ITT: Episodes from "golden age" Simpsons (generally speaking the first 7 or 8 seasons) that no one remembers.
ITT: Episodes from "golden age" Simpsons (generally speaking the first 7 or 8 seasons) that no one remembers
E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)
For those who want to be part of this epic Yea Forums forced meme there are three easy steps.
Step 1: This is considered the most important step. See what Simpsons joke this epic Yea Forums meme is being applied to today. Most of the time it's the older Simpsons episodes, usually a sign gag, but since these threads die very fast the guys that force this apply it to other Simpsons moments now. This thread however uses the Lil Lisa Slurry gag. Please pay attention.
Step 2: Take a iconic screencap of that Simpsons joke, any will do as long as people can recognize the art style being from the Simpsons and what the joke was originally. Act oblivious and like you don't understand the meaning or the punchline of the joke. I know, I know, this is Yea Forums, a site where we're all comedy geniuses who get every obscure reference but that's what makes this meme edgy, wacky and zany. We pretend to not understand the joke. Go nuts, the sky is the limit! The more clueless you act, the more epic the meme is. This takes us to the final step.....
Step 3: Make a response to your original post, taking the position of a sneedposter and pretend that scene is really about S11E05. Be sure to put some variation of "formerly", "sneed" and "chuck" in there in reference to the joke. Replace character names with "sneed" and "chuck" and place names with "feed and seed" and "fuck and suck". Or just replace words with 'sneed' even if it doesn't make any sense at all! Funny huh?
Now that you understand how to do this, have fun kids. Happy memeing!
For me, it's the McSneed
>Sneeds need feed and seed
Are Pig Sneed, Engine Sneed, and Dynamiter Sneed part of the extended Sneed family?
Can someone unironically explain this sneed meme thing to me?
>You don't win friends with salad forks!
Formerly Chuck meme
Pig Sneed is probably related to Zeke.
Li'l Lisa Slurry? I like that episode. It has one of my favorite lines.
Formerly chucks
jeez raimi...
>babbys first sneedpost
This is a pretty surface level understanding of Sneedposting. You would be laughed out of the room among veteran sneedposters with this "advice", but I suppose it reflects at least a passing knowledge in Sneed.
Stark-raving dad
The new lost episode
The episode where homer grows a farm of tobacco/tomato hybrid plants. One of my favorites.
The word "sneed" was on a sign on a Simpsons episode once, almost 20 years ago, so obviously people on tv repeat it mindlessly.
In simpsons S11E05 Homer goes to a store named "Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)" and gets heckled by some rednecks on the front porch. Not too long ago there was this epic meme going around that painted this scene as the "Simpsons most well hidden dirty joke ever" or whatever the fuck and you had people unironically touting it as such, so Yea Forums being Yea Forums ran with the autism and now the joke has been warped to such a degree that the setup and punchline are both simply "sneed", or any of the other lines from the scene such as "Mister Gucci Loafers". Also there's "moe.jpg" where some fag replies to every sneedpost in a thread with a picture of Moe and "cringe".
This is the last OP with "Simpsons General" in it that I could find that wasn't Sneeded (though there was one (1) mention of Chuck) (June 16, 2017)
In July, Sneedposting seemed to be slowly catching on, only a few a thread
By August, Sneed was a phenomenon that is currently still going
Original Sneedposter here, let me explain the origin to those who seem confused.
It became a meme (as it is now) July 2017. Obviously the image dates back from the 1999 episode and people would occasionally post it (genuinely) in Simpsons threads, as to point out the humor of the sign itself and nothing more.
Anyways, around May-June someone just kept posting the image as a new thread along with "I don't get it". The "I don't get it" Simpsons poster had existed before this (he didn't spam or anything, would post a few times a month at most if I recall). From there, people started posting random Simpsons site-gags with "I don't get it", a lot of the jokes very self-explanatory but the meme being that they're confused by the simple joke or taking a joke logically.
So then whenever a Simpsons thread was made of any type, slowly people kept posting the Sneed image in it with (with "I don't get?"). There was never any main intent to "kill comfy threads" but it just became that. Then the joke went beyond acting confused by the image itself, the joke became just mentioning it in ANY Simpsons thread, to the point just saying "sneed" now sufficed.
May 2017 was the last pre-Sneed era of Yea Forums, since June it's been a sensation that only grows in strength by the day. Hope this helps
I still don't get wtf you people are talking about but it sounds stupid. This is one meme I can pass on I suppose.
Not too long ago I did a rewatch of the first 13 seasons and it amazed me how many repeated quotes, overused reaction images, etc. come from a small handful of episodes. There are so many episodes among the first 230 that are better than overrated crap like the Monorail one or the one where Homer works for the Bond villain. Do some third world countries only air a small selection of episodes and that's why the internet seems to only focus on those few?
I confess to knowing little about the Sneed, but I am very knowledgeable about the Feed & Seed.
I am currently preparing a mix of french millet, grey striped sunflower, cracked corn, oats, wheat and safflower.
This is the perfect mix for my parakeet, who is co-incidentally named Chuck.
Breeding season is upon us and Chuck'sneeds will be entirely fulfilled with this feed'n'seed mix so he can fuck 'n' suck his way through the summer.
Pic related, it's Chuck!
Nice detective work, Lou. You'll make sergeant for this.
Well la-de-da Mr. Park Avenue Manicure
My mom fucked Sneed in 1997, ask me anything
well pardon us mr. Gucci loafers
based Yea Forums historian
Formerly fully on board with sneed memes
Did it suck?
Cool bird. Nice to meet you, Chuck!
you now remember the one episode with Marge's father
He couldn't grow stink on a monkey, so he had to become a stewardess. Sad, many such cases!
hey "pigs need" includes sneed
But I love The Old Man and the Lisa
>Marge: He went from stinking rich to just plain stinking.
>[Laughing] -
>Bart: Good one, Mom.
>Homer: Oh, you're so bad, honey.
>Lisa: You guys shouldn't laugh at him, Mr.Burns has changed. He's different now.
>Marge: Yeah.He's broke.
>- [Laughing] -
>Homer: Two in a row!
You should mention that the meme likely exploded the way it did was that it pissed people off, so it was posted in a way to annoy the haters (hence Moe posting).
What actually started sneedposting was the 2016 election.
Before sneedposting, every Simpsons thread on Yea Forums was basically the same old topics (golden age, decline, principle and le pauper, lady gaga episode, RIP hartman, oh noes the cracks were already showing in season X, stiff HD animation, Scorpio, monorail, tik tok intro, etc.) rehashed ad nauseum for the past 10 years. The sneed meme basically put a mercy bullet in the stale discussion.
>TikTok intro
TikTok wasn't even a thing before sneedposts got huge in 2017.
This better be bait
Comfy Sopranos threads are the new comfy Simpsons threads and need to be Sneeded
>The sneed meme basically put a mercy bullet in the stale discussion.
Imagine being so deluded that you think you're a good guy for posting sneed.
I see what you did there you filthy lil Sneeder.
Dude i'm talking about the song, not the website
Se11 Ep05
Reminder that comfy threads are happening on Yea Forums, we need to change that
A comfy thread is just a cry for help from Sneed.
Formerly thought I was the bad guy
it was aight
I swung over and threw down a few sneeds
Season 9 is part of the golden age you bitch
The first 60% of season 9 is part of the golden age, so for me I say the golden age lasts until season 9.6.
Season 9 is the last season that is "part" of the golden age because literally 5 episodes from it were produced during the golden age but didn't air until that season
"Lisa's Sax" (Season 7 production, aired season 9)
"Simpson Tide" (Season 8 production, aired season 9)
"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson (Season 8 production, aired season 9)
"The Principal and the Pauper" (Season 8 production, aired season 9)
"Lisa the Simpson" (Season 8 production, aired season 9)
Real Simpsons fans organize their collection in production order and include the episodes above in the season in which they were produced.
In reality "Lisa the Simpson" was the final episode of the golden era, as it was the final episode produced during the season 8 batch
Sneed is Yea Forums fighting back against redditors who refuse to go to Yea Forumsmblr with their cartoon garbage.
Seasons 1-2: Early age
Seasons 3-8: Golden age
Season 9 - Mid Season 10: Silver age
Late season 10 - Season 12: Bronze age
Seasons 13-now: Zombie
sneed is in all 3 of these
se re regalo
and sneed