Donald Trump Jr is a Sneed poster. wtf.
Donald Trump Jr is a Sneed poster. wtf
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have sneed
if everybody votes for it, it isn't "forcibly"
is this guy dumb or something?
I actually just flipped off my screen. Fuck him.
>seething berniefags
Mob rule then?
I don't know who that character is, but she looks like CHEESE. haha
this isn't Yang Gang
*Kneels down in protest*
It is if you didn't vote for them
this is the perfect example of your average retard voter in america
Lol they do realize we used to tax wealthy people by like 80 percent?
>"votes FOR"
>Hard-earned money
His dad is a billionaire how hard did he really have to work for his money?
Someone hasn't seen the show.
call me up when a socialist gets 100% of the vote bby
>falling for that meme
Formerly national socialism
>dude the state taking money away is bad unless its 38 billion to israel
the state of miga
The state formerly takes your hard earned money.
Commies and socialists should all be shot
have sex
He's not wrong.
You do realize that Israel is just a vassal state for the US military, right retard?
Voting is an act of force. Violence, even.
>But but but yang and his tiny wang are gonna give 1000 to the welfare negroes! B-based!
Dead people vote.
They are very loyal Democrats as well.
Not funny.
holy shit, this guy... it's the exact opposite
he does realize taxes already exist, right? I guess he doesn't pay so he wouldn't know.
Other way around, goy.
And this is why, dear Amerilards, your country has an electoral college, because idiots like this one.
what a bizarre thing to say
Once you grow up and get a job, you’ll realize how shit taxes are.
>tfw already thrown away 23k of my money to the government this year
I would gladly pay more in taxes if all of it went to infrastructure. No money for social security, no Medicaid, no Medicare, no military, no nothing. Just infrastructure.
Everything else can fuck off.
Imagine actually believing this.
>Referendum to spend all of Bob's money
>Bob votes NO
>everyone else votes YES
Sorry Bob
this is what pisses me off about the boomer conservative arguments against taxation. we already socialize military and schools. I guess we are already socialism.
what the fuck is wrong with you people. you have a democracy you don't have to have this dipshit in office, you're not fucking syria. stop listening to eminem and actually get this cunt out
Nope. The US has some of it’s largest and most strategic bases in the area, and that’s because the surrounding muslim nations hate us.
>thread literally has sneed in the OP
>virtually no sneedposts
What the fuck? Is it finally over?
Not an argument.
how tf have you already made $82,000 this year
that's his son
what the fuck! they hate us because we imposed Israel on them.
You wouldn't have to pay more if it all went to that.
This. I actually had to pay 50k in capital gains taxes this year. Instantly became more libertarian seeing that.
what's the difference
Everyone on 4channel is a 6'5" 220 lbs 12% bodyfat blonde haired blue eyed Aryan who makes millions of dollars a month and also has a 12" cock.
Most sneedposters are /pol/tards.
Only 11'', but the rest is true.
Based Rasczak poster
>democracy is voluntary
kill yourself idiot
Everybody is not literally here.. Obviously.
this, those muslims hate us because of our freedom thats why we need to give israel billions of dollars and make it illegal to boycott them
So what? Fuck islam.
>but but but a horse toothed jackass cunt says I need to give up all my money to save the world from farting cows!
>Donald Trump jr is a sneed poster
formerly a chuck poster
it's a social contract you sign when you decide to become a citizen
and I'm aware that you become citizen at birth, but you're free to relinquish that and live in the international waters without any taxes.
based 4channelers. Yea Forums incels on suicide watch.
>these are the people telling you to have sex on Yea Forums
4d chess you retards wouldn't understand
>just live in the ocean bro
Do I look like a fish to you nigga?
what exactly is wrong with taking some money from businesses that used nepotism and lobbying to get rid of competition that got them where they are today?
>y-you don't want socialism
>if everyone has health care and education paid for by taxes then we'll have to raise taxes on the rich and corporations!
>instead, keep electing criminal capitalists like my papa
>and stop complaining when you die of preventable medical treatments that you can't afford
I hate goatfuckers too, but we wouldn't have any terrorism if zionists weren't crazy people who think they're gods chosen people and thus entitled to other people's land which they can ethnic cleanse and have full USA support while doing it. we wouldn't have any of the problems if hitler had won.
Millennials are drawn to socialism because they are stupid, unskilled and lazy.
Thank god gen z is their polar opposite. Gen Z will eat the millennials alive and take everything from them. Forever subjugating them as a permanent underclass.
Hope you enjoy working at mcdonald’s and pumping gas in your 50’s millennials.
BERNIE 2020. Neocon Don is going DOWN
everyone already had education paid by taxes you laughable retard
nothing. bootlickera think they can become millionaires if they work hard enough.
Some of us already became millionaires.
>bitching about capital gains tax
You didn't even work to make that money. You literally put it into a trust or something equal and had money generated from that money. You sure as shit should pay a high tax rate on a get rich easy scheme like that.
nice larp
bruh robots could easily do that we are getting universal gibs whether you like it or not
yes which is why tons of people are thousands in debt to loans they cant declare bankruptcy on
Sneedism: Sneed forcibly takes your hard earned store.
Democratic sneedism: two farmers vote for sneed to forcibly take your store.
Remember when President Trump said America will never be a socialist nation, and the Democrats got up and clapped? All but Bernie, who sat their seething while his own party cheered against him.
Good times!
Believe what you want.
I worked my ass off making that money.
Nah, you’ll be sharing a welfare apartment with Jamal and his 8 kids.
yeah until the internet crashes forever and everybody starts killing each other
>oh fuck my satnav's broken guess i better drive into this fucking river
Social welfare is bad.
Unless we must save "the economy." Then we need billions of taxpayer dollars to fix our ouchie. What would the world do if banks and the elite Jews that run them actually had to pay their debts like the people they loan money to?
>make 150K + a year by age 24 as a software engineer etc. with raises constantly
>invest and spend wisely
>millionaire by age 30-35 and at minimum by 40
It is in America. You don't vote, no one breaks down your door and takes you to jail for it.
Isn't it funny how Americans will fight against giving their own citizens money, but they won't mind giving billions every year to Israel for free?
Seething millennial.
You belong to a society, and must contribute to the welfare of that society. In turn society contributes to your welfare, providing you things such as health care and roads. Everyone looks out for everyone and aims to achieve a comfortable quality of life for everyone.
Everyone is out for themselves. Do whatever you can to make it, and if you fail you're doomed to misery. The minority live amazing lives build on the backs of the majority, who live poor lives. No one else matters but you.
i want to keep my fuck and suck sir
Why not chose to have a better country instead of leaving?
but I'm a white male with inherited property so ya MOGGED
>puh puh puh please gibs me the welfare gibs just like Tyrone!
>makes post that socialism is bad
>omfg what an idiot blargararagrag IMPEACH
decide to make yourself kill
Second one sounds cooler.
>Everyone looks out for everyone and aims to achieve a comfortable quality of life for everyone.
Don't blame me. I voted for Steamed Hams.
nobody wants to give niggers money user
>Isn't it funny how Americans will fight against giving their own citizens money,
Why are Europeans so fucking retarded? That money comes out of your own pockets. Your healthcare isn't free, your education isn't either.
put your phone down and talk to your parents dipshit they won't be here forever
Sure you are Jamal.
seethe and copepilled
>nothing. bootlickera think they can become millionaires if they work hard enough.
You literally can.
But you are pretty much giving welfare to another country.
And not only welfare, you also pay for their military and for pretty much everything.
Why do you like giving money for free to jews?
that doesn't work in a society has niggers
Basically because they don’t better their lives with it. Instead they sell their ebt cards for drugs and booze.
You belong to a society, and must contribute to the welfare of that society. In turn society contributes to your welfare, providing you things such as health care and roads. Everyone looks out for everyone and aims to achieve a comfortable quality of life for everyone.
Communism is not socialism, is a pervesion of Socialism.
Socialism works best as a layer on top of a strong capitalist foundation.
Socialism doesn't create wealth, capitalism does. If you don't have wealth creation you can't spread it around. Go back to school millenial bro.
you have the power to vote for your leader and you're defending this dumb cunt and his dumb cunt kids. should be ashamed of yourselves
Seething millennial.
We don't, dumb nigger. Who are you quoting?
Seriously. Even if it takes you most of your lifetime, most people could become millionaires through working hard and being smart with their money. Now becoming a billionaire, that's out of most people's reach.
You sound like you don't pay taxes
>what it's IMPOSSIBLE someone wealthy older family members that would pass down things to them
Millennials are stupid and lazy. It’s gonna be a sad future for them.
>mfw voting for Bernie just to see this country go down the shitter
Yes you do, as of today the US has already given trillions to Israel in the form of "aids".
Not to mention letting them steal your nuclear material, which is the only reason Israel has a nuclear arsenal in the first place.
Absolutely seething.
>not voting for yang to get your $1000 a month neetbux
this. but socialism can't work with open borders, you need ethnically and religiously homogeneous population who care about each other for it to work. nobody wants to work to help some nigger that will buy a gun with your money and shoot up a liquor store.
He's mostly doing good though.
We need a wall.
sure thing landless peasant
formerly based
>internet crashes forever
The internet is literally designed to withstand nuclear war
what the fuck makes you think it will ever "crash forever"??? Are you retarded?
If Bernie runs, Trump wins.
If Kamala runs, Trump wins.
If Tulsi runs, Trump wins.
If Beto runs, Trump wins.
If Hillary runs, everyone laughs and Trump wins.
When did I say I liked that? I don't want any foreign aid to be given out, but the average person doesn't have control of that. Go back to licking Muhammad's asshole.
incredibly brave
>not voting for runaway hyperinflation that will have you receive 1000$ of toilet paper in a couple of years.
Their healthcare is also significantly cheaper. We pay twice as much for taxes, insurance, and out-of-pocket costs as they do in just taxes.
If that's his definition than Republicans are also socialist. Or do Republicans not levy taxes also?
Wow I love massive inflation and economic collapse.
Kill yourself economic illiterate.
Fuck yang and fuck central banks.
socialism can't work period
Scandinavian countries are some of the most capitalist one earth and this is why they are successful
give me 1 reason why ubi is bad
nothing lasts forever
Seriously. I was about to say it's like he's never heard of taxes, but the Trumps have been dodging paying taxes for fucking decades.
sneed does
I personally believe that trannies are diseased and mentally ill and I don’t want to see then portrayed in television and film.
It costs a shitload of money, makes people dependent, and would cause inflation. There's three.
Hey, you are the ones who are giving aid for free to everyone, even to muslims, after all, the CIA is the one that trains and supplies them.
It's funny, the US gives away things to absolutely everyone for free except to their own citizens.
i dont really give a fuck about politics but this webm is funny as fuck
whats it from
>illiterate American doesn’t even know what he’s arguing about, just automatically starts licking boots out of reflex
Looks like you can afford it just fine.
He said “everyone” though. If everyone votes for it then it isn’t done forcibly
Trump Jr is a retard, must run in the family
“The goal of socialism is communism” t. Lenin
What country are you from? You're doing the exact same thing, fucking invalid.
I think it's from a Forza game, one of those NPCs that are supposed to be the public and cheering for racers and such.
Wait so are you saying if I vote Republican I wont have to pay taxes?
If Biden wins, Trump btfo
Luckily Bob has the freedom to move to another country if he so chooses.
>It costs a shitload of money
the government already spends tons of money on gibs if they redistribute that money it wouldnt cost anything
>makes people dependent
yes because wageslaving is true freedom
>would cause inflation
redistributing current money in circulation wouldnt cause inflation
It’s great that our president has been portrayed in television and film.
You're either a zoomer or a self-hating boomer who bought into the Gen Zyklon meme too hard.
Go look at the opinion polling that's been done. Zoomers are even more liberal than millennials. The handful who could vote last year went overwhelmingly Democratic
they also have some of the best social safety nets
thus people are happier and love their country more because they know it's taking care of them
in the end, what mattress more, the highest possible GDP or a happy population?
meanwhile take a look at muttland, people are ODing on hamburgers and shooting up schools
>ESL poster has no idea what people ITT are talking about
Kill yourself
New Zealand.
If pedo joe runs, Trump wins by a landslide.
The state also already takes your money, socialist or not. Try not paying taxes and see what happens. Even if you do that the simple act of buying shit means you’re giving money to the state
Did you literally shake too?
no, we give away a fucking lot to our citizens too
Respond to this comment with Y if you vote in favor of shooting this guy, N if you vote against.
>will fight against giving their own citizens money
you mean giving my money to other citizens
>stop any kind of welfare
>millennials starve to death
I don't see why anyone wouldn't want that.
Why are you okay with giving out your money like this?
>le pedophile accusations
Funny enough unfounded rumors didn't stop Trump from winning despite all his trips on Epstein's "lolita express"
Gen Z's too busy learning the floss dance and dicking around on TikTok.
But Scandinavians are also democratic. They are among the happiest people in the world.