Go on, I'll wait

Go on, I'll wait.

Attached: batman_wayne_enterprises.jpg (967x1230, 618K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It doesn't exist, moron


they manufacture big guys


They manufacture the feed and seed that Sneed sells

Wayne Airlines
Wayne Automotive
Wayne Aviation
Wayne Biotech
Wayne Botanical
Wayne Chemicals
Wayne Construction
Wayne Electric
Wayne Electronics
Wayne Energy
Wayne Entertainment (parent company of The Daily Planet newspaper)
Wayne Foods
Wayne Healthcare
Wayne Industries
Wayne Manufacturing
Wayne Medical
Wayne Mining
Wayne Oil
Wayne Pharmaceuticals
Wayne Records
Wayne Research Institute
Wayne Retail
Wayne Shipping
Wayne Stage
Wayne Steel
Wayne Studios
Wayne Technologies
Wayne Television
Wayne Weapons
Wayne Yards

doesnt matter

For you

launder money for the Russians who are selling his arms illegally in Uzbekistan

military grade tech

In the comics they manufacture a lot of things, but their tech department is the most famous. In the Dark Knight trilogy they outsource food, as I recall.

they're a military defense contractor

I'm pretty sure they were something close to Lockheed-Martin, aeronautics and war stuff, which is why Batman has access to shit like the batmobile and the batplane

They built the rail network in Batman Begins that Batman destroyed
kino in retrospect

Literally where?


Cell phones for the Army.

Attached: Coleman_Reese-1467143189[1].jpg (619x396, 20K)


Defense as in weapons/tech gear

They sell propane and propane accessories

you're a fucking retard in the first film his costume is straight up a prototype they made and pitched to the military who turned it down because it was too expensive. the tumbler was a military vehicle they'd use to jump ravines and make bridges or some shit. hell the water evaporator in the first film too is something they made in order to drop into enemy territory to disrupt resources.

Well they have a huge R&D department so I assume they patent their designs and either produce the stuff themselves or sell them off


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Get reservations at Dorsia's


They check these dubs

Virtually everything in Gotham depending on the continuity. You got stuff like Wayne Manufacturing connected to Wayne Medicine connected to Wayne Food production. Gotham might as well be renamed Wayne city.

They provide a plot device for Bruce Wayne to be fucking rich

Real Estate was a major cornerstone of the Wayne fortune dating back hundreds of years. The properties owned by Wayne Enterprises still amass a great weal of wealth in themselves, nevermind all the many industries on those lands.

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Ok this is epic

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They're a diversified company that have a variety of interests. One of their major industries though is Waynetech, which makes sense given that Batman always uses cutting edge technology.

Making renewable energy generator turned atomic bomb.


Fund Boys Homes

I want...ten dollars a year for the rest of my life.

They do the equivalent of what a company like Lockheed & Martin does in real life, weapons development, intel and technological advancements.

If you remember how batman got his batmobile in the movie, it was a government grant to develop a combat ready vehicle and it wasn't cost effective or something. Happens all the time.


>Wayne Industries canonically had a subsidiary named Batman Incorporated which funded crimefighters
>no one suspects a thing


Don´t they make weapons like Stark Industries?

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Well in the animated series they had a ton of chemical plants and they were involved in electronics manufacturing and some other things that spawned supervillains. I also remember Bruce stopped them from getting into lumber imports at one point because he wanted it to be more environmentally conscious, Poison Ivy was the villain in that one and she attacked Wayne Enterprises anyways.

all me btw

Wayne Enterprises (formerly WayneCorp)


Military grade treadmills

Finance Batman. I'm technically correct.


It is the parent company of a charitable foundation supporting the families of deceased veterans

I have NO fucking clue. Work with other companies in manufacturing shit??

I can name you exactly 21 things Wayne enterprises do without using Google. Or any other web searcher for that matter.

create money for batman duh

The last time you made this thread, someone said "food" and you replied "correct." Are you now deciding what Wayne Enterprises does on your own?

your mom

Imagine being this guy.
What would you do with your life?

>using anything other than google

Like what? I've gotten 100% completely dependant on google these days, except for VERY rare searches on duckduckgo for fetish reasons.

Attached: Ace Pilot Bugs Bunny.jpg (227x193, 14K)

>he doesn't ask Jeeves

They monitor Gotham's water supply.

produce world famous Burmese tangerines

>provide the correct answer gathered from a google search

Attached: 1411282876461.png (500x501, 9K)

Oh shit. You actually remember my thread from last time? Then why the fuck did you come back to this one? Were you expecting something different?


Bing is a pretty nice porn search engine

fuckin uhhh
rubies the soiz of a tangerine?

birth control pills

He's made this thread a few times, as well.

Wayne's feed and seed

Like waht web searcher or like waht things Wayne enterprises do? Your question is ambiguous


Because I wanted to catch you out and see if you'd be a fucker.


> is wrong
Fuck you

it's a fucking conglomerate, they are dc's nestlé/unilever

It would seem in the Nolan movies that they're a defense contractor judging by all of the weapons and stuff in the basement.

Alright, you caught me red handed and greentexted.

Some of these answers are actually correct, like the food thing or military appliances and research.

I just want my easy (You)s, alright? Ok? Fucking hell man.

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They did in the Batman Begins until Bruce took over. Not sure about the comics tough.

they bring up defense contracting, construction, also his dad worked on the train system for gotham not sure if that was his dad just doing politics or if the company was involved.


As in "what else would you use to search stuff on the internet if not through google".


>OP is yet another white hating liberal
Why don't you go the FUCK back you fucking faggot?

DuckDuckGo usually. Its the same engine as Bing so it's almost the same except for images, for images I use Bing. And for searching things I suspect are censored Gibiru.

impressive, very nice

Ok since none bite I know 21 things I will go anyway:

-Weapons (Obviously)
-Cars and motoring (Obviously)
-Biotecnology (Surprisingly)
-Cybernetics (Surprisingly)
-Data managing (Dealing with identity theft)
-Electronics (Obviuosly)
-Natural resource extraction (Wayne Steel)
-Private security

I was wrong. That's 19. It's more difficult to say something Wayne doesn't does that something it does.

They make condoms

That's trips. Trips of dubs. It's this a valid get?

Have sex.

Adult diapers.

Attached: batman widening gyre 06 25 copy.jpg (1280x2032, 999K)

I know they donate to charities and shit.

Lexcorp owns Wayne Industries any day

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fleshlight manufacturing

Previously VHS tapes

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who cares

that sick monorail

wtf Superman is a dick

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because of turbofaggots like this who respond to whole fucking thread, the number of the post you are seeing in reply when you hower over it should be in different color. why the fuck hasn't this been implemented already????

try to name one thing Yahoo actually does it's still a huge company

They work for the mercenary. The masketta man

Not Tony Stark level tho.
I'm basing this off of a scene I haven't seen in several years,so correct me if I'm wrong,anime poster.
Also that scene when black scientist gives bats new gear,says something along the lines of "we made 10,00 of these,called the prototypes"

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Make money.

(You)’s a helluva drug

Cheap mass transit in Gotham.

They make NSA spyware

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That were hunters and skinmerchants

>Wayne Yards
When I was a kid we bought a house without a yard.
My dad went out the back door and fell to the center of the earth.
To this day I will not attend a cookout.

He sure is.

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based microsoft engineers


Embarrassing on a scale of 1-embarrassing out of 10

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>Wayne Foods
Before Wayne Foods,every single person starved to death.

Well, they have a pretty ass R&D department.

Depends, in Smallville only Lexcorp was working on long term global food security

>Well, they have a pretty rad R&D department.



Kick-ass that is.

How would the algorithm for that even work? A computer, much less a simple script, can't differentiate between intent and fact.

Also I am that turbofag.

He didn't fall to the center of the Earth, user. That's just what your mom told you. He ran off with his secretary. Funny enough, she was Chinese. So I guess he did dig a hole all the way to China.

You can't "produce" philantropy, genius.

Attached: dubs.gif (264x247, 5K)

You amished the hell out of them dubs!

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philantropy is a polite way of saying tex evasion

They produce Batman gadgets.


None has asked for what Wayne enterprises produces, genius. Also that's arguable. So...

Intrudes on personal freedoms in Dubaya's post-9/11 America.

His intent wouldn't matter, if it notices that so and so post number cites more than, say, 5 posts, his replies to them are indicated or just filtered, preferably.

Freedom isn't free, lib-tard. Why don't you move to a communist run terrorist shithole like England if you don't like America and great Americans like Bruce Wayne. He's one of the great Americans helping to Make America Great Again.

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Based post.

Christian Bale is Welsh.

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>responding earnestly to satire


Attached: WRONG.jpg (846x352, 29K)

Trump and Wayne are based.
Nolanverse Batman literally had the power conspiritards theorize of and never abused it, destroying it after it served his purpose.
Dubaya is a traitor to his nation and his party, overshadowed only by the mediocre Democrat upstart that succeded him.

I want... A rocket ship


I want to suck this poster's cock
t. femanon

sounds like reddit may be more your speed you attentionwhoring faggot

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They specifically make butt pugs for OP ,who is their only customer, and which has made it one of the most financially rich company In the world.

>also I used bing

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Military tech, you simpleton.

Waynefully underrated.

Run prisons?

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Nobody cares who you are untill you wear a Wayne Enterprises mask!
A big mask,for us all!

Medical tech. Defense contracts. Communications. Dabbles in media and has an entire separate branch devoted to philanthropic pursuits like community outreach, soup kitchens, and other charities.


Objectively correct. This is relevant in every property from Batman Detective Comics to the Gotham TV show.

Okay, but those aren't dubs. Those are trips.

(These are dubs, though)

Attached: another huey lewis fan.jpg (949x401, 55K)

This. They're the world's leading dubs manufacturer. They're known for their R&D in trips, quads, and quints as well.

Defense contracts

name one thing stark industries actually does

the make and sell weapons

Wayne's Feed and Seed (formerly Sneed's)