ITT: post the oldest image in your Yea Forums folder
ITT: post the oldest image in your Yea Forums folder
For what fucking purpose? I'm not helping you out zoomer.
>Yea Forums folder
Screw these bitter jerks user, I'll participate in your thread
Here's your damned image now where's my daughter?!?
>filenames start with 15
I want newfags to leave
came here to post this
Nice, I remember when Yea Forums had people who actually watched films
>not using Yea Forums X quick reply
what is Yea Forums?
did they mean Yea Forums?
how could someone make a mistake like that? they only read the board name 800 times a day. kill yourself, 135 numberlet
>he doesn't know
Off yourself grandpa
>newfag pretending to be oldfag
The most pathetic shit on Yea Forums
I got here in 2012, but I've come to accept that I'll never not be a newfag. Also I think Apu is cute.
ITT newcunt tourists collect images so they can play pretend
ive been here since like 06 but i cant remember back then, im old now, and who would keep a folder that long, heres an apu, hes based
I don’t understand this image where is all the Star Wars and capeshit?
It's the American Psycho dubs picture but not posting it because I don't want to derail this thread with my digits
I wiped most of my folder years ago, but the few threads that made me stay on this damn board were the kstew sweety feet threads.
Too bad Yea Forums has changed quite alot since then.
Sadly, I lost my old hard drive with all of the really good shit. This is the oldest thing I have.
No mexican directors what a pleb
Is the joke that it was formerly Chuck's Suck and Fuck?
WTF!?!?! How did this slip by the film review board?!?!?!
jan 12 2018
It was a different tyme
Damn I haven't seen that pic in ages
lots of chloe stuff
I've been on 4channel since it started (circa 2018).
based ancient fag
it's shooped
yo have a part 2
Why does Sneed mention the former owner on the sign, was he a good business man in the seed and feed industry or something?
My first ones were from the beginning of the avatar 2 countdown threads, but i dont know which one i downloaded first.
>itt cancerous /oldfags/ that should have left Yea Forums years ago reminisce about their glory days
posted from my iphone btw
based oldfag
I forgot about this pic
>Reverse image search
>'Caprica' star Alessandra Torresani
>"I made my mom buy me lingerie when I was 5 years old. I was a sicko. My mother must have been mortified.
>When I was 6, my dad had this huge business meeting, millionaire Asian businessmen came over to our house. I dressed up in this sexy bra, this big fur hat, the red lips, the fake eye lashes. I had my mom go, “Would you please join us in the living room?” and there I was laying on top of the baby grand piano and my 6-year-old neighbor Thomas started playing “Hello Dolly” and I started singing and lifting my legs, doing these kicks.
>Then I’d go around and sit on the men’s laps. Let me tell you, my dad closed every deal because of that — these men were fascinated that this little girl came out of this guy and this woman. It was the funniest thing."
>addicted to prostitutes
that's gay though, and beta
I wonder how many people are still here from the very start. I'll also accept those here from the next three years after Yea Forums was founded.
t. perpetual newfag who started on the rottentomatoes forums
I've been here since 2007, also hello fellow RTfag. I was a regular poster on there for years before the site went to shit
I was really bummed when the site essentially tried to pretend the forums didn't exist and removed links to access it from the main page. RT was a lot nicer back in the day. I guess that's just natural for most sites that age. Eventually it all turns rotten either from the community or from the owner ruining it.
They treated the forums like the black sheep. I think what happened is that they meant the forums to be a mere novelty and didn't expect them to become so popular. I remember for a while there were thousands of people browsing the RT forums during the afternoon, at least according to their metrics. Clearly they decided to sabotage it, and were successful. I know there were forums created by RT users to replace it but they never took off, some shit called "Ice Forums" or something like that is all I recall.
Anyway, classic forums were comfy but they are obsolete now like mp3 players and flip phones.
>I know there were forums created by RT users to replace it but they never took off
>Ice Forums
Damn I completely forgot about that. I think they tried shilling it on RT for a while too. Funny that IMDB would later outright delete all their forums.
I hated the IMDB forums, such an ugly layout
spotted the underage zoomer newfags
He's dead now, isn't he?
>tfw my old comp died on me in 2011 and I lost everything from the good old days
Can't get over it.
Thank you user.
Im drunk and 20 is there any advice youu would gibe to a stupid kid my age wasting his saturday nights on this fucking place
I don't have a Yea Forums folder, I have a bane folder
Stop posting like a retard or just kill yourself. You won't be missed.
if you like coming here, enjoy it, at least you don't have any major responsibilities.
don't worry about arbitrary markers of success set by other people
yeah go out. live your life. stir shit up and come here after 10 years to share your stories.
I don't remember why I saved it.
holy fucking based
Anybody remember a time before TDKR?
I don't believe that pre-baneposting Yea Forums really existed.
no. it's pathetic.
it was a magical time, the rise of /pol/ and its influx of newfags legitimately ruined this place
Somebody needs to post the map.
any real Yea Forums user has a bane folder with a Yea Forums folder inside
I have a bane folder. Inside the bane folder I have a CIA folder. Inside that folder I have a tax folder. That's as far as I go.
Fuck. I just went to bed and am foolishly phoneposting before going to sleep. I have shit from Yea Forums in 2004. Yea Forums was the only place to discuss western media before Yea Forums.
Here. This is one of the oldest Yea Forums pics on my phone, circa 2014.
morning, oval