Wonder Woman had 52% female audience, >Aquaman had 52% female audience

>Wonder Woman had 52% female audience, >Aquaman had 52% female audience,
>Suicide Squad had 45% female audience
>Marvel's big feminist movie released on International Women's day has a measly 39% female audience

Wasn't this movie made for women? Because little girls need terrible female role models to look up to or something? Why do men support it more than women?

Attached: capeshit.jpg (1186x800, 333K)

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Because, just like in real life, shit like CM only attracts beta orbiters and trannies

feminism is a massive lie. Its a tiny number of women who actually call themselves feminists. Most women adore and respect strong men over women

women hate other women

and the most beautiful women have to pretend to be all about equality and fair play because other women will bully the shit out of them

the majority of anti captain marvel people are NOT incels. they are other women.

Who would women want to see, the cool wine aunt or the Samoan sex god?

we are weak, and led our hate control us.
we men invented hatefuck after all.

Momoa is based and very famous among women

Zack Snyder was a genius picking him to play Aquaman

Women want to see GIGA CHADS and romance. Not feminism

yeah but Wonder Woman had a 52% audience too
but it didn't forget to include chris pine naked
and lots of romance
instead of a cat and a black single mom

Attached: Chris-Pine-naked-in-Wonder-Woman-1593457.jpg (590x350, 32K)

Same thing is currently happening in wrestling. Trying to push women 'wrestlers' as the top stars, yet ratings in women viewers are not increasing and now Roman Reigns shows back up again and women are interested.

Women showing up to Aquaman makes perfect sense and in the case of WW, that's an iconic character that women are more likely to get behind. Who the fuck is Captain Marvel outside just the latest in the line of Marvel characters pushed off an assembly line.

Then why did Aquaman and CM have the same female ratio?

Not according to OP's picture

Aquaman/WW had same ratio, not CM.

WW has a romance vibe with Steve Trevor/Wonder Woman (probably the best part of the movie) which appealed to women, plus WW being a strong woman.

No, they are made for millennial subhumans in general, that scum, all those born between 1985 and 95 are the audience of these terrible superhero movies, and the only reason these cheap flicks are even succesful and why they are letting them ruin cinema.

These movies must be put down like the rabid dogs they are for quality entertainment to come back.

No man or woman who watches these deserves to have their opinion heard.

Women who haven't been in higher education are a lot less hateful towards men than those who have. They're also more likely to watch capeshit.

Can you give actually specific sources instead of vague website names?

So basically, women want to see superhero movies for reasons unrelated to superhero stuff.
I knew they were the reason why they forced romance bullshit into these movies where it has ni place whatsoever.

She's not a hot guy with abs, she has no personality, there is zero romance in it, and most of all who the fuck if captain [COMPANY NAME]. If this wasn't a marvel film riding on the success of the brand no one would go and see this.

>there is zero romance in it
That's maybe the only positive.
There's no place for sappy shit in superhero movies.
Those scenes in Aquaman when that song played in the background and all that shit was cringeworthy.

Go watch some stupid romcom if you want that.

If Captain Marvel had come out say next year it wouldn't have anywhere close to the hype around it. It's basically making all sorts of money based on the face that she was a cliffhanger in IW for Endgame, so people think it's a big deal to see it.

They think all women are feminist looking for a girl power movie. They're actually looking for romance and smut. I remember asking my mom if she wanted to watch oceans 8 because it was oceans 11 for women and my mom loved oceans 11. Her response was "it's a remake for women? Then why the hell did they replace all those handsome men?" Reminder 50 shades of grey was an r rated movie that made 600 million dollars and has an 80% female viewership

and the irony is that the movie not only is one of the most irrelevant to the MCU, but also shits on its past
even the post-credits scenes is taken directly from Endgame and will appear again

Women enjoy romance in their stories, weird you don't know that

As I said, they can go watch a romcom if they want that.
Romance is not what superhero movies are about.

and even then more women went to see Ocean's 8 than Captain Marvel

but a lot of superhero stories have romance in them even in the comics
most superhero movies also don't have the romance at the center of the movie anyway

Captain Marvel is onions core shit.

Disney and Marvel wanted to make a movie that appealed to women, by removing a key story feature women enjoy (and most other marvel movies have) makes it LESS appealing to women. I don't know why this is confusing considering what this thread is about.


This scene holds the best shot in the DCU. In glorious 4k.

Attached: 1550899120085.gif (720x404, 623K)

Hero rescuing love interest is a staple of action movies

What superhero movie doesn't have a romance story in it?

Captain Marvel

Yeah, I don't know about any of the shit y'all bitch niggas talking about, but I would've seen Captain Marvel to see the tie-in to the Avengers, alone.

Once the Stan Lee intro paid, the tickets had paid for themselves.

That's what y'all miss, the fanboy aspect.
I literally give no fucks what Yea Forums has to say about any Marvel movie, they're getting my money on name brand recognition alone, and I know I'm not the only one because I have friends who do the same. DC to a lesser extent.

But fuck your other meme movies. If it wasn't huge in the 90s, if it isn't a badass comic book from my youth, or if it wasn't a Saturday morning cartoon, then good fucking luck. Give me any Marvel movie over whatever bullshit y'all on.

>Marvel's big feminist movie released on International Women's day has a measly 39% female audience
Not only that but...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win

Attached: cm stan tweet.jpg (610x703, 152K)

I give Wonder Woman credit for being something different on release. It was largely a fish out of water story with a war-movie coating and more coming of age than an original story. Plus Pine brings a ton of Charisma and Gadot did well. It also had a lot of heart.

CM is another origin movie, feels almost bad spirited, and doesn't really have anyone with Charisma in the cast. It's biggest marketing gimmick is the damn cat for Christ's sake. It's boring and just a hump before Endgame.

DBS Broly, the best superhero movie of the decade.

Isn't he a villain?

>implying the green ayy dont want Broly's dick

No, the movie, it's called DBS Broly.

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i thought that old jew fuck died

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Bulma or Chi-Chi aren't in it?


Bulma is kinda in the background, but she might as well not be in the movie at all.
She has zero relevance on the plot.

Disney unfroze him so he could shill CM before going back into cryostasis

Non-man hating women love actual men. Not emasculated numales screaming for YASSS QUEEN.

>no romance

nigga did we watch the same movie? Cheelai literally gets fucked by Broly after the credits

What was the draw for woman?

what a fucking loser

An emotionless robot with no sex drive shows the world who is the strongest

Cheelai was literally a plot device who's only purpose was preventing Gogeta from killing Broly.

It's funny because it's true.

The cat.

Women hate women more than incels do

Oh yeah, I forgot about that, they were really trying to plug that cat.

>women want to see nonwhites
OK this is based

telling women that other women would see it so women wouldn't feel left out

Does twitter care at all about the verified tag? We have undeniable evidence that he did not tweet that

There's also the fact that he's dead.

>female main characters + female fanservice leads to more female audience

No shit sherlock.

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They needed to put a hot guy in it

>a cliffhanger in IW for Endgame
Let's be objective here. In Endgame, normies saw Nick Fury press a button on a device with some kinda star on it. What does it mean? Normies had no idea. The ONLY way normies could possibly know, is from journalists and the media. Feige never made an attempt to tell the audience who Carol Danvers is. That's because he had no idea either.

Normies have the internet you know?

They designed the movie for twitter feminists who don't represent a majority of females. There is no love interest, no even hot guy (not even a hot woman to appeal to lesbians), they strangely tried to push the cat because as we all know cats are a big draw since all women are crazy cat ladies that just watch cat videos on youtube, carol comes across as inhuman.

There was literally nothing for woman in this movie other than the magic lead being a female.

These people are pretty much soldiers, there's no love on the battlefield.
When you just try to force that shit you end up with stuff like Civil War, and all that shit between Cap and the blonde that literally no one gave a fuck about.

Even when it's a feminist movie, it's still capeshit which women aren't interested in. A lot of the time they will be going to movies on a date anyway, "fuck men" the movie isn't a great movie to make out to.

Fucking this

Shazam is gonna hit a billion and reclaim his name as the original Captain Marvel and it will be over for the MCU.

And there's going to be so much COPE

Females want romance and handsome men.

Disney though all women were men hating dykes who only like cats and have no emotions or personalities. They also thought these dykes didn't like good looking women. Seems like the mouse incels never talked to women beyond twitter trannies.

chicks dig strong shirtless men. its not rocket science.

White men are fucking cucks

Jewish necromancy

shows how stupid you white men are by still going to it

i watched it in glorious 4k earlier today
i have to say, it was beutiful
not a bad movie overall

This so fucking much. The amount of sōybois that are defending this movie is insane. They must really think they’re gonna get poosy for praising one of the weakest Marvel movies.

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>posts a tweet of a woman praising it

Doesn't that mean by Yea Forums's insane incel logic that Captain Marvel is based and redpilled if women don't like it as much as WW or Aquaman, which are now cucked and pozzed?

she's just bitter no one likes Archer anymore

Because most capeshit men are hopelessly effeminized.

I don't understand how it hasn't been cancelled yet.

This. It appeals to the orbiter/beta fantasy of women being around pathetic men.

Aquaman and Wonder Woman had a romance story that was central to the plot. They both (Especially Wonder Woman) made good date movie

>only soibois like it
>here's my evidence a woman liking it
fucking hell is Yea Forums developmentally disabled or something?

>but I would've seen Captain Marvel to see the tie-in to the Avengers, alone.
Ironically Ant-Man and Wasp ties into Endgame more and a lot of people missed it

>Wasn't this movie made for women
Girls perhaps, no superhero movie is made for men or women though

But Broly did have a romance story

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History repeats itself. Women claim they're going to go all out and support a female-led movie and they always lose to the males.

Imagine if the majority of males didn't show up. This would have been on the worst flops of all time. Those females should be thanking the males.

Who ever said "I don't like female superheroes!" ? In the real world it was male dweebs buying their books for decades while women shunned comic books entirely

grow up

>visually dazzling
>wildly funny
canned review phrases

Jesus, man. You talk as if you don't have any other choice. What a scary and sad existence to be this bewitched by a filthy conglomerate and any trash they shit out as long it has the same familiar branding.

Is there a source for these numbers or is it just shitposting?

Goddammit, I just thought of what Yea Forums should've done we should've said Week One is for Women ONLY on Twitter and saw if we could get men to stay away, it would have caused the movie to make half.

It says it on the bottom right of the image

women are intiminated by beautiful women on screen

So cucks. It has white self-hating cucked males to thank. Glorious irony.

>doesn't really have anyone with Charisma in the cast.
>Samuel L Jackson
Pick one.

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This movie wasn't made for women. It was made for sjws and blue check marks. It's as sexless as possible and a horrible bitch is cast as the main character.

Women want some sexy looking guys to look at and/or a female main character caught up in a love story. It's why the Twilight movies were successful.

Zack's casting choices for Aquaman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman were all pretty good. He just didn't do a good job directing them. Neither did Joss.

>Copyright claimed
Wow, they work fast.

didn't write them for shit either

Duh. Why else do you think Thor and Dr. Strange's love interests felt so shoehorned and were eventually dropped?

Women like the Marvel movies for the hot men and cute boys. I know girls that cried when Spiderman got dusted.

Carol Danvers is asexual and women can't relate to her.

Attached: 6543342-carl01.jpg (217x232, 9K)

>no hot sexy chads for love interest
>boring as shit self-insert lead character
What the fuck's wrong with Feige?

>Most women adore and respect strong men over women
Every single woman is like this, even the most ardent, self-proclaimed feminists want nothing more deep down than to pinned against a wall and fucked senseless by a strong, dominant Chad.

Attached: feminism.png (522x796, 286K)

The DCEU has always been popular with women. The theaters have always been full of women in every DCEU movie I've seen so far and I remember how hard they were crying during the end of BvS

Attached: batman-v-superman-she-was-my-world.jpg (960x789, 70K)

I think there are some exceptions but the vast majority of tumblrinas and feminist bloggers that whine about the patriarchy fucking love K-dramas, anime and other "problematic" shit