Shitposting and SJW shit aside
Is it any good or nah?
Shitposting and SJW shit aside
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No thanks, I'm mature.
It’s not good, it’s not bad, it’s just average.
>women derive all their value from their holes
Yikes! But women are totally the stronger gender
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever
Fuck I'd hate to see us win
bog standard. you'll miss nothing not watching the movies. but then again, what do you expect from your typical formulaic capeshit?
it's not bad or anything but it is textbook "meh" or mediocre
i still think the jury is out on brie. if she's good in endgame, it'll be because the russos and the writers are better with other characters and stronger material
if she's still shitty in endgame, then there is no hope
The best Marvel so far
Hell nah!
You would have more fun watching random videos on youtube about cutting wood than this movie, not joking.
based sex haver
Nah not really. It's really mediocre and even the critics are rating it as a lower than everything but Thor 2. There's nothing in the movie that made me care about Carol or any of her future movies
Best Marvel so far.
8.5 out of 10.
Better than aquaman. She was playing a type A fighter pilot so she'd be stoic and goal oriented. She's not tony stark, thor or captain america. Worse than Civil War because actions scenes not as good, de aged nick fury is good but kind of off putting and sad. The Just a girl thing was a bit much
overall pretty good but not great. It was a cool way to do a origin story as well.
>Is it any good or nah?
trash... even for capeshit -- woeful woman / black pathetic tier
make me
>overall pretty good but not great.
>8.5 out of 10
This isn't IGN
This. It has some good moments, but overall underwhelming and meh.
It's boring shit and has an unbelievably bad ending.
Also Brie should not be in the movie. She's horribly miscast.
It's bad even for MCU standards but I have literally no idea at what point in our history, retarded nerds got so much say about shit that people in genetal are getting worked up about a fucking comic flick. Are we really a generation composed of manchildren?
Very formulated and boring. I’m honestly going to stop watching these fucking schlock fests after Endgame and the next Spider-Man.
It's bad. Posters saying it was "pretty solid, fine, okay" are Marvel fans who just won't admit to themselves that Marvel can make a bad film.
Why do you feel that it’s deserving of an 8/10?
>half empty theaters
I just saw a 7:00PM EST showing and the thater had 2 empty seats.
I liked the movie; it wasn't bad, but it wasn't a disaster by any stretch of the imagination. My main quip is I think it did a bad job at portraying how truly fucking powerful she is, and as such, people that watch the movies but are unfamiliar with the comics might be wondering just how she's supposed to have a hand in defeating Thanos.
Eh the twist of the scrolls being the good guys was good.
They ate called trolls you retarded autist. There's a pasta that has been spammed to death and a lot of you asspies keep replying to it seriously.
It was bad. Reminded me of Rey in TFA.
No suspense. No earning of power. No consequences. No hard decisions to be made.
Also they completely shit on Mar-Vell and the Skrulls.
Don't be ridiculous.
Most of the culture war is pushed by outside sources. Real people are not so dumb or so angry. Also I'm 100% serious. Most people are smart, "idiots" are just faking it to rock the boat.
This user. Entertaining to some measure but it's generally not a good movie. Certainly not worth watching again, strained my attention on more than a number of occasions.
General opinion seems to be that it's lukewarm at best. I have heard "It was alright" quite a lot.
you can get the gist of the script here
Green Lantern unironically was better. The movie is literally about a strong women getting magical powers from an alien Hillary and saving space goblin refugees from the evil space blue men. So bad and soulless it could give cancer to someone.
I thought that was the case until I learnt that black panther was nominated for best picture. I thought the whole shit flinging about that movie was contained to retarded memes until I saw it was actually causing massive impact and heat. It's just so fucking ridiculous to think a blacksxploitation character from a comic book would have anythig to with with race relations and race related topics in America.
It's easily top 3 MCU films for me. I legit cried during this movie it was so moving and empowering. It's really gonna redefine what superhero movies are in the future and that's a good thing. As far as I'm concerned the only people that have anything bad to say about this movie are probably blacks.
GL was an abortion in every respect and anyone that says it was better than Cap marvel should immediately be put to the death. Good god man, I'm not going to put Marvel on a pedestal but holy shit when you resort to hyperbole like that it seriously weakens your argument.
can someone tell me at what minute is the stan lee cameo? I wanna watch his cameo on a camrip but don't care for the rest of the movie. can someone do me a solid and tell me what minute to check in.
I'd say that most normal people roll their eyes at politicized shit full of 3rd wave feminist cliche's though we are all kinda used to it by now. Nobody really likes it, not even normal women.
sorry if it hurts your feelings that DC can make a better movie even when they fail, disney shill.
Story is straight up an analogy for the Holocaust. The Krei (space Nazis) seek to destroy the shapeshifters (Jews). Marvel, believing her government, does her duty to destroy these shapeshifters. She later learns from one of the shapeshifters that the shapeshifters dindu nuffin and that all they want is a Homeland (Israel).
Still not sure if based and redpilled or cringe and bluepilled as they correctly make the Jews shapeshifters but the movie makes them nice guy shapeshifters
bump, please...
Gr8 b8 m8
It's worth watching
It's okay. Perfectly competent but nothing really memorable about it long-term.
entertainingly average with politics so it isn't worth your money
It had okay fight scenes, and the Skrulls were fun. Plenty of cringe moments tho.
Slightly below average movie wich got destroyed because of an agenda. I wouldn't recoment it.
there were a few pics posted online from the thursday midnight screenings showing some empty theater, so now of course Yea Forums believes that Disney themselves is buying whole theaters
They were the best part of the film.
Green Lantern will always be shit
something is wrong when Thor: The Dark World is more entertaining than this piece of shit movie.
It's really more like Israel vs. Palestine. It's implied that the Skrulls did pleny.
It's terrible. It's not bad in the sense it's unwatchable like "Tree of Life," but holy shit. It's on the level of Batman Forever, not the least because she MUST DEFEAT HER OWN LIMITS only to ... well, fly off into space. Because her at full power would have annihilated any sense of balance amongst the other heroes. And no, Brie Larson isn't good enough to hold it up.
Oh, so THAT's why Rotten Tomatoes won't accept my one-star review. Shit! All these years as a loyal reviewer and they're nerfing anyone and anything under three stars?
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.
In some countries, Disney isn't above that. You mean to tell me Chinese people give a flying fuck about a flying cunt?
Its ok. Cool visuals but other than that its mediocre. Samuel L Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn are great though.
Alita is better
>Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner.
It's not simple-looking and it's presented as a woman's struggle in and without her very soul. It's also presenting that struggle like cold dog shit. For 85% of the movie, she's fuzzy on why she's there and who she's really for or against, which means the audience barely buys into what she's doing. As soon as she realizes what she's doing, she ALSO realizes it was wrong, which means the few audience members who bought in were cheated.
THEN in the last 10%, she just unshackles herself (because, again, I guess that was an option THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME) and Mary Sue one-punches the whole fleet. Then ... floats off into space.
It's sound and fury signifying nothing.
t. actual script doctor
Skrulls are based though
ok incel
Kree = Romans
Skrulls = Israelites
It's an analogy for the diaspora following the Bar Kokhba revolt.
Overall, mediocre as fuck. On the level of Thor 2 or Black Panther. Captain Marvel is very, very flat as a character.
Nick Fury's stuff was by far the most entertaining and enjoyable aspect. I would have much rather had it be a Nick Fury film, with Captain Marvel as a rarely-seen support character, even as a deus ex machina device for End Game, than what we got. Aside from (actual spoiler) how he lost his eye, which was stupid Fury was the best part.
It's so mediocre, plus all the shit with Brie Larson and the political angle, I'd definitely skip it. I only saw it because I get free tickets because my boyfriend manages the theater.
China is still a very unpredictable market, Coco did 190 million in China despite strict laws regarding the depiction of skeletons in movies. And who would have thought that a movie about a mariachi kid would be so popular there.
Our girl is gonna make 1.5 billions, incels
Huh, I wonder why. My guess is that the themes about honoring your dead family resonated strongly with the Chinese audience. But what do I know.
you gay or grill?
Based on what I know about how sales work in China, there's no reason Disney couldn't just invent these numbers. And no, I'm not kidding, a friend of a friend works in steel sales. They just inflate numbers by 50% and everyone pretends it's real.
China in general seems like an enigma to me. I'm really ignorant about the country. In one half of my brain, it's a stark, starving, communist wasteland that never watches films and people are dying everywhere. In another, it's a kitschy bootleg gigantic shopping mall where everyone goes to the movies every day to see dumb blockbusters. In another still it's all mountains and rice terraces and cone hats.
Hindsight is 20/20. Nobody expected that movie to do well there.
and not even of the trans variety.
>ever good
Um sweaty no
Have sex
Have sex.
All three of your interpretations are somewhat correct
China has experienced an economic boom and a lot of people who were once poor and borderline starving, can now enjoy everyday amenities. With a massive population, Hollywood has been trying to tap into that market with varying degrees of success.
post tits
You just described every MCU movie not called Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Infinity War.
Taken either way you thirsty faglord
Get an argument
Awful pacing and no character development. All the characters acted with no emotion and all the conflict was utter shit and pointless. I did think the one skrull wife was cute tho
This is now legally consent. I'll be tracking your IP from this post and be there to collect my sex shortly.
>pretty good but not great
>Get an argument
Want to know how I know you haven't had sex?
Infinity War was bad though
The first Ant Man, Thor, and Iron Man were pretty good also.
it's just me or Carol is lesbian in this universe?
It's a little more than that. You also have Chinese money wanting to get out of the country, which may have an economy built on a house of cards, and flooding their chink money into Hollywood.
Also massive state sponsored hacking, and state enforced IP theft of US companies while the government helps work to keep US companies at bay etc
>exactly what it's meant to be
What a cope. I know this is a troll post but Brie Larson is great because of Room
I do, that's why I don't have time to watch shitty films and need to screen out the ones that are a waste of time. Thank you for your concern.
> All this autism screeching over "muh women's lib"
You faggots seriously wonder why women don't like you?
How do you even have the time to waste quoting these many posts? Are you a virgin?
"muh women's lib"
Boomer detected.
China has the largest industrialized economy in the world, and a domestic market of over 1.3 billion.
That is not a house of cards, user..
At least I'm not some dumbass edgy 15 year old.
Trying too hard
The women in this movie are unironically the least interesting characters.
i just saw it, it's good, i'm catching up with the MCU, i thought she was going to be boring but she actually has chemistry with most of the cast, Fury was based and so was Goose
>Is it any good or nah?
If it weren't a Marvel movie and if there weren't a controversy surrounding it thanks to things Brie Larson has said, I kind of feel like nobody would be talking about it at all. Purely on its own merits as a movie, it's painfully boring.
>but user, it's the first girl superhero!
Well, no, it isn't. Wonder Woman was just two years ago and if you want to really go back there was a Supergirl movie in 1984. You can't even say it's the first Marvel girl superhero movie when Elektra had a movie in 2005. And it's not like other movies didn't have girl superheroes in them. Scarlet Witch has been a thing since the second Avengers, and Black Widow since Iron Man 2. And then you have Ant-Man and the Wasp, where the Wasp was really the main hero in it, while Ant-Man was more comic relief. But regardless, "being a girl" doesn't make a character interesting. It doesn't make a movie interesting. You kind of need to have more, and Captain Marvel really doesn't have anything else other than a cat.
>but that's because the source material is bad
I understand they've been trying (and failing) to push Captain Marvel for the past decade or so, with constant cancellation and reboots and desperate attempts to make the character interesting. However, I think the material does have the ability to be interesting if presented correctly. At the heart of it, you have an intergalactic alien war with shapeshifting aliens. That could be really, really interesting. Hell, that's basically the plot of Animorphs, and kids liked that. It's pretty much Star Wars. Unfortunately, they just don't do much at all with it. They try to do a twist, but you kind of need to get the audience invested for a twist to work properly, and they don't. It's just a real wasted opportunity. In fact, if I had to sum up Captain Marvel into two words, it'd be "wasted opportunity."
Boring as fuck, not bad but not good either.
Why was Jude Law human looking and not blue like the rest of the Kree?
Thanks a lot faggots, your trolling really worked, lets really troll up the troller trolls and make the next Asian movie 200 million, fucking retards.
First 23 minutes are intense fog-of-war combat -- quite good for comic book -- w40k tier.
What are you crying about?
Some kree are blue and some look normal. There's a lot of normal kree in the background too.
I didn't find that Civil War sequences were that convincing. CM has a "what the f" is going on kinda feel which disorients and produces intensity and some terror.
Which blonde, big-titted, PAWG actresses would be better than Larson?
a LOT of the worst criticisms of Captain Marvel and Brie Larson on this website are actually coming from more mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement but also realize that perpetuating it will validate the rest of you “incels” (not that I believe in that word—it is a voluntary choice to be so shitty and hate-filled) and propel you to continue living sad and intimidated, lonely lives. Enjoy figuring out which of these posts are from SJWs larping as “incels” and which posts are from truly lost miserable anons barking away in their safe space of male privilege. Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it
oh hi incel
What is the point of being an alien race when you are just functionally human? Are there no race wars among the blue and pink Kree? Are you honestly telling me the blue Kree don't have some prejudice against the pink ones?
Amy Schumer as Captain Marvel.
This guy Fucks
I dont know, man. I just know that some kree look normal.
Great review from some fag who hasnt seen the movie.
wheres the character development
you know its bad when the only memorable thing in the movie is a fucking cat
Have sex
It’s only good for tie ins with the rest of the franchise.
As a stand alone film, pretty bad.
daily reminder the left is eating itself while the right is consolidating
I don't think the movie's gonna get any better if I nut in a roastie
The real problem with Captain Marvel and the source material is Superman Syndrome. Like Superman, she is boring because she is too OP. Even Thor, as a God isn't indestructible, yet Captain marvel seems to be, ans she flies and is strong and shoots death rays from every orifice.
Superman isn't boring though
Superman is boring as hell.
thanks /pol
you can go back to your room and masturbate to Hitler now
I spent most of this boring movie wondering why Jude Law didn't want to put on the blue Kree makeup than Larson being a bad actor.
Real talk: most of the liberals I know who voted Hillary aren't married, and of those that aren't, none of them have kids. Meanwhile, people I know who voted for Trump are married, and most of them have kids. I've found that sometimes, when people push an insult over and over and over again, it's because of their own insecurities: that is to say, liberals are actually saying "ha, you alt-righties are losers like ME" when the reality is there's only one loser like you. Here's a thought experiment, though: if liberals think it's wrong to view women as objects, why is it suddenly okay to objectify women by insulting men for failing to "score" with them? Food for thought. And before you ask, yes, I'm married, but I'm not a very political person at all. Just making the observation.
>Best Marvel so far.
did you watched "Winter Soldier" that's top tier filmography.
Even for capeshit standsarts
His movies are.
The thing with superman is that there's a big point of him just being a Kansas boy with the powers of a god and trying to juggle bot things, as Batman would put it "he's more human that I am". Captain Marvel's entire backstory and developement are about conquering over men. Superman is boring when he fights a villain because he's bound to taking no damage 90% of the time and he has more tools in his body than the Bat on his belt.
Superman can be good, depending on how you write him. I personally like the 'not even Superman can save everyone'-take, which obviously only works if it's also paired with the 'Superman genuinely cares'-take.
Marvel supers rarely have conflicts like that though (only one I can even think of where this is a recurring theme is Spider-Man), generally they're about narratives, bullshit personal drama, or - worst of all - powerwankery.
Alexis Texas
lol u didnt see the movie
She’s clearly on Thor’s level and Thor almost killed Thanos.
Nah mate, I saw it and it was pretty boring. Larson whether it was the writing or just her acting, didn't give a good performance.
>shoulder to waist ratio of a man
When did stan lee appear.
I'd argue, like , that Superman isn't innately boring. You can write some really interesting Superman stories. All-Star Superman and Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow are great examples of this. The first Superman movies and Lois & Clark are also great examples.
The problem is that writers try to write Superman like they write every other superhero, where the only challenge they really throw at him is "punch bad guy" with some minor life stuff getting pushed into the background, because you can't have an exciting superhero movie if the superhero doesn't punch a lot of bad guys and there isn't a lot of action! Or can you? In the very first Superman movie, Superman almost never throws a punch. I think he punches a wall once, and that's it. The most memorable scene is Superman failing to protect Lois because he's too busy saving others and being driven near mad with grief that he resorts to defying his father and traveling back in time by flying faster than light. If you look at Batman v Superman, the most memorable Superman scenes in that aren't the ones where he's punching Batman or getting punched, it's scenes where he's going around the world helping people.
What I'm getting at is that, if you want to do a good Superman story, instead of going for dumb action (made dumber by the fact that it's Superman, an immortal living god man), focus on his relationships and his psyche. Maybe that sounds gay, but those are the Superman stories that work. Those are what works. A scene where Superman catches a falling Lois and he says "Easy, miss. I got you" and she says "You got me. Who's got you?" is way more impactful and memorable than Superman and Zod DBZ punchfighting.
I think they honestly believe that meaningless sex is the most important thing in life. No wonder they're so angry.
He was on the train reading something, can't remember if it was a magazine or newspaper. It was real out of place, they just kind of stop to look at him for a second and continue. And Carol just smirks at him knowingly for some reason.
spot the disney shill
There is no alt right person who has a wife that respects them. FACT
There is no alt right.
/pol/ is about 50% female, fuckwit.
It's one of the most female boards on Yea Forums
Formerly abstain
Go away pol tard.
That might be it. I've seen articles about how great casual sex is and how you should open your relationship and essentially be a slut written by liberals. I thought that kind of thing only applied to women, like they were being "sexually free" women and "liberated," but I guess it applies to men. I just find it funny that liberals go "hey guys women aren't objects, you shouldn't sexualize them, you should just toot and and boot it, you need to treat them with respect like they're a human being and not just another notch in your belt" but then turn around and essentially say "hey you dumb incel you don't have enough notches in your belt so you're a loser for not sleeping with enough women." This isn't even new, the whole "you're a virgin if you don't say all women are queens" thing is old as dirt, it's just found a new name.
Haha sure mgtow
lamoing at ur life
This guy Yea Forumss
hi incel
You should read what I said
>Meanwhile, people I know who voted for Trump are married, and most of them have kids.
Like points out, the alt-right doesn't exist as far as I know. I've never met a single person IRL who identifies as alt-right. I've met RL furries and RL bronies and RL magapedes, but never once a RL alt-rightie. In fact, even online, people seem to always say they aren't alt-right. If they do exist, they only exist in such a small number to be insignificant and thus not worth the time people take talking about them.
Can someone tell me if they photoshooped her fungal toes during that scene where she runs around barefoot and uses her toes to open a door?
I couldn't tell
>ny post
Nick Fury was done well.
Mia Malkova
The very definition of a 3/5. Pacing was alright, story was acceptable for a Marvel movie, good characters, but there's too much setup and not enough action or any memorable action scenes.
Mid part is a man hunt.
its a fun movie
Brie is too glib
>Brie is too glib
This. Gah. She’s handed her powers more than any character except Thor, and Thor had a whole movie about learning humility.
Says the incel
Does she have super strength or not?
People aren't telling incels they aren't good enough because they haven't slept with anyone, they are telling them they aren't good enough because they are clueless idiot assholes.
Literally no one cares about how many people you have or have not had sex with except other incels.
With Stormbreaker. Thanos would've given him a second ass-kicking without it.
They don’t explicitly say, and some times she does other times she doesn’t. Her main power is shooting photon blasts from her fists
He was reading the Mallrats script and practicing his lines.
No, it apparently causes my taste in movies to go to shit.
As far as superheroes go, she is the strongest yet. Hence the controversy
It seems so, but only on the lower level that, say, Gamora does.
Not every person sees things that are different and spergs out over them.
So shooting lasers from her fists is going to be what helps kill Thanos even though Thor has thunder + super strength. That's retarded.
Also if she doesn't have super strength then it would suck if they actually do the Rogue thing stealing her powers. X-Men are in the MCU soon (I think?)
>8.5 out of 10
Please tell me what is a 9 out of 10 movie for you
Brie is so boring holy shit
look at that fucking schnoz
It has nice comedic value if you're not bothered by the fempolitics marketing it has
i liked the constant use of her powers in all sorts of situations, superhero movies tend to be stingy with power use ive always felt
>My main quip is I think it did a bad job at portraying how truly fucking powerful she is, and as such, people that watch the movies but are unfamiliar with the comics might be wondering just how she's supposed to have a hand in defeating Thanos.
She literally obliterates one of those Kree ships from Guardians that took the entire Nova Fleet to not stop single handedly in like 10 seconds.
I would say they demonstrated her power pretty well.
4/10. Mostly for a little 90s nostalgia. Larson is just miscast more than anything. More personality would have gone a long way.
Just wait till it's out on prime or netflix
The kree/skrull stuff was dumb.
Jews obviously saw themselves as skrull or something so they switched them into being the victims of oppression.
It has flaws but its good.
It was just aight
Skrulls were fun, and I liked Talos, though the makeup department could've done a bit better in that regard
Brie was wooden, but the writing was just decent enough to keep her from dragging down the whole film
The biggest problem is that it's just entirely tacked on. Everything is about calling back to some other MCU movie, and it felt like this was entirely unplanned and crammed in at the last second, being forced to fit in a pre-existing framework.
It was like Guardians of the Galaxy in that the cosmic shenanigans was a bit detached from the main shit happening on Earth, but while Guardians fit by twisting itself a bit to work around the "main" plot of the MCU, Marvel tried to fit by twisting around shit that was already there for it, which is a really clunky way of doing things
It's about in-line with Ant-Man 2. Not bad, but bland enough that it'll be completely forgotten compared to everything else. That's my honest opinion, without any shitposting, vendettas, or memes
it was good
the musical choices were cringy as fuck
its full of quips and plays it sage
also Brie is barefoot a bit in the beginning we get a closeup of her monkey toes made me laught and think of you guys
by the end shes over powered as fuck, she literally rips one of Ronans ships in half all by herself
so i dont know how shes gonna match up with the other avengers vs thanos she could easily rip the gauntlet off of him
Then they'd be getting called "retards" or "idiots." Incel means a man who hasn't slept with a woman, and thus only works as an insult if a man is somehow inferior if he's a virgin. It's essentially saying the value of a man is his ability to fuck women and get those notches in his belt, which is funny considering it's used as an insult by liberals who also try to tell us not to view women that way. If you didn't care if they had sex or not, you wouldn't use incel as an insult. You do care, you do think they're losers for being virgins, so you use it as an insult. Hell, "virgin" was what you used to call them before the term "incel" popped up. You can't lie to me, so don't even try.
>Jews obviously saw themselves as skrull
I dunno about that. They're shifty but not shape-shifty.
She did an okay job. The black actress and the kid nearly flatlined the movie.
Just got home from seeing it. See it in Dolby Atmos to make up for all the shitty talking scenes. The last 40 minutes is ridiculously awesome...marvel is probably more powerful than Thor hulk and thanos combined.
A little below Ant-Man tier. Got a free ticket through work, wouldn't pay money to see it even if its star hadn't spent weeks telling me not to.
>everything is Jews
Get mental health help /pol.
all i'm saying is that if you want to see good movie with a strong female protagonist go see Alita instead
It’s better than Hulk and Thor 2
That’s the best I can give it
Mid section is antman. Beginning was Star Trek.
This guy is completely right.
Also we need to judge these movies as complete morons who don't know shit about previous movies. If you go in to this movie not knowing anything about the MCU, you would be lost. As a single movie by itself, it's flat as hell.
Also, the action scenes were lacking. There was literally only 1 fist fight and the rest was star wars bullshit with flying spaceships shooting at each other.
Fuck this faggot. I watched the cam and alita was the most chopped and screwed movie I have seen in a while. Yes I never read the manga but from a correctly formatted movie perspective they fucked up in ever department. Romance and emotional scenes felt forced as fuck. Just my two cents.
That's sexist.
It was enjoyable. Not the best of the Marvel movies, but not the worst either. I'd put it somewhere in the middle.
However, I thought Alita was way more fun.
Having put up with friends who claimed that the film was nothing but feminist propaganda trash, I guess "don't give up" and "don't follow authority blindly" are only feminist ideals now? Because those were the two core themes of the movie.
I enjoyed it
They are incels because that's what they call themselves.
There is a difference between a virgin and an incel. Virgins don't have mental issues that they feed with self loathing and made up fantasies about Chads and Stacys lording the land and other meaningless nonsense.
But she said to the man at the end "I don't have to prove anything to you" and it's symbolic of her HATING ALL MEN.
alita was boring as fuck
you should go your own way u freak
I’m going to bed, but someone post the “as a white person” image
The biggest strength the MCU has is that it's broken up into different heroes
If you're a fan of Captain America, you still have Captain America movies you can watch and don't have to bother reading up on what Iron Man or Hulk was doing at the time
If you just want to see the Guardians of the Galaxy flying around doing shit in space, then sure why the fuck not. There might be cameos and references, but you'll get goofy shit happening in space
If you're just a fan of Captain Marvel and only want to see Captain Marvel without watching a weeks worth of movies as required reading, tough shit
Ronan's scenes were 100% just there to make people go 'oh shit that's the guy from GotG'
Phil Coulson is only there to make people go 'oh shit that's the guy from phase 1'
The tesseract is only there to tie in with the rest of the movies.
Captain Marvel's biggest problem is that it's a sequel to literally every MCU film up to that point
This seems like a fair enough assessment. I probably liked Captain America a bit more, but it does have a feel of Marvel trying to smash their cosmic and Earth-bound properties together a bit harder.
I'm wondering if the resolution of Endgame may serve to de-power her a bit, as the character presents a bit of a Superman conundrum. This movie does a decent job of introducing enough to avoid it, but future use of the character is going to possibly struggle with it.
I can definitely agree with this. See Alita first. I enjoyed both. I enjoyed Alita way more.
Completely agreed. Everything in the movie is a reference to the previous 10 years of build up.
I just finished watching it. It's an absolute slogfest. It takes half the movie for anything to happen. Larson is a bland, monotone actress akin to Kristen Stewart. The rest of the cast acts circles around her. Even if you don't pay attention to the SJW bullshit it's just fucking boring. It's worse than Venom
Yeah, no, it's not. It's called self respect. She doesn't have to adhere to artificial Kree standards to prove her worth. That line could have worked with any character of any gender saying it to any other character of any gender.
Painfully mediocre even for capeshit. Should have went straight to digital.
U havnt seen it yet have u.
It was alright but Captain Marvel felt like a mary sue at points which sort of killed any and all tension during fight scenes.
Nobody you call an "incel" calls themselves an incel. If they did, it wouldn't work as an insult. And you used "virgin" as an insult as well until "incel" came along.
Again, you're just a hypocrite. You try to say that we shouldn't treat women as sexual objects, that they don't just exist to be "a point" in our sexual conquests, but then mock men for not having a high enough "score" with women. Nothing you will ever say will change this truth, so if you don't like it, change your attitude. Either stop running around calling everyone who disagrees with you an "incel," or accept that women only exist to be fucked by men (which would align you with the actual incels). It's your choice, but one or the other, please. Otherwise, I'm going to constantly point out your hypocrisies and lies.
Wow, that's fucking cringe worthy.
I don't see what's wrong with that.
>I don't see what's wrong with that.
Really? The fucking go-kart scene with the explosion and the fire and shit? You didn't think that was a bit much? I mean fuck, me and my friends couldn't do that in our teens with access to a go-kart track and the carts. We just got one propped up on the god damn scenery or bottomed out.
I’m a normie by tv standards. My gf and I went to a Thursday night screening and left and hour in because we were bored. She looked over at me and said “this is boring”, so we got up and left. We also didn’t likewonder Woman.
The explosions aren't coming from the go-kart. They're coming from later. Same when she lands on the ground and there's an explosion.
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
I'd definitely recommend watching Captain Marvel to anyone who likes superheroes or is simply a fan of action movies. You'll love it if you want to be entertained. It also does answer some much-asked questions, and that should be the reason enough for you to stay instead of just walking away. Can't wait to watch Avengers: Endgame now!
How well do they handle her power level in relation to humbling her. The movie has made it out to be GIRL POWER YOU CANT KEEP ME DOWN MEN but there's nothing likable about an OP character who plays the victim or acts like they have something to prove. Thor gets humbled precisely for that reason. I feel like Superman tier characters have to have some humility to let their heroism really shine through.
48, 49 with the go-kart in the air LOL god thats bad it spins like it's in gmod or those indian cgi movies. Hits the ground at 50 where a dust cloud explodes into the air obviously pyrotechnics to do that! The cart wouldn't do that! Continue through 50-52 its like a dust cloud storm! 54 THE KART IS RIGHT SIDE UP LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED!
My god I'm cringing, its worse than GI Jane!
only at the very end
is she supposed to be like superman
>still bitching
Take some Midol you faggot.
>character is exploring her memory, which is fractured
>kart hits the ground
>it cuts to another scene later with an alien ship exploding
>woman hits the ground
>it cuts to another scene later with an alien ship exploding
>billiard ball hits the table
>it cuts to another scene later with an alien ship exploding
>you: "buh wuh i don't get it"
Single digit IQ.
>t. larping lonely fatty
Not him, but I actually thought that was a clever way to splice in a bunch of flashback sequences
I don't know about clever but it's not bad.
All memes and politics aside, it’s just another capeshit film. It’s not bad but it’s noyhing special either
I enjoy capeshit. It’s just another origin story with cheesy superhero stuff. Post credit scene was based and it’s worth the price of admission if you’re into marvel
This is like a shitty SJW version of the training scene in Zootopia.
Anyone saying "it's not good but it's not bad either" needs to get their head checked. The movie is legitimately bad and this is coming from someone who enjoys Marvel movies for the most part. Every single thing about it is poorly done and it's shockingly forgettable. It's like an AI was programmed to write a Marvel script and everyone else gave up when it came to production design, editing, acting, etc. Again, I honestly love some capeshit but stop forgiving trash just because it could have been worse
was the projected box office amount after sunday?
Come again?
>Exaggeration beyond exaggeration.
It would have made sense if it was like rally cross or something, the whole thing is..well..a dick waving scene for lack of a better word. Many have said it better than me, " an attempt to make it out like the only thing holding women back from their birth right is men simply being there. " Also go take a midol.
>better than aquaman
hahaha no
>"i don't understand a simple scene in a movie made for babies even when i'm handheld through it bawwww"
Keep crying.
>Bunch of boys apparently go out of their ways to tell her that she's not strong and she need to go slower during a race instead of minding their own fucking buisness
Am I supposed this shit actually happen ?
Or is this movie too self-conscious and decided to show a projected glipse of the mind of a deluded woman ?
/lgbt is
>one punches the whole fleet and floats off into space.
So it's the suicide run from star wars all over again? You know what would have been actually good writing? That she was just being an aggressive angsty bitch internally and needed to let go of that shit to use her powers. Because she was so constantly moody she couldn't function so the only way to do it was not be a third wave feminist. Would have been a good film.
Go take a midol kathy.
Why would I try to bait a retard like you, babycakes? Where's the sport in that?
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.
Wildest thing is that the people behind it don't think they were being political or ham-handed at all
>We've been talking a lot about archetypes and what we want this movie to be about and just how to write a strong female superhero without making it Superman with boobs ... we'll catch ourselves and say, 'Wait a minute, what are we saying [here] about women in power?' Then we have to say, 'Why are we getting so hung up on that? We should just tell the best story and build the best character.' And then we have this constant back-and-forth about how to tell a story that is compelling, entertaining, moving, kick-ass, and fun, and also be aware of what those larger implications might be.
>Asks why they're hung up on focusing on a woman with power rather than just making a good movie
>Still decide to focus on what it's like being a woman with power instead of just making sure good movie
the bare feet shots of brie made the film a 10/10
Fuckyeah I'm babycakes, tard strength, great singing voice.
Dear diary, this user asked me today if I was a virgin and I said no cause I can't give birth to a jesus.
maybe one day tyrone will let you fuck your wife when hes done
That's embarrassing
I have. I just watched it
So you see these shapeshifting fucks who don't shy from infiltration, impersionation, murder and infesting all corners of the galaxy because their homeplanet was supposedly destroyed? We don't know why beyond what they themselves said, but it just was. Well you see, they have kids. Cute kiddies, like really nice kids. So you have to love them now.
Also you see this girl? She gets told by cartoonish caricatures that she sucks and is inferior. She doesn't really react to it, ever, but that's the point, mansplaining can't get to her. Wait, where are you going? Why aren't you interested? Please buy tickets please!
Since when are the Skrull good guys? Aren't they just the same type of assholes that the Kree are?
It's just really average. An okay script, well made special effects (even if they aren't used in an interesting way choreography wise) but just WHO was the main character? There's a line in the movie where they "remind" Captain Marvel her who she is. They say she's brave, funny, caring but we never see that in the film. Her character is just so bland. When you're making an origin story, where I'm supposed to leave the movie linking the character and wanting to see more of them I leave the theater without knowing a single defining quality of the protagonist. Felt bad for the actress, she looks like she could really do something with a better character arc.
Wait, so there's these aliens who pose as normal humans so they can infiltrate humanity, and they're claiming they're victims because their home world was destroyed and their people were genocided? Where have I heard this before? What real life group does that? Hmm.
Depends on how heavy the MCU is with the Eternal/Deviant shit
I can appreciate shills also hating niggers
It was a below average movie once you strip away SJW bias. Not a crime against filmmaking like TLJ, but it was below average. Bree is such a single tone actor that I can only believe she fucked Feige to get this role, because word on the street is that even Iger wasn't a fan. Sam and the special effects are the only reason I still put it near average.
It's actually KINO
You really think that she could have made anything better? She was actually the worst character in the movie, save maybe her black friend. Just plain awful actors.
Barely Pasable
It's not that good.
Worse Marvel movie so far. Worse than Avengers Ultron, Ant Man II and Dr Strange.
No one is ever going to want to re-watch this ever again. I re-watched Iron Man II to make sure I didn't have too high expectations after a couple years, it wasn't as bad, but it still wasn't good.
The CGI and fight scenes just keep getting worse somehow, it's becoming unbearable.
she is going to be a problem to next avengers movies, she is just too powerful, no one likes overpowered characters that doesnt even struggle to defeat its opponents.
Why do you faggots always act like she wasn't in good movies like Short Term 12 and Room.
Inb4 hurr she was shit in/those were shit too!
user do you know what shoulder pads are?
no cameo but there’s a tribute to him before the movie starts
>tree of life unwatchable
fuck outta here with your pleb taste
>unwatchable like "Tree of Life"
Ignore the other guy, I don't know the minute but it's near the beginning when she's on a train looking for the Skrull. It's just before she punches the old lady in the face. Stan is reading a mallrats script
Its boring as fuck, it has no engaging scenes at all, even the typical "hero realizes their potential and actually does something" scene was shitty.
Its better than Black Panther because it doesn't make you cringe due to terrible acting but its worse than Guardians 2 because that at least had a few fun scenes.
Bottom line is: its one of the worst and least engaging marvel movies so far.
People forget how good the first ironman was.
It's mediocre capeshit with a miscast lead. Brie's performance was probably the weakest part about it. But if you like capeshit, you will probably find the movie fine.
I love this post. There was a Superman game that came out a few years back, and the one thing about it that worked was that Superman didn't have a life bar - Metropolis did. Superman is defined by his failures personally, as much as he is by his successes publicly. The absolute best part of Superman 2 was when Zod is just acting like a kid stepping on ants, amused at his power on Earth, and he just tosses a bus around. Reeve, a genuinely good actor, looks legit terrified as he screams "Dear God, all the people!" That's Superman.
There's this great Superman mini comic listing all the people who die in a day while he pushes himself to the point of exhaustion saving as many as he can. It's starts out with green boxes as lives saved, then starts transitioning to red and green as people die, then by the end it's just all red boxes of the people who he didn't save as he's holding his head in mourning staring at a computer screen of the total deaths for the day that he could have prevented.
Have sex
Reminder: "KINO" is just "OINK" rearranged.
>Ryan Freck: "I’m not Christian either—I was raised Communist. [laughs] And Anna is Jewish, as well."
Is it true steel in China is a huge fucking headache of shit quality steel and thievery?
>Disney is petty and would use tactics like buying out theaters.
>Using companies like American Eagle Outfitters to give away tickets to Captain Marvel that the company paid for
I think these numbers are inflated to push this new hero and the start of the 4th phase of the marvel movies.
The effects were good.
The Plot was kinda precictable.. Till you get politics showed in your face.
Her character arc is a joke.
She is a Mary Sue, from the start to near the end she ddon't fully comphrehend this, but in the end she does.
The villan is a joke.
Prepare your expectations to be subverted!
The effect on the saga is borderline criminal ( that Fury's eye and avengers bs still makes me mad ).
It's bad imo.
But your choice.
Agree with this.
I see Norman Boutin made it into industry, happy for him
>alt right
go away mast
Higher, further, faster, baby
I though Ragnarok was pretty good, even if it ditched a cool plot line for the sake of humor
>fellow white people
>Where's your head?
>In the clouds?
Who the fuck talks like this lol?
Goose was sorta amusing.
Have sex
Are we 100% sure this isn't a parody movie?
Not already married, yikes
I agree with what people are saying with the first half being ok but it starts to slog midway I almost fell asleep in the theater in the end but kept awake afraid I'd miss anything important. I didn't afterall cause nothing was important including Fury's lost eye and retconing the Tesseract shitanigans.
a LOT of the worst criticisms of Captain Marvel and Brie Larson on this website are actually coming from more mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement but also realize that perpetuating it will validate the rest of you “incels” (not that I believe in that word—it is a voluntary choice to be so shitty and hate-filled) and propel you to continue living sad and intimidated, lonely lives. Enjoy figuring out which of these posts are from SJWs larping as “incels” and which posts are from truly lost miserable anons barking away in their safe space of male privilege. Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it
does foot fucking count?
Wait, so you are saying that the right is the hivemind NPCs?
>1.5 points away from pure perfection
It baffles me that people like this exist and they're the majority. There are simply way too many dumb people in the world.
Alita is as much of a Marie Sue as CM, She's a perfect girl with the perfect body and everybody loves her except the bad guys, in fact if someone doesn't like her they might end up being one of the bad guys. Se has the best, most powerfull body that exist, she doesn't remember anything from her past but she actually is a master of martial arts, she's also the best in no time with no practice at that stupid rollerskates game, and she sings and plays the piano and everything. And even when she does something bad the medium will paint her as the good guy. It gives me Cat's Eye ptsd.
Truly the Wonder Woman of Marvel.
joey salads, a known alt right grifter, posted that it was empty in his theater tho
this movie was boring as shit. Nick Fury is 100% a joke the entire movie, and while there is literally no point for Coulson to be in this movie, they could have and should have used him as the comic relief instead of Fury.
The music was just bad "hey it's DEFINITELY the 90s, guys", but also I'm just so tired of these fight scenes set to pop music at this point. Guardians got away with it and now everything has to be a bad AMV from the early 00s?
The Skrulls are now friendly, misunderstood, good guys unless they feel like retconning this as "just a rouge group" later. Doesn't change the fact that it still fucked up this movie, but sure, whatever. I'm getting so damn sick and tired of writers/directors feeling as if they need to "subvert my expectations". You REALLY don't. The Skrulls being dicks makes this movie a deeper movie. With them being shady, the Kree being shady both by lying about the Skrulls and lying about Carol, and Carol not knowing where she stands between them because she can't trust either? You've got some stellar stuff to work with and a great place for Carol to "find herself". Instead it's the "clever" subversion. God damn it, learn to play things straight.
And I'll end it on the "lady bashing" note you want: that lame ass flashback sequence of Carol standing up and smirking is already up for Biggest Eye Rolls of 2019. Luckily this movie is set in the 90s, where a sequence that hamfisted would fit right in.
You realise that if your shitty ad homs aren't true (and believe me, 90% of the time they're not) it only serves to further cement our viewpoints right? Go and get yourself an ACTUAL fucking argument for once
It might be the most perfectly fine movie Marvel's put out. There's some fun stuff there, but practically none of it come from the main character.
Brie go away
>much better story
Have you read cpt marvel comics? They are bird shit.
The soundtrack was too on the nose. Picking all those 90s and 2000s songs that didn't suit the scenes was cringe. And Brie fighting Annette Benning to I'm Just a Girl by No Doubt (Gwen Stefani) was too convoluted. Who the fuck on the sound design team thought that was good?
it's the Cosmic Marvel signature at this point. The soundtrack must be "kooky", and yes we can 100% blame Guardians for this.
Not recently, no, but the original massive space war was perhaps one of the better MC runs. All gone, and her mentor changes sex because heaven forbid men do anything but tell her she can't succeed in the movie. They could have even made it a full Guardians cross over and it would have worked. In fact there are a dozen ways this could have been great already inked on the pages of comics the writer and director clearly haven't even picked up. But no, we get Alice In Wonderland 3 instead.
It's bad in every single way, only marvel fanboys try to damage control it into decent territory.
>I shall insult you for your lack of ability to pump and dump women
>But I totally don't care about how many people you had sex with, really
Based retard.
I don't give a fuck about the "controversy" or how the movie supposedly tries to cut your dick or whatever.
It's a bad movie. It builds up some intrigue early on, but it devolves into bland crap and the end is essentially worthless. It's full of awkward scenes that look like they're supposed to be comedic, but contain no real joke. Captain Marvel is one of the blandest superheroes ever conceived. She has a little bit of attitude, but no character to speak of. She's just stubborn and will stand up every time she falls down. That's it.
It's not bad in the sense of non functional pile of garbage like The Room, it's bad in that it's worthless unless it's literally the first movie you ever watched in your life. It offers nothing. I was actually more interested in Captain Marvel the first time I heard about her during Infinity War.
Alita can also have more emotion than bored and annoyed. Plus she's in some fights where's she is pretty outmatched.
It's probably on YouTube or will be soon. You should feel stupid for not thinking of that.
You both are.
Korath was as black as they come.
Had to go with office chums.Really dull and uninspired like Dr Strange, Thor 2 and GOTG2