Oh nonono justie

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Other urls found in this thread:


>racism wins again
Maybe if white people hadn't lied CONSTANTLY and given us that 40 acres and a mule like they promised, he wouldn't have felt the need to lie.

can you imagine life today if suddenly every black person was given a donkey

There would be a lot of dead donkeys on the street

can you imagine life today if suddenly every black person was given a lethal injection

Apparently it would cost $6.4 Trillion today.

So predictable

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>*dead raped donkeys

Imagine being as pathetic as this “human”

>48 years for a prank

>pay rise

One nigga on the block would end up with a LOT of donkeys.

>48 years in prison
>Wall street has 0 criminal charges after stealing hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars from the American people and spending it on cocaine and hookers, causing gangs to pop up in el salvador and a migrant crisis

A pay raise from who?

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>Nog runs from cops
>Cops tell him repeatedly tell to stop and put his hands up
>Instead he reaches for his waist
>Cops shot him, thinking he was going for a gun

Why can't some people just take the L with dignity? They act like this personally affects them.

Unironically God bless American justice

Good point, Jussie should go free.

He committed multiple hate crimes. Against a black, against a gay.

White supremacists set him up/ framed him to destroy the creditibility of hate crime victims. The system is just failing him just like does so many other African Amricans.

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12 times the Manafort sentencing. And yt people wanna act like they’re discriminated against

Should have told the cops to chill out.

It is pretty fucking excessive. Personally, I think lying should carry the death penalty, but in America getting HALF A FUCKING CENTURY for lying to the police? And not about like a terrorist attack or spying or something. About yourself getting beaten up. What the fuck?

>after stealing hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars from the American people
Can you prove they do something illegal on wall street?

Whoops, I forgot the part where he was breaking into cars before the cops got there. A real upstanding citizen that wasn't doing anything.

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What about the fake Anthrax attack? I thought that was classed as terrorism.

This. I have never met a harder working race than the black man. Stoic, strong family values and unique. Yet they've never once, in all of history, caught a break. Free brothers made into slaves again, but rather than chains, they behind bars...

digits determine how many years in prison he gets

he's an idiot but 46 years is ridiculous.

That seems pretty harsh. Something like 2 years seems more appropriate.

>R. Kelly
>now MJ's corpse and Jussie

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He did lie about a terrorist attack, he mailed himself crushed up tylenol and said it was anthrax.

Sensible chuckle

Why is it that when white women do it they get a pat on the back and can go on with their lives?
I mean had anyone filed charges against Chloe dykstra for example?

Extreme overcharging is a textbook prosecution tactic. They're just pressuring him to take a plea. Happens to whites all the time, too.

Asians are much more hard working than literally anyone else.

Based Erik.

Cause they biased against the black man. A real jury of equals wouldn't have even charged him, they woulda' given him a medal for trying to deconstruct a shitty system.

where did 48 years come from? I read probation to 3 years. Not including what he gets charged with for mailing himself fake anthrax

She didn't go to the cops. She just wrote an article and in a very calculated fashion didn't even name Hardwick.

You're an idiot. No one is saying he shouldn't face any penalty, but when white collar criminals get slaps on the wrist for doing serious damage to millions and the economy, it's clear there's bias

he'll do 6 months in a resort. all this 'up to' nonsense is to placate people who are mad about his obvious bullshit story and all the people who believed and spread it like crazy

it'll be memoryholed before his sentencing

This is no shocker. Some police forces do this. Throw every possible charge at their target and let the courts decide what actually sticks.

He’s obviously not going to serve 48 years.

Lol have you ever actually met a black person? You won't find a race of harder, humble workers.

I think I might have heard that. I haven't been paying attention. But you misunderstand me. I wasn't talking about lying positively about a terrorist attack that didn't happen. I meant lying negatively about a terrorist attack that DID happen and you had information about or were connected to or something. That's about the only way I could see this justifying almost fucking 50 years in prison.

>faces up to 48 years in prison
He faces up to 3 years in prison. The author of the article's implying they'd be served consecutively, but in Illinois consecutive sentences are used almost exclusively for violent offences/repeat offences.

>You're an idiot.

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>he'll do 6 months in a resort
nigga'll do two dimes breaking rocks in angola
and yall thought you'd never see a lynchin

Well we all know that. That's how the American """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""justice"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" system works. You slap a trillion charges to someone fraudulently, then get them to agree to just walking into prison without a trial so they can get less time than the threats. This country is literally a third world hellhole.

>Some police forces do this
Only the racist ones. Oh wait, that's all of them lol

fuck that i would rather go to the gallows fucking american justice system

Directly out of the journalists ass. She read the maximum sentence of 3 years and then just multiplied it by 16. In reality whether he's convicted of one charge or all sixteen he'll do a maximum of 3 years. The terms would be served concurrently.

>drop a candy wrapped when im a kid
>turns up a decade later in the next state over
>has my DNA on it and i admitted in interview that i did eat candy as a kid and cant account for all my wrappers
how fucked am i lads? im being tried as an adult with littering across state lines which is a federal crime, my lawyer advised me to take a deal for 2 years + 1 probation

That would be spics

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>nigger commits a federal felony using the postal service to send a death threat and "anthrax" to himself
>fakes a hate crime and cries about it
>wastes tax money on his wild goose chase
>is perfectly happen to let two guys go to jail for his lie when the believed it was white dudes instead of his didndu friends
he would fucking rot for the rest of his natural life in a just world
>fraudulently overcharged
go the fuck back to redit tranny

Greece is kind of misleading. Nearly half the country doesn't work, and the other half has to work overtime to take care of them and keep the EU at bay.

>have to work longer because they keep napping

Lazy sons of bitches.

Now tell us about how much you want to have someone rot for the rest of their life who is right wing, male, white and commits treason. I'll wait.

>go the fuck back to redit tranny
I'm the one who said lying should carry the death penalty. That means you and your kind.

Wish he had to toil the fields with the real niggers instead of just going to a resort.

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the large penalty is just to scare people into not doing it because the FBI takes it very seriously and it costs a lot to investigate - otherwise every queer with a bag of flower would be doing it and it could cost them

You're right. We should go back after Wall Street. Fuck JUSSTie, though.

>Maga Hat hatemongers harassed and attacked Jussie but did it in such a way that the police are convinced that Jussie faked it all for attention
What a perfect crime. Poor Jussie.

The South is seriously like a third world country inside another third world country.

the napping ones are the Spanish
Mexico does not do the siesta shit Spaniards do

>now see boys yall refer to me as boss nigger

We know why they do it. Stop making excuses you fucking sickening little bootlicking retard.

what would you prefer us do with our nogs?

>It is pretty fucking excessive
no it isn't. when you lie about the fucking law, and make an absolute mockery of justice, you need to be punished extensively.

sure thing paco

Up to 48 years? Really? That is silly. I mean the guy is an idiot but this is a victimless crime.

I would think 3 months to set an example would do it. While it has become a big spectacle you can't let a simple lie like this that didn't actually hurt anyone become something that sends a person to prison for years.

That c.o. sure has some fuckin titties on him

I hate Jews and Jussie. Simple As

That's the one that's going to do him in. No one cares about the huge amount of man hours spent on this lousy fag, or the faking of a hate crime with a sandwich, noose, and fucking bleach. It's the pretend terrorist attack by mail that's going to do him in. That's the only thing that will hopefully stick.

fuck that nigger kike, why should I feel bad for him for faking a terrorist attack and blaming my race?

Massive depopulation. A nice civil war perhaps.

Oh listen to this motherfucker. American "justice" might have a "mockery" made of it. Motherfucker American "justice" IS a mockery.

I wish the prisoners in my third world shithole actually had to work a farm instead of sitting around doing nothing even if Lousiana really is a shithole.

It literally cost the city hundreds of thousands to investigate the case.

>but this is a victimless crime.
how? how is stirring up nation wide racial tensions a victimless crime?

>I'm only here to help save the world

What a self important bitch

It's a maximum charge potential. Not the laws fault that writers of headlines are retards. If it's his first offense he'll get the minimum charge, unless he's disrespectful. And it being the case that's he's a nigger, it's completely possible that he fucks everything up with his attitude.

Trying to start a race war is serious business. His goal was to create racial tension and violence while elevating his celebrity at the expense of average people

you can make that claim about any countries justice system, that does not give you a fucking green light to just make up lies.

its actually cheaper to just have them not sitting around doing nothing
see in america prison is tough and sparse but paradoxically incredibly expensive

how can i make any judgement about you're random nonexistent straw man? really go back to redit, they're easier on mental deficient like you there


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>48 years
>Daily Mail

this is why you wait for better news sources to chime in before you react

If you believe people should go to prison for half a century while the actual criminals literally destroying the entire world have all power, then I think there may be something actually wrong with your race, subhuman.

Then make him reimburse them. He's got the money.

I don't know? How is it Donald Trump/Daily Caller/Fox/r/the_Donald/pol/etc??

>Trying to start a race war is serious basedness


>he actually thinks he can go to jail for 48 years
Holy shit hahahaha

Yes just put "Wall Street" in jail.

what has Donald Trump actually done and said that is so horrible? you people put words in this guys mouth like no other, its truly amazing.

>Trump says he wants to crack down on illegal immigration
>delusional liberals see this as him wanting to ban all non white people from america

>victimless crime
>the tax payer
>the intentionally degraded state of race relations
>actual victims whos now have to contend with yet another hoax to prove their legitimacy
>the two theoretical white guys JUSTie smullet was more that happy to let take the fall for his lie
yea 0 victims. for real though, go the fuck back to redit already you simp

Sherman didn't burn the south intensely enough, honestly. It still has """people""".

>It's a maximum charge potential
This is not something that should exist. The American justice system is laughed at around the world for how clownishly unfair, corrupt and authoritarian it is.

Then why aren't all middle class white rightwingers in prison or being executed?

You realize you're not helping your argument right? That means THOSE systems need to be obliterated too. It doesn't mean we should cheer for injustice.

When the law is wrong, disobedience is right. The current system is basically Lawful Evil and needs torn down. Liars should be purged, but authoritarian monsters need purged harder.

We charge people for hate *crimes*. That means you can legally stir up whatever kind of race hate you want, but once you commit a crime in order to stir up hate or motivated by race hatred, you'll get hit extra hard.

You're replying to me but you didn't argue with anything I said.

>The American justice system is laughed at around the world for how clownishly unfair, corrupt and authoritarian it is.
As foreigners fully display how ignorant they are when it comes to the American legal system.

If business decisions could result in criminal charges if the business decision failed, it would be devastating on the country, because (1) it would cause a brain drain by businessmen/corporations and the highly educated individuals that are employed by corporations leaving the country; and (2) it would kill any incentive to be innovative, because the risk of failure could ruin the attempted-innovator's life.

There's a reason why certain conduct is enforced rather than other conduct.

99% of what europeans know about america they learned from movies and tv

>When the law is wrong, disobedience is right. The current system is basically Lawful Evil and needs torn down. Liars should be purged, but authoritarian monsters need purged harder.

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Yes, that's what it is. America has like 2% of the world's population but more than 1/5 it's prisoners. And that's not including all the prison camps the CIA and other agencies keep overseas.

you're a retard

Tell me where I'm wrong.

>here's a completely unrelated statistic

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>while the actual criminals literally destroying the entire world have all power
so just arrest no one unless we get the big ones?

Dude Greek private sector is as brutal as it gets

>The American justice system is laughed at around the world for how clownishly unfair, corrupt and authoritarian it is.
are you actually insane m8?

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>half a century
Imagine believing everything you read in a daily mail headline? Yikes. What a retard.

Just give him a couple months and a fine jesus man it's not like he killed anyone. At most it's wasting police time.

Guantanamo didn't have more than a couple of hundred of people at its height. Holding people costs money. There's probably not more than a thousand people held right now worldwide.

>Japan lower than the U.S.

Wait, what? I've been told for years how awful their work culture is, with forced overtime and the like. What gives?

>he dindu nuffin, he a good boi, just needed money for dem programs

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He's probably underage, or he's an eastern euro troll.


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I couldn't tell you if this would be a comedy or a tragedy but it would be entertaining. Here's 40 acres of random dirt in Oklahoma and a burro to till your fields with - lol

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>48 years
ok so what he did was ridiculous but really? if he murdered someone he'd probably get a few years.

As it should be.

instant classic!

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This is the average worker. Corporate society is where you see the worst of Japanese expectations of long (and often useless) hours being spent at work. Same in the US--corporate culture is where it's typically the worst.

>48 years
but he's not going to get that retard, that is the maximum sentence, like how the maximum sentence for torrenting is 8-20 years or something crazy - no one actually serves that

For me, it's the classics:

How about focus on them first. And stop making fucking excuses for them. Because as we all know, with your sort, you DO NOT want to arrest the real criminals at all. You want to keep sucking their dicks. Oh also, socialism is when you give people other people's money, but the banks and corporations and farmers can have it.

Please, shit like that is normal in America. Not even remotely hard to believe.

Guantanomo is not America's only prison outside of America. They have them literally all over the world. You're the evil empire. I'm sorry you had to learn like this.

No more replies for bootlickers.

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We should have sent every last one of them to Liberia after the Civil War.

That was just an example. there are countless of women who fake accusations of rape or beatings and get away with it when the lie is exposed. Another celeb example is Amber Head and her beating scratches made with majeup that vanisehd the day after. She tried to frame him by provoking him and hiding a camera but he didn't take the bait. She got away with it and a couple of millions.

fucking my sides kek

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48 years is light. back in rhe day this nigger would be hanging from a tree

The plan was originally to ship all black people out of North America, to island of San Domingo, as soon as the war ended. Freed blacks were never supposed to be allowed to stay, instead they'd be given their own country that's a safge distance away. All the problems began when the admiral in charge of the operation calculated that the entire US navy put together couldn't ship the blacks out of the country as fast as they bred.

The more you know.

that's the hardest I've laughed over the last month on here, and I've seen some classic shit

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>you DO NOT want to arrest the real criminals at all
what if I told you I wanted to arrest those kikes too? why do we have to be oblivious to crimes taking place in front of us because of other criminals not being caught?

But what if they're white male christians? Then the crimes aren't "real" crimes, right?

Did you even watch a mexican work?

He won't do more than a year

>thinking those videos are funny
Are you a child?

you wouldn't be behind bars if you didn't break the law...should really stop defending the lowest common denominator of your race, asiand and white people don't defend their trash, why should blacks?

But what if your wife orbited my dick?

time to dilate

>good production value for a parody
>clever lyrics
>100% commitment to the joke
I'm not saying you have to like it, but lighten up sheesh

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>super rich people get away with everything, rich people get away with most things, middle class people rarely get away with shit and poor people never get away with anything

welcome to the literal entirety of human history

>where do you think we are?

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I remember when I turned 19 and realized the world was an unfair and shitty place, good times.

Nigga, you're white.

Who are you quoting, user?

>staging a terrorist attack on yourself in post 9/11 America
this is just natural selection at work t b h

Go act like a nigger somewhere else

>Wall street has 0 criminal charges after stealing hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars from the American people

Remember (((they))) are the people of G-D!!

>being THAT guy