Do boys really do this?

Do boys really do this?

Attached: Young boy.webm (886x480, 2.63M)

he should've raped the cunny

>character's name is shota

Attached: 80482895829474.png (500x522, 133K)

Attached: 1534412533201.webm (848x480, 2.17M)

>not translating "shota" to "boy" or "kid"
Weeb subs

Attached: 1412851211861.jpg (267x323, 7K)

GOD DAMN I wish I was abused like that when young

Imagine if the genders were reversed

How do we ban people who make the same thread over and over and post the same comments over and over?

How do we ban people who make the same thread over and over and post the same comments over and over?

Do boys really do this?

Attached: 1415730265146.webm (1920x816, 2.97M)


His name is Shota, Leo. Honest mistake.

Same thread? I checked the archive and it doesn't exist?

maybe reddit is more your speed, kiddo

Kek. It's been posted before, friendo. And surprise, surprise, very similar comments are being posted.

>tfw still a kissless, hugless 32 yr old virgin

post more webm pls

What movie was this?

You mean look at breasts? Of course they do.

do boys really do this?

Attached: hungryman.jpg (800x600, 89K)

Those are the best. 10/10.

Don't be buttblasted because you got called out, faggot. Man up.

people who fell asleep before it was revealed the boy was abducted too

Attached: 1518240530364.jpg (1194x1000, 380K)