What if in Beauty and the Beast the toilet bowl was a person who was transformed too?

What if in Beauty and the Beast the toilet bowl was a person who was transformed too?

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Did they have toilets like that in the 18th century?

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I'd wish it was me

I bet the beast took huge monster shits. I’m talking cracked porcelain, baby!

god i wish that toilet were me

Imagine if your face ended up inside the bowl haha. What would Belle even do, I mean she's a lady so she can't go outside, she'd have to reluctantly use you.

The toilet wasn't invented until the 1800's dumbass
More likely it would be a chamber pot dumped outside by servants or an outhouse.

imaging the smell

>until the 1800's dumbass
What year does Beauty and the Beast take place?

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By their clothing it was either the 1600's or even 1700's

Beauty and the Braps

god i wish that were me


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Long time before that. It's based on an old folk tale and someone written it down around 1700s

It was written and published in 1740

She probably shit through a porthole or something. Wasn't she in a castle? The didn't have toilets, maybe the chamber pot she used turned into a person

I thought it was like the 1940s or 50s

Gaston has a blunderbuss, which should date it around the 1700s. The exact time the original story is set in is irrelevant since we're discussing the movie adaptation

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why couldn't I have been born these toilets? Why does God insist on torturing me with my benign existence, does he take pleasure in my anguish?

Seriously?? Post all of them

I can't tell if the toilet is enjoying it or not. Surely it's a welcome change from eating the beast's shits?

>the rest of the set

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Inanimate objects don't have souls, you never could've been a toilet
sorry to break the bad news to you

Yes that's why Gaston has a gun that looks like this
This is the type of gun people had after world War 2

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Sounds lijw you need to learn shit


bruh post the rest pls

human toilets are a thing

It's Europe idk, I thought Europe was like that before Muslims came in

The theme of this thread is clearly actual toilets not people getting shit in their mouths

>the company that released the steele dossier

I think that's just a parody of that: collegehumor.com/post/7036042/if-disney-princesses-went-to-the-bathroom

and there's no more disney princess poop

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You realize ancient Egyptians had the steam engine, right? It's possible Gaston built that blunderbuss before it was mass produced. The time frame could be well before 1700.

Sorry faggot is this movie fucking set in Yugioh times? do you see moses anywhere? it's clearly set in the 1700s in France
For starters, Egyptians wrote in papyrus paper manuscripts and hieroglyphics. In the movie Belle is shown reading hardcover BOOKS