ITT: The last movie you saw, and what you thought of it

Post the last movie you saw and what you thought of it.

I'll start:
I watched this yesterday, and I was honestly surprised at the polarizing reception after seeing it. Sure the story is merely passable, but I feel like it's what's around it that makes it great.
The characters and the dialogue especially were both great. Even when the characters were talking about absolutely nothing important to the plot, it was just fun to watch the characters interact. The dialogue also played a major part in this as well, feeling incredibly naturalistic and real. I honestly believe leaving in some irrelevant conversation helped give the dialogue that feel, not to mention the acting, which was pretty well done.
I also can't get enough of the mood that the film sets. I really love how romantic, and oddly whimsical the film feels at times despite the despite the characters are in throughout the film. The amazing score really contributed to that mood as well, and was one of my favorite aspects of the film. It's a really great feel good movie.
As far as the filmmaking goes, it's a really solid film. The cinematography is genuinely well done, and while the editing feels stylish and satisfying, even though it feels a bit sloppy at points. Even though this was Godard's first film, I feel like he definitely had an established voice.
So overall, how innovative and revolutionary it was aside, I really enjoyed it. People talk about how it's kinda slow, and how a lot of it feels pointless, but I felt like those scenes did a good job at further developing and giving us a more intimate look at the character's relationships. It also, as I said, contributed to the realism of the film. Also, the bedroom scene everyone bitches about is comfy as fuck to me.
Not a favorite of all time, but it is a really great movie.
It's probably like an
if I had to rate it anything.

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nice blog asshole


Not saying you have to write multiple paragraphs or anything. Just what you thought of the last movie you saw.
Could be as simple as saying
>it was good

The only reason people dislike early Godard is because he didn't take filmmaking seriously while simultaneously sidestepping the status quo. It makes arthouse snobs insecure.

What does this have to do with Captain Marvel?

people meme about it because it was good at the time and revolutionary but it really didn't age well and comes across like an interminable pretentious student film because it was basically the original pretentious student film

I saw the Hunt recently, that was good. Pretty great acting


this pretty much. i personally love breathless and think it's a lot of fun. main character is hilarious and girl is a cute

The Gods Must Be Crazy. I really enjoyed it. Not in a "funniest movie evar" way but you can tell the people behind the camera just really like movies and telling stories.

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I thought this was a great movie. The way Jack speaks about art and murdering vs hunting and culling was great. Whole movie is amazing, the ending gets real surreal in a way I didn't imagine,

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I’ve been hyped to see this for a bit. Heard great things. Maybe I’ll watch it next week.
Hadn’t heard of this film before now. Added to my watchlist.

I saw Downfall for the first time last night and it made me sad because Hitler was right

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I don't remember when I watched movie last time
They suck

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jesus christ

I don’t even see how those movies are that pretentious

yeah it's definitely his best

idk about that but i do think it's up there

I think Weekend is his best, but this is still great



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why does this movie get so much hate, it might not have a lot of substance but it is an enjoyable experience

Everything by Godard gets a lot of hate

I feel like people care more about what other people will think of the movies they like then what movies they truly enjoy. At the end of the day movies are a source of entertainment


slow burning but worth it

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Damn, I still need to see this. I forgot it came out

the pacing might seem a little off-putting, but it's possible you'll get as lost in it as i was

pretty special

What am i seeing here?

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I thought it was really fun, will probably see it again.
There were a few cliches that I kinda didnt like though

breathless sucks shit from my dick hole fuck godard

But why?

Pure, unadulterated kino. Only kinosseurs will enjoy this.

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I haven't seen this since I was a kid.
Imagine the outrage if this were released today.
Will grab this again and dip back in.