, not in a single case, been a good thing. end early while you are still ahead. leave the viewer wanting more, even leave the viewer being pissed that the show/film was too short. anything but dragging along and getting worse

As a zoomer I identify with literally none of the shit on the right except for OtgW, whose production quality I admire.

Hello data mining bot.