
Gates McFadden edition

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lmgtfy.com/?q=bulldog clips

why are trek fans overwhelmingly pedophiles?

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Why did no one show me this before?? LOL

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Post the oldest image in your /trek/ folder.

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What are some right wing sci-fis? Fuck commie trek

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Probably still would...
Maybe some alcohol & amphetamines as well.

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dunno m8, but im not the one with little kids eating ice cream on my computer.
get help
actually, kys

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Will STD have a Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi cameo?

pedos are low test manlets who want to don't want their micropenises laughed at.

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i just start watching the new episode of STD and they are showing clips of the pilot of TOS.

i hate this shit, i hate it, why the fuck are they disrespecting TOS mother fuckers pieces of shit, why fucking why?!

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>Not wanting to fuck a 70 year old cryptkeeper is pedophilia
Well pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.


I'd let her laugh at my micropenis, if you know what I mean.

>Klingons are naturally violent and aggressive.
>Ferengi are naturally greedy and conniving.
>No matter how nice the Federation is to everyone else, they will still try to fuck us over.

Yeah, real commie

shouldnt that file be called crossdress?

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Everyone thinks ferengis are jews. No, they are mexicans.
>greedy fucks
>they are always scamming you
>they suck boss dick and treat empleoyees like subhuman shit
>Ugly, short and copper colored
>kinda retarded but a few can be brought to society after spending a lot of times with humans.

they are fucking mexican.

It's not a dress uniform though.


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The penny arcade peep show long process in different forms.
In the pass the muttering sickness leaped into our throats, coughing and spitting in the silver morning, frost on our bones. Most of the ape forms died there on the treeless slopes, dumb animal eyes on "me" brought the sickness from white time caves frozen in my throat to hatch in the warm steamlands spitting song of scarlet bursts in egg flesh, beyond the pass, limestone slopes down into a high green savanna and the grass-wind on our genitals, came to a swamp fed by hot springs and mountain ice. and fell in flesh heaps, sick apes spitting blood laugh, sound bubbling in throats torn with the talk sickness, faces and bodies covered with pus foam, animal hair thru the purple sex- flesh, sick sound twisted thru body, underwater music bubbling in blood beds, human faces tentative flicker in and out of focus. We waded into the warm mud-water, hair and ape flesh off in screaming strips, stood naked human bodies covered with phosphorescent green jelly, soft tentative flesh cut with ape wounds, peeling other genitals, fingers and tongues rubbing off the jelly-cover, body melting pleasure-sounds in the warm mud. till the sun went and a blue wind of silence touched human faces and hair. When we came out of the mud we had names.

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ender's game, roddenberry was certainly a communist but not all of star trek is, and SJWs don't even like star trek

>Watching Bashir's spy simulation at the holosuite
>intense fight scene between him and the antag
>everyone laughs
>klingon sucks his teeth and says "You aight, scale boy"
>hear "he fertile" from one of the girls

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This is depressing to look at did any women from Trek age well?

>hear "he fertile" from one of the girls

Reddit trannies love Star Trek

She's like 70 dude. How good do you expect 70 year old women to look?

I mean how would you know how she aged? She might have aged well, but her face is clearly ruined by plastic surgery.

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>aged like milk

>aged like wine
7 of 9

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Susan Sarandon is 72 and Helen Mirren is 73 i would fuck both without hesitation.

Is that Geddy Lee?

You'd fuck Gates too, incel

Jeri looks like a mother who was a stripper when she was younger and i find that extremely hot.

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So, you were able to name 2 women of about 70 that you think still look well. That leaves how many you do not? Those are not good odds.

she had the best rack in trek

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kira looks good in that photo but she looks like shit here

Nope her face genuinely unnerves me but you are free to want to fuck her yourself.

>Star Trek is too "philosophical" for Hollywood's favored kike
Why is nobody surprised by this?


Why does sci-fi fandom pretend this is OK?

I never said there were tons of grandmas that look hot but they do exist and definitely look better then Gates.

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Is that the hot daughter from Reba?

She looks great in that pic. You're insane.

You asked if any women from Trek aged well, and as a result of that I established that the chances of you finding any 70 year old women hot was pretty low. What are you not getting?

would bang senseless

i think so, yes

The loli from VOY.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with cosplay, even if you're cross-dressing to do it. I have no problem with drag or pageantry or any of that stuff. It's people having fun and it should be encouraged. That's not the same thing as being a tranny though.

>negro in the background.

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too busty

riker in the corner laughing is my favorite part

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hello tiny man

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I fucked the dog-shit out of a 60 year old double-breast amputee when I was late 20's-
You don't need 'helpers' to deal with this, user.

was she cute?

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Not at all.

Why did they say in The Menagerie that the Enterprise is the only ship that has ever visited Talos IV? Why did they recycle The Cage footage when the transition between it and nuTrek could not be more jarring? The Talosians were physically frail and androgynous from eons of relying on mental power and vicariously living through fantasy, so why don't the nu-Talosians respect those characteristics? Why did they base a season of a show around a failed pilot and things strip mined from past series?
This shit is truly the millennial's Star Trek, where other people's creations make contrived shallow appearances to serve as the backdrop for the writers to soapbox their millennial narcissism.

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why did you do it?

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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after people realize how terrible Worf is.

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did he really overcome his autism or did he just get better at hiding it?

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We never do it because it is easy;
We do it because IT IS HARD.

I thought this was Bill Nye in drag

Recently turned 70 this month.

still tho alcohol & amphetamines couldn't hurt

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>/trek/ - alcohol, amphetamines, and banging grannies

It kinda is

Nope. You aren't considering logistics.
Either you have to drive home afterwards or Granny is at your place (bad idea).
More than likely, you have to drive home, unless you are going to sleep with her, all night (no).
A $6,000 DUI is never in the cards for pumping a granny with a double tit cut.

Yep, also Naomi Wildman

Maybe they really look the same but are using illusionist tricks to looks that way.

Get with the times, boomer.

Thread has a reply for every year she's been alive.

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i just finished that episode and im not going to be as eloquent as you.
Im just going to say that the last episode was gay as fuck, everything in STD is shit and i fucking hate nu spock.

I cant believe they even had to make that shitty intro for the people who didnt watched TOS could understand something. They should just started the episode like nothing and make the new watchers search the info and watch the episode.

STD producers and writers must hang.

why even banging grannies in the first place if you don't want them to make you hella delicious granny breakfast in the morning?

holly shit user... im all in with experimenting in the sack but that sounds like something terrible.

You boys have truly lost your way.

And then go back to looking like the old way when the Enterprise returns in The Menagerie?

I agree the epi was shit but a "previously on stark trek" intro inta an episode is hardly a novel idea. And considering tthat the last time an episode that related to this aired was like 50 years ago, I'd say it was warranted (not that it was executed on well).

Might not be the same 2 talosians. I haven't seen the cage in a while, were there 2 or 3? I keep thinking there were 3 for some reason.

Wonder if they'll show a new kirk or not. I hope they don't.


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There were 4 in TOS and 3 in the STD ep.

>Im just going to say that the last episode was gay as fuck, everything in STD is shit and i fucking hate nu spock.
Ironic, even Trekyards, who famously shit all over S1 of Disco, really likes S2 and the new Spock.

Oh, and the context of Vina's dialouge would seem to indicate that at least the "head" Talosian is the same.

not me, butthole, Gates McFadden.

Ironic that retards and ledditors are amused by endless flashing lights, meaningless callbacks and dutch angles, how?

Are you describing STD or DS9?

no cake for u

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Mars in the expanse seems pretty conservative, and they are best faction.

Its always easy to spot the people who haven't actually watched the shows and just like to bitch.

If I wasn't in burgerland I might give it a try, but after the first half of season 1 and it being the worst shit I have ever watched, not really eager to give them more money.

Just pirate it you massive fag

>and the new Spock.
I get that people prefer S2 over S1 as it IS better, (well except the "I was mean to you so you don't love me and hurt yourself coming after me" that was the worst), but how can you prefer Nu Spock? (Like everything else in the show) he's absolutely lost and useless until Burnham comes to save him. What do we have? like 2 minutes of him actually talking? There isn't much to prefer, and it's fucking weird to think that these events precede TOS

>it's fucking weird to think that these events precede TOS
welcome to 2001

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My dad thought 'black alert' on Discovery was to warn the ship that Burnham was on board

>he's absolutely lost and useless until Burnham comes to save him
Except Burnham didn't save him, as he points out, he manipulated it so she would come to him. she was HIS pawn.

Likewise, Burnham did nothing but take him to Talos, it was the Talosians who actually helped him.

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>and it's fucking weird to think that these events precede TOS
Not really.

The newest episode actually makes the events of TOS make a lot more sense as now Spock taking Pike back to Talos is not only due to some desperate last ditch attempt to save Pike, but because Spock actually has more experience with the Talosians that gives him reason to believe they would help.

Not only that, but this episode delving more into Pike having thought about Vena, and developed feelings for her in the time since he left, makes him being reunited with her a better ending for both of them.

My dad could beat your dad in a fight.

Probably, he's a pussy


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>he manipulated it so she would come to him. she was HIS pawn.
tomato - tomato.
It doesn't matter who ochestrated it, The point is that the key is always Burnham. Yes, HE set it in motion, but he needed HER to save him. Just like in S1 where Stamets is literally the only person not only on the ship, but the entire universe who is not affected by mudds time travel, yet the plan he comes up with is basically "explain to burnham and have her save us".
It's a similar thing here. Once again, the whole story moves trough Burnham. They take all this effort to show how distant spock and Burnham are (And for fucks sake, the way she talked about betraying him, I thought she killed someone close to him, not "I ran away and told him he suck and he didn't realize EVER that I said it to protect him and for SOME FUCKING REASON I can't fucking tell him now where I'M not on Vulcan any more???????") Yet still it is their bond.
Why? Spock is clearly way closer to Captain Pike, and Pike to Spock. Hell, that could have been cool, AND make sense.
But nah. Burnham must always be the key to the episode. You are right, she did not set it in motion herself, but she is still the thread everything hangs by. And that she is, every single episode.

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How many episodes until she fixes Culber?

>TNG not in golden age

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I except Discovery to end after S3. Not because of it get cancelled due to low rating or anything like that, but because all of the Trek shows they are producing are meant to be short, and done in short time

-The Khan series was only three episodes.
-Lower Decks is only scheduled for two seasons.
-Patrick Stewart has said the Picard show only has one season so far, but is set to run up to three seasons. He also described Season 1 as being like a 10 hour movie, suggesting fewer episodes a season then Discovery.
-The rumored Starfleet Academy show will likely run for 4 seasons. One season for each year at the Academy.
-Back before they had officially decided to make the Section 31 show, they said the possible Section 31 show might be a limited series, and not a multi-season show. Given how much stuff Michelle Yeoh is doing, I can easily see it be some like 8-10 episode mini-series sort of thing.
-They have said the Section 31 show probably wont come out until Discovery is done done, like for good, and we know Section 31 is going to be in S3 as well. I don't see them going past S4 at the most so that Yeoh is still available.


>They have said
Why do rumor posters constantly gaslight?


>70 yrs old
ggilf u mean

That isn't even a rumor, its direct shit from CBS and Kurtzman you can find on sites like Trek Core and Trek Movie.

I am 24 and this is terrifying.

When's the new Midnight's Edge video coming out guys?

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k. still don't care.

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>McNamara points out that the Picard series won’t be on the service until the end of 2019, and that the Michelle Yeoh-led series is just in development as of now. She’s still expected to be a major part of “Discovery” during season 2, with McNamara adding that the season won’t necessarily serve as a back-door pilot for Yeoh’s standalone show.
>“Lower Decks” won’t air soon, either: the animation alone will take a year.
>“When I look at how the schedule is theoretically laying out on my desk, it does not feel like it’s one after another,” she said, adding that by the time the Yeoh-led series premieres, “Discovery” may be over.
>“Some of these can be considered as replacements as opposed to additions,” she said. “These ‘Trek’ shows take a lot of incubation, because they’re very prep heavy, visual effects heavy… we’re seeing it more as we’re getting a good jump on making sure that there is a good fulsome stream of ‘Trek’ material.”

>While Discovery hasn’t yet been renewed for a third year — at least, not officially — that hasn’t stopped Kurzman and co-lead producer Heather Kadin from talking about it.
>“As soon as Discovery Season 3 is over,” said Kurtzman, “We’re rolling right into [Section 31]. That’s my hope.”
>The producer also addressed once more the growing Trek franchise, laying out what care is being used to make sure audiences aren’t overwhelmed by new shows.
>“We’ve worked very closely with All Access to set up a [scheduling] grid, so you’re not overwhelmed,” Kurtzman said. “It may sound like you’re getting all of them at once, because they’re all in development right now, but you have to keep in mind it takes two years to build each one.

Good job at paying attention to things that don't matter.

not good.
not good at all.

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Series should've ended with Archer leaping back to the 1950s.

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>but you have to keep in mind it takes two years to build each one.
Clearly bullshit. Picard was confirmed Summer of last year. It began casting this month. It's filming next month. It's coming out by the end of the year.

>misrepresenting what was actually said.
Building a series involves getting everything approved to get the series even announced.

Thanks for the links. You're a good lad.

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they have to reboot their conspiracy theories since the "Previously On" utterly destroyed the "everything has to be 25% different it's the law" part that they've built them all on.

Oh HELL YEAH another tripfag! Who wouldnt let you sit next to them in HS? Were you ostracized in gym, lunch, or both

Not the guy you were talking to, but the new conspiracy theory I've seen is that the original timeline we see in TOS/TNG/Etc was the timeline Burnham died in, and the Red Angel going back in time and saving her caused everything to be different.

Sure, that ignores the fact that we know from the other Trek shows that Earth survives into the year 3,000 where Daniels is from, and in the Red angel's timeline all the major Fed worlds were destroyed... but conspiracy theories am I right!

Is it a cellular peptide cake with mint frosting?

How did she end up looking like Bill Nye in a wig?

>whole episode about Archer trying to get his chair fixed

Okay some overarching plot would be nice by now

It's comfy and all but where is this actually going

Hoshi is a terrible actress send post

None of your Trek whores can compare to the true Queen of spacekino

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the Orion Syndicate will turn her out too someday.

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not everything has to be ds9 although they do add an overarching plot that isnt just shitty timet ravel garbage at the end of season 2

>Biting into ice cream with your teeth

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These tweets from the show's editor seem to confirm what Midnight's Edge were saying about the producers separately licensing bits and pieces of the old canon to insert into Discovery to make it 'more like' canon Trek. However, it's actually just a lie to make us believe their 25% licensed version by Bad Robot is 'canon'

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>These tweets from the show's editor seem to confirm what Midnight's Edge were saying about the producers separately licensing bits and pieces of the old canon to insert into Discovery to make it 'more like' canon Trek.
They say nothing of the sort.

> However, it's actually just a lie to make us believe their 25% licensed version by Bad Robot is 'canon'
Bad Robot has jack shit to do with Discovery.

Star Trek discovery is produced under Bad Robot’s license from CBS

>Finished DS9
>Only Voyager next to watch in the rotation
Oh no
Remind me of the good Voyager
help me get through this

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It literally isn't, but nice try Midnight's Edge.

So why does it look like all other Bad Robot Trek, genius?

I'd rather have space granny whisper into my ear and give me a touch free orgasm.

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A. IT doesn't. Not enough stark white, or lens flare
B. What little it does look like is due to it not being 1966 anymore, and we have far better CGI to make shit look more sci-fi based on modern inclinations of what the future would be like.

Wesley is that an erection you have there?

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If she sneezes and the bulldog clips behind her ears come loose, her face will fall past her tits.

lmao, because it's 2019 retard, not 1966

bulldog clips?

>Star Trek discovery is produced under Bad Robot’s license from CBS
Its produced by Secret Hideout, Roddenberry Entertainment, and CBS. Bad Robot literally has nothing to do with the tv show. Even Midnight's Edge recognizes this. Get better bait already.

lmgtfy.com/?q=bulldog clips

Secret Hideout is actually Bad Robot. it's in the name: SECRET and HIDE.

based pakled

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Expanse is one of these things that are just disappointing as a show. The books are so much about "space travel often takes months at a time" and "even communication has a huge delay at best, and gets substituted with swapping video messages at worst because it takes so long for the message to reach".
And then there is the physicality. Where Belters are supposed to all be space slenderman, with long bodies and such, but for obvious reasons you can't really do these things for a TV show.


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Sci fi is inherently progressive.

goddamn look at the stress his hand

sleep tight /trek/

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Right wing stories are inherently uninteresting and retarded. Theyre basically like The Neverending Duty described by Garek, where it's just dry pointless repetition about cucks slavish obedience to the state.

>there is only right and left

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Right wing sci fi is actually fantasy.

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>Mars in the expanse seems pretty conservative, and they are best faction.
They are technocratic pioneers, the very notion of them being on mars goes very much against the idea of being a conservative, they abandoned earth for a new home

>right wing
"fuck niggers lmao"


>and then we captured some more libs and we triggered them and then forced them to convert to Christianity and then killed them and it was so awesome. deus vult! so then we marched on Berkeley, chanting "there are only two genders" as we slaughtered the libs. and then we went to Seattle to round up some more libs to trigger, convert, and execute. and then we went to Portland to capture some more liberals. our God hungers for blood.

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>EMH has wife and 2 kids that say bye to him as he "leaves for work"

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I never understood this. Wouldn't they have to install expensive and sensitive (ie require a lot of maintence and expertise) holo emiters for this to work?

dramaturgy or "I am too lazy to technobabble it"

I like the Orville and Discovery. AMA

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Ok, jew. You know all those apply to jews as well?

Why would you think anyone would care what you have to say about anything, much less STD/Orville?

That's a Socratic question, no need to actually reply.

No more questions. Guilty.

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Jesus fuck user. Give the guy a break. Who the shit pissed in your corn flakes this morning?

fuck off

Who's your favourite character in either show?


with who?


go back to your thread you just made:

I don't.
I probably did to be honest.
At the moment, Bortus for Orville, Ash Tyler for Discovery.

>please feed me (you)'s mommy
fuck off

swing and a miss friend. I just wanted to know who his favourite characters were

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Do you enjoy talking to yourself?

what are you talking about?

>I like the Orville and Discovery. AMA
You came to the wrong general.

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Jake Sisko got a lot of pussy.

n-no ma'am?

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>mhhhhhhh, young newfriends in my /trek/!

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He fell asleep too close to the pods.

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7 of 9 makes my dick the big dick.

Probably saved as a result of watching ytmnd

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Jetrel is a really great episode.

>turn on the tv
>trek is on the horror channel as always
>it's a fucking Garak episode

Oh boy, time to get comfy.

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what is this?
a borg cube for ants?

Anyone else find the stakes in STD usually too high to take seriously? It's like early Voyager episodes that tease they'll make it home already, we know it ain't happening. You could arguably reduce most trek down to "good guys will win in the end" but until this point it was mostly easy to suspend your disbelief and think there's a chance things might not go right.

It's never just the crew or the federation at stake, but the whole universe or several planets at a time, it feels needlessly over the top and hard to take seriously.

I wonder what we don't know about him. He got away with everything.

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>but until this point it was mostly easy to suspend your disbelief and think there's a chance things might not go right.
I was wondering if there were complete retards that thought Data might go rogue forever or Picard might die or Worf might leave the Enterprise. God Picardfags are fucking dumb.

DS9 and Discovery are the only Star Treks to actually have stakes that semi-matter since we know from Georgiou, Lorca, Ash, Hugh and Saru that things can happen that have permanent effects on characters that aren't just handwaved at the end of an episode unlike TNG.

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Tasha died. twice.

Only because she quit the show. Besides, dying permanently isn't exactly a compelling story.

kes left. wesley left.

>Is it a cellular peptide cake with mint frosting?


Kes left because they wanted a sexier character.
Wesley left because he was treated like shit.

None of those mean TNG has a good story. Has good episodes but overall the only person with a real story is Data. Worf episodes are fun but as meaningless as the average episode.

>wasting precious energy resources on an unsentient computer program that could simulate the entire thing internally without the need to physically project it in the holodeck


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>Troi aged like shit

Low-T faggot detected

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Looks like my sister in law, desu

because all of the characters are insanely unlikeable so if they were obliterated you wouldn't give a shit so they have to make it something bigger

I would kill people for a chance at this threesome, especially if they got each other off while berating me for my small 7-inch penis.

Pathetic post

So much more fuckable now than when she was on the show, it's ridiculous. I mean she was cute back then but hamstrung by retarded hairstyles, costumes and makeup.

They better not do what I think they're going to fucking do.
Early on it was extremely obvious that the Red Angel was an Iconian, it looked identical to their appearance in STO, but now we've got Spock saying it's Human.

They're going to fucking say the Iconians are future humans, aren't they?

Attached: Iconians.jpg (1200x750, 176K)

>if you think the storylines in Discovery are retarded you're a Picardfag
You're an actual mongoloid.

Wait, is the left picture from STD and the right from STO? I'm concerned.

Attached: Data_zapped_by_Iconian_probe.jpg (1500x1313, 483K)

Could be pure coincidence

Now we know that the "red angel" is a human.
what are the bets?
this could either be michael or they could strech it with spock and use this as a way to show his human side is stronger than he thought.

lets place the bets.

Yes, left is a stained-glass window of the church that they went to earlier this season. Right is concept art from STO.

While its possible some of the artists are familiar with STO, I can just about gurantee the writers and showrunners haven't even picked up any of the novels, much less actual took the time to play STO. That said, yeah, they could still fuck with the Iconians because they only novel idea they have not just directly cribbed from earlier trek was the spore drive and that has been an absolute shit show. I honestly think they are scared to implement their own ideas at this point.

Left is a church mural of the Red Angel in STD, right is I assume concept after from STO (I've never played it).
They looked strikingly similar

Heck I hope so

They also justed Klingons and backpedaled after the first three fucks got fired. Don't interpret too much into STD writing and showrunning.

Attached: STD first showrunners.png (642x317, 386K)

though true hilarity will be when its revealed to be the mirror one

They haven’t made a single reference to Iconians yet so there’s no reason to think they’ll hail mary one in the last few eps. It was either a bait or an accident.

My dudes, that is NOT what she looks like now. That is what she looked like maybe 15 years ago.

Here is a modern Marina Sirtis.

Attached: GREEK.jpg (1536x2048, 388K)

There are references to them on a map in first season

It following and saving specifically Spock and Michael repeatedly would leave the obvious conclusion that it's Michael, but I'd hope not, it's too obvious.
Also that opens up all sorts of paradoxes - if it was the Red Angel that saved Michael from getting killed by that monster on Vulcan as a child, how could she have grown up to save her self in the first place?

Hopefully it's Prime Lorca

The more I see of horshoe theory the more it grows on me. I think the quadrqnt method is the best though.

>greek aunt is making dinner
Would let her cook for me.

Attached: thesearethevoyages0811.jpg (960x540, 179K)

I've read a bunch of behind the scenes stuff on Star Trek and I can safely say the "progressive" angle was just a grift, Roddenberry had negative views on jews/women/blacks. He was a libertarian if anything.

Attached: 1545512312967.png (714x190, 9K)

Really? Where? Pic?

She's still got a banging bod for a woman her age...

>but I'd hope not

Attached: 299[1].gif (600x488, 184K)

Is this real, did JS actually say that to JJA st the end.

>I've read a bunch of behind the scenes stuff on Star Trek
I don't believe you.

That picture you're posting is from when Gene Roddenberry was already developing dementia, not from his prime.

She always fine looking

Attached: 1523993771569.jpg (1006x685, 65K)

in the ep named Choose Your Pain they reference it being on a their tactical map

this map?

Attached: KFUByuc.jpg (3840x2162, 1.32M)

Speaking of Vulcan monsters, why the heck do the Vulcan's still let them hang out literally minutes away from populated areas?
I mean holy crap that thing could slaughter like fifty people before it got put down, and it's hanging out ready to ambush kids.

Didn't Gene want the bridge to be 50% female?

Id imagine so, left of the tip of the Klingon Empire logo

nah, not without the nose ridges

Here's something from William Shatner, the whole mythos of progressive Trek was a lie to cash in on dumb college kids in 1970's.

>Didn't Gene want the bridge to be 50% female?

I have an exert from the writers saying that Roddenberry didn't want any female commanders in Star Trek.

Attached: 1544812946128.png (675x357, 33K)

I never saw star trek as unrealistically communist because the only thing that might make communism work is the replicator and virtual reality tech.

Discord trannies

Spandex unifoms are probably terrible at hiding hard cocks

>only clip I could find
goto 2:25 or so
Stewart can be a real liberal shit sometimes but sometimes he can been a pretty cool dude.

Why does she have betazoid eyes?

Attached: Deanna_Troi_2364.jpg (810x1080, 419K)

r e n t
f r e e

Thanks for finding this. Not really much there but I didn't even know they had put that on there. ...but why WOULD the Starfleet have that on their tactical map of the war effort? Seems kinda odd choice.

Do forklifts exist in trek?

>debunks a single story
>"OMG it debunks the whole mythos!"
Now I don't believe that you read at all.

Jews were showrunners and head writers on all of his shows

Iconian gateways are a big deal, maybe they think there could theoretically be some in that region.

from Lenard Nimoy

Attached: 1520735226706.png (722x221, 32K)

>However, apparently there is at least SOMETHING to the Pravda story, as the 1996 book Inside Star Trek: The Real Story (by Desilu executive Herb Solow and Star Trek Associate Producer Robert Justman) reproduces a 1967 letter from Gene Roddenberry on Star Trek letterhead to the editor of Pravda, informing the latter of Chekov’s addition to the cast. Unless the letter was a latter-day forgery created to lend support to a publicity stunt, it would indicate that Roddenberry at least BELIEVED Pravda had run such an editorial, whether they genuinely did or not.

That's fine, but this was supposed to display the progress of the war effort. Its not a complete atlas on the quadrant.

There were space jews on Star Trek, the writers knew it and went along with it.

Attached: 1542219845096.png (734x354, 54K)

>it would indicate that Roddenberry at least BELIEVED Pravda had run such an editorial

or he just wrote the letter and sent it nowhere as part of the stunt.

I'm inclined to believe William Shatner on this.

They wouldn't want the Klingons getting hold of Iconian tech, Starfleet could just be tracking activity around the area for that reason

I'm inclined to believe Herb Solow and Robert Justman over William Shatner. They are the ones who would actually know what goes on behind the scenes.

Based Bill

they're not humans in STO, and they can't time travel either (well, they can, but their minds can't, or something convoluted like that).

of course I can't find the source on this right now but it was just set dressing and wasn't intended to be read into much beyond "there's more red. that's bad."

Attached: map-episode03.jpg (1274x759, 201K)

based dukat larper

You're reaching. Not interested in entertaining that.

Thanks for the digging.

And I guess the Klingons are too ignorant to have something like archeologists.Imagine the shame if your first born becomes an archeologist, ruining family honor for generations!

Attached: 1513243378694.gif (268x200, 903K)

here we go...

Attached: tripfag_enters_the_thread.webm (640x360, 577K)


Attached: 2019-03-10 102129.jpg (1300x540, 128K)

>You're reaching.
If you want to come up your own idea of an in universe explanation, by all means please do.

You've got to wonder how Klingons even made it into space in the first place

epic maneuver

They most likely stole a ship during first contact.

b-but star trek was sjw from the start

Have they ever explained the Iconian gateway Lorca had in the first few episodes?

that's not killy

She's got such a sultry voice.


Is STO actually a worthwhile source for trek "lore"? Don't nitpick about canon and timelines, I don't really care.

Attached: Dathon_2368.jpg (810x1080, 220K)

apparently the maps are based on the book Star Charts, which is several editions obsolete by now (the 2018 edition of Stellar Cartography is the one you want for maximum space autism)

Attached: galaxy map 4.jpg (2919x1960, 1.98M)

>sultry voice
Aka Commodore Paris.

Attached: Commodore Paris.jpg (641x418, 59K)

Picard or Mercer?


Starship troopers. Read the book or enjoy the movie unironically.

Attached: starship troopers experts.png (957x537, 749K)

Ba'ku confirmed for Picard series?

Attached: ru'afo.jpg (1300x964, 144K)

>just a grift,
It's amazing how your paranoia leaps out. You think being progressive was the comfy choice in the late 60s? When Governor Ronald Reagan literally declared martial law in California? Try again, Pavel.

yes and no. the Picard show is probably going to throw the backstory out the window, which is fine because it started off as "Species 8472 false-flagged the Federation and the Klingon Empire into war", then became "The Iconians did everything" and it's mostly been Temporal Cold War Online since 2016. especially since the storyline with the Hurq and the Dominion had to stop for a couple of years so that Discovery's leftovers can get time-traveled in.

Attached: needs of the many.jpg (625x1009, 101K)

I haven't actually played it, but I've heard that some parts of the story are pretty interesting, while some are pretty dumb.
It's the only ""canon"" thing in the past 15 years to further the plot though (besides the 2009 movie), so it's got that going for it at least, it's a good way (hell, the only way) to see what's going on with each faction post-Nemesis.

But it's soft-canon from what I understand, anything happens only until something says otherwise.

Please forgive him. He gets his education from screencaps posted on 4channel instead of actually reading books or articles.

>then became "The Iconians did everything" and it's mostly been Temporal Cold War Online since 2016. especially since the storyline with the Hurq and the Dominion had to stop for a couple of years so that Discovery's leftovers can get time-traveled in.
Sounds like the writers of STO and STD actually talked to each other and STO became an early spoiler.
is it worth to start STO, as single player just for the lore?

Attached: Iconian_gateway_toronto.jpg (1800x1335, 556K)

>it's a good way (hell, the only way) to see what's going on with each faction post-Nemesis.
This, I am quite sick of the prequel meme and all the timeline rape that inevitably comes with it.

Attached: Star_Trek_Nemesis_04.jpg (3656x1524, 3.07M)

Are whales the most powerful beings in the universe?

Attached: starstrek4.jpg (254x198, 6K)

STO's writers and devs have been in the Discovery writer's room. they've also handed the Picard writers a huge folder of lore for Picard to change or steal ideas from as they see fit.

and they get files directly from CBS, which is how they were able to put the Crossfield class, Walker class and T'Kuvma's Sarcophagus ship in the game almost immediately after Discovery premiered. and the newest content is stuff about Pahvo that the writers couldn't fit into season 1.

yes, it's pretty fun and the multiplayer aspect is extremely optional most of the time.

Should I watch DS9 or Babylon 5 first? I've never seen either.

where's the new thread!

Would it make sense that if a fleet of Starfleet ships went to the exact same warp factor at the exact same time, that you would be able to sort of see the other ships cruise beside you or pass by like you would cars on a highway?

Attached: elite dangerous warp.png (1255x640, 1.42M)

I'm going to guess, no.

Finished TNG recently and wondering this too

DS9 since you're already invested in Star Trek?

Probably not, no.
People view ships through the viewscreen while both at warp all the time, but I doubt you'd be able to physically see them clearly through a window or something, unless you're both within the same warp bubble. Outside space would appear too distorted.

Attached: Warp.webm (1920x790, 686K)

Is be latino or middle eastern?

South Asian

This warp effect really triggers me; Looks more like a body moving fast through a fluid with almost turbulent flow trails instead of a warp bubble contracting and expanding space. Fucking designers, I swear. Physical brainlets.

Attached: 1391262897574.gif (195x151, 1.87M)

Give me fanfiction prompts.

Attached: 1540523579451.png (640x960, 787K)

gib crossover episode. picard and crew roll up on a dimensional gateway and picard swaps places with ed mercer.

Set coordinates.


It literally adds 3 points and you're a faggot if you wouldn't want to be mommy-dominated by