Has anyone here ever met a celebrity before?
Has anyone here ever met a celebrity before?
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I grew up with someone who became one. It's disgusting.
what would you do in this situation after forgetting to turn the flash off?
people who do that in the first place are probably the kind of people who don't give a fuck and either take more pictures or just go on with what they were doing before
Throw a smokebomb
Me second from the right
i can imagine how it must've been like
you think so?
What did she smell like?
boiled eggs and a musky foot smell of a sort
I watched that carrie remake last night. It was ok.
Turn around 360 degrees and walk away
I love how everyone noticed, not one or two but everyone.
its probably one of those cameras that flashes twice before going off
She is very tall and her breath smelled bad.
Fucked Gillian Anderson in the mid 90s
>that fork drop
She should be grateful. This is one of the better looking photos of her.
I fucked Gillian Anderson in the early 90s hope you liked my sloppy seconds, fag
saoirse ronan went to my school, same age
one of the biggest skanks in town, got one of my mates a handy ina filthy bathroom once
Fake. There's no homeless guys blowing each other in this one.
salty milk and coins
I recognize that gay blowjob
But you would still be facing them.
I wonder what the person who took this picture looks like.
>Brad Pitt told me to fuck off once over a sandwich
>had beers with Keifer Sutherland
>went skateboarding once with Momoa and Joe Flannigan
>Got hugs from: Lizzy Hale, Jewel Statie, Jennifer Hale, Avril Lavigne
>RDA gave me a bro high five
>Chad Krouger literally owes me money and refuses to pay me back after almost 12 years
Thats all I got. Pic related hanging out with the Agonist
Sean bean interviewed my uncle a few years back. He’s in legal trouble now
I met Maisie Williams last summer. She's even prettier in real life. Incredible legs.
Sure, many times. The reality is that most celebrities are pretty boring in real life.
Was this at an awards ceremony in Germany?
I met this pro bowler. Not a big deal to you, but it was to me.
>be somewhat /fit/
>working through school at a bowling alley
>coworker texts me Norm Duke is bowling at our bowling alley
>don't really believe him but he convinced me
>arrive to Norm Duke partying with his bros and bowling
>they're drinking and screwing around
>Norm Duke still bowls a 220 with shitty house equipment on shitty lanes
>at the end one of the guys wants to take a picture
>Norm says no way, no pictures, no videos, no facebook, no youtube
>then he points at me "hey you, you're my security look at his muscles. Tell them no pictures"
Best mire of my life. Before they left, he had me take a group picture for then but there was no alcohol in frame.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I’ve met Steve Albini, he was great.
Does the guy who shot Spiderman's uncle count as a celebrity? I met him at a crawfish boil.
What did avril smell like?
I have a friend who's into pro bowling and he would probably enjoy this greentext. So, uh, I'll thank you for him
>ITT: 99% is shit that didn't happen
Is that Paul Ruebens?
go on
My sister met Steve Carell
>jennifer hale
No and neither did the person who took this picture.
I fucked Jodie Whittaker
Throw something food related at them while staring slightly to the left of them hollering loudly, "go on now, get, shoo"
Post more of your sister
I saw Tom Hanks at a grocery store in Los Angeles once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Holy crap her jugs are hot.
I wanna milk her and drink it like it's my dad's cum. Hell yeah.
I would love to see them fuck. Yeah. I would really like it. You can tell from his smile he wants to fuck her cunt.
God I'm jacking off so hard right now I'm such a fucking pig I'd eat his ass while fucking her.
I imagine some /r9k/ autist standing there and screaming his lungs out and took this picture in the nano second before they realized they were horrified and scared for their lives
I stood on a curb waiting for the crosswalk to turn next to Clint Howard. We talked about potholes for about 3 blocks until we parted ways.
fucking kek
go back
Shook Tarankino’s hand and met him briefly
I drove 4 hours to a convention to get Edward Furlong to sign a VHS copy of Pecker. He gave me the fingerguns and said "rock'n'roll" and I left.
pocket sand
I beat Jason David Frank at the Power Rangers fighting game, even though he was cheating. He was salty, while Walter Jones and David Yost though it was funny.
look at the lighting
the flash was so bright people 3 blocks over turned their heads to see what was making all the light
I've shaken hands with senators vice presidents and top brass but no celebrities
Steve plowed it. Based steve
she was at a mall ordering something from a juice bar around christmas awhile ago. she was nice, even though i was pretty young and all i could say was "you're the samurai girl"
Based go on poster. I know you’ll get an explanation someday!
>feet cropped out
come the fuck on
go on
I was at a gas station bathroom in St George, Utah, and there was a glory hole that said “enter here for a good time.” I stuck my wang in and instantly fell victim to the dick guillotine. On my way out I saw Richard Schiff grinning and stuffing something in his pocket.
a female friend of mine knocked over Mathew Broderick on her way into a store while he was on his way out and when he looked up at her bewildered and offended she didn’t apologize just laughed and kept on walking I learned more about women that day than I did from years of health ed classes
ITS (imagine the scent)
I walked by either anna kendrick or someone who looked very similar at a hockey game
To be fair her deserves that shit. No sympathy .
Funny, a friend of mine met Matthew Broderick. She was driving with her mom and he was coming the other way while blackout drunk. I haven’t heard from her in a while actually
I'm so sorry user.
> it’s posts like these that make me think ya should goback to
reddit since you’re a new fagget lol
Battery acid and chainsaw grease
Took my kid to Disneyland early on a weekday. It's not as crowded. See Mickey Mouse or Pluto. Approach to get photo. Start talking to some random dude about things kids do. Look at him again and realize it's Sean Penn.
No, but a celebrity has met me.
>hasn't talked to his friend for over 30 years
Some friend you are.
>Has anyone here ever met a celebrity before?
Tom Clancy once replied to a Usenet post of mine.
Ryan Gosling grocery store Los Angeles. person douche photos anything.
hand face. shopping stuff front Milky Ways hands.
girl counter counter.
bars infetterence. word. bar bag price.
It's a post modern take on an old classic.
I got drunk with Ethan Embry.
electrical infetterence
It's true, I was the cashier.
So did you work behind the Stargate sets or what position are/were you in where you met all these schmucks
The fuck is with him? He's on a case and he's fucking around in an upgrade center....
I ate Tom cruise ass
The mayor visited your school once and gave us a speech and a half day.
The whole school was in the gym it was epic.