/comfy/ Star Wars thread continued from >concept art
>childhood memories
Disney's shit can fuck right off.
/comfy/ Star Wars thread continued from >concept art
>childhood memories
Disney's shit can fuck right off.
Why couldn't there have been a prequel-prequel trilogy revolving around how the Sith broke off from the Jedi and eventually became their own thing leading to where they are by the time of ANH?
There is nothing comfy about the prequels. We have to go back further to Ralph McQuarrie.
>you now remember how excited you were for episode 7
Because that would've been thousands of years before the other movies.
Studios would've thought that it was way too different for it to actually get made.
>There is nothing comfy about the prequels.
get a load of this guy
I was never excited for TFA. I always knew it was going to have very little new content and everything else revolve around MEMBER THE OT?
>There is nothing comfy about the prequels
That's a pretty fucking grim take right there.
What would be the most iconic starship in the prequels? I'm sure is not this
clone troopers were /atheistic/ as fuck
>What would be the most iconic starship in the prequels?
Either the LAAT gunship or the N-1 Starfighter
this 2bh
Muh fuminism!!!
I used to have Anakin's fighter from RotS, always thought it was pretty cool.
Whoever draw this really fucked up the scale of the walker in the middle.
Probably the Naboo starfighter. It's hard to tell though, since every film had different ship designs.
The prequels were shit. They will always be shit. They are even shittier than Disney's shit, which is also shitty.
More Ralph McQuarrie for true kino comfy.
Need a really big gun?
the LAAT is my favorite prequel design and probably one of my favorite in all of star wars
the og trilogy toys were great but fucking jesus christ are they costly to buy back today.
My parents sold them when I moved out for pennies.
had so many. some very rare figures too. Yak Head for one. Anakins Seb Shaw Ghost was another I never saw again
>forgot pic
>They are even shittier than Disney's shit, which is also shitty.
You have to leave now.
Clones never cry, war is war
either theseor the eta 2, very obviously the predecessor to tie fighters but also very different to them
>What would be the most iconic starship in the prequels?
It's easily this.
Say what you will about the prequels, but they had great original locations, vehicles and characters for toys and video games.
No. I'm the only true Star Wars fan here. Without me this thread has no value.
you want female pilots? I got female pilots
Yes, it was obvious tha lucas wanted to sell more toys, but if you think about it there is no a true iconic starfighter in the prequels, N-1's or a bigger version would have been great as the standar republic fighter.
Also, IMO, prequels dont have iconic space battles like Yavin or Endor.
I like that they bought back that design. mostly unkown
I'm thinking of joining an acting group just to make some contacts to make an amateur fan-fic about Darth Revan.
I've got more Japanese Star Destroyer art
I have that LEGO set.
Should have kept the Old lady pilot in RotJ.
>tfw no plucky rebel gf
Ralph McQuarrie > Doug Chiang
If you do not know who Doug Chiang is then you should not be posting in this thread.
Maybe for another time... when more competent people run Lucasfilm.
Concept artwork was very nice, but I'm just about all out of stuff from the last thread.
the force is female
Is it just me or do the Aggressors almost look sorta like a UNSC ship?
Top kek
This is an official Imperial thread now, ran by the Imperial Security Bureau at the behest of Emperor Palpatine.
Resistance posting is prohibited. Resistance is futile, the Empire is strength, stability and peace in the galaxy.
Long live the Emperor, long live the Empire!
im gonna force my penis into those females if you know what i mean
For all you gungan lovers
>ywn fight the greatest and biggest battle in republic history
>Ywn shout "for the republic" while charging into battle
> Ywn fight along side some of the most powerful Jedi in the Galaxy
could someone get this hothead out of here?
>that person from the last thread who hated N1 Starfighters
Fuck you, pleb.
>tfw you lost the high ground
>ywn b a litteral knockoff mandalorian
thank god
>ywn hunt down and rape a loli jedi
Rawr hiss
>tfw no prim-and-proper, kind of intimidating and bitchy but has begrudging respect for you imperial gf
It hurts.
the madman did it
One of the main things that bugs me about Star Wars is the lack of any sort of military tactics whatsoever. The battles are just like they've thrown a bunch of laser guns and futuristic vehicles to a group of kids to play war with
This is Admiral Biatch to base camp,
it seems the stormtroopers have gone on strike
and I have no experience with this type of shit.
Who should I call for help?
It's the V to the A to the D-E-R (Vader!)
Reconstructin' the Death Star!
With my slick suede suit that's black like tar,
Fucking you up no matter who you are!
Tell them motherfuckers 'bout this here Dark Side!
Pull up on your planet, Death Star drive-by!
And we'll beat the Rebels 'cause their skills ain't shit!
(And in my TIE Fighter, Zig-zags stay lit!)
Oh, shit! Yoda on the scene,
900 year fiend smoking Dagobah green!
Bitches on my tip, like Lando on liquor.
Suck it, shill. The N-1 looks like hot garbage in Star Wars, It looks like something that got cribbed out of Jay Leno's car collection and got smushed into Mad Max: Fury Road; it's a literal eyesore design that fails to match the environment, and faggots like you that fellate the design are basically children that are mesmerized by bright and shiny shit. Fuck you.
I'm still mad.
I was excited until the rumors of Starkiller Base got confirmed via poster. Then it turned into cautious optimism.
>you are captured by darth vader, what do you do?
I go for his lightsaber
>you rolled a 20
I activate it and swing it at him
>you rolled a 20 and cut his head off
That's why Thrawn is godly.
Fucking overpowered shit faction
g8 b8 anan
based Morgan Yon
I begrudgingly agree. That being said, both the Republic Commando game and books made a solid effort in that regard.
Sorry, can't hear you. I'm busy corrupting your shit.
>disney has given us 4 films
>not a single good ship design between the lot of them
Had been cool if the new movies showed people salvaging old At-At and using them for regular duties/matters
>not liking the U-wing, Imperial cargo shuttle, or Tie Striker
Kylo Ren's Tie fighter looks decent enough
The problem was that unlike the OT, which largley reused the X Wing, the Falcon, TIE Fighters and the ISD's for all three films, while slowly adding side ships like the Y Wing, A Wing, Nebulon B, SSD, TIE Bombers etc. The PT was literally a concept art overload and no film really uses the same design too much. Even ROTS had major advanced in all the clone wars tech. PT was a creativity overload. It was amazing.
I think the most iconic thing was the LAAT Republic Gunships, because they were in both Ep 2 and Ep 3.
Ep 1 had N1's and Vulture Droids (who were in Ep 3 as well, but in a new color), Ep 2 had the Slave 1,, Geonosian fighters, and Obi Wan's Delta 7, then Ep 3 that have ETA 3's replacing the Delta 7's. And we see ARC-170 Clone Starfighters for the first time. And we also see V Wings in the background. We see Droid Tri fighters. Then Clone Wars makes the ARC-170's late war, and early way they used V19 Torrents and early model Y wings for the early war.
So yeah, as cool as the ARC-170 was, it was shown way too little. It would have to be the LAAT gunship show in OP's image.
Disagree. I've enjoyed the First Order's designs, from the Finalizer to Kylo Ren's TIE Striker. The movies might be garbage but there are some solid ship designs in it, if you ignore things like the Dreadnought and Supremacy, both of which were ludicrous.
Opening of ROTS retard.
>muh toys
KYS. The N1 being Naboo only was cool. Each system had their own stuff.
>Either the LAAT gunship or the N-1 Starfighter
Stolen right off my tongue
Fuck off retard
yeah man, it wasn't as if there was zero history to draw from
>front guns
>rear gun
>spot for your bro
>tow cable
always loved this redneck snowmobile
I liked how the ETA-2 was a really early TIE fighter, while the Delta-7 was basically a miniature Star Destroyer.
Why didn't the Empire just DEATH STAR Mon Calamari after it saw the Rebel Alliance ship designs?
So what was so good about the original triology ? Star wars episode 1is when star wars lore got good and we got the toys video games spin off seris and expanded lore and characters. The originals are boring as fuck imo
gib imperial gf NOW
What would be the point? The Mon Calamari had abandoned their world and turned their cities into starships.
I loved how they had to adapt this vehicle from something else, like turning a cropduster into a close-combat fighter.
I remember, I was not excited in the slightest because I knew it would be shit without Lucas. Disney had already erased the canon a year or two prior, and the first official image of it was Finn's head popping up on camera to race bait us.
Lucas used a lot of these concepts more in the Clone Wars series. They work really well in animation, and they're much better than any aliens used in the sequels.
Doug Chiang > Ralph McQuarrie.
Now fuck off OT faggot.
Never had the Y-wing toy because my dad told me they all got blown up at the Death Star battle so the X-wing toy was better
True. Watch the clones in AotC and see how they don't even shoot in a uniform line. They are literally shooting blind into the dust with some shoulder to shoulder except they're behind or in front of other troops. It's one of the few things that really bugs me. You'd get yelled at and reprimanded for doing something that dumb in an actual infantry scenario.
>better characters
>more adventure-oriented story
>amazing effects for the time
>first exposure to Star Wars music
>wasn't bogged down by long-winded expository dialogue and stilted performances
I admire that Lucas did try to expand the lore in the prequels but he botched it hard. Almost every installment of the Prequel-Era EU focused on rescuing whatever badly executed concepts George inflicted on the audience.
I would tell you, but I guarantee you've never actually ever seen the original films.
the special editions are bastardised versions.
also lol talking about toys or the expanded universe.
Is...that a Miraluka pilot? I know they can sense shit but they're still fucking blind, why would they let one be a pilot?
Sheev cast Mass Mind Trick on the galaxy to dumb everyone down and it showed.
Then absolutely BTFO the ships.
Darth Vader turning good at the end unironically ruins the original trilogy. A Sith victory is the only positive outcome for the galaxy.
Best ship coming through.
Space aircraft carriers are cool as fuck.
>tfw convertable capital ship with a fucking open top runway built inside it
I got this set for Christmas when I was 6. I never understood how cool it was until I was older and half the pieces to it were already lost.
Forgot the pic
In the commentaries on ROTS, or maybe it was a documentary, I can't recall. They actually bring this up and acknowledge it. They said in the end battle of AOTC, it was a bunch of animators doing mocap. And afterwards they realized they forgot the tactics part. So they said for ROTS they made more of an attempt to have clones behind like a real military unit.
>The prequels were shit. They will always be shit. They are even shittier than Disney's shit, which is also shitty.
They hired actual soldiers for mocap in ROTS, I think.
Agreed, one of the reasons I love the Harrower from SWTOR.
Wasn't aotc the first time in cinema there was huge land battles with out camera trick bullshit?
Kind of looks like a Gladiator class on steroids.
Hmm interesting. It did seem like the troops were more tactical in RotS. That's weird since I thought Eps 2&3 were filmed back to back.
nice. I tried to make it from polystyrene..
also Yoda's house, that swamp that eats R2 was a mystery
Cool, can you understand the strategic importance of having the only latrine in the Hoth battle?
>you know remember the best sound effect ever made in film
Nah, Lucas always had 3 years between movies.
Maybe you mixed it up with Matrix sequels which were back-to-back and also around the same time. and also filmed in Australia.
there was some lore about how Republic commando units took like 60% casualties at Geonosis because, unlike Delta Squad, most were deployed with the rank and file soldiers
the jedi were shit tactiticans
The AAT was an iconic concept, looks fucking great
that black thing right?
i don't know
those playsets were a bit wack looking back.
Ewok village was alright but yeah. got old throwing speeder bikes at it pretty quickly
Ben Burtt is a Noise Marine. This is known.
I remember that about the Matrix sequels. I could swear they did that for Eps 2&3 though but maintained the delay to not saturate the market.
It's pretty silly they took tactical orders from Jedi
Miralukans are pretty cool lore wise. They see through the force. I wish there was one in the PT.
The prequel trilogy felt like it was too short and that Lucas tried to cram too much shit into 3 movies. The result being he had to shit on the canon he'd already established in the OT. I would've liked to see his whole vision fleshed out in different projects with dedicated directors and crew but using Lucas and ILM for oversight and effects.
>It's pretty silly they took tactical orders from Jedi
its just lore fuckary
>Obi wan the Jedi was a general in the clone wars so all jedi were generals in the clone wars
the best quote regarding this is something Tarkin says in TCW
>"The Jedi Code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win, the very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war."
clones aren't allowed to express (of have) emotions
Reddit told you to have that opinion
>>Obi wan the Jedi was a general in the clone wars so all jedi were generals in the clone wars
Kind of like
>all jedi wore the same garb old Ben wore
>"The Jedi Code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win, the very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war."
That's no moon
Woops meant to say I hadn't heard that. Good quote.
the prequels needed some more refining, you're right, George had a ton he wanted to do but tried to do it all in 3 films
they would have benefited from having a 4th film and just some more breathing room
also the MTT was iconic as well. When I saw it in action I was fascinated, the lego set was also great.
Chiang > McQuarrie.
All of Ralph's are feels like a prototype to Star Wars, as it obviously was. But it's got an off feel to it. It's good stuff, but it feels too bare bones, and not there yet. Plus there is so much stuff he didn't design, like all the starships were all Colin Cantwell. He also had help from Joe Johnson. McQuarrie is good but overrated.
Doug Chiang however was a masterclass. His work for the PT doesn't seem like beta concept at all. It feels like it's really there, Lucas adapted it all with minimal changes.
I maintain that he should have started Anakin as a troubled but talented teen similar to Luke's age in TPM and his relationship with Obi needed a lot more development. Their brotherly love needed more believability to really nail that feeling of betrayal for why Anakin would leave the Jedi and turn on his friend and mentor. Lucas limited the prequels to a trilogy because of autism but I think you're right that 4 films would've been better.
Daily reminder that Lucas had more money than he ever wanted, so he made the films he wanted to make the way he wanted to make:
>If there is a tinge of defensiveness in his sunny tone, it is because the latest installment of Star Wars will inevitably be hammered for failing to live up to its 20-year-old predecessors. Such was the fate of The Phantom Menace and, although this is a better film, it will be received by many Star Wars purists as laughable. There is one scene in which Anakin Skywalker thrashes camply about in his sleep, crying "No!" at his nightmares. It is such a terrible cliche that one assumes it was put in for parodic value; it certainly had the audience in hysterics when I saw it. Lucas doesn't smile. "It's not deliberately camp. I made the film in a 1930s style. It's based on a Saturday matinee serial from the 1930s, so the acting style is very 30s, very theatrical, very old-fashioned. Method acting came in in the 1950s and is very predominant today. I prefer to use the old style. People take it different ways, depending on their sophistication."
This hangs in the air for a few moments. The universe that Lucas created for Star Wars is vastly sophisticated, but the characters are for the most part folksy vehicles for the delivery of quaint moral lessons. This is key to the films' charm - the marriage of futuristic landscapes with old-fashioned values. It renders the dialogue starchy and ludicrous, and there seems no other way to receive it. Harrison Ford famously turned to Lucas after reading his Star Wars part and said, "George, you can type this shit, but you sure can't say it."
The black thing was a bunker. I remember being young as shit and asking my dad wth that was and also what all the black computer looking thing was. He just said that's the empire's stuff. The set also had lots of places you'd set a figure on and levers to make them launch like something exploded. Also the big gun had a pice of clear plastic attached at the bottom so when you spun it around it would rattle. When I had it I thought the arch was where Like was suspended from after the monster got him but there was no way to rig him in there. The arch was two pieces that a lever would make fall apart. Overall it was a great toy for what it's worth. It instantly gave you a Star Wars landscape to set up. I used to make my own designs with colored pencils and shoeboxes though. I made my own frozen Han Solo with some cardboard and silly putty
>Ain't Sheev start playing
yo dawg. i heard you like a bridge. so i put a bridge on top of your bridge and another bridge on your bridge..
The comics did that like 3 or 4 times and always was awful is better just to see the Sith's already in Korriban and let that part to the imagination
Chiang and McQuarrie are both good for different reasons. The breadth of McQ's artwork and the fact that it's different from the final product makes it really cool IMO. The fact that it took a team to make it all come together is what made SW so great in the first place.
I can't imagine what went wrong with your cranial development to think this. To see beauty and hate it. You must be one of those people who see's a woman's tits and feels disgusted, but feels aroused when looking at a mans bottom. Your wiring is switched around and you feel the opposite. Good is bad, and bad is good.
You're a faggot.
>n1's don't make sense
>it doesn't make sense for a peaceful renaissance monarchy garden world to have regal chrome fighters in bright colors for air shows and as a trophy squadron for escorts into coruscant to show of wealth
show me something better than this from the sequels I will wait
>star wars fan
wut? you don't have some AT AT to play with?
this is partly why i hate the sequels
>trench outside of the rebel base
>has an entrance to the base from the trench
what tactical stroke of genius made this trenchline directly connected to the base
For a momen..I thought it was a jew
wtf lucas?
It's strange how fucking tiny snowspeeders are, yet they have a 2 person cockpit for the two gun, yet, the much bigger x wing was a 1 person cockpit.
What was the zip line for anyways? I am sure it wasn't made with tripping AT-AT's in mind.
To be honest. This is kidna correct. I really really like the OT, and all it's designs, but it's just too simple, the explanations of for things don't make sense, there is a lot of reaching, and most of it's EU is really bad adn filled with self insert mary sues.
The PT was really when Star Wars got good. This is proved by the fact that TPM pleb filtered all the retarded manchildren out of the fanbase, leaving only the kino patricians left, and as a result the EU suddenly had a huge leap in quality as no one bought self insert crap anymore and instead we got novels about Sheev and cool things about Clone Legions they took notes from 40k's worldbuilding, and put it into Star Wars, and the PT EU world was built alongside the films.
I always thought the volcano/lava concept for the emperor's throne room was cool. It added an extra flair of evil to him.
I wondered the same thing. Could've just been a convenient plot device for the AT-AT initially.
they're basically the star wars equivalent of strapping a couple small tank barrels to a tow truck with a machine gun facing the rear
top lol man. thankyou. don't usually care about the nostalgia but you got me posting pics of the og toys.
I like how none of those sets made any sense.
a friend had the Star Destroyer that was the size of a shoe box and looked nothing like one. a giant fucking rippoff for sure but what are you going to do about it at the time?
anyway i'm done now. this nostalgia has me noping the fuck out.
robotchicken is redpilled
>st: but fuck it, i love my daughter
>vader: that really hits me where i live
>*strangles rebel*
>vader: "what have you done with those plans? gary here never sees his daughter because of people like you!"
always makes me laugh or the palpatine elevator scene
>>better characters
Not really. Just more simplistic and more easily digestable.
>>more adventure-oriented story
TPM is the most adventure orientated film in the entire saga.
>>amazing effects for the time
Same for the PT.
>>first exposure to Star Wars music
First exposure to Duel of the Fates. (this point is dumb though).
>>wasn't bogged down by long-winded expository dialogue and stilted performances
You mean uplifted by deeper dialog.
Another fag who outs himself as not understanding Anakin.
Who colored this shit, chris foss?
Episode I had the best designs in all of Star Wars.
>always makes me laugh or the palpatine elevator scene
I love that one
The Clone Wars cartoon was shit and retconned Order 66 with the shitty mind control chips.
Genndy cartoon is based though.
I don't know why Lucas stuck to the 2 hour film autism. He was independent. He could have said no to this. All the PT films should have been 3 hours each.
the mind control chip made sense of the clones turning on the jedi who had been their generals (well trusted generals, may i add) who had fought alongside them for years
jedi like kit fisto, aayla secura (etc) were well loved yet turned upon basically without reason in ROTS
>insults vader
>"oh god he's crying"
they're a work of genius
Clones don't feel emotions. They just follow orders.
And the chip was what controlled their emotions and made them follow orders, again; it made sense of what wasn't made clear in the prequels.
I liked a lot of the stuff introduced in AotC, but overall I agree. RotS kinda suffered for needing to bridge the PT with the OT so many designs were quite familiar as a result. Still some cool stuff like Grievous and Utapau.
have you even seen the episodes dealing with the mind control chips?
Most little kids cant sit still for 3 hours
Having the Neimoidians look like the living version of the battle droids would have been kino AF.
U-Wing is kino
Fucking sand pirates
PTs and OTs pls no fight. It's like when mommy and daddy yell at each other.
>Genndy cartoon is based though.
100% and I could imagine a Brad Bird scenario where I bet he would've directed some sweet live action SW stuff had he been given the opportunity.
Mommy's a spaz that doesn't know any better.
the bitch deserves it
It was implied that the chip's only purpose was to make them follow Order 66 and "kill the jedi"
What the FUCK was Filoni thinking when he gave Governor Pryce MASSIVE fucking tits?
You could moor a star destroyer off of them!
how can the sequels even compete?
they literally can't
but he didn't
God Lucas is so fucking based.
>People take it different ways, depending on their sophistication.
Kek. Is Lucas hinting that less sophisticated people don't like the PT. To be honest. I never had a problem with the acting in the PT. This is based of him to imply you need high IQ to enjoy the PT.
No, it was implied that the chip was there to subvert rational thinking and to only follow orders. That order may include "killing Jedi", as Fives put it, but it wasn't necessarily for that.
The chip is loosely reference in Episode II of the prequels anyway. The chip isn't only to make them ruthlessly follow orders, it is to make them stop having emotions such as fear or regret, etc, although I personally believe it only blocks the emotion from having an effect on the action as multiple times throughout TCW we see Clone Troopers having emotional dialogue or attachments to certain people.
There's been a lack of mini ships in the movies based on the aesthetic of the old single figure sized Kenner vehicles.
1. Its a tight uniform, its gon a compress them
2. She still has the largest chest size of any female in rebels
Also she almost beat up sabine despite being 40+ and mando fanboys got mad
Feel my body growing
My bones have started glowing, ooh
The time has come for showing
That I'll shape you up and work you out
My body feels excitin'
My soul is synthesizin'
My whole frame is jumpin'
I'm workin' out and havin' fun
there was some weird shit user
All as it should be. Report any sedition.
this guy would have singlehandedly defeated palpatine
That is fucking cool. Wish it had made it into ESB.
I think McQuarrie is good for aliens and characters. But I think Chiang is better overall, and he can do starships and planets and locations much better.
No... Don't remind me..
this one was alright though
Chiang definitely has a knack for generating ideas himself assuming he made his work independently
and these wheels were spring loaded..
strange as fuck to be honest.
not sure what they were thinking
I miss Exar Kun.
Just seems like a lazy cop out for explaining why the Clones turned on everyone. Most people wouldn't want the Clones to turn on the Jedi after all their emotional attachments, so this is just a lazy way saying "no they aren't REALLY bad."
They should be soulless from the beginning and indoctrinated from years of training. They should all know about Order 66. They should all know that the order might come eventually.
Could Kun have defeated Palpatine? Sadow?
Who else is glad that based George and Filoni BTFO'd this faggots headcanon.
Honestly what was the explanation for the betrayal before chips anyways? I don't recall there being one.
>hurr clones are emotionless
That was the Jedi you faggot. Clones aren't Jedi, and they aren't droids.
The issue with that outcome is that then you have to wonder why none of the Clones resisted against Order 66 because you would definitely have some Clones who maybe had bonds to certain Jedi (like Commander Cody with Obi Wan Kenobi) or some others Clones; Aayla Secura and Ki-Adi Mundi were known for being very well loved and respected by the troops under their command, for example.
I get what you are saying though. The absence of detail in regards to the 'genetic modifications of the Clones' in Episode II creates confusion and TCW does the easiest 'lazy way', I agree with you in that, in just putting it down to a chip.
They played Classic Battlefront 2 which is by far a better story even though its just a narration for an hour.
There was never one but really the long-neck ayys just indoctrinated them very well, probably threw some Jedi hate propaganda into the mix as well.
>""We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host. They are totally obedient, taking any order without question.""
Is the quote from Episode II regarding it, the 'genetic modification' turned into the inhibitor chip in TWC.
Nothing states they don't have emotion. We see them have emotion many times, I personally believe the idea that the modification just blocks the emotions from taking any effect on decision making.
That's a long hilt. What happened to Yarel in between Ep 1 and Ep 2?
You literally do. People make fun of SAND! Because it's a kind of goofy line while completely forgetting about the character it's coming from
Got murdered by the Directors because they thought the audience would mistake him for a Kaminoan apparently.
i wish star wars were an anime so it could be 99% faithful to these concept arts
I played BF2005 as well.
He clearly feels regret and sadness about killing Aayla Secura. I don't see any contradiction here.
>"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is… is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip; we all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private traitorous thoughts? Perhaps- but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word."
No he had a mind control chip and he doesn't remember any of that because he's a good boy who dindu nuffin.
Clones generic modification varied though. Even back in 2005 it was stated that ARCs and Republic Commando's and Clone Commanders had much more free will that regular clones, they could think for themselves, work alone, independent of the Jedi.
I think a mix of both makes sense anyways.
>it's a kind of goofy line
>awkward, late-teens character trying to stifle an erection beneath his jedi robes as he's finally getting close to the woman he loves after so many years even though he always thought it was impossible
>says something awkward
It sure seemed fitting to me.
Even if it is a bit cringey to listen to, that's kind of the point of it.
Another version attached...
Some kind of alternate dimension SW series using the concepts as the base would be interesting. Maybe not even tied to the main characters.
Doesn't really contradict. I take this guys explanation.
It also highlight Anakin's PTSD and inability to let go of the past having grown up as a slave on the sand planet
>disney shit can fuck off
Who was Exar-Kun's sempai though?
>>awkward, late-teens character trying to stifle an erection beneath his jedi robes as he's finally getting close to the woman he loves after so many years even though he always thought it was impossible
>this is a Star Wars movie
Yeah it's a stupid line.
Episode 1 should have been based on Seven Samurai the way Star Wars/ANH was based on The Hidden Fortress.
Mace Windu=Kyuzo/Shichiroji
Only obviously this time Kikuchiyo doesn't die and he's the one who bangs the princess instead of Katsuhiro, but make Anakin this tempestuous blend of Han and Luke who wants to tag along after the real Jedi in search of adventure, leaving Tatooine behind. Make Yoda and everyone else write him off until he proves his abilities as a pilot in the podrace and they take him under their wing.
I mean, Lucas basically already did it with TPM, right down to the Episode I ending where Yoda, Mace, and Obi-Wan are mourning Qui-Gon's death while the people of Naboo are all celebrating and happy, but he could have pushed it even further and made Teen Anakin work much, much better in the process.
That said, watching TPM and ROTS back to back is kino incarnate with how Lucas ties the ending of ROTS back to innocent kid Anakin in TPM to really drive home the fall.
>projectiles coming out of the turret
How dumb do you have to be to do this with star wars art
The power Gov Mcbigtits gets from those tits is unlimited.
>clunks your path
Imagine if Lucas sold it to Studio Ghibli, or KyoAni or some other prestigious studio instead of fucking Disney.
You're a big clone
Finally seeing this in ROTS was one of the best parts of the movie.
A lot of stuff says they fire projectiles.
hello is stuff from swtor allowed?
Some of the moebius concept art for the movie willow were reused for the prequels
>it's Star Wars so it HAS TO BE STUPID!
Listen to yourself brainlet. I know the OT was simplistic as fuck, but the PT didn't have to follow in it's footsteps. I am glad the PT was nothing like the OT.
I don't know if he could do it legally, but he should have simultaneously created and destroyed it all by making the brand henceforth public domain.
Interesting TIE fighter fact: the original design was blue - like in your image there - but they had to change it so they can better work with bluescreens.
Watch the movies faggot they shoot lasers
Planet Grand Tetons would have been amazing to see, desu
Someone mentioned a similar fact with the Y-wing and the original bubble turret concept in the previous thread. Pretty cool.
Pic related is probably one of the more wtf concepts
yeah but it should be caseless, nothing says high tech ammo like caseless ammunition does
>watch the movie faggot
laser cannons with shell ejections are in the films user
>We see them have emotion many times
only in the animated series' (clones and rebels) but not in the movies.
t. pointless poster
Post some of it then.
This idk if swtor stuff is allowed in this thread
>ywn marry a clone of ahsoka
why exist
To be fair, Clones are background characters in the movies, only Cody gets a few lines. There really wasn't enough time to tell.
God the Ywing is such a sexy plane
i actually unironically like the original storylines before they went full retard with the revan and valkorion expansions
Not him, but I always thought that was silly. I get what Lucas was going for
Kek that fucking thing. I loved starwars as a child and my dad came home from a garage sale saying he had something for me that was from starwars and gave me that monstrosity. Imagine being so fucking excited for a genuine starwars toy thinking it was going to be a tie interceptor or something and then receive that.
In ROTS, Obi Wan and Commander Cody are seen joking to each other aboard the Venator-class.
Joking itself suggests happiness or excitement which itself is an emotion. Emotion leads to bonds which leads to a weakness which leads to the Dark Side, according to the Jedi.
You can't possibly state that all Clone Troopers are emotionless.
Delta-7 was made by Kuat which fucking loves triangles while the ETA-2 was made by Sienier as a precursor of sorts to the Tie irc.
true. plus boba, ofc.
Those are like batteries but they're still laser cannons
Max limit of pics reached. Fugg
Probably something like this.
So does Disney genuinely not understand Star Wars and can only hires people who do for everything but the movies
Whoops meant for
Supremacy was cool, just too stupid-big.
It's a bit more complicated to show in a pic or too but here's another forum with pics
I think the thread is trying to make it seem like someone is stealing from someone else but don't pay attention to that, all parties involved all worked with each other etc.
>Obi Wan and Commander Cody are seen joking
i don't recall that, to be desu
c3po is seen joking continuously and everybody knows that droids are devoid of emotion. joking could be a tactical move to make an alegiance stronger.
Palpatine ordered those clones, why would he let Jedi know how they work specifically? Lama Su and probably all of the Kaminoans were involved with the plot against the Jedi, TCW explains this well and more so than the films ever can, it doesn't mean the clone's didnt feel remorse. One of the reasons, I'm not sure if canon or legends, that the clones shot Aayla Secura so much is because they wanted to kill her quickly and make sure she was dead when they left her because they respected her so much.
I liked the Valkorion story. Not to mention Veylin is 12/10. Tfw no bipolar pseudosith gf.
Yeah exactly
I like how those soldiers literally did absolutely nothing except die. I don't think they even got a round off. What was even the point it was clear that the empire was just gonna shell them from miles out
It could be argued that some droids do have emotional abilities as they show fear, etc.
>Kaminoans were involved with the plot against the Jedi
doubt. they were just doing a paid job and didn't care for (or know) the cause.
>It could be argued that some droids do have emotional abilities as they show fear, etc.
The OT already featured both R2 & 3PO showing fear, disdain and happiness among other emotions. RotJ also had that one sadist robot torturing the smaller one which seemed to feel pain. The PT reinforced the idea of machines like the battle droids showing apprehension and fear if they were outmatched or the super battle droid showing contempt for lesser droids. It seemed like the destroyers were totally cold calculating murder machines which is how all droids made for killing should be.
it would have been better if you could redeem her instead of her dickhole brother. unlike him she's actually a sympathetic character given what she went through
overall it was pretty silly and downright anime tier at times
They did and there are episodes of TCW of one of them actively trying to cover it up when a chip malfunctions.
I think they used this design in Star Wars Rebels for an episode or two.
EP 7 delivered
thanx for the vid
>[cody] c'mon, when have i ever let you down
not really a joke he was saying "you can count on me" in a way that defended his honour. watch the clip again.
i maintain that movie clones didn't display emotion.
The clones knew they'd have to betray the Jedi from the beginning. They're just putting on an act for the Jedi in the beginning. They don't actually give a shit about them.
Clones aren't the focus of any movies, though, they're blatantly ignored on most cases.
I fucking love lore like this. Shit like this is why Star Wars is so good and why I keep coming back. Not overdone trash like the monomyth or the hero's journey that is there to satiate normies. Any writer can do that. Lucas pulls it off extremely well. But the real meet is all the fucking lore, the detail, the universe. Fuck I love it so much. I want to explore it all.
I think droids were programmed to feel emotions, not only to humanise them for people to connect to them on screen, but also because they worked better that way. Droids who showed fear were more likely to retreat or attack depending on circumstances they faced. This way more droids were spared when facing impossible fights. But the tactical droids were programmed simply for logic and strategy, thats why they were above B1 commander droids in rank. They could tell whether a situation was winnablw or not and how many resources they should use to attain the victory. I think emotions were programmed into droids to suit human needs rather than they are devoid of them.
Cool, thanks I will have a read through this soon.
except that the tit'e of one of the prequels specifically draws direct attention towards them which makes them the focus of the movie.
>attack of the clones
now i feel like i'm arguing for the sake of arguing. sorry. but i think i'm right.
>and everybody knows that droids are devoid of emotion
R2's beeps are literally made so you can understand him based on emotional intensity alone. You are being retarded.
People give the lore MUCH less credit than it deserves
It only shows us Clones being trained and then them appearing and getting slaughtered enmasse at the end of the film.
There is more focus on the Clones in Episode III than Episode II.
I'd argue Episode II is more focused on the Sifo-Dias story arc regarding Dooku, Palpatine, Jango Fett and the origin of the Clones.
That is just part of the job though. They were ordered to put chips in and keep it a secret. They don't want to get space sued for breaking space NDA's and space trade secrets.
if droids can think and express emotion then what advantage do clones have over droids. at least a sexbot droid's vagina won't small like an open can of sardines.
The films were never about the clones, they were simply a plot device that were important in proceeding the story
Lore is basic, moron. A basic requirement that "normies" also value. I mean, it goes without saying that that is why Star Wars has been so popular since 1977.
Delivered a turd to my plate.
yea, but it introduced the whole clones saga as a mjor plot line.
i mean this
R2's audio output was designed to appeal to your sense of empathy and tell you what you should be feeling. they were preprogrammed responses that triggered your programmed emotions.
Star wars fanboys were not normies when it came out, they were nerds
New thread here
shut the fuck up and make a new thread
Good lore is not basic and is far beyond the basic story. Good lore requires talent and vision. Case in point, the ST lore, it's made by talentless hacks with no vision and it's fucking shit, uninteresting and makes no sense.
You have to be passionate about your work to make good lore.
Shit like
>there is a bad guy and a good guy and the good guy wins
is hack shit done a million times before and isn't interesting or discussable in the slightest. Lucas pulled it off very well, but it doesn't mean it wasn't already a tired cliche.
>b-but then why was the OT popular.
Why is the MCU popular?
They are Clones of Jango, a leader of the Mandalorians, who are basically Space Spartans.