Was it kino?
Was it kino?
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It has the largest recorded podcast views in the world
fucking based
I didn't enjoy it at all. He was just talking nonsense the whole time. At least with Eddie Bravo you can understand what he's saying.
dead babies only worth like 50 grand.
this is all declassified.
dooooooood vapor trails
bruh the moon landing was faked
muh great arctic ice wall
If you didn't understand what alex meant, you are not triple digit IQ.
*calls you a zionist shill*
Alex Jones is the designated "lunatic conspiracy theorist" of the culture prison. That said, he is entertaining
Fuck off with your disinfo satanist
Peak male performance
I'm gonna be honest... I'm kind of retarded.
Eddie Bravo is all
>tfw you realize that off the books intelligence agencies are using psychedelic drugs to communicate with inter-dimensional aliens in order to develop advanced technologies that will help them collapse human civilization in a controlled manner so that they can transcend humanity and become godlike entities
Fuck minorities
Yes except the aliens? They're actually the devil?
>it says here you think they are aborting live, healthy babys, care to show your evidence?
Just google it, it's declassified.
>mfw the declassified shit is so crazy you start believing it's disinformation
>It says here that 84% of straight american men have had sex with another man during their teenaged years - and you say you didn't? Are you some kinda closet-case or something, bro?
What do you say, Yea Forums
He literally thinks the 'faking the moon landing meme conspiracy'. Why should I even watch it?
What did you read that on the internet Joe?
I meant to say "believes", instead of "thinks"
High Tier
>Southern Gentleman Jones
Mid Tier
>Gay Frogs Jones
Low Tier
>Super Male Vitality Jones
Shit Tier
>Aliens! Jones
Did you Joe?
Its Chaos guardsman.
>not being quad digit
*gets choked out by super alex*
>>Southern Gentleman Jones
Best part
It was over 4 hours of pure absolute uncensored entertainment.
I don't know if I believe half of the shit said, but I'm damn sure I've not had that much fun watching something in a LONG TIME.
Has Alex crafted the ultimate persona?
I've you try to tackle all the shit he says you look like no fun allowed bore who doesn't enjoy memes.
If you try to out-shout him, you're just going to look stupid because he's been working on his craft for ever.
The only real way to win is to just avoid him, but even then it looks like you're afraid of the realtrooth.
I feel like Alex Jones is the human equivalent of saying "u mad?"
we keep them nice and comfortable
He needs to use that southern lovin' accent more
I like the
God Doesn't Know Where He Came From
He lost me when he started talking about how humans are actually just monkeys that aliens came down and experimented on and that every other animal on the planet was just put here for our amusement
we should just steal his ideas and make them into movies
how come religious people pay attention to this guy?
or don't they?
this, alex jones is obvious controlled opposition
I'm religious and I listen to the guy just because he's fascinating. I know the vast majority of what he says is bullshit but he's so damn charismatic and confident in what he's saying that it's hard not to want to believe him
yeah but I bet it's filled with heresy
its true though. look into it
so nothing he says or has reported on is true or what? i don't understand. how exactly does he fit into (((their))) plan?
Based and redpilled
name a single time he was wrong about something
i'd watch this
If he is just an entertainer (which does seem likely), he's so far ahead of everyone else in the cultural limelight they should be ashamed of themselves.
>y-your unsubstantiated claims conflict with the ones I like!
no, we weren't created as monkeys, monkeys are just similar to us in physicality.
think of it like sims. we were put inside a simulation. animals are also part of it but they're basically NPCs in comparison to us.
name this painting.
reddit[/reddit] top 3 were:
>Apple Juice
>”Have you ever had a significant head injury?”
>"This will be studied for years."
He gets me so excited about stuff when he is ranting, it sounds so real even if I know it isn't. Then he tries to sell me brain force and the blinders come off. He is just making a living. Entertaining as hell, but not trustworthy.
God tier
>being 13 and banging 16 y/o rich thots and sharing them with their rapist parents
>tfw no satanist gf to crossdress me