Why was she called silk spectre?

Why was she called silk spectre?

Attached: Silk-Spectre-II-watchmen-22380116-500-335.jpg (500x335, 44K)

Because she was following in the footsteps of her mother who was a whore and novelty mask who got raped and then didnt tell her daughter so her so she made out with her dad.

Hack Synder doesn't know the difference between latex and silk

Attached: o.jpg (320x240, 14K)

Someone post that vid of both silk specters making out.

Malin has such a pretty face, ain't got nothing on Carla's body though

Attached: carla_californication.webm (710x934, 2.86M)

She wasn't, shes Silk Spectre II

Attached: silk.webm (854x480, 2.73M)

obiously she was working for SPECTRE

this bitch is ugly as fuck

She started at 16...

Like silk...

Attached: 1278003388246.jpg (253x750, 71K)

is a family brand.

Wait what

guy wiping his face.jpg


Attached: before-watchmen-spectre.jpg (646x503, 122K)

Is Watchmen Babies or whatever the fuck the new stuff is called any good


>goes with older sister to see this in IMAX
>not really into superhero stuff but see it anyway to spend some time with my sister
>huge latex and foot fetish
>this scene with the slow pan up spectre's silk covered leg
>sister turns to me "user, isn't this hilarious?!"
>w-wut is?
>lenoard cohen during a sex scene, it's such a weird choice
>y-yea sis, weird choice
life is suffering

jesus, look at the inviting eyes of that elephant

jesus christ

I feel like none of the characters in the comic were fleshed-out or interesting other than Rorschach