Name a more iconic duo.
Name a more iconic duo
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Abbot and Costello
Why is everyone just ignoring that she looks like a fucking psycho?
Why is she so fucking retarded?
Why are her ideas so incredibly evil and ignorant?
she's popular with young people for some reason. They seem to think she has done something but I'm not sure what.
seed and feed
how hard is it to NOT reveal 50% of your gums when you smile holy shit
she looks like she fucks white guys
ebola and cancer
This, every photo where she "looks good" is either a happy accident or staged. The rest of the time, she's just got a fucking crazy look.
She promised them the world on a budget that doesn't exist.
damn are those dentures?
Our country is fucked.
Although I kind of want her and her policies to be implemented so people find out how bad they are so fight against it.
t. boomerpede
Lenin and stalin, lets at least choose something good if we're going with communists
dumb and dumber
Okay, but OP asked for another duo
You just know
Man her teeth are fucked up
Spics always have fucked up teeth I've noticed
I wonder what movies she likes
>She promised them the world on a budget that doesn't exist.
all politicians do that but she went hardcore with it
She's at that naive young and idealistic stage of her life. The only difference is some idiots unironically allowed her in the government.
Anyone else hoping she runs in 2024 just for pure accelerationism
why do they look like they eat the flesh and drink the blood of babies?
Hitler and Goebbels
>The only difference is some idiots unironically allowed her in the government.
Democracy is fucking evil.
>Anyone else hoping she runs in 2024 just for pure accelerationism
kind of
She'll definitely run if Trump wins in 2020.
If Biden wins in 2020, politics will probably get boring again and she'll get stale.
Discord tranny shill thread
She knows what she's doing and has full intentions of becoming a corrupt career politician. It's not an accident they found dirt in her campaign when they bothered to look.
What happened to that guy that was making a AOC thread every day lol
Farmer 1 and Farmer 2
Redddit: The Election
she could play alita
>Mfw aoc literally crashed the Democratic party in just two months after being in the HoR
It's going to be a very interesting next 5 years.
She's basically a scam, it's like how Axe and Dove are owned by the same company but exist to target different demographics. She exists to sell a fantasy revolution to young democrats who think they'll change the world while the mechanisations of actual power are beyond her.
Not really. The party shifted to Bernie politics before she came, and she will take up the mantle now.
dat gumline
>three chambers of Congress
>If Biden wins in 2020,
there are too many pictures of biden fondling people for that to happen
I'm always scared she's gonna bite me
Me and anxiety
ketchup and mustard
yeah fuck the climate lmao
What's the worst that can happen
i buy dove because it rinses easily and leaves me feeling clean and smooth.
she looks like a bug
She has a minor in economics and thinks tax breaks are cash in hand. She is just a goddamned idiot.
Can we please just ban people from NYC from holding high office?
She made noises about putting moderate Dems on what amounts to a traitor list. Not a great look for an avowed communist.
No, fuck off to /pol/
She spouts the shallow buzzwords of the faux socially concerned
>yeah fuck the climate lmao
you're an idiot
the country would be fucked beyond repair if she got in
why do you want to reduce us to 4th world living standards?
>No, fuck off to /pol/
Kill yourself
that doesn't work
see: latin america
You can't even make this shit up.
Look, it's Bill Nye the Politics Guy and Crazy Eyes AOC.
my foot and your ass
>green new deal says it will pay people that are unwilling to work
imagine the cringe
holy shit look at her crazy eyes
Your days a numbered, wagie
she is so hot
No, I need to be around to shoot fat retards in skull masks
this and that muslim lady who keeps saying anti-jew shit are the gift that keeps on giving
I'm actually a gubment kid that gets $1200 a month for nothing
you mean Andrew Yang's presidential platform?
There is also that 1975 interview where he didn't want blacks next to his son in school. He still thinks he took the right stand on bussing.
Political Platforms:
>Free shit for all, except people that are actually useful to society
>Stopping cow farts lol
Reminder that she also said the three "chambers" of government are the House, Senate, and the presidency
honest question. is her teeth and gums fake?
Based and NEETpilled
You have to be 35 to run for president. Try 2028
Shes being viral marketed to zoomers so when she inevitably run for the office they will unanimously vote for her because "I KNOW WHO THAT IS"
I didn't choose it, I want to work and have many certs and a college graduate. I have to find a good job that will pay me what I'm worth and we know that's not happening in the south any time soon.
so you want to shoot leftists?
We need to make that sacrifice so the rest of the world can thrive and have a bright future. Neigh, a possible future. America is not the center of the world, but we will be the savior. AOC for prez.
she's an actor and her entire rise to fame was a result of an ex-bernigger campaign think tank and a power vaccum dems created in their own party by not having any positions on anything other than hating trump
dios mio las creaturious del los eunitious elstaditos
what is your mental illness or disability?
God i love women with fucked up faces and teeth like this when they're otherwise presentable
In the USA? Healthy people don't just get $1200 a month stop larping.
good bait
By 2024, the ageist and racist rule will be abandoned, and the age of consent for the presidency will be reduced to 24, along with the voting age being reduced to 15.
>good job that will pay me what I'm worth
Lazy brat. When I was your age my first job only made me $15k a year ($47k adjusted for inflation)
someone should tell her her dentures are slipping out
It's such a fucking shame leftists had to destroy this country and force us to live under poverty and violence.
>great bait
thank you.
she looks like a horse
I am almost 100% positive he is larping
>She exists to sell a fantasy revolution to young democrats who think they'll change the world while the mechanisations of actual power are beyond her.
It’s drives me up a wall. We need a space race or a Cold War or something. Fuck.
stalin and beria
>where he didn't want blacks next to his son in school
You say that like a bad thing...
billy nye is so creepy looking.
Let's abolish that separation of church and state already.
imagine how big a bite of an apple she could take
It's possible he's handicapped and getting disability money for that.
That's the only thing I can think of.
Me and yo mama
That's really good.
Why do redditfags get thirsty over AOC? She doesn't even look "average." These people are hardcore coping about what they think is attractive.
t. have a cute girlfriend
Retard siege collapse posters
The way he said he "wants to work" but just doesn't makes me think that isn't so. Even then handicapped people even get that much, maybe if you added in Medicaid, food stamps, and section 8 housing but that ain't cash
because it's horny boomers and weaboo neckbeards who can't get laid. To them she may as well be Sofia Vergara
Why are boomers and brainwashed contrarian zoomers so terrified of socialism?
>Sofia Vergara
I forgot how hot that cougar is
Did you have 6 IT certifications and a degree in computer networking? Didn't think so.
oh your lazy ass is never gonna do shit then
at least Yang would LOWER your shit to just $1000 total
Socialism doesn't work and leads to extreme poverty and starvation.
Trust me, we fucking know. She's the kind of bitch that will try to have revenge sex with you and try to use her teeth as a potato skinner on your dick
Beat it commie & move to Venezuela while you're at it.
the first vampire elected to congress
dubs of truth
but that's not true, and AOC isn't even a socialist. The real question is why do people sound like an American from the 1950s, when communism hasn't been a real thing in like 30 years.
That's just how Hispanic women look
it's especially ironic considering how boomers favorite policy (social security) is literally socialism in the strictest definition of the word
I'm this posterYou can suck my dick.
Source: Have a cute mexican gf
based mod is on right now babysitting off topic shit while deleting other shit
Meant this poster
Stop posting
What did they mean by this?
That headline, I hope, is false.
It works in small homogeneous nations with strict immigration laws. It doesn’t work with crazy iq variance.
Because she's pushing for something closer to socialism than what the Nordic countries she praises have thanks to her neo-Communist pie in the sky demands.
I'm not the one with autism that wasted time and money on college to never do shit with his life. You can suck my dick friend
I don't get her face. In some pics I want to bone her but in others she looks like a rat.
>goes to obvious aoc bait thread
>gets mad when people talk about socialism
literally what did you expect to find here
>AOC isn't even a socialist.
>calls herself a democratic socialist
Because the Cold War showed it to be a failed ideology that can only be enforced either by a gun to the head or killing every alternative.
Reminder that socialism only works in nations with low population and without blacks and mexicans. It doesn’t work when niggers already trade their ebt cards for cash to buy drugs rather than food for their kids. You cannon refute this.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
but she isn't. all those nordic countries have way better and more aggressive environmental policies than the US. Most of them have nationalized key industries and have huge sovereign wealth funds. You have no idea what you're talking about
>IG thot thread gets deleted
>socialism general left up
what did they mean by this?
Yeah I understand capitalism, but what about communism?
It's true for the very simple fact that the only reason people do anything in life is for themselves, no one willingly works for others for free. No one. That's just human nature. Even with a traditional style marriage, both of you are working towards a goal that you both want. Even if you might think you're doing something just to be nice, there is almost always a long term subconscious expectation of something in return. Socialism removes all motivation to work.
She's a brown woman first in muh family who went to college and therefore thinks she is super smart bc she views herself as an outsider. So the problem isn't that socialism isn't the horrifying economic disaster, rather the problem is that economics as a whole fails socialism because it has all the wrong definitions, which MMT has the answers for.
And they don’t have certain “people” with 80-85 iq.
>democratic socialist will turn the country into USSR or Cuba
you realize this makes no sense right? None of the nordic countries turned out that way and her policies are probably less aggressive than theirs are
Her wealth redistribution schemes are far in excess of what any of those countries attempt.
My meat and my hand.
For the millionth time. They didn’t have shitskins with low iq who refused to work until they let in millions of muslims. It works if you are all decently high iq people of the same race. You are an idealist fucking retard race denier.
kill yourself /pol/tard
I’m right though. Throwing money at blacks does nothing. It’s an iq problem and there’s literally nothing you can do about it.
My friend, you have confused which sides East and West Germany belonged to. The truth is that West Germany never put up a wall to keep it's citizens from leaving, nor did it require shows of force to keep the peasants from rebelling. Communism has always been a dysfunctional failure, from Lenin's first purges to China throwing it aside.
Busing was absolutely retarded, even most black people didn't like it by the early 80s because it made no sense to drive kids miles and hours across cities and counties in the name of racial balance. Yet we're supposed to believe that only evil racists killed the noble and cost-free diversity that was being fostered.
Why you fuckin with my sex junk
>people calling her hot
He's right though. Socialism only works in the mitigated forms found in the Nordic countries due to their incredibly strong economies and well educated populace. In case you haven't noticed, America has neither.
They could have casted anyone as Alita, James just needed a template to superimpose his cgi waifu onto
why does it keep cutting to a guy holding a camera next to the other perfectly stable camera
Oh he banged her. You probably don’t know anything real about Hollywood
have sex
but you aren't working "for free", you're working for the betterment of your country and, when its a country the size of America, the whole world. I cannot believe how dumb you are to not understand the concept of caring about other people. sad.
>uses the argument of racial nationalism, an ideology the communists outlived by 60 years, to prove communism is bad
yeah you really got me there
two of the biggest frauds in a picture
also small population size that's entirely homogeneous
Fuck off redditor
Her father was a fucking architect
A lot of countries that exist today were founded on racial or ethnic nationalism, and most have maintained that with limited immigration; the nation state is still the dominant paradigm. You must be thinking of fascism.
Stop trying to show me how racism works ok. We know it works. Fuck you
Why does she fuck this white basedboy?
>America has neither.
yet america was in the top 6 for education in the 90's, and now its fallen to like 16th or so. I mean did non-white people all get way dumber in just 20 years? There hasn't been enough immigration to support what you're claiming, since 2010 most immigrants to the US have been from India and China, look it up
It is fun and easy to blame all you problems on people who don't look like you, but these arguments are not rational
Good one pol/emicist
>when communism hasn't been a real thing in like 30 years.
>uses the argument of racial nationalism, an ideology the communists outlived by 60 years, to prove communism is bad
>racial nationalism died in 1929
I guess it's true, transitioning does kill braincells
Didn't she say her mom was a maid or some shit who worked two jobs so she could go to a private school in the NYC suburbs?
Why do people still deny that iq is important and race based in 2019? People new this shit 100 years ago. Why do leftists love denying reality so much bros? Is it shitskins coping or actual reality denying retards?
I would have sex with her.
You’re here because reddit didn’t want you and we don’t want you either because you are a freak.
If you don’t think iq is race based in 2019 you are willfully ignorant.
She looks like she could suck the soul out of your dick
>you're brainwashed because you don't want to live under poverty and authoritarianism
zoomers like yourself love socialism because you're completely brainless
Nordic countries are extremely capitalist and actually moved away from socialist policies in the 80s which is why they're so rich today
wrong. racial nationalism did not exist until the 1800s. Otherwise how do you explain Rome, Ottoman Empire, etc. which covered multiple nationalities where they all had equal status. The idea that certain racial groups have a "natural right" to be above other groups, in a modern context, belongs to fascist nationalism alone.
Once again, you clearly do not have any idea what you're talking about.
She’s got upper white classic psycho trait. He has a lazy eye another trait of psychopaths. These are two visually disturbed people.
Look at who is having kids and who has been pushed into schooling despite being dumb as rocks.
That is demonstrably not true.
>you're working for the betterment of your country
Yeah, no one is going to slave away for the "betterment of their country" of 320 million people when they could just choose to put minimal effort in instead and let someone else pick up the slack. You have to be the most naive, deluded retard in the universe to believe something that stupid. That's not how human nature works, and the larger the scale, the less you care.
That's why these things can only ever, at best, work on small scales and only in cohesive societies that have maximum possible trust, and homogeneity is directly correlated to trust. That's part of the reason everything falls apart once leeches with radically different ideas and world views come in to the picture to maximize benefits for themselves while they minimize contribution they put in. It could never work in america, especially not when they party that would ever push anything like that is also the party that benefits from provoking division off of racial/economic/whatever lines in order to demonize swathes of the population. Really, it can never work outside of extremely specific scenarios. You can't point to any countries filled with brown people where any socialist policies in general have ever worked, for example.
Yea, she's a liar who pretended to be working class but lived in one of the most expensive parts of new york.
Uh huh
Race and iq are related and there is no amount of cope that can chance reality. This makes you super mad because it goes against your egalitarian dogma. You are no better than a devote christian who thinks the world is 6000 years old and the devil planted dinosaur bones in the earth.
>Indians want communism
>People fleeing from China want more communism
>they're coming in at equal rates that the spics are
I guess transitioning does kill braincells lmao
I genuinely have no idea what you're trying to say. You're upset that I implied nationalism died in 1929 instead of 1945, like a 15 year difference? Does that really matter? Does that really change the substance of the argument
you're getting pedantic because you know im right lol