Why did Alita cast someone they had to make look unrecognizable with CGI instead of someone who looked more like Alita?
Why did Alita cast someone they had to make look unrecognizable with CGI instead of someone who looked more like Alita?
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What is her opinion on the orange man?
She's #YangGang like everyone else these days.
They could've just casted Emma Stone instead if they wanted someone with big anime eyes.
I guess they figured her acting was best suited to the role and they were going to CGI her face anyway
Because they wanted to cast an actor. Not teeny bopper of the month.
how do I get an ayylmao gf?
oh shit
monerfags btfo
Based and redpilled
Rosa Salazar is a literal who though.
>teeny bopper
Manson detected
Because she is a cyborg. Alita was going to be done in full CGI, regardless.
The actress chosen has wide expressions that translated well through the motion-capture technology.
>Rosa Salazar is a literal who though.
What does that have to do with his point?
t.toasty roasty
Because Alita isn't black.
But seriously you have Anya she looks like an alien already. A cute one too.
>actress looks like character so she should play them
this is the most NPC mindset you could have
Also, Alita is a robot that's why she's CGI in the movie, she's a cute uncanny valley, that's the whole point.
Acting ability
>When she sees my small penis and calls me a girl
Do you people really think Salazar can act?
Have you seen Alita?
From last threat
Because I'm a normal male with normal biological desires
Source is youtube.com
Are you new? I started my Moner folder like 2 years ago
because this little incan hussy is meant for breeding not for acting
Then to answer your question, yes. I thought she was great.
I was just trying to be as insulting as possible.
Well in the future please try to at least be accurate
Why is Moner mocking my penis?
She wants him to deport her and build a wall
What do you think her opinion is you dumbass?
A lot of legal mexicans think Trump is based and redpilled
She's second generation though, so she goes all La Raza to cope with identity issues.
Way too brown
they have the cgi to correct that
She wants him to colonize her asshole.
Hating the orange man is one thing, but liking AOC? I can't handle this level of retardation.
Definitely NOT waifu material
Anyone under 25 who has a boomer-con reaction to AOC isn't waifu material. She just spouts nice aspirational messages. I was all in on Obama at that age.
But she's the only robot that's CGI'd? That theory doesn't hold up.
Her shitty anime face is genuinely one of the most perplexing recent design decisions you could think about. It's like they wanted her to be CGI because Cameron has a fat boner for digital anime eyes but couldn't be arsed to go all the way and make all cyborgs look like that.
I made that image. I used the liquify tool in photoshop for the eyes.
don't worry- i feel absolutely no sense of achievement.