>rewatching GoT
>remember i'll have to sit through pic related again
this and almost every daenerys scene makes this show painful to get through sometimes.
Rewatching GoT
The good thing watching it a second time around is you can skip it
You know that right? fucking retard
>strong women scare me but i am too much of a fucking weak piece of shit to just come out with it so i mask my fear as being annoyed
Get a snack, do some dishes, take the pets out. How fucking new is OP at this?
Just skip every female perspective except cersei and you'll be better off.
it's fucking repetitive garbage.
blind arya getting hit with a stick for a season.
>tfw you're still not ready
Don’t forget Bad Poosee and the two ugly ones
Pic related was the best thing about GoT. He should have won, his death was the final nail in the coffin for any quality writing in the show.
cersei is probably my favourite character after jon, daenerys is just so fucking dull to watch.
>rewatching GoT
Go back to le reddit and have sex while you're at it champ.
I fucking love the Waif, best character imo.
Its because most of cersei's story is understandable and even good writing. Only the sir robert strong shit is off putting.
The other female perspectives are legitimately retarded and only stand to give some narrative push while the characters themselves are dumb as door knobs.
Dubs of truth
Maario Naharis
But everyone on Yea Forums loves Cersei and she's a strong woman
>finally a girl is no one
what the fuck did he mean by this that makes no sense
>the waif has marvelous breasts
>books and show both take pride in their cold portrayal of realistic outcomes and the lack of favored heroes
>le evil bad guys like Tywin and Ramsay get killed by the underdogs against all odds
>norm of normies
Daily reminder that the High Sparrow was the last hope for King's Landing.
Don’t forget based Tywin telling Cersei he doesn’t tell her his plans not because she’s a woman but because she’s a moron
Feels bad man. I going start rewatching
GoT tomorrow.
>huhaha he like popular thing
He did nothing wrong
I wish some brave hero could just cut absolutely everything but the Wall.
It's honestly the more rounded, interesting and consistent arc.
Captain Maario Naharis
I didn't really understand this whole faceless shit anyway. Now arya stark is some sort of assassin? Like why though?
she had to do something i guess?
None of the trials made any sense. She didn't listen to the Faceless Man, did whatever she wanted and became an expert assassin.
He was based but his irrational and petty hatred for Tyrion was a huge character flaw, so that's a death well deserved for being a faggot. And he died in the books as well so you can't blame D&D for that one.
>implying Varys didn't setup Tyrion to kill Tywin
>implying Ramsay wasn't just an inbred retard that became overrated because muh Slasa reape
>irrational and petty
He was embarrassed he spawned a degenerate midget
you know there are controls to skip ahead in time on media players?
>And he died in the books as well so you can't blame D&D for that one.
Yes, but the way his death was handled was fucking retarded. Removing Tysha from season 4 was a big mistake, especially since they justified it by being all like "uhh yeah we don't do flashbacks in this show" only to give us a flashback to Cersei meeting Maggie the Frog for an ultimately pointless flashback in the very first scene of the next season.
Faceless Man dropouts are just as good as the real thing because YASS KWEEN or something
I guess. She went from an innocent kid to edgy god tier assassin lord.
Yeah that confused me a lot. I liked how she saved him originally and he granted her 3 whatevers but after that it should had been the end instead inviting her to this dumb assassin trials shit.
here's a (You), happy now faggot
you aren't going to have sex for white knight on 4channel, incel
Cersei is who im routing for. Fuck dany shes a fucking terrorist
Funny how he never remarried and tried again
*immediately quits*
"heh, nothing personnel, sensei"
That shit was ridiculous, it made me think of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>The galaxy is littered with ex-Pralite monks, all on the make, because the mental control techniques the Order have evolved as a form of devotional discipline are, frankly, sensational - and extraordinary numbers of monks leave the Order just after they have finished their devotional training and just before they take their final vows to stay locked in small metal boxes for the rest of their lives.
faceless men renounce their identity
These posters are virgins.
Does it offend you that this show has shitty unwatchable parts? I mean fuck, dude. Those daenerys parts REALLY suck. The entire last season was fucking aids, user. Isn't that a fucking bummer? I mean yikes. I really wish this show didn't have such large portions that other people would recommend that I skip.
>still whiteknighting
why are you like this user
reminder that the true plan was for Arya to leave
it was 4D chess
Book Ramsay is a brutish retard. Show Ramsay is a handsome hobbit edgelord and a master tactician with Valyrian steel intellect.
It's confusing because it contradicts everything that had been previously established about the faceless men. Arya becoming a meme and going around abusing her power with impunity is the one outcome of this storyline that would never, ever happen in the books. But, you know, fanservice
Never stop.
Eh, it was worth it to see pictures of her outside of the show.
I'm more offended that you'd rewatch this piece of shit in the first place. The fact that your brain is so small that you don't realize you can skip parts you don't like just reminds me that the average human has below 70 iq.
It was more than that. He fucking hated Tyrion for no reason and enjoyed making him suffer.
Do one for Toad and Princess Peach
I think the casting choice for Shae was an even bigger mistake but eh, what can you do. Show Tyrion still had plenty of reasons to kill the old cunt.
hell no.
she spent time fighting blind, so now she has Daredevil fighting skills.
But she does
i wanna squishy them
is there any chance the theory that the waif killed arya and took her face is true? like arya and her crusade is still buried deep in there or the faceless ones are using her drive as a means to a greater end but it's not really arya anymore????
I don't think they'd know enough about her life back in Winterfell to pretend to be her. Also Bran would probably be able to Three Eyed Raven that information.
Doesn't Bran need weir wood trees to see stuff? Are there weir wood trees in Bravos?
i havent felt tits in 5 years
Season 5 episode 7 the gift, Ramsay shows sansa a dead body of an old women, who tf is it?
I found this way funnier than I should have.
I don't think so, he was able to see through the eyes of birds flying around at The Wall, and there aren't any Weirwood trees near The Tower of Joy to have seen that through.
i may be remembering wrong, but i think it's the old lady that was going to help sansa by lighting the torch in the tower.
she says something to her like 'you still have friends in the north' or something
Same tbqh
Yeah that's the one, she doesn't have a name. When Sansa asked Reek to do it for her, he told Ramsay instead so he had her flayed.
>Valrian steel intellect
>refuses to consider the likely possibility of other strong houses not supporting his claim.
>forms all his alliances out of fear rather than creating a need for the other houses to support him
Almost all of Ramsay's success came from sponging off his father's plans. He was good at convincing people he was a retarded lapdog for Roose but was unable to establish a base of power once he was a Lord.
>can't see shit
>mind numbingly boring scenes
2 seasons of this crap
One could argue that Arya is being subtly manipulated by the Many-Face God to carry out their will. The Freys certaintly deserved to die after breaking their sacred oath.
I kept skipping more and more on my rewatch, to the point where each episode was only 15-20 minutes long and just about Jon Snow and the Lanisters
4 here, considering suicide
The Many-Faced God doesn't "exist" as such or have any will. It is simply the act of death, recognized as being personified by the various religions of the world in different ways. The Faceless Men are a death cult.
Maybe in end she'll return to them, ready to be no one now that everyone Arya wants dead is dead and that was the dude's plan all along? If she hadn't been trained to the point of being able to fulfill her goals she would never have been ready to dedicate herself to the organization.
Or it's just shitty writing.
The show isn't watchable past season 4. Turns to pure shit.
The worst part about re-watching is Shae.
Surely he exerts some kind of will and power as his most dedicated followers are able to perform magic. asoiaf has been pretty consistent in that magic has only been able to be performed thanks to the gods.
his reign didn't last a fortnight
What I was trying to say is that the MFG is not a god but a concept. But then I checked the wiki and saw that I was wrong anyway and it is an actual deity worshiped by them so nevermind.
If it's "unwatchable" then just skip it. Do you need help finding the fast forward button on your controller? The fuck is wrong with you?
>Season 1, 2 ,3
great tier
>Season 4
good tier
>Season 5
cliff drop
>season 6
shit 90% of the time, meh other 10%
>season 7
season 5 tier
I don't remember a tv show going full JUST like this before. Most had drop in quality, but this is completely other level. How is it even possible? I genuinely can't understand how can you make 4 great seasons and then go full retard
Because the show's writing team was fine with adapting story/dialogue for TV but can't actually plot for shit, so once they ran out of books the jig was up. Notice how they forced in Jamie's visit to Riverrun way late so they could use up that last scrap of book plot available to them?
I know about lacking material, Im just pissed that they ruined the show for me. I fucking loved it
also checked
>rewatching GoT
>RE-watching GoT
>watching GoT
why would anyone do this to them selves?
Case in point.
desu, Dany has a good storyline until she leaves Mereen
She faces a lot of adversity with the Dothraki, gets lucky in Qarth and in Mereen has to make some very difficult decisions regarding law and justice. She has hints of being like her father, a crazy Targ, like when she crucifies the Masters in Mereen
>call yourself the funny whore
>only just a whore
>Dany has a good storyline until she leaves westeros
there, fixed
Hahaha stannis burnt his daughter because some slag told him too then his army left and his wife hung herself lmao
I took this to mean that the only way to become no one is to have your name contracted to the many-faced god and then managing to kill your assailant. In that way, you have offered someone else’s life in exchange for yours. In the eyes of the many-faced god, your life became someone else’s.
Same, but also all those bran scenes too. So tried of hearing "i am the raven" with that shit ass level of acting.
The waif’s face was the one on the wall and it was covered in blood.
>5 years
Fucking chads.
dumb phoneposter