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It was something about politics and how we're all being played, right?

cool soundtrack tho

Like his other documentaries, it's more of a vague idea than it is a concrete argument of any kind. That being said it has a pretty kino aesthetic and is probably more or less accurate

I liked it. Some of the connections he makes are hasty but its enjoyable

it fucking sucks

>But what user didn't realize was that this was exactly the sort of cynical attitude that Adam Curtis had anticipated


you're a real nigga for posting this in the one adam curtis thread we have a year

Now this is based.

very good !
could you do Marker or Godard ?

It's great, can't help but think about this doc when people talk about Russia meddling in the American election to the extent that they had bots for BLM, KKK, Hilary, Trump, Burnie, pro & anti vax.

I need to watch Century of Self as it's the only one I haven't seen of his, but it's probably dated abit now and it's 8 hours long.

>comments have been disabled
Lmao what a pussy.

On the contrary, Century of the Self is probably the least dated, as the events it talks about are the furthest back in history so he has the most perspective on them

I can't believe you've done this..

What would Adam Curtis think about Yea Forums?

gated community for confused people

Is this shit actually worth watching or is it some Zeitgeist ass shit?

By the time you're old enough to comprehend normalization and social constructs, it's already too late. The government gremlins have already made you part of the USA institution. It'll be harder to change more minds, but you must try like the people in these documntaries are trying to.

both and neither

nice, bery nice

this isn't true of his doc on afghanistan or pandoras box or the mayfair set, some pretty concrete critiques of neoliberalism, central planning, imperialsm and western foreign policy the rest of his stuff is open to that critique though

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I think the best parts are when he describes the situation with Syria and how Wahabism and Salafism spread to typically non-Sunni areas, and how these two parties ended up intermingling. I very much disagree with his assertion that rhetoric about terrorism is just a ploy to get people more afraid of third-world immigration, however. Terrorism DOES ultimately mean little in the grand scheme of things, but it's more than enough to make people wonder what's changed and what seems to be a direct cause (even IF their governments are indirectly responsible for the situation being so shit in these Muslim countries to begin with).

I also felt like his weird tangent about people feeling comfortable and hoodwinked by the perceived intelligence/humanity of AI, while interesting, wasn't as relevant as he kept trying to imply it was.

I really liked Century of the Self but I thought this doc was a bit of a reach. I also think he misinterpreted the situation in Syria/the middle

Been a while since I've seen this.

The best part about this doc is the underlying quest of the girl who had shared almost her entire life, you can see her from birth to childhood to teen to death.
That blonde chubby girl that dances? she got sick and died.

*bombs your Pan Am flight*

nothing personnel, kiddo

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>people feeling comfortable and hoodwinked by the perceived intelligence/humanity of AI, while interesting, wasn't as relevant as he kept trying to imply it was.

It's not relevant... YET

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Curtis should make a doc on Nick Land and China...

Damn, Max Boot looks like *that*?

>I very much disagree with his assertion that rhetoric about terrorism is just a ploy to get people more afraid of third-world immigration

Yeah it's probably just a ploy to get people to join the military and increase spending

Honestly I think the idea of AI will be bandied about for political and military purposes long before it's remotely functional on any level we're fearful of. Not like any of us would be able to verify it if one entity attacked another for whatever reason and claimed it was to stop the God AI, and muh automation is already being used to push communism.

Lol brutal btfo.

Wish he would do something about big data. It is a huge fraud. People think that because a process is automatic, it is intelligent, but in reality the data scientists are constructing narratives just like historians or social sciences, data is ideological

I want to call him maxist scum, but he's an idealist

It's really funny how so many forms of "machine learning" are just dressed up regression with fancy sleek-looking tools

Precisely. I mean if the goal was to get people scared of migrants, why would you then bring these people in at replacement levels? Terrorism is a byproduct of their presence, it's not a result of random, disenfranchised youths that all happen to be from a migrant background. If they weren't here, you wouldn't need rhetoric about terrorism to make people scared of migrants, because their terrorism would be relegated to 9/11 style attacks (in other words, far more time consuming and difficult to pull off). It makes much more sense that they're brought in against the natural wishes of the public whilst pretending it's only their homes that have the problems, therefore let's keep bombing them. When terrorism at home does happen? Just sweep it under the carpet and pretend they're all isolated cases.

Besides, why would you even need to create rhetoric to scare people regarding third-world immigration? Its very existence is naturally disconcerting.

>I mean if the goal was to get people scared of migrants, why would you then bring these people in at replacement levels?

He's saying that neocons want people associating immigrants with terrorists so that they'll vote against immigration.





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