PT + OT welcome. Continued from here Previous thread here
Star Wars Concept Art
Fuck mind control chips.
btw check out this site for a lot of solid PT concept art:
>these last 2 threads have been the most fun I've had with star wars since TLJ came out
I love you guys, I wish Star Wars would be comfy again
that didn't exactly answer the question
Who will satiate my lust for Governor Pyrce?
Who looks like her?
It's nice to shoot the shit with each other every now and then before the board becomes saturated with ST stuff again.
>there won't be another simulator series game like xwing vs the fighter games
>Those were truly the greatest starwars games and experience
Fuck imagine how awesome they would be with today's technology.
Agreed, when we can actually discuss both the PT and the OT without shills or shitty bait memes the discussion is great
Cate Blanchett in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Kate Blanchett
>open new thread in other tab
>go off to do something else
>come back and thread has the "You got a (You)" notification in it
>I haven't even posted in it yet
Kinda strange. Didn't know I could get cross thread (You)'s.
Anyways you should be able to realize that Jango Fett, who almost manage to take out a Jedi Master in hand to hand combat, has much more fighting prowess than a cheaply made Droid who can get rekt by a Gungan.
Was designed to be sold to customers, for use in already existing armies. The TF ended up using them themselves, so just put pilot droids in them.
My theory is that because both AOTC and TWC highlights a mysterious figure (Palpatine + Dooku) being part in parcel of creating the Clones, to Clones had to be chosen over Droids for the Grand Army of the Republic specifically with Order 66 in mind.
If droids were used to perform Order 66, the Jedi would win easily, even the most elite Separatist droids stood no chance against the top 30-40% of Jedi, even during surprise attacks.
Whereas the elite Clone Troopers, raised from birth to fight, (aka Space Spartans), were elite troops who, in the right numbers and using the tactics inherited from combat experience serving under the Jedi, would have the ability to do so.
At-least that is my theory on the subject.
(I'm not the person you're replying to though, just intrigued in your ideas.)
Yup, exactly who she was modeled after.
clones are organics with an organic brain, they can more easily think for themselves and think outside the box versus droids who have to be programmed to think differently
but you can't give droids too much thinking freedom or you'll have a robot rebellion on your hands, that's why they have control ships so a big brain can do the thinking for them, if cut off from it they will follow subroutines to just kill enemies but have no free thinking or survival skills
clones do have survival skills if cut off from command they can continue operating at full battle effectiveness
>Everything is gay lightsabers and bounty hunters now
Hmm peculiar design
is the mandalorian movie confirmed? I seem to recall all the spinoff films being shitcanned
Reminds me, I had this filed away
TV series, and yes it's still happening.
But there will be. You just won't be able to play as the empire. It will be online only. You will have to pay real money to fuel and arm your craft. Your avatar will be a fat black woman and no option to change it, and asking how to do so in a chat or steam forum will ban you for life.
The concept art from Lucas' sequel were also pretty good. I dont know how Disney could fuck up that badly.
Tfw nothing will ever get as much hype as TPM ever again
>Posts literal ass ends of the standard experience
The first battle front was good. Everything else is trash.
Xwing and tie fighter series of games will forever be the height of the starwars experience.
How much of his pre-disney concept art got released? I think I've seen one or two pieces.
is republic commandos worth getting
>Cad Bane in the middle
I'm so glad that he exists in the SW canon
In a perfect world Jeremy Soule would take over for John Williams. His soundtrack for the games felt like they came right from official movies.
It was incredibly repetitive for me.
I think a lot. The Arndt script was based on the his sequel plans.
Reminds me of the Jedi Praxeum
>I'm so glad that he exists in the SW canon
I like that his species is a simple but effective and recognizable design. Cad is a great character
The EU missed the mark on old Star Wars by making shit more generic and the reason the original movies ad such staying power is due to their surrreal, mystical feel. Star Wars would do well to go back to that 70's psychedelia roots and maybe get really weird (maybe rip off the Incal or something)
Pic related reminds me of the pod racer hanger
>PT + OT welcome.
Is this implying concept art from the Sequel Trilogy is not welcome? Why?
If it's cool, post it. Especially if you can find the Lucas stuff. I just don't think ST concept art is that interesting
Why would the blaster pistol have that section clearly intended for a clip when it beams light, not fires bullets?
They don't beam light. It fires bolts of plasma.
admiring sequel art is akin to admiring an ultrasound of a baby about to be aborted
looking at it just makes me sad
90% of ST concept art is better than what we got
Huh neat
The X-Wing Collector's edition CD is what made me fall in love with star wars
>psychadelic 70's
this is one of the rare instances I'm going to have to say fuck moebius, Ralph McQuarries concept art is elder god tier KINO
>Rebel Agent 'John Doe' has a lightsaber
We could've had a number of Jedi in the sequels. This makes me sad.
Is that really what they are? Just ramshackled craft from cannibalized fighters?
This is my favorite piece. I love Doug Chiang's work.
That was an early idea, I think there was a thought to save costs to use the full scale Y-wing built for ANH and just reuse the head with modifications for the Snowspeeder, but they dropped that idea and the Snowspeeder ended up its own thing.
>The last Xwing series game came out over 20 years ago
>another stormtrooper deserts
god using non-clones was a mistake
These threads are incredibly based and it's nice to see some positivity surrounding this franchise for once.
This is a really nice picture.
The ST is so blatantly non-canon in every conceivable way, it's quite easy to ignore it when talking about actual Star Wars. I look forward to several years from now, when the ST is pretty forgotten and the OT and PT are the only films considered "real Star Wars" by the fanbase.
Could also be energy or material pack for necessary reactions or projectile material
Thought the clone was on a STAP for a sec
I agree, less is more in a lot of cases, but when Lucas wanted more he went all out (Jabba), the sequels are yet to have an iconic alien
That is why The Art of the Phantom Menace was the best artbook from the prequels, because its mostly Chiangs greytone artwork that has a McQuarrie feel to it.
The Art of Attack of the Clones brought in Erik Tiemens and Ryan Church as the main artists, and they have this loose digital painting style that I dont like. Its more about mood than actually showing structure to things, which Chiang does very well
>They actually decided to out in the weird song and dance sequence in RoTJ
It's so cringe worthy and I can't even watch starwars with friends anymore because that entire scene just feels so awkward.
Oh definitely. I think it's great that SW found a good balance between simple and effective alien designs where needed and that artists were able to accent that with more elaborate and iconic designs.
>slave on the left has an integrated ball-gag on her headdress
Sorry this didn't make the final cut.
>It's so cringe worthy
>scene just feels so awkward.
True. It's hilariously bad but the aliens are cool. Love Max Rebo
phallic imagery
Why didn't Luke not save one (1) slave? I thought he was a good guy.
Why would you watch the Special Editions?
>"The Wanker!"
It surely was a different time...
SW concept arts are always fucking great. somehow these guys put in real air of mystery and high fantasy to wow and amaze
Always wanted a live action clone wars and rogue squadron tv series. Set it like a band of brothers style show make it gritty and dark.
>He bouaght ze dip?
>Dump eit
She would've been eternally grateful.
The Special Editions are awesome. I love them.
There are no more special edition. That what Lucas deems to be Canon now.
I still cannot fathom how Disney has fucked Star Wars. Virtually unlimited possibilities to take Star Wars to another level. Surely there is a falling out with managment happening within Disney at this current time.
>Why didn't Luke not save one (1) slave?
He almost died just saving Han. It was a difficult operation to begin with.
>Mos Eisley dinosaurs
>Greedo shot first
>restored Jabba in IV
>Luke screams as he falls in V
>extended musical sequence in VI
I can live with the rest
(((They))) can't be creative, they are psychopaths and can only make crappy copies of things
Rey's mom
Disney is at least doing a better job than the prequels.
Rogue One is better than any prequel film.
Chiang is pure kino when he's inspired. He was at his peak during TPM.
>Once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy. And, we shall have peace.
Why didn't the Jedi just step aside?
>Disney is at least doing a better job than the prequels.
RO's characters were all garbage.
One thing that the special editions have never done is improve the lightsabers.
Even the latest editions they still look cartoonish and lack the 'glow' like in the newer films
Mos Eisley dinosaurs were awesome. I agree with Lucas about Han and Greedo.
Han turned out to be a basic moral good guy for most of the series so it doesnt make sense to have him be a cold blooded killer in one early scene.
>Han turned out to be a basic moral good guy for most of the series so it doesnt make sense to have him be a cold blooded killer in one early scene.
Nah that was his arc. He started out as a selfish smuggler who had no qualms looking out for himself if it meant killing Jaba's messenger boy. By the end of ep4, he redeems himself and saves Luke at the last second (of course he did other heroic stuff, but it was explicitly stated by him that he was in it for the money).
Lucas has been fucking with Star Wars for longer, ROTJ was trash but I loved the A-Wing, B-Wing, and TIE Interceptor.
Greedo was about to kill him. Han shot before he could fire his.
No, clearly you're wrong and George Lucas and I disagree with you.
Battlestar tos
>he spent much of the 22 standard years deciphering ancient texts, meditating on particular aspects of the Force,
Lucas might as well be part fish he flip flopped so often. Don't forget his infamous quote about the danger of altering art:
>In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.
His primary argument is that the author should have domain over their work, but that quote is pretty ironic.
>Rogue One is better than any prequel film.
Unironically this, but you'd have to be an X'er or Boomer to understand.
But dude this won't make 2 billion dollars selling lootboxes to kids wanting to play as Vader in a battle royale.
Blasters work on gas.
This is cool, but it also fucks me off when I realize they had to destroy a Mauser C96 to make Han Solo's DL44. At least the Sterling was mass produced and at the time, a currently serving weapon in the British Army.
I also liked the mix between the MG34 and the MG42 in the stormtroopers heavy guns, and the one that had a Lewis Gun barrel. Cool stuff.
But overall. I prefer the prequel weapons where they got a concept artist to just come up with something new. As a WW2 autist and gun autist, all the OT weapons stick out like a sore thumbs, even more so in video games when I see them in first person.
>all those cool concepts they could use
>nah let's remake New Hope
>and then do a retarded space chase
Entire point of first movie was WW2 in space mixed with Flash Gordon and space Samurai.
This is why space fights in that movie look like Battle of Britain with lasers and a single Tie Fighter is threatening.
Holdo's maneuver could have been a truly iconic SW moment visually, if everything about the science and the character actions to get to that point wasnt the most nonsensical shit imaginable.
I blind bought the artbook of Clone Wars from Half Price Books for $30 and I really like it.
I've only seen a few episodes of the series, is it worth a blind buy as well?
Very cool. How many pages is it?
No it never could because there was literally no reason for her to be there and never will since droids exist.
It's fucked even beyond ruining hyperspace and SW space warfare forever.
This image is missing several titles on the top.
Galactic Battlegrounds: The Clone Campaigns came out in 2002, as did New Droid Army. Also Rogue Squadron 3 was in 2003, and Forces of Corruption in 2006, and Lethal Alliance and Renegade Squadron on PSP. I think Elite Squadron too.
Force Unleashed 2 came out after 2008, if you include that, then also include Lego Star Wars 3.
Don't listen to the other fag. It's amazing but it's very short. It's like 4-5 hours long. Dunno how you could say a squad tactics game was repetitive at that lenght. If RC is repetitve then every FPS is.
Chrysler Atlantic concept
>Jedi Outcast
>Jedi Academy
>KOTOR Fucking 2
>Battlefront 2005
>Republic Commando
>Lego Star Wars 1 & 2
>Empire at War
KYS shit taste seething OT faggot.
That's what I said, the characters and writing ruined it. If like you said a droid did it and the movie established that only this cruiser was capable of doing it due to some newly developed tech, then all of SW warfare in the past wouldn't have been ruined and everyone could just enjoy the visuals of it.
That's not him, it's just a random Duros.
>Very cool. How many pages is it?
272 pages with an envelope in the back that holds several glossy lithographs.
Is the series worth watching all the way or is it kiddy in comparison to the films? I've heard conflicting opinions but the style's grown on me.
I hate streaming so I'd probably get the blu ray.
Christ those designs are all horrific. Glad Jodo didn't get to ruin Dune.
>Duke Leto is black
>son is white
>mother is white
The book also has a thick slipcover.
I prefer the og gendy clone wars. I never really got into the series, but supposedly it gets better and then disney cancelled it right when it was really getting good.
>that feel when we'll never see Coruscant with monumental gothic architecture
Nice throwback
Finn didn't exist originally, he was a white guy called Sam. Rey didn't exist either in Lucas's ep 7 draft. She was some girl called Kira.
KK corrupted Lucas's vision and made it shit. But the reason the opening few minutes of TFA were still passable, with nice shots of the crashed ISD, or Rey living in the broken down AT-AT, is because that was the only parts of Lucas's treatment they actually used. As soon as the film goes to shit, is the same part they chucked out Lucas's version and started making their own plot.
Doesn't make sense and you thought too much about it
It's crazy how good TFA is for the most part until the Falcon leaves Jakku. Ren looking at Finn on the battlefield because he notices the conflict within him gave me such high hopes that JJ knew what he was doing with the franchise.
Same here. The ST is pretty far removed from real Star Wars, it tries to ruin the OT but it only works if you consider the ST canon anyways.
Though I wonder if Lucas had made his own ST, with the Whills of the Force, if it would have overwritten the Vongshit, and the Jacen/Jaina stuff, or if they would have set it afterwards?
It's a disappointing affair. In an alternate timeline, the og cast would've been reunited onscreen and Lucas would've delivered something far more interesting even if the writing didn't improve on the PT.
This thread is wonderful, OP. Thanks.
>doesn't like Jizz Wail
Pleb detected.
Because they are an objective improvement.
If you take even a second at the beginning to remember the era when the game came out and don't get mad at some of the outdated bits, then god yes.
Rogue One is worse than all three PT films faggot. Shame it's the best Disney has to offer.
Disney is doing a much worse job that George did with the PT. Honestly people who prefer the ST over the PT need to be gassed.
>it's a Star Wars Duologist
Literally just as bad as fags who hate the PT.
Guess what. ROTJ is better than ANH.
As a once-fan of Star Wars, I sincerely need help guys. I lived and breathed this stuff growing up as an only child with a working mother, and it was such an amazing and fun universe to deep dive into. It really helped me through some tough times, and I can't state how much of a massive impact it had on me growing up. Trying to reconcile 35 years of love for this universe with the absolute abomination it's become under Disney is driving me crazy. After I watched TLJ, I swore off Star Wars and dropped it from my life utterly, but I have my own son now, and while I don't want to expose him to Star Wars given what Disney has done with it, at the same time I feel like I'm robbing him of something precious that thousands of other boys before him have enjoyed. How is it fair to do that?
I know that the obvious answer is to just ignore the ST, but like it or not, it's been permanently ingrained into the franchise now like some terrible fucking cancer, and with each year Disney controls the franchise it just becomes more and more pervasive to the point where you can't just turn a blind eye to it, especially if my son's peers are all keyed-in to the sequels etc. How do I in good conscience introduce my kid to a character like Han Solo when he ends up being a deadbeat divorcee who gets murdered by his own edgelord son? Or to Luke, who ends up as a disgruntled hermit in exile who dies because he turned himself into a fucking hologram for an overglorfied Skype call? You can't seperate the ST from the series, anymore than you can seperate the PT from the OT at this point, and the impact of just two movies on the 6 that came before it is so damaging that I don't know how to salvage it.
>inb4 incel/have sex, etc.
This is not a troll. I'm trying to reach out to other fans who are in the same position in all sincerity, since the people in these threads seem genuine.
Where did the time go? It does t even feel that long ago
>Be in middle school
>Go to Target
>See Xwing alliance and Xwing vs tie fighter in a shelf
>Long for it
>One day come home from school
>Mom got me BOTH mother fucking games
Those days were the best and truly fleeting.
I sincerely don't know man. You can be realistic and say it's just a series and let your son enjoy what he likes about it, but the damage disney's imposed on the brand is intractable. It dampened my enjoyment of the series going forward because they'll keep messing with it in ways that were never intended. It feels like the mouse sucked all the inspiration out of the series to the point that even the music in the ST sounds generic.
Your kid will learn to hate the ST when it gets into contact with ST haters, same thing happens to kids who grew up watching the PT.
Doesn't change the fact that most of the guns are easily recognizable WW2 weapons and that it triggers my autism.
>tfw being a little kid
>Used to pretend that hot tubs were the bacta tanks from ESB
>Would sit under water with the jets on breathing through a hose pretending I was healing
What did you pretend was what from star wars?
How's Call to Arms going? Is it even in a completed state now?
Pretend pens and pencils were clone dropships deploying troops in grade schools
Yeah, it's just unbelievable. I never would have imagined the franchise would end up like this, and the utter contempt I have for JJ, Kennedy, Rian etc for basically robbing an entire generation of young boys of this cultural touchstone is beyond words.
I think I'll probably introduce him to the PT and the OT, and then maybe in the future talk to him a bit about the ST, pointing out that it wasn't made by George and isn't actually legitimate. I don't know. I don't really see another way of approaching it.
I used to pretend my Star Wars toys were something else.
Pretty much what I'd suggest. There really isn't any way around it like you said
It's insane, the OT is timeless and able to be loved by all generations. Then TFA comes out and it's shills say "We needed a soft reboot for a new generation!". Like, what the fuck, my whole life no one had ever said that ANH needed an updated remake until I was sitting there watching it.
>Yeah, it's just unbelievable. I never would have imagined the franchise would end up like this, and the utter contempt I have for JJ, Kennedy, Rian etc for basically robbing an entire generation of young boys of this cultural touchstone is beyond words.
That's the worst part. Your plan is probably what I would do if I had a son.
It's only "kiddy" in the first season. But even then, it's not bad at all and still has good episodes. People just didn't like the movie because they were still salty over the PT. The movie was the most "kiddy" part of the whole show. Start with the movie since it introduced Ahsoka and is canon, but know that Ahsoka becomes more likable in the first season, and it gets less kiddy later on, mainly around S3, but S2 was quite good it even had an old monster movie inspired episode arc based off of Godzilla/King Kong where they found a beast on a far away planet, and it was brought back to Coruscant and got loose. Clone Wars was fun as fuck even when it was in the kiddy stage to be honest.
My dad had an old paint respirator he let me use to pretend I was vadar
Gonna be honest here lads. I really don't like these and am glad Lucas didn't go with them. Lots of them feel way to flat and lifeless/abstract, like worlds that make no sense. It's too brutalistic for Coruscant as well, not Gothic enough. I really think the Blade Runner Coruscant we got was much better.
McQuarrie, while good at points, is overrated. He was good with character designs and natural planets. Not as good with architectural planets.
My mom cut apart a milk jug to look like bo Fett's helmet. All the neighborhood kids were super fucking jelly.
I'm in the same position but I am happy with just having Episodes 1-6 and there will always be that hardcore section of the fanbase that disregards Disney as canon. No need to look at it too negatively, especially since the ST is failing on an artistic level and has failed to capture an audience.
Certain slides at playgrounds as certain cockpits for fighters.
>too brutalistic
Yeah, I think it would've worked well for a different type of insidious empire manufacturing hub world. I'll agree with you that the Alderaan concept art lacks a SW vibe. I like it just as stand alone artwork.
It's extremely easy to consider the ST non canon. It doesn't impact anything at all. Just let your kid watch George's 6 films, both Clone Wars shows and then get him into the books and games. Trust me. If he plays something like Jedi Outcast, then finds out Disney decanonized it and Kyle Katarn just so they could have Rey, he will be as mad as you are. Don't show him any ST content or films, not even fucking R1. Tell him they are bad, bad movies, made by bad people, who hate Star Wars.
Do not rob him of a childhood of wonder. That is what cunts like KK want. Let the past live, kill the present if you must.
Get the official BD's, or 30+ gig REMUX's or the 4K fan scans of the OT and PT and get your son to watch those. If he wants to see the ST films, pirate some 700 megabyte YIFY turd or a camrip and let him wallow in disgust at it.
>Galactic Battlegrounds
This was a favorite of mine next to AoE:2. I used to play with my cousins all the time back when I was in middle school. I had issues with it crashing after playing it for too long, but that might've been caused by my crappy computer.
anymore star wars themed landscapes of alien worlds in similar stiles as that OP posted? Ive been going through saving them, they are amazing
where was this supposed to be?
I really like it, last time I checked it was still unfinished. I haven't played it in a few months. I go back to it every few months and see what's been updated.
Galaxy at War also has a Call to Arms version as well, but it's much less complete than the Men of War Assault Squad 2 version.
christ, roger dean much.
>those digits
>that image
This is really good advice, thank you user. I really appreciate the honest answer.
Reminds me of the third X-Men film of how good Magneto was in it, mainly because those were the unaltered parts from the original film.
From a book detailing the concept art:
>Lucas is quoted as saying: "At one point I wanted the Emperor's palace to be cathedral-like. It would have been more like you are going to meet Satan. It was more of an occult – the indescribable thing of evil. It's the evil that pollutes the galaxy, and this is where it lives."
The setting of the emperor's throne room was originally envisioned as positioned in the middle of a lake of lava with Luke being tested and tempted to fall to the dark side during his confrontation with Vader. I assume it was partly inspired by this:
It's fucking sad that the dark, horror-inspired Sith from the EU was abandoned.
It felt so obvious to have a reborn Sith Empire, perhaps from the Unknown Regions, be the villains for Episode 7-9 instead of fucking Empire again except less dominant yet with access to better technology.
>You can't seperate the ST from the series
Yeah you ca. Star Wars is what Lucas did and we all know it. Disney Wars is a bunch of high budget SJW fanfic.
Is this a high-level shill trying to gas-light me? I couldn't think of the ST as canon if I tried, and it will never stop me enjoying the OT and PT.
mcquarrie is the goat. even his shittiest ones are incredible
Just curious about how R2D2's depiction actually worked onscreen. I already got the basics about the two suits/props, one manned (Baker) one not. Any details welcome. To my surprise, I don't know any details about this.
The problem with a lot of the cool concept art in the last few threads, is a lot of it has unused ideas, or Lucas was only able to put half of it in the film, or an idea made it into the film, but only got 7 seconds screentime or something. There was so much good stuff unused.
What I really liked about The Clone Wars, was that it had the time to go back and explore all this concept art and expand on it, put it into the show, as well as doing new stuff. They were really able to explore the galaxy.
Even in the kiddy S1, I just opened a random ep to a random scene, and I see cool stuff. Gonna flick through random eps from the first season which everyone says is too childish to enjoy and post cool examples of adding to the universe.
>image limit reached
God fucking damnit. I guess not. What sort of image board has an image limit anyways. Why not have it be 300 images, 300 posts. Fucking Moot such a dumb shit, cheap Jewish faggot kike luggage cuck.
Remember in the first season when they fly the early versions of the Y Wings through a Nebula and there are giant flying aliens living in the Nebula feeding off the gas. Like aliens as big as a a frigate or small capital ship?
The Lost tribe of the Sith were an interesting twist on that thought. No Darths, no rule of two. Instead, aesthetic medieval Sith lords obsessed with both art and murder.
Instead, we got an Andy Serkis CGI and Diet Jacen.
What the fuck? Did McQuarrie literally invent the entire ascetic of Star Wars? That's at least attributable to 50% of its allure/success
>>image limit reached
>God fucking damnit. I guess not. What sort of image board has an image limit anyways. Why not have it be 300 images, 300 posts. Fucking Moot such a dumb shit, cheap Jewish faggot kike luggage cuck.
You're welcome to make a new thread. I'm interested in seeing what you have to post. We're already on the third one and all we can do is discuss what's already posted until the limit is reached.
It's easy to see ST as noncanon because it's so fucking devoid of cool aesthetic stuff in the background. Planet designs and alien designs have gone in the gutter, Canto Bight is their most creative thing and it is literally Monte Carlo aka feels like a place on Earth.
Compare that to Cloud City, a setting that could only exist in sci-fi with so many great visuals in it. The prequels had problems but everyone loved all the shit going on in the background of the settings, if we got those kinds of backgrounds but with cleaned up dialogue the ST would have inspired a lot more EU stuff than the black hole it is now with the characters jumping around different empty battlefield planets.
I used to pretend that I was having a tiff with Vader while my dad mercilessly best the shit out of me
Give him episodes 1 through 6 and the hand-drawn Clone Wars series, introduce him to the comic books, start spoon-feeding him the EU novels, and tell him that real Star Wars ended in 2014 and that Disney is evil and that everything they've made is a lie.
Hell, teaching him about Disney could be his first life lesson about the nature of huge corporations.
>We're already on the third one
we /sw/ now
Nah I've already spent half my day here. I need to get of Yea Forums for a while. Once this threads over I will be out, unless someone makes another one.
>It's easy to see ST as noncanon because it's so fucking devoid of cool aesthetic stuff in the background
You are right, but it's kinda a blessing in disguise. Makes it way easier to consider that fanfiction crap non canon.
Jedi rocks is legit a good song.
I haven't seen Solo yet, but the ST is just a painfully dull world.
We have Jakku, which is literally Not-Tatooine, it's the only good part of the entire ST and that is really stretching, and only because of the crashed ISD on it, and that was Lucas's idea. It has no real identity of it's own, it's literally just a Tatooine knockoff.
I can't even remember the other planets names. Where did they find the orange yoda? It just looked like a normal forest, but with a Yavin like temple. It was literally just some place in Europe/Canada/USA with a set built near a lake. No identity at all.
Starkiller base is just a Euro forest in winter, but also a deathstar. Absolute fucking cringe.
The planet Luke is on is literally just a tiny island that looks like some place in Scotland or Greenland.
The Resistance base, is it Yavin again? I don't know. Looks like some place in England, the hangers look like old WW2 hangers.
Canto Bight is the only place that does have some flair, but it feels totally out of place, and not like Star Wars at all.
Then there is Crait. It's just Hoth with Salt. Someone made a joke that in Ep 9 they will go to Not-Geonosis, and suddenly one of the Resistance troops bends over and starts licking the sunburnt dirt, and says "It's Cumin!" Honestly the Salt line felt like a joke. Disney thinks creating a new alien planet is time to break out the quips and treat it as some le joke world.
The problem is everything feels like it's a place on earth, and not a new planet or world, unless it was literally ripping off OT planets. Even R1 had this. Jedda was another not Tatooine, though at least it had the fallen statues in the desert and the caves, so at least it tried. And it had it's own not Mos Eisley, but at least it was on top of a mesa, so it tried. I don't know why they are so afraid of just actually going back to Tatooine? To afraid to be compared to George when it's subpar? Need the excude of it beign a different world? The black sand planet in the beginning of R1 was shit looking and meh, but at least something new. Then there was the black rock planet which was unmemorable and boring.
And then there is Scariff. The only cool new original edition. Even though it's clearly some pacific islands. The close arrangement of the islands surrounded by shallow waters was pretty cool. And we hadn't seen anything like that in the previous movies. So I do have to give it points there. I mean, at least it was visually nice.
So far, Scarrif and Jedda are the height of Disney Wars. Someone who's seen Solo, is there anything good from that? I know Corellia is in that right. It's a world from the old canon, that was never shown in any major thing, so I am kinda apprehensive about Disney being the ones to finally visualize it.
This but also show him Filoni Wars, not just Gendy Wars.
Also tell him redpills on Disney like how they own all their employee's ideas. I remember hearing as a kid, that if you worked for Disney, and merely came up with an idea while you worked there, it was theirs. Anything you drew, wrote down or imagined, was legally theres. So if you had a cool idea, and you wanted to do something with it. You couldn't even make notes on your home computer, or they'd own it. You'd just have to remember it until your contact was over, then write it all down afterwards and date it and get a lawyer, and wait a while so it seems like you came up afterwards. Then Disney could still pretend you came up with it while employed with them.
Fuck Disney.
>Han draws and fires with no hesitation as soon as he sees Vader
One of my favorite OT moments.
In Solo there's one decent shot of Corellian spaceport in the morning as Han flees it, rest of the movie is nondescript mining stations and bars and isolated beaches.
That movie tried to bring in the old EU by just name dropping things like Teras Kasi, that old videogame, and also Woody Harrelson's character is famous for killing Aurra Sing. No depth to these references, just hey guys we named these things you know. Better than what TFA or TLJ did but still shallow.
Cloud City is my aesthetic.
>Woody Harrelson's character is famous for killing Aurra Sing
>Aurra Sing is dead
Fuck this. Why did they kill her off screen?
Just so people who knew who she was would react to it, and make you think Woody Harrelson's generic merc character was a badass.
comfy music
I can only imagine the script meetings for trying to get old fans back, and them deciding to namedrop that "nerdy lame old EU we decanonized". Imagine some boomer fuck exec telling some intern at Lucasfilm to get on wiki and look up Star Wars things to namedrop.
>Hey sport, whydoncha trying look up some video games, I hear the kids love those things these days, list me the titles so I can pick a reference sport!
>O-okay sir, uh how about Battlefront?
>Pass, too nondescript, people might miss the reference
>what about Republic Commando sir?
>o-oh okay, um Jedi Academy
>no, Rey doesn't have a Jedi academy, we are trying to forget the past failures of Luke and his Jedi Academy
>what about Knights of the Old Republic sir?
>Old?! I said we are trying to forget the past dimwit! Next title!
>Sir what about Rogue Squadron
>I dunno about that sport, sounds too much like the fandom at the moment, going rogue on us, we can't have that, pass
>Empire at War sir?
>Mmm, close but no, it would remind people of the Clone Wars and the scale of it all, we want to bring Star Wars back to an insurgency. Think, RESIST!
>what about Dark Forces
>no again, people would miss the reference
>X wing vs Tie fighter sir
>Aren't they just spaceships?
>what about Lethal Alliance sir
>The Alliance? Now hold on now, we don't want to go reminding people of the rebels, it might overshadow Rey and the resistence
>new droid army sir
>*spits out his coffee* DROIDS! You mean like in the Prequels!?
>o-okay sir sorry sir, uh how about Masers of Teras Kasi sir
>THAT IT!, that's fucking it, all we have to do is reference this Teras Kasi and we've got the fandom back, they'll love it.
Did no one realize Teras Kasi is one of the worst recieved Star Wars games even released? Also that Aurra Sing reference kek.
>we need to get the PT fanbase on board user, how are we gonna do it
>why don't we reference a minor character sir, that way our target audience of teenage girl and 40 year gen X OT fans wont realize it's a PT reference, only dedicated PT fans will
>genius user, lets go with it
>"I killed Aurra Sing"
Can't even reference the PT without them literally trying to kill it. Even in throwaway lines of dialog they try to destroy the past.