This was actually surprisingly ok, it's laughable that Venom managed to scrape higher ratings

This was actually surprisingly ok, it's laughable that Venom managed to scrape higher ratings

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I boycotted it because of what it did to Hester

So glad that Hack Jackson will never make another movie

I read the books as a kid, granted they didn't translate her that literally, but they were never going to make the main character ugly as fuck.
The script and acting was definitely the worst part, but i'd say in both cases they were more bland than outright awful.
Visually speaking they did a great job of the general world, and the story is passable

Critic scores mean literally nothing these days, The People spoke and Venom is the better film.

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damn i forgot about this, i wanted to see it.


Oh. Never mind.

I went into both expecting them to be shit but hoping I could get some enjoyment out of them.
Venom was irredeemably awful, even Tom Hardy sucked imo.
I was relatively entertained by Mortal Engines, it really wasn't amazing but it was definitely passable.
I genuinely find it sad that it failed so badly, it's unfortunate to see actual original concepts for films get shitted on when bland generic capeshit still brings in the numbers

I liked it, a solid 5/10. for those of you who want the jist of the story, it goes as such, and keep in mind i've never read the books so this is purely what you see in the movie

>post apoc world
>england is STILL utterly dominating the planet
>god save the queen
>the whole movie looks like it was supposed to be an anime
>the shots reminded me a lot of attack on titan
>other classic jackson shots that remind you of LOTR
>ultimately the movie tries to fit way too much into a 2 hour frame
and that was its downfall really, would have been better if they simplified the plot. im sure the robot character was a big part of the books, but its almost impossible to bring a character like that to life on film in such a short period of time, when I imagine the robot and the girl had several chapters of development in the book.


I'm gunna watch it tonight or tomorrow

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england powerful
diversity good
weapons and war bad
also they turned china into this multicultural paradise which I found fuckin hilarious

>surprisingly ok
That's the problem
When you're adapting one of the best post-1980s fantasy stories to the big screen, you should be hitting better than 'surprisingly ok', in the UK Philip Reeve is on a similar par to Diana Wynne Jones and Tolkein

>Diana Wynne Jones
literally who?

I was considering watching this tonight.

are the books pozzed too?

I never read the books but im actually going to assume that no, they aren't like that. I'm sure they preach peace and blah blah but I doubt they lay on the subtle modern liberal rhetoric.

What does that mean?


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Howls Fucking Moving Castle you pleb

venom was great

>In the UK Philip Reeve is on a similar par to Tolkein
He really isn't, I never met anyone else who had even heard of those books before the film was a thing

isn't that an anime?

Not even dedicating to the scar to have a pretty when covered, ugly when revealed was a shite fucking move. Instead they give here some pretty girl beauty mark bullshit

yea they could have just cut this dude out of the movie entirely, he added nothing relevant to the plot and just took screen time away from what could have been cool steampunk action scenes.

In a fucking blockbuster AAA movie they would never make it so the main heroine is too ugly to look at or has to have her face covered all the time.
I get what you're saying, but that's not something Hollywood would ever do


this took it self serious despite being so ridiculous as versus Venom which was the complete opposite and it payed off that being said I still laughed at Engines

I genuinely felt Shrike was the only bit that was actually done really well.
He was the only character I felt any emotional connection with and his scenes were all pretty good, it's just a shame it doesn't go anywhere.
I don't recall him getting killed off in the first book

depends on the director really, there are a couple who would do it.

Yeah, except he's a major part of book 3 and 4, so you can't cut him

I only say he should have been cut from the movie because I haven't read the books and I can only assume he was a pretty important character in those books who had a lot more development. in the movie he had like 15-20 minutes of screen time and it just felt very rushed. they could have showed her being raised by the robot and that would have been enough I think.

>I don't recall him getting killed off in the first book
Tom kills him on the Balck Island after the whole ordeal with the pirate suburb

Shrike never actually dies and narrates the very end of the series.

I felt emotional attachment to Thaddeus Valentine's daughter because she made my peepee go hard

>have the technology to make mobile cities
>worship bread toaster technology as arcane advanced knowledge

don't talk shit about the ancient ones you faggot

That's cause Oeneoneoneone revives him in the third book

Yeah the minions made me smirk at first but then they kept being so in your face with the iphones and all the other shit, felt very forced that part

he dies, but not permanently

in your face about what? they were doing exactly what we do now with medieval artifacts and shit.

It just felt a little gratuitous showing close-ups of minions, iphones, i think a nintendo DS at one point as well if I remember.
All that stuff is from within a decade when this is set 1,000 years in the future, so it felt very much like the director was ham-fistedly going "Look! All this stuff which is modern at the moment is an antique here!"
Just felt very heavy handed really, the minions would have done the job fine

only a little bit because there's a hinted interracial romance between the main character's daughter and a black guy but it's fairly balanced overall. There's a whole greeny anti-city movement and they're portrayed as religious fanatics (have suicide bombers and everything) run by an insane dead woman (like shrike)

well yea...the movie clearly is telling us that society went apoc around now, and they are living in our 1000 year future. I don't see any difference between them idolizing us as this perfect culture when thats exactly what we do with ancient rome and other shit.

the only part that really fuckin killed me was future china being a multicultural haven that was run by a Tibetan monk lmao

Venom getting higher ratings than this is like cholera getting hifger ratings than ebola

Cancer (You)

>Make movie about moving cities
>Show moving cities for 5 minutes total

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The anti-tractionists being more multi-cultural makes sense to me.
The big cities were all from the west I think and were controlled by upper classes which would have been dominated by people born into it.
The anti-tractionists were more like socialists and didn't have that class structure, so it would be more likely that non-westerners would congregate there

this is what im saying, people need to understand that movies are movies and books are books, when you make a movie from a book, you literally can't adapt it perfectly so why even try? just make the movie entertaining and don't do any massive retcons. this means you actually have to read the book(s) and make an expert decision on what to include and what to leave out.

Did you even watch it?
They feature pretty heavily, although London is the only big one you see, but I think even in the book there was only one other big city which appears in the first one

thats another thing that didn't make sense to me, all of these moving cities should be pretty multicultural, ESPECIALLY london since they clearly dominate everyone. when you roll up on a colony and literally devour them into your giant city, then force their population to assimilate to just makes no sense that london would have been 90% white people and I can't help but feel like this was done intentionally.

>Hmm, what movie should I pour millions of dollars into?
>Cities on fucking wheels
Disgusting lmao

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I want them to make more movies like this

Yeah but 90% of the London you see in the film is at the highest tier which is populated by the elites.
The people being assimilated into the population don't make it that far up.
All the London characters bar one are from the upper society, and Chudleigh Pomeroy is black anyway

>named after the shrike
>is a pussy
Just make hyperion already

This movie was the thing that's laughable

true I suppose, we don't really get to see the whole London city. Still though it felt like I was looking at victorian era england where most people are white and you have a handful of black/asians running around. If London was the most powerful city in the west, shouldn't it have been full of spanish people? italians? french? everyone was speaking english and had a brittish accent.

the books were written when Europe was more white I guess the movie implies that pretty much anyone that was colored went to the big wall in the east

I think it's referenced in the film but more heavily expanded on in the books that London very rarely leaves the landmass which was Britain and so would have mainly hunted other smaller British towns.

As I recall the biggest city in the books is Panzerstadt Bayreuth which is German, so I imagine the cities in that faction would be more European. Agent Smith mentions the Panzerstadts at one point in the film

ohhh right, it does say that in the start of the movie actually, London doesn't normally go around mainland Europe and they were on an expedition.

Yeah, in the books I seem to remember a lot more being made about the risk of London going out into the hunting grounds because it's comparitively not as big as other cities.

They get chased by Bayreuth at one point and the first time Medusa is test-fired it destroys the entire city

even in a post apocalyptic world, England still has to BTFO the krauts. I might have to read these books now

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They were pretty good, but it was probably about 15 years ago that I read them

Oldfag leave now.

One of the few big-budget movies of the last ten years I regret not to have seen on the big screen. Along with Dredd and Tron:Legacy.

Still holding onto hope for a sequel to The Frighteners.

Oh God, I'm literally watching this right now, just went for a shit real quick and there it is, a thread about the exact movie I'm watching even though there hasn't been a thread about it in months and I know this to be a fact because I'm basically on Yea Forums 24/7. this shouldn't be happening but it keeps happening it's like Yea Forums is anticipating what I do. I think I read once there's psychological phenomenon that explains this kind of stuff and there's a fancy word for it too but I don't believe it. Please someone tell me this is normal stuff like this keeps happening to me every week I think Im finally losing it......

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In 10-15 years he’ll turn it around for one last masterpiece before he dies.

No fuck you I'm not going to sleep! Are you the OP if you're the OP tell me why you decided to make this thread right now. Did you just see this movie to? When did you start watching it what timezone are you I'm GMT-1 whats your timezone?