Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a Mike is dumbfuck and Rachel can't stop crying episode
*throws file on desk*
>use it
>I already did
>it's a (action that would lead to disbarment every time) episode
>That episode where Gootecks made a cameo as a defendant.
Pretty fucking based to be honest with you.
Don't post about me or my fiance's son on this board ever again
Suits was SHIT
but the bloopers are fucking KINO
>watching a show made for basic bitches
>there are anons posting RIGHT NOW that fell for the law school meme because of this show
i ended up hating rachel for that shit she pulled with louis over her job and badgering a raise out of him (can't even remember what it was) but then i ended up hating mike just as much for being a general hypocritical cunt so it all worked out in the end and i made peace with the fact that they deserved each other
i also thought it was typical that dipshit louis ended up being the most likable guy in the show after being established as a piece of shit because they ran all the other characters into the ground, but hey ho
thanks for reading my blog
p.s fuck harvey
>What the hell is that ?
>Like hell you are !
>Dammit Louis !
>What are you doing here, Hardman ?
fucking lol
Same thing happened with Scrubs and med school
Hey, I fell for the law school meme because of John Grisham.
I know you didn't come all the way down here just to shitpost, so why don't you tell me why you're really here?
I unironically know somebody who's whole life is just trying to be Harvey. He goes to the Gym because of Suits. He does boxing because Harvey boxes. He's in Law school. It's fucking bizzare. To top it all off he only dates redheads.
based and redpilled
He's an obnoxious faggot, just like Harvey. Kind of endearing, but he isn't rich and powerful yet so it's cringe
I’m still mad Harvey never banged Jessica. Fuck Donna.
But Harvey doesn't just date redheads. Best girl Scottie isn't one.
Does he drive a supercar though?
Jessica is practically a mother figure to him.
But yeah Donna turned annoying eventually.
Scottie was goat, why didnt Harvey end up with her? I forgot, but I remembered he had a major stiffy for her.
Good point. I'll point that out to him. He's full Donnafag though. Even defended that shitty tech subplot.
Nope, some random Mitsubishi. I'm sure he will when he gets the money
Scottie is a dumb cunt based on the latest season bro. Based Samantha should have cleaned her fucking clock.
It's baffling that the whole series lives on the shitty premise that the protagonist is a fraud. Who are the writers? RedLetterMedia?
What's crazy is after Mike left the show got a second wind. No more faggy muh secret plotlines. Just blackmail, intimidation, cover-ups and Jewish schemes
yeah that shit got old quick
>hey mike how about you pass the bar, which you've already done so you know what you're fucking doing then come back in a few years, i'll offer you a job
corse we wouldn't have the DRAMA mike has a great idea, but he can't do shit with it BECAUSE HE'S NOT REALLY A LAWYER oh no what if IT'S THIS WEEK that everyone discovers HIS SECRET tune in to find out at Pearson-Spectre-Litt-Darby-Hardman-Alpha-Beta-Omega!
>Scottie is a dumb cunt based on the latest season bro.
What they brought her back? I thought she left for good, that was the whole point of her and Harvey not ending up together wasnt it? This show sucks.
Anyone ever hear of Racehorse Haynes? His career's the real lawyer-based entertainment.