User, what's a show you once loved but is now utter shite?

user, what's a show you once loved but is now utter shite?

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sneakers o'toole

Sneakers O Sneed

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I love the simpsons but now are just pure cancer

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Gave up at season 6.

Shame, really. Stephen is a good actor but gets fucked over by dreadful writing.

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formerly not cancer

Is shite a british term or is it just a fedora word

I really don't see where this sudden drop in quality this show supposedly happened.

It’s an autistic brutish way to spell/pronounce shit

formerly guy

massive family guy fan and apologist here. there are plenty of great moments from later seasons, but past season 7 in particular you are looking at a massive drop in quality with formulaic plots being given way too much time per episode. many people believe that season 3 is where the show lost its soul, i do not personally feel this way but there is obviously a change in the show's production as evidenced by the circumstances involving its creation (change in writers, cancellations, etc.) just do me one big favor and don't get married.

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Sneeders O'Feed

Yeah I love FG but can see there’s not much “soul”. However the jokes/phrases are so good and haven’t really declined at all...if anything they’re more funny because the writers don’t seem to give a shit anymore

yeah the "drop in quality" of the episodes as wholes also led to some gags and cutaways that are some of the most popular in the show's history. some episodes like Family Gay and Stewroids from Season 7 are ones which would fit in quite naturally with Season 4 and 5. The newest episodes are now extremely meta and self referential which sometimes results in pointless, unfunny wastes of time and other times results in genuinely funny observations and jokes. I still watch the new episodes but would never argue that they are close to golden age quality. And yeah like I said definitely do not get married

Season 16 was better written than most seasons before.

that's gonna be a season 11 for me


I don't care what redditors say. Post 2012 family guy is infinitely better than the pre cancellation snoozefest

Peter as a fisherman was one of my favorite storylines/running gags

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The golden era imo

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Family Guy is cringe Facebook tier shit. Why does this board like it.

Family guy was fucking cash seasons 1-6

It was never good, the whole show was always cringe "humor" like


How is that any different than the newer stuff.

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I'm not okay

These. Though idk about Simpsons I just gave ot up as a teenager, im not sure if it turned to complete trash.
OPs pic too but i never really liked senpai guy that much

Good. Don't.

A few years ago, AMC was trying to gouge a lot of cable companies because they had this show at it's peak. My local cable provider told AMC to fuck themselves and I haven't watched since. Comics we're better anyway imo, but I quit reading those at around issue 150 or so.