Anime is such a complex form of art that it can't be adapted to movies

>Anime is such a complex form of art that it can't be adapted to movies.

True or false?

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me on the right

It's not complex, and look at Alita

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Depends on the anime.

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mostly true. Anime works best when its a series of at least 20 episodes. movies cant be that long

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No, you can adapt everything these days thanks to CGI

>movies cant be that long
That's why you make a trilogy. See

It just looks too goofy for live action

No good anime lasts more than 13 episodes.

Literally impossible to adapt this scene

>hear good things about One piece
>it’s like 1000 fucking episodes

It's like when they make a movie based on a fictional novel and when they change something fagatrons immediately shout "That's not what happened!"
Some aspects of a purely written narrative will need to be reworked to fit conventional filmmaking techniques. Those similar changes (at least for worldwide appeal or at the very least for western sensibilities) are usually so drastic for anime fans that they won't accept it, defeating the point for an adaptation in the first place.
TL;DR why bother they won't like it anyway.

And it's not even that good

3 movies still cant explain much compared to even a single anime season

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The only tolerable way to experience One Piece is the manga

See? As I said here, this fan of the manga doesn't even like the anime. This shit is unadaptable.

anime pussy

>this fan of the manga doesn't even like the anime. This shit is unadaptable.
Only because of the filler, they drag everything on in an excruciating way.

am I the only one who can't stand One Piece's retarded ass artstyle

>Anime is such a complex form of art that it can't be adapted to movies.

No-one with a brain thinks this.

The reason the vast majority of anime is rather unfit for live action adaption is because the styles mostly don't translate well to reality. The look will just be silly if you can't change aesthetics around like you can with a drawing.

Also real people don't act or behave in any way like anime characters, which is why seeing actors actually portray anime-like behaviour would be bizarre.

And then there's pacing which you could maybe brute force with having an arc be 1 hour episodes in 20 episode seasons, but overall the format for most stories wouldn't be satisfied with the "maximum 3 hours" silver screen meme limit either. One is there to sell tickets, the other to shove in tv ads.

>bashes your opinion with every minute of his +100 episodes

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>The only tolerable way to experience One Piece is the manga

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there are over 600 live action adapatations of anime.. so no.

anime and manga have been dogshit for the last 16 years

True. There is no living actor in the age range that could play a convincing Zoro.

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adapt this faggot

idris elba

>rick and morty of anime thinks it's above any other shounen trash

theres so much freedom in animation,it's literally impossible to adapt. plus most battle anime tell narrative through spectacle, the level of spectacle cannot be recreated with CG

>Anime is shit and when the viewer's standards aren't subconsciously lowered, such as when it is adapted, it is exposed as such.
True or false?

Idris is like 60


you cant cast a real girl. they arent cute enough

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Disgusting. Ruins half of the scene

there is this project called One Pace that edits out all the filler, making it way better and much closer to the manga in levels of quality

it can be, its just very difficult and would require skill
its especially hard with jews trying to americanise them

alita was ass you tard

yes it is
just avoid the anime and read the manga

The One Pace fan project does fix the anime a lot

i've started watching it and im 50 episodes in with no problem, when does it turn to shit?

>one piss fags
die already dipfuckretard