Janet or Chrissy?

Janet or Chrissy?

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Mrs. Furley

Is this a serious question? Chrissy all the way.

You either mean Don Knotts or Mrs Roper.

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>you will never share a shitty 2 bedroom apartment with 2 girls in the late 70's
>going to the regale beagle with Larry and try to pick up some hairy smelly thots

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janet forever

Janet all the way.

krissy when i was a kid, janet as a 30 year old boomer


Chrissy just had bigger tits but Janet was better looking and less obnoxious.

Lucia Bustamante

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Janet, duh.

chrissy got a busted face she's just ditzy which is not attractive

Is this the Come and Knock on our Door show?

If you chose Chrissy you chose poorly.

retard or bitch hmmm

Terri was the best

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Lana is the Patrician's choice

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Why were so many 70s sitcoms just American remakes of Britcoms?

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*breaks the fourth wall*

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Normal Fell once stabbed a man for parking in his spot. Dude was a headcase.


> based Terri poster

Priscilla Barnes did a photo shoot for Penthouse before she was famous.

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She used the name "Joann Witty" in the mag.

>stabs man to death
>smiles at camera

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>tfw there will never be a Three's Company reunion.

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didn't all the characters look at the camera?

A show with a guy pretending to be gay. You will never see this again in your lifetimes.

I share a 3 bedroom with two women in current year, does that count?

You sound like a big, broke homo.

>that episode where Larry roofied a girl at the Reagle Beagle

Did he go too far?

What a waste of trips on such an asinine comment

funniest fucking show on television. every episode has me dying even today, physical comedy at it's finest

Mr.Roper or Mr Furley

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No, that's just something you did in the late 70's.

wouldn't really make sense at this point.

>they made all those shitty reboot movies like Starsky&Hutch or CHiPs but not Threes Company

what if the show was set in the 70s?

literally what was going on in the 70s?

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sex and drugs, baby. all the sex and drugs you could ever want

Anons! Sharing room with women is horrible. They are dirty lazy and whine all the time. Lots of emotional and physical baggage, don't respect your space and items. Worst part is you see them naked/semi-naked so many times you lose all interest. Oh they will try to fuck you, not even kidding. They need an environment centered around them, they hate it when it's peaceful. My gf comes over and they dress even sluttier. Sneak into my room and use my shirts and hoodies because they can't do laundry properly. FUCK ROASTIES REEEEEEEE

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Yes, that's the first line of the theme song. The show is Three's Company.

this user is correct

I would have licked her hairy pusy!

Let's be honest Terri was great but Jack should've married Janet not the rando he did.

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In heaven there will be user...in heaven there will be.

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>its a Janet and Terri go to the beach episode

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Janet was best girl for Jack and him not ever getting with her shows he was actually gay the whole time.

user is a gentleman of excellent and refined taste.

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You'd still be a fucking loser in the 70's, you just wouldn't have the internet to ease the pain.

guess I'm fapping again

I thought Priscilla was flat. damn

why didn't jack bury his face in her ass as a prank?

janet looks like the type that has a filthy mouth and will do anything in the sack .

But it's the 70s so it'd be easier to be a rapist in those days.


she is probably the type of girl who would spit in your mouth during sex

too busty

Cindy was best girl by far.

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Personally didn't think her character was that funny but if i would rate the blondes best to worst it would be
>any blonde girl ever in the show

Oh, I thought we were just being lechers. Personality-wise, I would probably pick Janet, but sweet Jesus...

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>me on the left

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how bad did janet age

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Oh i agree user i think if Janet had dressed a little more sexy(excluding workout clothes she wore) she would be the best for me.Then again ive always been a sucker for big tiddy goth gf and she is kinda like that in a way.

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I'd say about normal for a woman her age. At least she didn't get bogged like Chrissy. I dont know about the other girls. I assume Terri looks great.

that guy is the creepiest villain in all of TV/movie

janet on my face and chrissy on my dick, is the patrician choice.

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it would if you wanted to make a fool out of a trumptard

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how did they get away with this in 1950?

chrissy still looks good for her age

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Which girl gave the best top though?


she has a real suzy chapstick quality about her

>No Chrissy
why do they hate each other so much?

So were they sluts or was that just the fashion?

Thinking about getting the Life poster for my dorm

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Chrissy was a druggie and a typical Thot and wanted the show to pay more attention to her. She is supposed to be just a ditzy blonde.

I really want a show with a similar set up (in regards to the relationship between the three main characters) but based in highschool to fulfill the fantasies I had as young teen.

> I used to wear his shirt


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The fuck? Obviously the actors are going to be of age user. I also don't really want any gratuitous lewd content. What's with the accusations?

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>Patrice O'Neal on O&A talking about how Janet was his #1 pick for a white girl on tv when he was growing up
>Norm Macdonald on his show talking about how Don Knotts would fuck the guest star woman of the week, going as far as slipping additional hard liquor into her mixed drinks

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How do you Fucking know it would have been hairy!?

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>Why were so many 70s sitcoms just American remakes of Britcoms?
The woman who created Dr. Who later moved into licensing BBC sitcoms to American networks. Her daughter was on Coupling, and her son in law is Steven Moffat.

it was the 70's/80's YOU JUST KNOW

>Used to watch this show with my mom as a kid
Good times, I should get lunch with her soon.

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It was the 1970s bro.

this was the episode Jack felt threatened by Terri

This might be the puppy episode

This was the episode the gang thought he was a strangler/murderer

Yeah, nah.

Women were starting to at least trim by then.

me on the left

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not many

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Nothing was comfier than getting high in college and watching threes company marathons on tvland.

You're an old guy.

She just didn't have it. Great bod and a nice smile, but not it, dudemanbro.

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Janet, of course

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Trim still makes it hairy. You have to compare it to some clean shaven that started in the 2000s.

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Me in her hand.

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The face of that CPR dummy is based on a dead girl fished out of Seine a hundred years ago.

mid 80s is when they started to trim it


these are promo stills right? i wish the show was this HD

>dat tite tum


I only tugged it to Janet and none of the blonds. So I guess she wins.

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i'd totally bang the shit outta all three - the blondes still look hot especially

Resussa Annie? Thanks, the more you know I guess.

Is this that show about two grils who work at the post office warehouse


Your and grandma( and guys banging them) don't count

maybe they can have wet t shirt contest and mud wrestling episodes
that would be great!

70s boobs were based.

>boy has to pretend to be gay/girl to live in the girls' dorm

Let me introduce you to a little thing called "anime".

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Women in general need to be constantly entertained, a rare few I have met who are able to sit and enjoy their own company or read a book. Your ones sounds like legitimate sociopaths though.

If the guy was being a dick about it and it was clearly labelled then he probably deserved it.

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Why did he find Janet attractive?

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don knotts was wasted on this show.

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you just know he had a hairy dick

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when I was a kid and watched this show i always thought jack was gay in this

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Don't you bet poor Ritter had an erection 24/7. And if you like pantyhose this show was pantyhose fucking kino.

As a kid, pre-sexual, I thought Cindy was the cutest and prettiest girl, so I was a Cindy fan. As I got a little older and became sexually aware of myself, I became aware that Janet's ass gave me erections, so I was a Janet fan.

Janet is a cute!

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You just know...

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still would

This was big back in the day.

Joyce Dewitt - Battle of the Network Stars

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Larry is my role model.


They went to /fit

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>Mrs Roper


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i love how pokeys were an acceptable thing on tv/movies in the 80's

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Fuck blonde. Brunettes are better.

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the third blonde

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Cocaine, Disco, CP (legal), Steelers, crappy cars, kino serial killers.

Kim or Foxx?
Eve or Brat?
Mary or Debra Cox?
Missy or Heather B?
Lady of Rage or Rah Digga?
Thelma or Willona?
Naomi or Tyra Banks?
Nia or Halle Berry?

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did Jack end up with one of the girls?


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Most shows were shot on film. So they're technically HD... Studios just have to track down the negatives and scan them.

Some were edited and finished on film. Some were edited, etc. after they were scanned to SD video.

That's why getting TNG HD took so long. They had to scan all the film negatives, and recompose everything in HD (the effects, the editing, re-do effects in HD).

Back in the late 70s, I would imagine the entire episode was finished on film before being converted to SD video, so if they have the old film, HD versions shouldn't be too much of an issue.

you couldn't see them back then. tv was fuzzy and such lo-res you wouldn't be able to make them out.

Women weren't as fat and breast implants were expensive.

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Janet was always wearing leotards, yoga outfits, doing her hair, her make up was exceptional. She looked like the girl who would fuck you in bed, chrissy acted like she'd just lay there.

lol no, even until the late 80s bush was abundant

bush was popular in the early 90's too, otherwise he wouldn't have been elected


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cindy was the worst
