Why do movies and tv shows like The Shield portray cops as courageous heroes instead of as the corrupt violent retards...

Why do movies and tv shows like The Shield portray cops as courageous heroes instead of as the corrupt violent retards they are?

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Because the police union is one of the most powerful in the nation and they've done a very, very good job of shilling themselves into being seen as heroes

>the guy had Stage IV pancreatic cancer
jesus fucking christ, America.

>wahhh cops r bad
>why cant they just pick and choose what laws they want to enforce

spoken like somebody who's never held a job.

Because dindus make them look heroic

>The Shield portray cops as courageous heroes

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>like The Shield
yeah it's not like they kill one of their own in the fucking pilot

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They literally can, and often do. These cops are fags and so are you

>oh shit this guy has cancer, that means he can just do whatever he wants.

The cops got a call and they are obligated to respond. Only thing this proves is that pot doesnt cure cancer.

Sovereign citizen detected. Get tazed you dumb fag lmao

>why cant they just pick and choose what laws they want to enforce
Some literally do this all the time and I don’t even hate cops

dunno but that Keanu Reeves movie where he is a patrol police officer was spot on how corrupts they are.

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Did you actually watch a single episode of the shield

Why are you blaming the enforcers of the law instead of the law they are enforcing

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>why cant they just pick and choose what laws they want to enforce
of all the points you could have made to defend the societal necessity of police, and you choose this one? wewlad

so how did american cops go from being a literal gang in the 70's to robocops now

Based P. Barnes doling out justice

Police are mostly highschool educated at best, which means middle school educated for the rest of the world.

>cops are dicks
what?! when did this happen?

Liberals demanded robocops so now we have them

Its cops jobs to enforce the laws, not interpret them. Do all these retards not realize that the judges or DA's office (the ones who actually interpret the law) could easily decide not to pursue legal action against this man. Be angry at the judges and lawyers

he had a water bottle, man. can never be too careful against those.


judges and lawyers don’t kill innocent people and animals

Don't forget they're often ex-military. So they got that mental conditioning ingrained in them too.

Even building/construction inspectors pick and choose which codes they want to enforce. Spoken like somebody who thinks they know what it's like to hold a job.

So if they were more educated then they would just selectively enforce the laws that degenerates and hippies approve of?

Doesn't mean all the sudden he's allowed to break the fucking law. It's not that hard to figure out.

>Dude with cancer sneaks weed into the hospital
>Nurses ask him to stop
>He tells them to fuck off and keeps doing it
>They call the cops
>Nurses record the cop trying to take weed from the guy
>Video goes viral
>Cop is put on suspension, sent death threats, ect

Yeah cops are the bad guys huh? Read the fucking story next time

and they probably didn't
it wasnt the DA in the first place that sent the cops there

Filthy dumb bootlicking scum

> they've done a very, very good job of shilling themselves into being seen as heroes
do you have a book or something you got this from? I want to read it

But they often excuse the actions of those that do, don't be mad at the hammer, be mad at the ones yielding it.

you wildly overestimate the education of the rest of the world

how's the boot taste?

>DUDE stop being in chronic terminally-ill pain lmao
Absolutely fucking edgelord right here. We'll see if you're singing the same tune when you or someone you love dies slowly from cancer and wants to ease the pain

Western Europe is the "rest of the world" in liberal speak.

>It being illegal in the first place
That's the problem, asshole

the suit my sides.

What a Morin

>muh bootlicker
It's so ironic that you're most likely anti second amendment. I guess you only lick boots under the right circumstances

Police are anti-white. Police go much easier on black criminals because they know niggers will start riots and try to get him fired for his actions.

The guy in the guilee suit wtf

Yeah a citizen knowing their rights is reeeeal drag.

>appeal to emotion
Do you have an actual argument? Not him btw

Watch some these videos from police body cameras


you are confusing the police with judges.

that trash was probably stolen

If it was legal, he still couldn't smoke it in the hospital. Tobacco is legal as fuck, still can't smoke it in a hospital.

I thought Colorado was progressive lol.

Progressive leftist states JUST

if shooting unarmed people is going easy what do they do to whites? burn down their houses while they're inside? oh wait

>the Shield portray cops as courageous heroes
user, is there someone who looks after you that we should call?

*blocs your path*

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>Missing the point

Then change the law. What the fuck does that have to do with cops? We have three branches of government you moron.

the police are the only thing between you and wild nogs retard


>doing whatever the fuck you want while driving like you're actions have no impact on others is a "right"

I have about 1000 times more respect for leftists that support gun rights so at least you're consistent in that regard

cops don't even bother patrolling nog infested areas. whats keeping them away is simply living far away from them

why didn't he just not do drugs?

They shoot them unarmed too, much more often too. But that could just be because there are more of them.

Still can't self medicate no matter how much pain someone is in.

>US "Police"
>Get called out to suicide call
>Try to shoot family dog for no reason
>Shoot little girl in head.

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I carry retard

What did you get arrested for?

this what the fuck

You've never lived in a major US city if you think that

>the day Yea Forums cried

well thank you kind sir. don't let Yea Forums or hollywood crazies make you think every left person is retarded. all libs are though

why don't suicidal americans just call the cops? are they afraid they might kill a bunch of other innocents in the process?

It takes a real boot-licking faggot to defend cops.

Based. It's just a postnatal abortion preventing his defective genes from propagating imo

oh so I accidentally shoot one nine year old in the head and suddenly I'm the bad guy

That's dateline you retards


US Police shoot family dogs so often it's considered an epidemic.

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You've never lived in a major US city if you think that.

low tier bait

>Why do movies and tv shows like The Shield portray cops as courageous heroes instead of as the corrupt violent retards they are?
Why do media outlets like CNN portray cops as corrupt violent retards instead of the courageous heroes they are?

Dont want to give them the satisfaction

druggie degenerates and other criminals should be forced to pay more taxes towards police funding. the larger your criminal record the more taxes you pay. tell me how this isn't a brilliant idea.

>actually being this paranoid
kill yourself

remember when other unions existed which could argue for people's rights?

now it's only corporate lobbyist so it's no wonder they're reaping so much from the government while we get dicked

its that retarded show about catching pedos ,the arrestation are always over the top

>May I ask why you thought little Tiffany deserved to die?

>criminals pay taxes in the first place

I have yet to see you fags ever do anything aside from posturing on the internet

because druggies and criminals dont pay taxes.

They literally do that all the time, it's called suicide by cop. You do some dangerous shit, maybe attack the responding cops and bang, quick and easy death.

lmgtfy.com/?q=hurricane looters

That's pretty much giving cops a blank cheque to fuck over everybody.

>mfw people don't spread their ass for any man in a uniform

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The 4 or 5 cops I've personally known were huge assholes. But having worked on the South Side of Chicago for a few years and dealing with some of the savages that live there, I can understand why they were assholes.

>Two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence

When did Yea Forums switch from hating cops to loving them? It wasn't even five years ago that implying cops are anything less than scum got you called a bootlicker and laughed out of a thread. Surely it took more than just one picture of a cop smiling at an SJW to bring about this change.

>I form all of my opinions based on what the media shows me!
Get a brain moran

Because you can't show low iq welfare niggers in a bad light

>bang, quick and easy death.
Yeah, not exactly.

how hard is it to just not break the fucking law? like i don't understand this, im fucking 29 years old and have NEVER EVEN ONCE been hassled by a cop. I drink in public all the fucking time! I smoke weed in public all the fucking time! im low key about it so I don't draw any attention to myself. why is this so fucking hard to do? the police don't ever stop me from doing anything so why are they "harassing" you?

you cant smoke anything in a hospital you literal child.

holy shit how fucking stupid can you be

Around the same time that hordes of conservicuck normies started coming here.

AKA 2016 election.

There is no bigger bootlicking faggot in this country than a conservative.

I hate niggers but I hate cops even more. I love it when nogs go savage and murder some pigs.

This could have all been solved if a nurse wasn't squealing out on the patient. And if the cops were better trained. This is 100% one of those "call it into the station and see what they say to do" sort of deals

>When did Yea Forums switch from hating cops to loving them?
Yea Forums isn't one person you dipshit

>Its cops jobs to enforce the laws, not interpret them.
Officer discretion, user. There's officer discretion, prosecutorial discretion, and judicial discretion. There's discretion at each step, and many cops do exercise a certain level of discretion.

/pol/ is pro-cop because they're good goys (they just don't know it)

Not if you do it wrong.
Gotta make sure you have enough cops there that they feel confident to fire at LEAST five times each.
If you're trying with just one cop, you're only gonna get popped once or twice. That's a slow death from a gut shot or something.

>how hard is it to just not break the fucking law
>I smoke weed in public

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Depends on the cop, sometimes they'll know the person is purposely trying to be killed and not shoot them. Other cops will blow the fucker away as soon as they take a few running steps towards them.

>Yea Forums isn't one person you dipshit

No but the majority of users here usually do share similar opinions.

What's your address, bro? Asking for a friend.

And remember, FUCK THE POLICE! You don't need their help.


That's wrong, though. The right wing, gun owning population is the most anti-cop population in America. Conservatives were the anti-cop side during the Obama years, at least.

>even when it's caught on video it's fake news! I can't hear you la la la la la!!
based ostrich


Because there are plenty of good ones who never make the news on account of doing their fucking jobs.

its not illegal where I live, but drinking in public is. so ill rephrase my statement. I break the law all the time but im not a loud obnoxious faggot when I do it, so I don't ever get caught. why is that hard to do?

do you even have to ask? it rhymes with UH_TONALD

They are literally supposed to under certain circumstances

God I miss the dorner memes

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Ex-girlfriend became a cop and as she did she became a fucking ultra paranoid, hyper vigilant authoritarian, super racist (not even in a "lol niggers" way but in a real AM listening Boomer way) cunt.
She was hot af but had to dump her because going anywhere public with her was a fucking nightmare of her being super paranoid or saying something fucking stupidly racist around the exact demographics she was being racist against.

Police are usually niggers

lefties literally want the gov't to tell them what to do, that is the textbook definition of boot licking.

Cool blog

Fucking this. /pol/ loved this guy. Nowadays they gladly spread their asscheeks for a police baton.

You're right, but I'm sure the people in such a mental state that they want to get shot to death as a form of suicide will think it through that much.

those police are god damn heroes doing god's work

the race of this poster: white



What is AM?

yea I know right, imagine someone with actual day to day experience on that job trying to share the experience with you, the person who has no fucking clue what she had to deal with. sounds like a real psycho bitch to me.

I work at a hospital. But one that isn't fucking retarded. Unless it's an emergency situation cops aren't allowed to enter patient areas, our security guards deal with the issue. The only other time cops are allowed to enter patient areas is to escort one that's a prisoner or perpetrator of a violent crime.

This is an issue with that particular hospital being fucking retarded. This was a system that was implemented after that cop arrested that nurse for not violating hipa in Utah (she won 500,000 dollars in her settlement)

I wouldn't say we hate the police. But we sure as hell don't like them being around.

so this is the true power of zoomers...

One of my best friends was a cop and he quit the the job because he said it was like a cult in there. It was a giant "good old boys club" and they expected you to follow the herd.

His uncle is a lieutenant and got him into the academy easy despite him getting a fucking awful score in that test he had to do.

>sometimes they'll know the person is purposely trying to be killed and not shoot them.
Which is why many of these suicidal people arm themselves and attack, forcing cops to shoot in self defense.

American police actually disproportionately kill whites, i.e. in the event of a weapon or violent altercation should the subject be white police are statistically more likely to open fire.

literally every job expects you to fit in with the culture of that job.


No I'm 29. I'm just a dumbass who doesn't know much.

>I understand the context of every video and photograph that's ever used by the media!

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cops are the most disgusting human beings on planet, only rivaled by niggers

>implying black people are the problem
>implying white """people""" aren't the problem
when a black person commits a crime, the justice system works normally
when a white pedo parasite commits a crime, the justice system fails and the white goes free to continue their raping, leeching, and pillaging.

Dumb communist

you wouldn't last 1 month as a police officer. you're also most likely a loud obnoxious cunt

Retarded SJW

Dumb bootlicking neokeynsian welfare nigger boomer scum

This. For instance, we don't know the context of this incident here That little girl could have pulled a gun on him. Maybe she just finished murdering her entire family! We just don't know, so people need to stop being so mean to police.

because they will invent crimes to charge people with to stuff the coffers

this shit makes me rage so fucking much
the girl was right behind that dog
holy fuck
that cop should be fucking hanged

You shouldn't need an excuse to shoot a 9 year old girl in the head

Neo-keynsian quasisocialists are not conservative in any sense of the word not mattet what they may claim

based libertarian