This show is so much better when i'm in a bad mood

its kinna like chewin' on a kanker sore, you know what i mean?

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Why would you chew on a canker sore? There can be no enjoyment in that whatsoever.

>It's another Simpsons/KOTH/family Guy clone
No thanks

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it's a shame the show isn't animated like the opening. the character designs actually look quite nice but they're stiff as fuck and the facial expressions don't come close to doing the voice acting justice.

its really not.
its a lot more.. i dunno, bitter?
its got kind of a hard edge to it.

that sounds more like a nitpick.
I think this show is more for older audiences who can relate.

>It's a Simpsons/KOTH/Family Guy clone with an "edge"
Great, I'm sure it stands out nicely along with the other 14,682,783

it really isnt, the show pretends to be for mature audiances
there is no over the top shit in it at all, its all relationship/work problems and there are hardly any jokes
! dont het tricked into watching this abortion

It's more like a boomer/Gen X nostalgia trip.
Only really worth watching for Bill Burr playing a pissy east coast dad

the writing is fine, but that's not an excuse for cheap animation. what's even the point of animating something if it's just going to be talking heads being less expressive than real people.

you know what you know what its like chewing on a you know what a you you know what kanker sore

see, thats what i mean.
its for people who are tired of watching goofy shit and taking moral advice from people who don't know what the fuck their talking about.

the animation is fine, your a pussy who can't deal with uncensored breasts.

you know Bill and Morty?
This show is like the opposite of that. Its for people who are sick of that style of humor and that kinna attitude.

just trust me, come home, watch this after you've had a bad day at work.

you'll feel better about your life, i promise.

holy fucking reddit spacing

Call an ambulance user, you are having a stroke

>chewing on a kanker sore
Nigga why tf would you do that

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This show became way too serialized in season 3. Every character seemed to only do one thing the whole season. Ended up being like a single 5 hour episode as opposed to a season.

why do white people dwell in misery

>there is no over the top shit in it at all
Nah, after season 1 it turned really over-the-top and goofy.

>daddy goes on a strike, mommy gets a job and earns money, older son smokes a joint, younger son gets caught lying, daughter breaks a leg or some shit
this show is so uneventfully and boring its, literally, not even funny