How's it feel like to be on the top Yea Forums?

How's it feel like to be on the top Yea Forums?

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inb4 Yea Forumsermins saying "but videogames are all that plus gameplay!!"

video games are everything that movies and books want to be

This will undoubtably happen. It happens every fucking time, and every single time they get their shit pushed in.

Fuck video games. And fuck Yea Forums.

>literature is only about the stories
the stench of plebs, my goodness

What else would they be? The smell of the paper? The aesthetic of the font?



Yea Forums is 18+ kiddos, back to r*ddit.

>cornered Yea Forumsfag
>"b-b-but CRINGE!!!"

I'm so tired of winning.

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yeah too bad movies in the current year are either schlock, capeshit or political (sometimes even political capeshit)

all that plus agency

>implying its wrong
lol enjoy your outdated medium Yea Forumsirgins

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What movie is the best visual experience? Throw the story completely out, I want to know the absolutely best looking movie for your eyes.

You're wrong because film is the most dilluted artform. It's spread like butter and most of it is garbage with flashes of quality here and there. Film peaked with Griffith's Intolerance.

Attached: intolerance-1.jpg (1024x655, 345K)

too much story ruins games honestly

>citizen kane
>another fucking zombie game that's REALISTIC WOW XD
God I hate critics, it should be illegal to throw around words like that

all philosophers are reddit tier pseuds, this has always been true.

They literally do though, so by the meme metric of standards posited by OP - video games are the supreme medium.
